Remembering V-land when.

Remembering V-land when.

Velzyland back in the day... all the way up to the present A page to celebrate a time and the ending of an era that was magical to so many, this is that page.



It's been a minute since I've posted anything, sorry. Not able without access to any old pics lol they will come, I hope...Peace-


Well boys and girls, I have been on hiatus from this page, and i still don't have too many photos to go malong bwith the memories from the best time in my life and lots of other people's too, but I know some people do have- so for the love of... Bust em out!!! Nah, it would be sweet to see some goods from the pit there must be millions of them out there. This is a call to arms- so to speak, for some sick shots at V-Lanbd, my bad for starting the page and not having more, but I am hoping some of you who mwere and still are there will start throwing up some love. Thanks all...


A name just popped into my head. Haven't seen this guy for at least 20 years. Heard he is back in HI, brother used to rip vland- Ziggy Gulic. Super funny but sometimes he'd blow your mind. Paddle up a wave- half way up- sort of turn and stand up at the same time- and get pitched out into the flats and pull it. Crazy stuff good times.


People I would love to be able to post the shots of vland back in the day. There are so many etched into my brain. James Labrador, jay Vieira, Kevin Wison (Grover) Alika Moepono (wow he blew my mind every time I paddled out) and hundreds more guys who made that time so incredible. But I have none. No pics to post. So anyone who has pics, send me to me or just post on the page. It will keep the page going cause I don't really know what else to do. I just wanted a spot for people to be able to look back and smile. Hope a few get that I know I do.


Just wanted to say again how missed our friend Jay Adams is going to be. My memories of Jay will always bring a smile to my face. Simply put they really did break the mold after they made Jay. One of a kind. Really gonna miss you bro. And condolences out to his family especially during this tough time.


I've been super negligent of this page, have a bit of drama in my life, but I'm glad a few heads have poked in and added some pics and smiles. I'm still waiting for someone to bust out some of vland master James Labrador. It simply is not complete without some shots of him doing what he does, straight out. I wish I had, but I got a thousand burned into memory. Lol.


It's been forever since anything has been put on the page, it's a bummer cause if I had photos I'd put em all up for everyone to enjoy. I'm stuck in Cali got no pics just great memories of the spot I fell in love with as a kid and never stopped.


All that activity for one photo, awesome. Imagine when we start to see some fatty shots of the inside bowl doing its thing.

Timeline photos 02/02/2013


Timeline photos 02/02/2013

The V in me...

Timeline photos 26/12/2012

The. Best. Afro. Ever. Butts.

Timeline photos 26/12/2012

Um was me... Nah. Some lucky guy reaping the bennies.

Timeline photos 26/12/2012

Nice when v land would do it all the way from take off. The inside bowl though, I remember paddling over a suck up with jay Viera and laughing cause we thought we could smell the reef it was so nuts. Lol.

Timeline photos 26/12/2012

Joey Viera, v land loc from way back.

Timeline photos 26/12/2012

Real power surfer Junior Moepono v land lefts

Timeline photos 26/12/2012

The goods

Timeline photos 26/12/2012

Buttons don't know when, but back in the day. V land.


I've been totally absent of late so it's been slow going on getting pics and all that stuff up. I am not pro at this, so keep all the goods comin and it will be sweet sooner than later. Thanks...


Well, it looked good on paper...


Well it looks a little bit slow here on the site, I wish I had more than one or two pics, and knew how to make it blow up, cause there are a gazillion pics of so many guys, James Labrador, Jay Viera, Joey Viera, Allan and the Moepono fam, SSick pics! Hopefully somebody happens across a big ol bag of em. Cause yikes that would be nice...


Gearing up for da egg fights??? Geev um!!! Back in the day it got ugly boy!!


I need to get some photos of the spot. Little help?


And it was good...


Remembering V-land when... It's a stroll down memory lane for all lucky enough to have been part of it. We all made the memories with and for each other, that is why we all have our own little story. I love it


Luke had a brand new board, Georgr Vicente shape, I decide i wanna try, catch couple, then click this air almost stuck, SNAP instead. Got to wash his mom's car for like a year for that one Lol. Last day, everybody hanging out watching me wash, Luke hops on Dave Keau's moped... I still don't get how he got that thing wedged under that parked car! Lol


Sunset Bosy!!!


VelzyLand the memories that will go on for those whom remember the way it use to be.


Still one of my favorite pics. Jay & Che. 80's Vland is the best. :)


K so I think I may not be setting this page up right, but I will figure it out, it is a weird dealio, but stick around, if nothing else get a laugh.


People, I am working on photos, but to be honest, I don't have. And I will be super pumped when this photo, as much as I love it isn't the only one up. There has got to be a gazillion shots of James Labrador that are just sick!! I've got that many images stuck in my head! Let's make it happen people, plllllease!! =)


Before we go any further I thought it only proper to pay homage to the namesake of our beloved spot: Dale Velzy 1927-2005, in addition to his many contributions to the sport, he is the man who discovered "V-land. Thanks Mr. Velzy! It's still doing it. R.I.P.


Pretty cool, first day, first page ever. I love it. And I know so many others did too. Now for the love of all things holy help the thing come to life with pics! Anyone everyone. I wish I had but I no more. And my goofy ass cannot be the only one up to represent that friggin awesome place and time. G'nite all, thanks for checkin it and keep makin it the stroll down memory lane - The best years of my childhood and I'm sure so many other people feel like that too. I am excited to see what comes up tomorrow. I hope something!!! Love Peace and Hairgrease- sleep time...


This Page is for everyone. Especially those who were there and who made this time so magical...


I'm hoping people will help bring this page to life, cause this was a time so many will remember with so much fondness.
