Otago Stand with Hong Kong

Otago Stand with Hong Kong

Raising awareness of the Hong Kong protests and movements, to stand with Hong Kong and fight for fre

《Revolution of Our Times 時代革命》 - New Zealand Movie Screening 01/03/2022

《Revolution of Our Times 時代革命》 - New Zealand Movie Screening 《時代革命》導演周冠威:「電影可以紀錄時代,亦可改變時代」(BBC News訪談)。電影以9個不同段落,通過鏡頭紀錄2019年香港反修例運動期間的街頭抗爭,穿插不同社會人仕的訪談,有序不紊重新構建社會運動的源起源落,.....


Hong Kong Watch
⚖️釋放區諾軒 Free Au Nok-hin

【47 人案】區諾軒被控串謀顛覆國家政權罪 已被還押逾 4 個月

//47 人因被指組織或參與去年民主派初選,被控串謀顛覆國家政權罪。國安法指定法官、總裁判官蘇惠德應控方要求,將案件押後至 9 月 23 日再提訊,以交付高等法院審理,其間 35 名被告須續押。

僅 12 人准保釋
目前 47 名被告之中,僅 12 人獲批保釋,包括楊雪盈、林景楠、呂智恆、劉偉聰、黃碧雲、鄭達鴻、柯耀林、彭卓棋、何啟明、施德來、李予信及鄒家成。

其餘 35 人已被還押逾 4 個月,包括戴耀廷、區諾軒、趙家賢、鍾錦麟、吳政亨、袁嘉蔚、梁晃維、徐子見、岑子杰、毛孟靜、馮達浚、劉澤鋒、黃之鋒、譚文豪、李嘉達、譚得志、胡志偉、朱凱迪、張可森、黃子悅、伍健偉、尹兆堅、郭家麒、吳敏兒、譚凱邦、何桂藍、劉頴匡、楊岳橋、陳志全、林卓廷、范國威、梁國雄、岑敖暉、王百羽、余慧明。//


📰The Guardian -- Hong Kong trial of 47 pro-democracy activists delayed for 11 weeks

“Prosecutors have been granted another months-long delay to the trial of 47 pro-democracy politicians, activists, and campaigners in Hong Kong who held pre-election primaries declared illegal under its sweeping national security law.

The 47 individuals were among 55 arrested by national security police on 6 January, and include civil society members, social workers, teachers and former pro-democracy legislators who had represented Hong Kong constituents for decades.

The majority have been in jail since at least late February, when a days-long hearing, which heard claims that defendants had been denied showers and rests, and that four had been taken to hospital, resulted in all but 12 being denied bail.

The group is facing charges of conspiracy to commit subversion under the national security law for holding unofficial primary polls in July 2020, ahead of a since-postponed general election. Primaries are not a formal part of Hong Kong’s election process, are non-binding and have been held by various political sides, including pro-establishment parties.”


📰The Guardian FULL ARTICLE

🔗 Hong Kong Watch Free Political Prisoners Campaign

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​The mass arrest of Hong Kong’s opposition figures (互動圖片)

Factwire: CCTV installed in classrooms at two Hong Kong primary schools, parents say they were not informed 06/07/2021

Factwire: CCTV installed in classrooms at two Hong Kong primary schools, parents say they were not informed Two private primary schools have been found to have installed one or more CCTV cameras in their classrooms. Good Hope Primary School had cameras installed for 12 years, whilst Pooi To Primary Schoo…


【6。12 兩週年】
(please scroll down for the English version)





抗爭物品捐贈到 紐 西 蘭 國 家 博 物 館 已經順利完成!
抗爭物品捐贈到 紐 西 蘭 國 家 博 物 館 已經順利完成!
抗爭物品捐贈到 紐 西 蘭 國 家 博 物 館 已經順利完成!

2019年6月16日 紐西蘭反送中
2019年6月28日 全球港人響應G20
2019年8月6日 奧克蘭大學團結紐西蘭香港辯論
2019年8月31日 在奧克蘭及威靈頓延續香港民主之路
2019年9月28日 威靈頓街頭快閃
2019年9月29日 全球連線 · 對抗極權
2019年12月1日 威靈頓人Stand with Hong Kong
2020年1月19日 Calling for Hong Kongers Around the Globe

46件物品中有各活動海報、各活動宣傳單張、流動連儂牆、貼紙、香港「夢遊」的裝備、手油光復旗、香港前線手足製作由 社福聯合陣線帶到紐西蘭的布連儂牆及紐西蘭第一隻立體打印的香港民主女神。

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
以上不只是本團隊的功勞,We Are Kiwi Hker、Yellow Power及各城市各無名氏手足仍然默默地為我們的第一個家去付出,因為 #我地真係好撚鐘意香港
兄弟姊妹爬山方式各有不同,人會累會需要休息,照顧好自己的情緒及健康才更有氣力去繼續為我們的香港發聲,因為 #我地真係好撚鐘意香港

如果你跟我們一樣,都是 #我地真係好撚鐘意香港

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
【6。12 2th Anniversary】English Verison

Our team had commenced a project in August 2019, away from spotlights.

