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Success loves speed, you have to do things most people do in 1 year, in 1 month. 🔥
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If you have one idea in your mind suggesting you should be traveling east, and then all of a sudden another idea pops into your mind suggesting you should be traveling west, it goes without saying that you will be placed in a serious bind. For there is absolutely no way that you can travel in both directions, simultaneously. Clearly, it is absolutely essential that you “let go” of the one idea, before you can move yourself into action on the other. The reason for this, is that “nature truly abhors a vacuum.”
If you sincerely desire to receive something which is new, you must first make room for it by ridding yourself of that which is old. This is an ironclad law of life, and yet, you might encounter one person in a thousand who truly understands it. Nevertheless, when you do encounter that one person in a thousand, you will see before you, someone who not only lives in extreme comfort today, but someone who is also moving ahead in life each day; and at a fairly rapid rate of speed.
So put the law to the test in your own life and you will find that the law works every time—it never fails.
🥳 I’ll screenshot everyone who 1️⃣.) likes this post👍🏽 and 2️⃣.) shares this post within the first 48hrs ⏱and I’ll send $20💵 to one lucky person from the list! 🍀 🔔 [turn on post notifications to comment within the first 48 hours of a post]
Same rules apply for every post in 2020
You must comment “done” or you will not be entered! Don’t LIE! I’m checking! ✅
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They all Laughed at him when he was BROKE and SLEEPING in cars. Now look at HIM! 😢😢


Just 3 minutes can change your entire life... 👀


[Stop scrolling!!] 📱This is revolutionary... 😱


Smartphone + Wifi = CHA CHING!


Not even a 135 mph tornado could stop this dude from finishing his game 👏😂


The Shocking Truth About The School System