Dr ABU Health & Wealth tamil

Dr ABU Health & Wealth tamil

Hi, I'm Dr.Syed Abdhahir MBBS MS ORTHO. This channel is to post videos regarding orthopedic problem


For weight loss, you need to burn excess calories than your intake. this is called calorie deficit. But when you reduce calories to reduce weight, you’ll lose fat along with muscles. This is muscle catabolism. To gain muscle you require more protein for repairing the muscle damage. Then your muscle fibres become stronger and bigger. This is called anabolic state. Balance between the positive and negative metabolism is essential to losing fat but the same time gaining muscle even when you’re not doing gym. It Increases your energy and Reduce hunger. It Improve your health.
Carbohydrates are the source of energy. they broken into blood sugar. Depending on the nature and complexity, they can be metabolized quickly (simple carbs) or slowly (complex carbs). Eating a lot of carbohydrates without energy requirement results that body will store the excess sugar as fat that results in weight gain. Fat is essential in protecting organs, and for body temperature maintenance and is the body’s second source of energy. After having used your energy from carbohydrates, body uses fat as fuel, this is the correct way to lose excess fat. Protein metabolizes into amino acids, which is required to repair muscle damage, skin, bones and other cells and rebuild them stronger. During exercise muscle fibers will be damaged with small tears. When you take adequate protein, you are repairing and rebuilding the muscles. When you don’t consume adequate protein, your body will metabolise the amino acids within the muscles and creates the catabolic state. The anabolic diet works in combination with strength training of muscles.
Determine your daily calorie requirements to maintain, lose weight by any online calorie calculator.
1 gram of Carbs = 4 Calories
1 gram of Protein = 4 Calories
1 gram of Fat = 9 Calories
Protein Eggs
Cheese, Greek Yogurt, Chicken Breast, Whey or Casein Protein Powder
Fats Avocado, Olive Oil, Nuts, Salmon and other fish, Dark Chocolate
Carbohydrates whole grain breads, Potato and starchy vegetables, Whole Grain Oats, Dry Fruits, Whole Rice
Anabolic State
To attain an anabolic state, you have to do strength training of muscles, which will increase the muscle mass. Hormones that lead to muscle gain include testosterone and other growth hormones. The effect will takes place at sleep or at rest after workouts. Exercises that give resistance using weights and these exercises cause micro tears and when repairing it will grow bigger.
Catabolic State
Catabolic state by hormones such as cortisol, norepinephrine are useful in burning fat. Catabolic exercises involve cardiovascular exercises, usually lasting for 20 to 45 minutes. Examples brisk walking, running, swimming.


neck pain occurs when neck muscle or tendon stretches too far and tears. Sometimes the terms neck pain, neck strain and neck sprain are used interchangeably. sprain is injury ligaments. 20 muscles are in the neck. These muscles work to support the head’s position and facilitate movements. A healthy muscle is made of numerous muscle fibers. Within this fibers are bundles of myofibrils. When the muscle over contracts or stretches too far, small tears will form between the muscle and tendon.
Causes of Neck pain
• prolonged flexion or Poor posture or The neck’s muscles can overstretched when the head is held in prolonged flexion for too long. Some examples sitting over a computer for many hours, sleeping with high pillow, seeing mobile phone for long.
• cervical disc disease
• Lifting heavy
• fall or trauma
• arthritis
Initial Treatments for Neck Strain
• good posture / Activity modification. Resting the neck
• Ice or heat. apply ice within the first 48 hours of an injury. After 48 hours, heat may be applied. Heat can facilitate blood. 10 to 20 minutes duration.
• cervical pillow
• Physical therapy exercises. exercises and stretches.
• Massage

Neck Isometric Exercises
Stand or sit in a chair, Relax your shoulders
1. Press your palm against your forehead. Flex your neck muscles to resist. Hold for 10 seconds. Then relax. Repeat 5 to 10 times.
2. Then pressing on the side of your head. both sides.
3. Then, pressing on the back of your head.
4. Then do this for rotation
5. shoulder shruggs
Flexion and extension
• back straight.
• Lower your chin toward chest and hold for 15-20 seconds. Relax, and slowly lift head back up.
• Tilt chin up bring the base of skull toward your back. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds, then return to the neutral position.
• Repeat the 5 to 10 times. Do it daily.
Side Tilt
• Bend the head toward shoulder and try to touch it with ear. Don't raise shoulder.
• Hold the stretch for 5-20 seconds, then return to the neutral position.
• Repeat on opposite side. 5 to 10 repetitions..
• back straight.
• turn the head to the right until feel a stretch in.
• Hold for 15-20 seconds, and then slowly turn to middle.
• Repeat 5 to 10 sets.
• do it in opposite side


introduction video of my channel with a brain engaging puzzle. try to solve it before move on the solution

Videos (show all)

Scientific Healthy weight loss- doctor's weight loss journey / ஆரோக்கியமான உடல் எடல் குறைப்பு part-1
கழுத்து வலி காரணம் தீர்வுகள் பயிற்சிகள் / chronic neck pain causes solutions exercises physiotherapy
solve this puzzle / இந்த புதிரை விடுவிக்க முடியுமா உங்களால்?
solve this puzzle / இந்த புதிரை விடுவிக்க முடியுமா உங்களால்?
solve this puzzle / இந்த புதிரை விடுவிக்க முடியுமா உங்களால்?