On 3rd June 2021, the Deed of Gift was officially signed.
On 4th June 2021, the donated artefacts completed the first day of a ten-day cryogenic quarantine process.

Our team is now delighted to announce:

Some of the materials and goods were used in the Hong Kong rally events held in various cities in New Zealand throughout 2019 and 2020 have officially been donated to the Museum of New Zealand (Te Papa Tongarewa) for the permanent collection.

Our rally materials have successfully been donated to the Museum of New Zealand!
Our rally materials have successfully been donated to the Museum of New Zealand!
Our rally materials have successfully been donated to the Museum of New Zealand!

Kiwi Hong Kongers have rallied multiple times in three major cities here since June 2019.
This donation project includes materials used in these past events:

2019-06-16 Say No to China's Extradition Bill in Hong Kong
2019-06-28 Stand with Hong Kong at G20
2019-08-06 New Zealand Solidarity with Hong Kong
2019-08-16 Stand with Hong Kong - Power to the People Rally
2019-08-31 Fight for Freedom Stand with Hong Kong 831 Human Chain in Auckland & Wellington
2019-09-28 Flashmob in Wellington CBD
2019-09-29 Global Anti-Totalitarianism Rally
2019-12-01 Wellingtonians Stand with Hong Kong
2020-01-19 Calling for Hong Kongers Around the Globe

There are 46 pieces of goods and 14 digital files, bringing it to 60 items in total.
The 46 pieces of good include:
- all associated event posters
- promotion pamphlets
- mobile Lennon Walls
- stickers
- gears used during Hong Kong protests that have become iconic
- a hand-painted "Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of the times" flag
- A "Cotton Lennon Wall" made by front line protestors in Hong Kong, brought to NZ by the "Social Welfare Alliance" organisation from HK
- The first Hong Kong Lady Liberty figure that was 3D-printed in NZ

The 14 digital files include photos of the rally events here in NZ, and interviews of students who have previously joined the protests in Hong Kong.

While the Museum of New Zealand (Te Papa Tongarewa) has yet to announce an exhibition schedule, there are plans to provide all information online through their website, available to all parts of the world to see.
This achievement is a result of efforts not only from our team but also "We are Kiwi HKers", "Yellow Power" and countless anonymous contributors from many cities in NZ. Those are still passionate as ever to do anything we can for a place we love and always call home because "WE LOVE HONG KONG SO MUCH."

Brothers and sisters, we all have our own ways of doing what we can, but we also need to take care of our bodies because they get tired, we need to take care of our mental self because we do get stressed and emotional, only then can we continue the fight, because "WE LOVE HONG KONG SO MUCH.."

If you are like us, that also "LOVE HK"
Please continue your efforts
You are not alone!
Remember that keeping a low profile doesn't mean we surrender
Being silent doesn't mean we have forgotten
Just like the stars in the night sky, we are everywhere, always.

History is systematic documentation, interpretation and research of past events and actions in human society.
History cannot be rewritten unless it happens in places under the governance of some authoritarian regime.


The full Tiananmen Square tank man picture is much more powerful than the cropped one.

Photos from Otago Stand with Hong Kong's post 04/06/2021



Hong Kong Watch


👉 是次修例的兩項重點:
• 推行「預報旅客資料系統」,要求航空公司於航班起飛前向香港入境處提供乘客以及機組人員資料,並賦權入境處處長要求不可運送個別人士來港;
• 賦權入境處處長「指示某運輸工具可或不可運載某乘客或該運輸工具的某乘組人員」


👉 公民社會及法律界的憂慮:
• 不同公民團體都表示擔憂是次修例賦予入境處處長接近不受限制的權力,基於政治考量限制民主派人士甚至普遍港人離港;
• 香港大律師工會亦向立法會提交意見書,質疑是次修例賦予了入境處處長「不受約束的權力」限制公眾離開香港,並建議立法時明確規定法例只針對入境而非離境的航班。

