PDC 2.0 members only

PDC 2.0 members only

this is a beer lovers fan club!


the pdc is a beer lovers fan club. we drink our beer strait out of the pitcher. that is our glass, mug ect.. it was born on april 16th 2016. out of having fun, drinking, beer, shooting pool, laughing all things positive. this is our tradition!

for those looking to be a member of the PDC. you must go by these rules.

1st as mentioned. this is a beer club. holding a pitcher of pop, water, hard alcohol or anything else but beer will not qualify you to be a member. you have to love beer!!

2nd. you need a beer name. what's a beer name? it's your nick name in this club. you can come up with a name that's related to have anything to do with beer. it can be your favorite brand of beer if it's not taken or a joke about beer. example. lord sleepy. everyone who is a drinker may have passed out from drinking too much at one time. you will see the roster of names to give you an idea.

3. violence and bad behavior is prohibited!! this fan club is all about having fun. if you can't control your alcohol you should not join this club. if you swear on our oath during your induciton and do it anyway you will be terminated without question. zero tolerance for it. no one needs to deal with that and ruin there night of fun.

4. Although it is not MANDATORY to have at least one pitcher of beer during big events we do strongly sugest it (even if you cant finish it) Remember you are joining the PDC!!! Parties include but not limited to home hopener, big bday partys things of that nature. it's optional for more. you can show your loyalty bye sending pics or whatever to this page so other members and prospects can get to know you and how much you love drinking out of your pitcher..

you have to remember. this is a beer fan club for the big boys!! all ladies are welcome into this club. but don't join just to be apart of something. this goes for the guys as well. i don't want to hear " i don't feel like drinking out a pitcher" this club is what you signed up for and this is what we are about.

5. tattoos are not mandatory to have. you can do so if you choose too.

6. pdc jerseys are not mandatory to have. but if you do choose to get one. Please have the PDC letters in the name. For example our king. (king bud light PDC).

7. to be a member and get your patch you must go through the induction.

8. Once nominated into this club one should like the page. send pics of you drinking a pitcher and having fun. and lable it intersted in being a pdc prospect with a background and why you want to be in the pdc ect. that lets the members see you and get interested. and don't forget you must read and understand these rules.

9. respect and do not trash the bar where ever your promoting PDC. or anything like that.

10. most of all HAVE FUN!!!! Skol!

11. must purchase your own personal pitcher (ask your nominating pdc member they can help you with this.. sizes etc..)

**note. for members

you and 5 members have agree to nominate someone.

When oked by the 5 members the nominating member (you) takes it to leadership to vote on starting their one year prospecting period.
