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Your next step is to decide where your garden bed will be. Phil at the Smiling Gardener swears by full sun. He says that “full sun” means 4-8 hours of bright sunlight. Also, the size of your garden bed does not have to be very large. Often times, homeowners new to gardening take on too much at once and end up quitting altogether.
You’d be surprised at how much you can produce from even the smallest garden bed. If you are just starting out with organic gardening, we suggest a garden bed of approximately 50 square feet.
Just as importantly as the sunshine, you need to consider the soil. OrganicLife recommends that your soil be dry, but does not clump in your fist when you pick up a handful. Also, it can take years to build up healthy dirt! Liquid fertilizers will kickstart your soil so you can produce healthy and happy veggies and herbs all season long. Here’s a list of top organic liquid fertilizers to help you narrow down your options.


Are organic foods more nutritious?
There is not enough evidence to say that organic foods are more or less nutritious than non-organic foods. Foods like vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, eggs, lean meats, and dairy products, are all nutritious whether they are organically grown or not.
Do organic foods taste better?
Some people may find that organic food tastes better because it may be fresher if it’s locally produced.
Is organic food more expensive?
In general, organic food may cost more money than non-organic food. This is because organic farming usually requires more labour and tends to have lower yields when compared to conventional farming.
How can a dietitian help?
Dietitians can help you make sense of food labels and teach you what to look for when making nutritious food choices. Dietitians understand the science of nutrition and will consider your unique needs based on your health, goals, culture and food traditions. Connect with a dietitian today!
Bottom line
Eating organic food is a personal choice. People choose organic food for different reasons. Whether you choose organic or non-organic food, you can still eat a nutritious diet.


Dark leafy greens, such as kale and spinach
Dark orange or red veggies, like tomatoes and red peppers
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including cold water fish, fortified eggs, flaxseed and walnuts
Foods with fiber, including oats, whole grain breads, cereals, beans and fruits
Sources of calcium, like dairy foods or fortified plant milk
Eat the Rainbow
Instead of trying to pack your diet with as many superfoods as possible, Buytendorp recommends trying to eat the rainbow.
“Go for plant-based proteins like beans and peas, and fresh and whole foods whenever possible,” she says. “You don’t have to jump headfirst into a pot of beans. Try incorporating them into meals you already cook, like taking half the ground meat out of your chili and replacing it with beans.”
Look at your eating patterns and see if there’s room to add more nutritionally dense foods. Add blueberries to your oatmeal for the antioxidants and riboflavinoids. Opt for Greek yogurt instead of regular yogurt for more probiotics and protein with fewer carbohydrates. Use whole grain bread instead of white bread for more fiber.


There is not enough evidence to say that organic foods are more or less nutritious than non-organic foods. Foods like vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, eggs, lean meats, and dairy products, are all nutritious whether they are organically grown or not.
Do organic foods taste better?
Some people may find that organic food tastes better because it may be fresher if it’s locally produced.
Is organic food more expensive?
In general, organic food may cost more money than non-organic food. This is because organic farming usually requires more labour and tends to have lower yields when compared to conventional farming.
How can a dietitian help?
Dietitians can help you make sense of food labels and teach you what to look for when making nutritious food choices. Dietitians understand the science of nutrition and will consider your unique needs based on your health, goals, culture and food traditions. Connect with a dietitian today!


Are organic foods safer to eat because they have less pesticide residue?
According to Health Canada, there is no evidence to show that it is safer to eat organic foods over conventionally grown foods because of pesticide residue. Natural or plant-based pesticides may still be used in organic food production.
Are organic foods more nutritious?
There is not enough evidence to say that organic foods are more or less nutritious than non-organic foods. Foods like vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, eggs, lean meats, and dairy products, are all nutritious whether they are organically grown or not.
Do organic foods taste better?
Some people may find that organic food tastes better because it may be fresher if it’s locally produced.
Is organic food more expensive?
In general, organic food may cost more money than non-organic food. This is because organic farming usually requires more labour and tends to have lower yields when compared to conventional farming.


Are organic foods safer to eat because they have less pesticide residue?
According to Health Canada, there is no evidence to show that it is safer to eat organic foods over conventionally grown foods because of pesticide residue. Natural or plant-based pesticides may still be used in organic food production.

Are organic foods more nutritious?
There is not enough evidence to say that organic foods are more or less nutritious than non-organic foods. Foods like vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, eggs, lean meats, and dairy products, are all nutritious whether they are organically grown or not.

Do organic foods taste better?
Some people may find that organic food tastes better because it may be fresher if it’s locally produced.

Is organic food more expensive?
In general, organic food may cost more money than non-organic food. This is because organic farming usually requires more labour and tends to have lower yields when compared to conventional farming.