👉 是項修例被用以限制民主派人士及公眾離港的可能性:
• 近年中國政府亦曾利用「出境限制」限制公眾出入境自由,特別是用以限制一眾異見人士離開中國;
• 北京早前曾提及限制移民作為對英國落實 以及加拿大和澳洲落實 #救生艇計劃 的回應;
• 親中派立法會議員亦曾提出落實出入境限制防止更多民主派領袖流亡海外。

🌍 國際社會應如何回應:
• 各國議員應持續關注香港事態發展,向北京傳遞清晰表示任何限制出入境自由的舉動都將有嚴重後果;
• 國際世界應儘快落實救生艇計劃,並檢視如何改善現有機制以令有需要的香港抗爭者儘快離港;
• 儘快對侵犯人權的中國及香港官員落實制裁。

⛔️Hong Kong’s new Immigration Bill: Explainer

On 28 April 2021, the Hong Kong Legislature made up entirely of pro-Beijing legislators passed an immigration bill which will give immigration officials powers to stop any individual leaving or entering the city.

👉 The Immigration Bill does two specific things:
• It legally requires airline carriers to pass on the information relating to the carrier, its passengers, and the members of its crew to the Director of Immigration.
• It gives the Director of Immigration the power to direct that a passenger or a member of the crew may or may not be carried on board the airline carrier.

If an airline carrier or individual refuses to provide information or cooperate with the Director of Immigration under this legislation they risk being fined.

The Director of Immigration is also given the power to exempt any individual or carrier from these new requirements.

Aside from proposals that give officials the power to prevent individuals from leaving the city. The legislation also includes provisions that would allow the arming of immigration officials, the extension of detention powers, and the creation of a new detention centre in Tai Tam Gap.

👉 Why do the Hong Kong Authorities claim they need it?
• The Hong Kong Government has claimed that these new powers are needed to screen illegal immigrants and deal with a backlog of 13,000 asylum applications.
• Currently the USA and EU require passenger details and crew information in advance of travel. The Hong Kong authorities claim they are merely following suit.

👉 What are the concerns of civil society and the legal sector?
• Civil society in Hong Kong have warned that these new powers could be used to stop specific pro-democracy activists from leaving the city or even restrict the movement of the population of Hong Kong to enter and leave the city.
• The Hong Kong Bar Association warned in February that the bill confers "an apparently unfettered power" on the Director of Immigration "to prevent Hong Kong residents and others from leaving Hong Kong". They have called for the Government to amend the bill to narrow its scope to only include inbound flights and to state that that such ‘power of prohibition does not affect in any way the right of a Hong Kong resident and person with the right to enter and remain in the HKSAR.’
• Migration charities, like the Refugee Concern Network, have also raised concern about the treatment of refugees and asylum seekers as a result of the changes outlined in the Immigration Bill. This includes allowing immigration officials to be armed, expanding their powers of detention, and the creation of a new detention centre in Tai Tam Gap.

The bill also ignores existing concerns that have been raised about possible human rights violations when it comes to the detention and treatment of refugees in Hong Kong.

👉 Could the law really be used to stop pro-democracy activists and Hong Kongers from leaving the city?
• In recent years the Chinese Government has used the introduction of “exit bans” in the mainland to restrict freedom of movement in and out of the country. The common use of these bans raises questions as to whether the broad powers in this immigration bill would be used to similar effect.

Beijing has previously floated the idea of restricting the flow of immigration as a possible countermeasure to the UK’s BNO visa scheme and the lifeboat schemes put forward by Canada and Australia. While pro-Beijing lawmakers in the Hong Kong Legislature have called for new powers for immigration officials to prevent pro-democracy activists from leaving the city and going into exile, following the exit of notable activists including Ted Hui, Nathan Law, and Dennis Kwok.

These powers are largely unnecessary when it comes to the vast majority of pro-democracy activists awaiting trial. Under Hong Kong’s bail system, those awaiting trial are required to surrender their passport and regularly report to a local police station.

👉 What should the international community do in response?
1. International lawmakers should closely monitor the situation in Hong Kong and make it clear to Beijing that any attempt to restrict freedom of movement in or out of the city will have serious consequences.
2. Likeminded partners should consider introducing lifeboat schemes as a matter of urgency, increasing the opportunities for Hong Kongers to leave the city to work and live abroad. This includes the USA, EU, and New Zealand introducing lifeboat schemes and the UK, Canada, and Australia examining how they can improve the schemes already in place.
3. International lawmakers should draw up and propose a list of Hong Kong and Chinese officials who should be placed under Magnitsky sanctions.


