Physio II Home

Physio II Home

Physio II Home is a private physiotherapy service operating in and around Crawley and Seaford.

Started and managed by Kristine and Katherine in 2018, who between them have over 23 years experience working in NHS and private settings.


Happy New Year from all of us at Physio II Home!

We just want to thank all of our clients in 2023 for using us to meet your therapy goals and look forward to meeting new clients in 2024!

As we leap into the New Year, it is a time for reflection on the last, resetting and focusing on the new goals. For some that will simply being able to get up from a chair independently, progressing off a walking aid or maybe being more confident at walking out side. If you have similar goals to this and would like to discuss how we might be able to help, please get in touch.

Our goal for 2024 is to be better at posting more frequently on this page!🤦‍♀️

Crawley and surrounding areas:
Kristine 07793156647

Seaford and surrounding areas:
Katherine 07791131314


Now that spring has sprung and the good weather is on its way (hopefully soon), this is the time that we all start to get more active!
However, it is not that easy for everyone, especially if you are housebound or taken to staying indoors with the winter weather!

If you, a family member or friend have found a reduction in mobility, strength or balance or have a specific goal to achieve we may be able to help.

If you wish to discuss it further or would like to book an appointment please get in touch either via this page or through the mobile numbers below.

Seaford and surrounding areas call Katherine on 07791131314
Crawley and surrounding areas call Kristine on


We have been a bit quiet on here the last year as we have found ourselves full to the brim with clients, something we are very grateful for.
However, we are now in a position to be able to take on more patients in the Seaford and Crawley areas!

If you or your family member need help to get back on your feet following surgery/illness or there is a particular event that you want to be able to leave the house for then we may be able to help.

We are more than happy to discuss things further via this page or telephone, so please get in touch.

Seaford and surrounding areas: 07791 131314
Crawley and surrounding areas: 07793 156647

Keeping active 16/03/2022

We all know that it is hard to keep active as we get older but the last 2 years of lockdown have made it even harder. The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) has released information on keeping active in older age.

Now that the warmer weather is starting to arrive you may be thinking about working up to getting back outdoors. Here at Physio II Home we can help you to increase your strength, exercise tolerance and advise on appropriate walking aids that may support you in getting out and enjoying the warmer months.

If you would like to discuss things further about how we might be able to help you or your family/friends then please do get in contact via this page or via the contact numbers below.

Crawley and surrounding areas: 07793 156647
Seaford and surrounding areas: 07791 131314

Keeping active Keeping active as we get older is vital if we are to


We know it is only October but if you have a goal to reach for Christmas, now is the perfect time to get started!

This year lots of older adults have been isolating and so going out of the house for the first time in months may be a daunting experience.

Maybe the family that you stay with have stairs for you to access the toilet and that is not something you have had to tackle for a while. Perhaps, you have not walked outside or transferred in to a car since lockdown began. Or maybe you are just a bit more off balanced than you have been before and are worried about falling when you go out for the first time.

If any of this sounds familiar to your or your loved one then we are here to help.

If you would like to know more about Physio II Home or just want to talk through your situation to see if we can help, then please contact us on here or via the numbers below.

Crawley & surrounding area: 07793 156647
Seaford & surrounding area: 07791 131314


Look out for these flyers making their way through doors and in advertisement hot-spots in and around Crawley and Seaford!

Please contact us via this page or telephone if you wish to discuss your case or book an appointment!
Crawley and surrounding areas: 07793 156647
Seaford and surrounding areas: 07791131314
