Shawn Price Journey

Shawn Price Journey

Place where everybody can come to help and learn more about Shawn's Battle with cancer.


This post is a little different today 🤍Recently Hometown lost a patron who was near & dear to our hearts. Shawn Price was a hard worker, a great Dad & fiancé, & the kind of guy everyone loved to be around. We enjoyed his constant smile and presence. His favorite was Sunny D Lit Tea 🤍
In honor of his memory, we are offering a free drink to anybody who is currently diagnosed with cancer or who is a cancer survivor on Friday, July 14th.

We miss you Shawn, may you rest in peace 🤍

Photos from Holiday Automotive's post 12/07/2023
Photos from Shawn Price Journey's post 28/06/2023

This last 2 weeks there has been a lot of heartbreaking news with Shawn. He currently has a million medical issues going on that the list is too long to even try to write out right now. Shawn needs as many prayers as possible as he is on a ventilator again and a lot of his organs are starting to struggle to function properly. I’m scared to death and praying for a miracle. He’s cancer is back and more aggressive then before but he is unable to continue chemo as he is too sick, we need his body to start getting better to try and manage this tumor growth and get Shawn stronger to get through this. Please, please be praying. 😭😭

Photos from Shawn Price Journey's post 27/05/2023

The prayers are working!

Shawn was able to get off the ventilator. He’s alert and stable. On Tuesday I didn’t know if he’d ever wake up again and today he’s talking and laughing. Miracles really do happen, Shawn is such a fighter and we are so grateful for all of your kind words. This fight isn’t even close to being over but everyday he will get better and stronger and one day he’ll be back home with us! Until then keep the prayers coming! We appreciate each and every one of you and all your kind words!


Long but important update on Shawn!

The last update was for hopes that Shawn lungs would have looked better and he could have surgery, but lots of things have progressed since then. Shawn’s CT scan he had to see if his lungs were doing better showed he had a pneumothorax, his left lung was collapsing. He was hospitalized Friday 5/5 and they put a chest tube in to drain the air and help his lung function properly. He was able to come home 5/9 to spend a couple days with Daisy and I before he then was going to have a biopsy done on 5/11. When they did the biopsy they also did the Orchiectomy. With Shawn’s numbers looking good and him feeling a lot better they let him go home the very next day 5/12. Though he had some pain and discomfort the weekend was really good, we spent the time hanging out on the couch while Shawn was resting as much as he needed. Mother’s Day 5/13 Shawn had some severe stomach pains that progressed into Monday morning when I decided it was time to take him to the ER. When we arrived his vitals were looking good for Shawn and his history, but he had another bowel obstruction. Because of his medical history they sent him to Milwaukee so he could be under the best care. From Sunday 5/13 till 5/22 the doctors were very unsure of how they wanted to treat Shawn as his lungs were to weak to undergo any extensive surgery, they were certain he would not get off a ventilator if they operated. They did a CT on 5/22 to see where things were as Shawn was getting a bit weaker and his lungs weren’t getting any better. The CT showed that Shawn’s bowel had ruptured and stool and bacteria were seeping into his abdominal cavity causing a great deal of issues. He was going septic and has an infection in his blood stream. They told him he could either get comfort care(hospice) or have this surgery that was very high risk with lots of complications. With Shawn being 25 he said he wanted to do whatever possible to watch his little girl grow up and so he chose surgery. Shawn was rushed into emergency surgery yesterday 5/23 with lots of unknowns. Shawn’s surgery went very smoothly exceeding the expectations of every doctor. Currently Shawn is on a ventilator and we are unaware of when they will be able to wean him off. Right now we are hoping Shawn can fight this and be able to get off the ventilator. I’m asking for all the kind thoughts and prayers as Shawn continues to fight.

Also would like to apologize for not updating everyone until now but this month has been full of craziness and all of my focus has been on Daisy and Shawn getting better.

Photos from Shawn Price Journey's post 02/05/2023

A very overdue update.

Shawn and I have been doing a lot of living these last few weeks as there’s been a lot of waiting and uncertainty with where we are at in his cancer journey. We had another appointment today and got a little bit more of an idea of what the next few weeks are going to look like. Shawn recently started having some breathing troubles and has been on and off from work. After a few ER visits, many doctors appointments, and a trip to Milwaukee they think the chemotherapy damaged his lungs. He is on a steroid to try and help them recover and hopefully, he can get back to normal activity without the shortness of breath. With that, it’s put a hold on the rest of his treatment plan. Shawn’s HCG numbers jumped back up which could be a sign of the cancer progressing or it could just be because he still has the bad testicle. Once Shawn’s lungs recover and it is safe the next step will be an orchiotomy(removal of the bad testicle) and most likely removal of the remaining tumors in his body, which will call for surgery around his aorta and a possibility of replacement of the aorta. Once they do that we can hopefully get more answers. They then will check his numbers again and see if they are still high, if so more chemotherapy will then take place. So for now we will hope and pray that everything starts to fall into place and hopefully start to get a break from the nonstop doctors appointments. We are asking for as many prayers as possible that Shawn’s ct scan on Monday will show improvement in his lungs so he won’t need to do a biopsy and we can keep on track with the rest of his treatment plan. Shawn is starting to get sick of meeting all these specialists and can’t wait to feel like himself again. For now, we need continued prayers and support as Shawn keeps kicking cancer's ass!