How can a dietitian help?
Dietitians can help you make sense of food labels and teach you what to look for when making nutritious food choices. Dietitians understand the science of nutrition and will consider your unique needs based on your health, goals, culture and food traditions. Connect with a dietitian today!

Bottom line
Eating organic food is a personal choice. People choose organic food for different reasons. Whether you choose organic or non-organic food, you can still eat a nutritious diet.


Superfoods You Should Eat
“The idea behind superfoods is simple: We should eat more fruits and veggies,” says Buytendorp. Here are her must-eat foods, some of which also happen to be commonly known as superfoods:

Dark leafy greens, such as kale and spinach
Dark orange or red veggies, like tomatoes and red peppers
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including cold water fish, fortified eggs, flaxseed and walnuts
Foods with fiber, including oats, whole grain breads, cereals, beans and fruits
Sources of calcium, like dairy foods or fortified plant milk
Eat the Rainbow
Instead of trying to pack your diet with as many superfoods as possible, Buytendorp recommends trying to eat the rainbow.

“Go for plant-based proteins like beans and peas, and fresh and whole foods whenever possible,” she says. “You don’t have to jump headfirst into a pot of beans. Try incorporating them into meals you already cook, like taking half the ground meat out of your chili and replacing it with beans.”

Look at your eating patterns and see if there’s room to add more nutritionally dense foods. Add blueberries to your oatmeal for the antioxidants and riboflavinoids. Opt for Greek yogurt instead of regular yogurt for more probiotics and protein with fewer carbohydrates. Use whole grain bread instead of white bread for more fiber.

Too Much of a Good Thing
It’s important to keep track of your calories as well.

“You can eat 3,500 extra calories in apples or 3,500 extra calories in apple pie; it’s still going to result in one pound of weight gain,” says Buytendorp. “Though apples are no doubt healthier than apple pie, these extra calories will lead to weight gain regardless of the type of food you’re eating.”

Plant-based foods like coconut products and avocados are great examples of foods dubbed superfoods that can be unhealthy if consumed in excess because of their high fat content.

“Just because saturated fat is coming from a plant source instead of a meat source or bakery item doesn’t mean it’s healthier,” says Buytendorp. “It’s OK to use these foods in moderation to create a certain taste in a recipe, but try to instead focus on eating more mono- and polyunsaturated fats, like from olive oil.”

While half or a quarter of an avocado may be healthy, eating a whole avocado may exceed your daily calorie goal and negatively impact your weight.

“Make veggies and fruit half of your plate, and opt for plant proteins or fish as an alternate to meat,” says Buytendorp, who notes that frozen produce is just as healthy as fresh. “Choose whole grains, and flavor your food with fresh herbs and spices to cut down on sodium and processed condiments. Let’s take food back to the basics.”


First things first! In order to have a bountiful organic garden at home, you need to enrich it with compost. So before you start planting, you should start developing your compost. Once you decide where you’ll put your organic garden bed (which we get into further in step #2), you’ll need to spread a layer of compost into the soil a few inches deep. Tips for making a great compost pile could be an entire blog post in and of itself, so for now, here’s a great article we found that covers the topic in more detail.

Your next step is to decide where your garden bed will be. Phil at the Smiling Gardener swears by full sun. He says that “full sun” means 4-8 hours of bright sunlight. Also, the size of your garden bed does not have to be very large. Often times, homeowners new to gardening take on too much at once and end up quitting altogether.

You’d be surprised at how much you can produce from even the smallest garden bed. If you are just starting out with organic gardening, we suggest a garden bed of approximately 50 square feet.

Just as importantly as the sunshine, you need to consider the soil. OrganicLife recommends that your soil be dry, but does not clump in your fist when you pick up a handful. Also, it can take years to build up healthy dirt! Liquid fertilizers will kickstart your soil so you can produce healthy and happy veggies and herbs all season long. Here’s a list of top organic liquid fertilizers to help you narrow down your options.


Fermented foods like miso, tempeh, sauerkraut, and kimchi contain probiotics, the friendly bacteria that live in your GI tract and help defend against harmful pathogens and microbes. Eating more probiotics can help take care of your gut microbiome, potentially benefiting that gut-brain connection.

Cherries contain antioxidants like quercetin, which can help promote feelings of calmness. Eating more fruits and veggies in general has also been linked to decreased symptoms of anxiety and depression and increased happiness levels. Some studies have shown that eating five or more servings per day helps boost your mood, yet according to the Centers for Disease Control, only 10% of Americans hit that recommendation.

Its bitter flavor profile is polarizing for some, but promising research could tip the scales in favor of a frequent treat. A 2019 survey-based study published in the journal Depression & Anxiety suggests that people who eat dark chocolate regularly are less likely to report depressive symptoms. While more research is needed to confirm any causation due to the study's limited size, adding a small amount in your routine certainly can't hurt.