🔗 https://www.hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2021/4/28/hong-kongs-new-immigration-bill-explainer

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‼️號外‼️ Please share ‼️

最近 羅冠聰 Nathan Law 同IPAC嘅紐西蘭成員 Simon O'Connor MP and Louisa Wall MP都分別有寫公開信比紐西蘭總理Jacinda Ardern,希望政府能夠幫助香港人移民到紐西蘭,「香港監察」團隊亦跟進緊紐西蘭政府對香港人嘅移民措施。



Thank you!!!


Statement from Simon O'Connor MP and Louisa Wall MP 06/07/2020

"A statement from me and Louisa Wall, as co-chairs of IPAC, asking the New Zealand government for absolute clarity around extradition arrangements with Hong Kong.
This is not only about Hong Kongers in New Zealand, but also those who may choose to travel via Hong Kong in the future."
-Simon O'Connor

Statement from Simon O'Connor MP and Louisa Wall MP The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) is an international cross-party group of legislators working towards reform on how democratic countries approach China.


July 1 is the day that the rumoured National Security Law will come into effect. Some say that singing a song or shouting a slogan will land you in jail. Despite the imminent destruction of Hong Kong's rule of law, we still strive to preserve the beautiful place that we love.

( Our own “Rise From the Ashes” Crowdfunding Campaign has passed >85% of our goal; please help us reach it! https://www.gofundme.com/f/swhk-fundraiser )

Image source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/553511078046085/permalink/3350598758337289/


364 days in China since 1989

Global leaders and activists raise human rights concerns on Massacre anniversary: https://bit.ly/2XyYSsh

🕯 Full coverage: bit.ly/tiananmen31

Photos from Otago Stand with Hong Kong's post 04/06/2020



We need your support!

Hello everyone, we are now collecting photos and videos of fellow NZ Hong Kongers showing support to Hong Kong. Please make sure all identifiable features are covered up and black attire is desired 👍🏼
Deadline: Midnight 10/6
大家好,我哋正在收集紐西蘭同路人的照片和影片,以表示對香港反送中612一周年既支持。希望大家可以著黑衫,戴口罩或遮蓋臉部及任何可以識別身份的特徵,攞住支持語句或者講低你地對香港既支持 。 我地集合咗大家既影片同相就會努力工作,多謝大家. 光復香港!時代革命!香港人加油!
Deadline: 凌晨 10/6


Today, I joined my fellow chairs of Foreign Affairs Committees from Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom in writing to the United Nations Secretary General about what is occurring in Hong Kong.

Along with Senator David Fawcett (Australia), Michael Levitt (Canada), and Tom Tugendhat (United Kingdom) we wrote to the Secretary General and our four Prime Ministers calling for a Special Envoy to be sent to Hong Kong to defend the rights and freedoms of citizens there.

Our letter to the United Nations is below and I will share my letter to the Prime Minister - and those of my counterparts - later today.

How are you being affected by protests in Hong Kong? 28/05/2020

Share your experiences
You can get in touch by filling in the form below, anonymously if you wish. Your responses are secure as the form is encrypted and only the Guardian has access to your contributions.

What do you think the proposals will mean for Hong Kong? Are you taking part in protests? How do you think you will be personally affected?


How are you being affected by protests in Hong Kong? We would like to hear from people from Hong Kong, both locally and abroad, on how they feel about the proposed security laws

HK 'no longer autonomous from China' - Pompeo 28/05/2020

HK 'no longer autonomous from China' - Pompeo The US secretary of state says the territory no longer merits special treatment under US laws.

Photos from Otago Stand with Hong Kong's post 27/05/2020

香港民主運動 2019 時序歷程 | Hong Kong Democracy Movement 2019 25/05/2020

Here's more information about recent Hong Kong democracy movements, including timeline and police misconduct. 🖐🏻☝🏻


香港民主運動 2019 時序歷程 | Hong Kong Democracy Movement 2019 香港民主運動 2019 時序歷程

[Updated] Patten-led group of 268 Parliamentarians from 30 countries decry 'flagrant breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration' — Hong Kong Watch 24/05/2020

Signatories from New Zealand:
Simeon Brown MP
Marama Davidson MP, co-leader of the Green Party
Simon O’Connor MP, Chair of the Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade Committee

[Updated 26/5: 42 more signatories added to a total of 276, 30 countries]

A cross-party international coalition of 276 parliamentarians and policymakers from 30 countries today issued a statement decrying Beijing’s ‘unilateral introduction of national security legislation in Hong Kong,’ and calling for sympathetic governments to unite against this ‘flagrant breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration’.

[Updated] Patten-led group of 268 Parliamentarians from 30 countries decry 'flagrant breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration' — Hong Kong Watch [Updated 26/5: 34 more signatories added to a total of 268, 30 countries] A cross-party international coalition of 268 parliamentarians and policymakers from 30 countries today issued a statement decrying Beijing’s ‘unilateral introduction of national security legislation in Hong Kong,’ a...