Thanks for all the love and support as it’s been a rough journey. We appreciate every single one of you that have continuously been there through it all!

Photos from Shawn Price Journey's post 02/04/2023

✨ Announcement and update!! ✨

As many already know Shawn’s fundraiser will be next week Saturday!! We have asked for baskets to be brought early that day, if you are doing that please send a message soon letting us know that you are bringing one so we know how many ice cream buckets are needed for all the raffles. Also, if you would rather meet with us this week to get us the baskets we can arrange for that. Shawn and Marinda are willing to drive to pick it up anytime the remainder of today, or anytime after 5 this week, just send a message to arrange that. We are so appreciative of all the love and support we have gotten through all of this.

With that, many have been asking what’s next?
Shawn will have a scan on April 25th, this will determine what the next step is. If there is any live cancer cells Shawn will need to undergo more treatment. If there’s no more live cells but the tumor is still there and still wrapped around his aorta Shawn will need to have surgery where they will try to remove the tumor but if they are unable to get all of it by scrapping what’s wrapped around the aorta, they have discussed replacing his aorta with a artificial aorta. The surgery for that and the recovery are all a very scary and real reality of our near future. Along with that Shawn will still need to have a orchiectomy(testicle removal). We are asking for as many prayers as possible and please show Shawn some extra love in the coming weeks. We are so grateful for all the love and support and we are all so excited to see everyone next week!


Update on Shawn

Shawn was able to switch to a soft food diet on Sunday and was able to come home. He is happy to be back at home with his family and we are hoping for a better next few weeks with no more hospital stays the rest of chemo. Thanks for all the kind words. Kicking cancers butt one day at a time.


✨Update on Shawn! ✨

He is doing much better though being stuck in a hospital is draining his spirits. Please reach out to him and show him some love! Also another stay at the hospital means more medical bills, with that some amazing family members has been super helpful and are planning a benefit to try and help pay for some of the bills. If you can please consider donating and showing up on April 8 to show your support! We appreciate everyone who has been reaching out and checking in. ❤️❤️

Help Shawn beat Cancer, organized by Shawn Price 08/02/2023

They really could use the help and I know many of you have donated already. But if you can donate again or please share this. The more you guys share the more reach we get. Thank you for all your support.

Help Shawn beat Cancer, organized by Shawn Price Shawn Price, a loving fiancé and father.Shawn was very recently and unexpectedly diagnosed with sta… Shawn Price needs your support for Help Shawn beat Cancer


They are going to keep an eye on him they are doing labs soon and at midnight again
Then giving him platelets to get his numbers up.

What I know of right now. He was septic and had a blockage in his intestine. I don't know anymore details than that as of now. Don't know what they're going to do for treating any of this but as I find out more I will let everybody else know please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers it would be greatly appreciated


Shawn is going to be transferred to Froedtert in Milwaukee. Some things have changed. Will give more details when I know more. Everybody please just keep him in your thoughts and prayers and if you have the finances please donate they need the help.


✨✨ Update ✨✨

Shawn has officially made it half way through chemotherapy! He has not had any recent scans so currently it’s a waiting game to see how well the chemo is killing the cancer. Last we saw it was working well though. The side effects of the chemo come and go in waves, some days Shawn feels very good and other days he’s nauseous, tired and very sore. So we remain hopeful the chemo is doing its job and Shawn is getting better. Thank you all for the love and support as we fight this, it’s not an easy road but Shawn’s incredibly strong and he’ll get through it with the support of everyone around him.

Help Shawn beat Cancer, organized by Shawn Price 15/01/2023

Here is the link for a gofundme page for Shawn many have asked about! We appreciate anything you have to offer even sharing the link would help tremendously! Thank you!

Help Shawn beat Cancer, organized by Shawn Price Shawn Price, a loving fiancé and father.Shawn was very recently and unexpectedly diagnosed with sta… Shawn Price needs your support for Help Shawn beat Cancer


Shawn Price, a loving fiancĂŠ and father.
Shawn was very recently and unexpectedly diagnosed with stage 4 testicular cancer. It is Non-seminomatous germ cell, with this type of diagnoses it means it is very invasive and rapid growing. He was hospitalized on December 7, 2022 and remained there for a total of 8 days to undergo his first week of intensive chemotherapy. During this first week his fiancé, Marinda and daughter Daisy visited him as often as possible. Shawn then was able to go home and continue his chemotherapy outpatient. Soon after Shawn was home he became ill and was readmitted into the hospital for another week. His white cell count was severely low and he had many ulcers in his stomach making him unable to eat. With that, Shawn lost a lot of weight. After many new medications were added Shawn was thankfully able to come home December 24 and spend some time with his family for Christmas. Through all of this Shawn is going to be out of work for a while. He has chemotherapy for another 2 months and then he will undergo at least one surgery. Marinda is a full time college student who also works though her income is very minimal compared to Shawn’s. With their two year old still in diapers and continually growing they will need help in supporting their family. We are attempting to create this page to help raise money to pay for everyday bills and the countless medical expenses that Shawn and Marinda are currently being buried in. We appreciate all the support and love already being directed towards us, thank you!
