Sparkle Mama Says

Sparkle Mama Says

Inspiring Mamas to sparkle inside and out! We are an online tribe that honors and empowers the purpose, power, voice, strength and beauty of women


FINALLY! My updated foundation routine!!


How to Feel Amazing When You’ve Felt Like Total 💩


So much going on in this photo!🤣😉

😵‍💫The last couple of years have had their challenges and because of them- I jumped into a pit to hide, heal, conserve energy from the life sucks….who knows all the reasons 🤷🏻‍♀️

Pits are part of life - ya know those pits of sadness, loneliness, grief, whatever???
It’s a natural part of life, they say.😢😢

I am a generally 👏🏼positive and fun👏🏼person but the last couple of years - due to ☠️hormone changes, life stressors, moving a couple of times, difficult situations, etc…..☠️

I was down in a 💩 pit 🕳️ 🕳️

😞Ever felt like that?😣

💖There are so many options out there!💖

(I recently went to a trade show w/ my hubby and let me tell you…..THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF WAYS TO JUST LOOK DOWN INTO A WELL! 😳 so don’t ever think there isn’t more than one way to skin a cat!)

Anywhos- I digress….

🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼The answer to my prayer out of the pit happen to show up in the form of the coolest “influencer” lady (now a sweet mentor and friend!) on Tik Tok talking about her hormones, cortisol, her ISSUES. She just shared real life and the solutions she found.

The solutions she offered happen to be the 🛟life preserver🛟sent down into my pit and it turned my tide! 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

I am SO grateful.
I’ve found solutions that, for me, don’t rely on pharmaceuticals…..natural solutions….

The pit isn’t always just one thing…’s a vortex of bad sleep, cortisol overload, unhappy with the way you look, STRESS, emotional work…..but don’t ever give up!

🏳️🏳️JUST KNOW… thing can DISRUPT the vortex and throw a kink in it long enough to let you get a big, deep, life-giving breath!!!!🏳️🏳️

And finally….can I just say that I’d have NEVER taken or posted a pic of my middle sitting bent in half like this…..but seeing the belly fat 👋🏻GOING GOING GONE👋🏻 gives me so much hope!!!!!

You can get out of that pit!!!! Your answers will show up!!!!


Here’s How I FINALLY Feel Better In Perimenopause


Favorite New Eyeshadow Look




Fall Eyeshadow Look!!


5 Simple Steps to belly fat banishing/hormone balancing/🦄 Era…..


Life Lessons After 20+ Years of Boy Mom Life:

💙Show up as your most authentic self no matter where you find yourself

💙Use your challenges to become better everyday and you CANNOT lose

💙Do not be naive - enemies will seek to destroy you. Little do they know, your fire only burns brighter with the trash they throw your way

💙You will surprise yourself when you look back and realize what the battle forged in you

💙The real battle is the one between your own two ears and no one can fight & win that one BUT YOU


How to Instantly Feel More Glowy


💕😘Friends and Family 🥰💕

Today, I’m taking a moment to reflect on this incredible journey. Each product sold, every shared experience, the late-night strategy sessions, even the simple likes and comments — they're all puzzle pieces of my happiness.

For all that have liked, shared, purchased and/or given your support to our family, our businesses, or our activities


My greatest joy is to have a business that ignites Midlife Mamas see themselves as whole & healthy & beautiful

You know us Midlife Mamas deserve a ✨GLOW UP ✨……
straight into our…….


I do this so I can impact women AND still chase my kids here and yonder on whatever football field or basketball court or track they may be competing on.

Your support fuels our dreams and I’m immensely grateful for this community

Sparkle Mama


𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗻𝘀 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂’𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗿𝘆 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝗲𝘄? (A pioneer of sorts…..)

1. You find some good things and try them out… like and share bc they help..

2. Some people accuse you of being flaky but you learn that others opinion’s don’t define you

3. You happen into something magical that blows your mind and enter your

🦄✨ ≋U≋n≋i≋c≋o≋r≋n E≋r≋a≋ ✨🦄

(bc your hormones aren’t kicking your ass and you’ve lost more inches/baby weight-“baby” is 12🤣- in the last 2 months than you have in a decade

You might have to overcome your fears of what people think of you because this product and business have the potential to change so many lives.

That’s how I feel about my
🍹𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓵 𝓒𝓸𝓬𝓴𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓵🍹


Makeup Prep/Brushes




Most Complimented Eyeshadow Combo


Lipliner Review!!


I haven’t been able to button these pants since I’ve owned them for a few years now🤣….they were my “goals” britches🤣🤣

You know the ones….they hang in your closet until you will one day finally get your 💩 together and start exercising and quit eating carbs (hint: NOT the answers!)

I’m here to exclaim to the world!


Make one step at a time and here is how my journey has gone:

💖MAY 8: ”Met” Meagan Anderson🤣🤩(I love this now real life friend so much!) on Tik Tok talking about supplements that heal metabolism and nourish the bod and banished her belly fat and PROMPTLY ordered it

(I had no idea what I had in my hands and also didn’t really mind the directions and focus so I only drank 1/day but somehow it managed to help my britches loosen (I def delayed the process by not doing 2 drinks/day)

💖AUG 5: hey, maybe I should do the semaglutide skinny shots like everyone else

💖AUG 12: By DIVINE awakening, I started seeing some loosening of pants and shirts and thought “OH HEY THERE, WAIST!!! What would happen if I got focused and serious about this “cortisol cocktail” that’s piling up and maybe took my supplements like I was supposed to…..AND shoot for 100g protein/day?”


