Rachel Bond

Rachel Bond

Vessel for dry tea.


"Wondered why my dog wouldn't come when I called him. Then I found this."


Today, you can buy a tea caddy in a specialized store for true gourmets, which sells a variety of accessories and utensils for storing and preparing tea. Finding an outstanding tea caddy is difficult - as a rule, these are art forms made in various variations. Among tea gourmets, a caddy can rightly be called an artistic element of special value.


When a flower blooms, Divine Purpose (the expression and experience of any aspect of Divinity) has been fulfilled—and The Sacred Journey of the life form called “flower” has reached Completion at that stage. It does not reach what would be called “total” Completion, because the life form called “flower” does not and cannot ever “die” or “go away.” Its energy simply changes form, moving to the next stage in its expression and manifestation.

Unlike flowers or trees or other less developed biological Life Forms, the Life Expression called human beings is capable of expressing and experiencing wisdom—specifically, the Wisdom of the Soul—through which, when added to the Experience held in the Mind, a state of “partial Completion” may be reached many, many times, during many moments, across one physical life span.


The caddy (Cha Ye Guan) is a special container for storing tea. It may seem to a modern person that this accessory is more of a decorative character, because today tea can be easily stored in the same box in which it was sold. However, this kitchen utensil has a very rich history and value.