Senator Robert Menendez (US foreign Relations Comittee ranking member) - “Today we are all Hong Kongers. All those who support and respect international law, norms and behaviour, and who support the people of Hong Kong and their legitimate aspirations for their autonomy, their human rights, and their democratic freedoms under ‘one country two systems’ have a responsibility to speak out today and make clear that Beijing’s behaviour is unacceptable.”


Amongst this covid-19 pandemic, the world focus is on achieving a cure or vaccine. We are fully supportive of that and agree that the pandemic is a pressing matter. However, if we could draw attention on what is happening in Hong Kong right now, China has utilised covid as a distraction to completely undermine Hong Kong’s democracy which was highly dependent on international support! We hope everyone stays safe, yet at this moment Hong Kong citizens need your support more than ever!


This photo was taken in Tai Po at a protest today (8 March). This could have easily led to a lethal brain injury. Under NO circumstances does this constitute acceptable behaviour by Hong Kong police. This is misconduct. We demand an independent Commission of Inquiry into police actions since June 2019.

Photo source: Apple Daily HK


1.03 million people came out again on the 1st of January (including representatives from this group). Our ideals have not changed, our demands have no changed, we will not waiver. Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong. We hope people in this group continue to stand with the People of Hong Kong and stand up against tyranny.


Yellow Power NZ

The Washington post have a very detail report on HKPC over force.



吳文遠 Avery Ng


原帖在專頁NY4Hk已被刪,唐英年內姪即是唐英年太太郭紓淺的姪女。穿著一黑色衣服、不卑不亢發言的是95年香港出生的戲劇作家與演員郭佳怡(Stefani Kuo),她兩年前畢業於耶魯大學,是Interstate 73 with Page 73工作坊的8位劇作家之一,並擔任戲劇講者等工作,她的劇本獲得美國多項重要獎項。







香港反送中受害者現身闡述(Hong Kong Protest: Buried Rights admist the darkest night)(中文字幕)

[English sub and Chinese sub]
Hong Kong Protest: Buried Rights admist the darkest night


感謝fiona跟carol的翻譯協助,希望透過字幕讓更多人理解香港反送中抗爭至今為止的現況仍是一條漫漫長路 YT原影片 https://youtu.be/MaJJ5NXc0N8 香港反送中這次在區議會選舉獲得一個小小的勝利,但也足見海嘯式的民意反撲,但受害.....


13 International Crimes of Hong Kong Police in Freedom Protest

“ Free Hong Kong , The Revolution of Our Times " Five Demands, Not One Less " - Complete withdrawal of the extradition bill - For the protests not to be char...


Petition of Geoffrey Ng: Human Rights Violations and Hong Kong's Extradition Law - New Zealand Parliament

We recommend signing the petition to encourage the New Zealand government to acknowledge the events in Hong Kong and act to prevent violations of human rights in Hong Kong.

parliament.nz Petitions are addressed to the House of Representatives and ask that the House do something about a policy or law, or put right a local or private concern.


BREAKING: Hong Kong university student dies following fall near police operation | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

We will never give up until the truth comes out.

hongkongfp.com A 22-year-old local university student has died from his injuries after falling from a car park last Sunday. The reason for his fall remains unclear. Chow Tsz-l, a second-year student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, had a cardiac arrest on Friday and died at 8:09am, a hospital...


Police state

History repeats itself when we don’t stop them.


Yellow Power NZ

Screenshot from Auckland we-chat group threatening follow and rob hkers in Auckland who attended the rally today.
This is too out of the line and we condemn any crimes and violence.


Senator Hawley Delivers Floor Speech in Support of Hong Kong

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley delivered a speech on the Senate floor in support of the people of Hong Kong as they stand up against Beijing’s oppression.

"As we gather today here in peace and safety in this quiet chamber, we must remember that there is a city half a world away that is struggling to survive. A city that is fighting for human rights and human liberty. A city that is a solitary pinpoint of light on a continent of authoritarianism. A city called Hong Kong." - Senator Josh Hawley

hawley.senate.gov It is time now to stand with the people of Hong Kong and to send a signal to the world that the United States will stand with freedom-loving peoples, that the United States will stand up to Beijing.


Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.

【How can YOU help Hong Kong?】
Many have told us that they , but don't know how to help. Here are four *cute* drawings showing how you can Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong. Please also go to standwithhk.org for more information!

Source: person from Twitter (the illustrator doesn't want their account to be too widely known)