💖AUG 19: Journal and prayer for answers to several frustrations including health and life purposes

💖SEPT 13…..HELLO! Made my first post about my Slimonade experience….and it hit with other women who were struggling

💖I’ve started lifting some weights and have continued pickleball

OHHHHHH…. AND way less screaming and cussing at every jumpscare or bad driver that cuts me off in traffic or pulls out in front of me when they clearly see me going 98mph (cortisol balance is a big deal, Lovey Doveys!!)


I feel like a new woman on a mission

I don’t say no to any foods that I want but I roll in MODERATION and getting protein in every way that I can that works for my lifestyle


It is time, my guys and girl friends, to do your thang and love life again!!!

More info:


I have my IG account back!!! I had to get professional help (h @ C k e R help, not mental😂😂but almost) but it’s all secured and shouldn’t happen again!!!!!

Whatever you put out on unsuspecting ones with kind and trusting hearts, comes back on you multiplied…..sorry about ya if you mess with me!😘


Lipstick Secrets….Mascara Testing….Happy Monday!


Bronte and Blu’s Fan Clubs had their day in Whiteface

🤍Vibin’ with the Grands💙

We played #5 in the state and rumor has it that we scored the most of anyone they’ve played so far - gotta find your flex🤣 - getting tough for district!

Both boys did great and we are so proud of them and their teammates!

Photos from Sparkle Mama Says's post 21/09/2023

You know what my people are praising Jesus for since I started my cortisol cocktail???

👹That I don’t turn into Super Gremlin when I’m driving anymore (although that doesn’t change the fact that people do embrace their inner JERK when driving esp in construction zones but I can just let it RIDE!!!)

🔪That I’ve laid down my Seri@l K*ller tendancies when things get stressful

💁‍♀️That I don’t go Super Karen nearly like I used to 😵‍💫😩🫥

Too much cortisol.🫤

A little is good bc it keeps you safe to “fight” 👊🏼or “fly” 🦅but too much for too long:

😩Belly fat
😩Heart disease
😩Terrible sleep habits
😩Super B*tch tendancies
😩One way ticket to Anger Mgmt class….

All joking aside….it just sucks.

WHY the heck am I positing a pic of a pile of BRITCHES?? Because those were in my closet a month ago fitting fine while the pile of TOO SMALL grew 😵‍💫

I had to go shopping in that pile this week and traded them out for these jeans that are TOO BIG.

(Lol - the pic of me is an outtake bc of the gorgeous 4 wheeler in the background but Bronte took it so I’ll share it w/ y’all since y’all won’t tell anyone🤣)

I have a FB group of amazing folks facing this together if you wanna join that group (link in comments), I have an info link I can DM ya, and it’s changed my life in this season……


GRWM Encouragement

Photos from Sparkle Mama Says's post 15/09/2023

In the thick of it 💙🤍


NOT me! If you get this message from me, BLOCK THEM 😡


Winning the Battle Over Fear….


Don’t you forget it!! 💖


Seriously the nerdiest bday ‘fit check to tell you all that you’ve blessed my heart beyond words with the birthday blessings

I literally LOVE reading each and every well
wish and remembering how we know each other and the blessing it is to call you all friends!


Twisted Messy Bun Tutorial 💖

Photos from Sparkle Mama Says's post 07/09/2023

I was so frustrated and to the point of scoping out medication (you’ve heard of them by now probably bc half your town is taking them!) to balance my hormones and get rid of stubborn belly fat- why does the belly fat/fatigue/hormone BS want to stick closer than a sister! Talk about a needy b*tch!🤬🤬

I started drinking this cortisol-balancing cocktail with very little intention and hope. I actually wasn’t even paying attention until two months in when my pants started fitting more loosely and falling off! Talk about A-HA MOMENT!!!!! I had tried so many things and I was JADED!!!!!

After so many experiences in network marketing, this girl 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️was NOT ❌🚫🔥looking for the next hype product to love/sell. In fact, I’m surprised this even made it to my realm as “HELL NO!” as I was about selling anything else🤣🤣😵‍💫

It has taken me 3 months of use to be SURE it worked and that I wanted to put my name behind it 🤣🤣

Now I feel that as a
(sharing how to face this season of life IN STYLE, JOY, & FREEDOM!), I would be gatekeeping in the most evil of ways if I didn’t share this with my sisters facing menopause and belly fat. Thank goodness for unanswered prayers!

I have an info link that answers a lot of questions and I’d love to share it with you!

Videos (show all)

FINALLY! My updated foundation routine!!
How to Feel Amazing When You’ve Felt Like Total 💩
Here’s How I FINALLY Feel Better In Perimenopause
Favorite New Eyeshadow Look
Fall Eyeshadow Look!!
5 Simple Steps to belly fat banishing/hormone balancing/🦄 Era…..
How to Instantly Feel More Glowy
Makeup Prep/Brushes
Most Complimented Eyeshadow Combo
Lipliner Review!!
