Coached by Katie

Coached by Katie

Coaching you to a healthier, stronger and leaner self. Personal trainer and Coach operating from Frontline Fit Performance Centre, Manchester.

Katie is a former Nurse, with extensive experience working in the National Health Service. She recently left a successful nursing career after completing a Personal Training and Coaching internship with Coach James Largey. Katie coaches individuals to a healthier more fulfilled life and higher levels of performance by inspiring and empowering them to achieve there goals through training, nutrition


Here’s 3 Mistakes to AVOID if you’re new or returning to Running 🏃‍♀️

1) Going from A to B as fast as you can 💥

Slow down Usain, you’re not ready for that yet

Start running at a slow conversational pace or if you’re Heart Rate tracking ~110-130bpm, or your Zone 2

Pace will come when you’ve built and aerobic system that can handle full send

2) Heart Rate zones? What Heart Rate Zones? ❤️

You’re going to have to do some walking

You’re trying to continuously run but your CV system, muscles, joints, ligaments aren’t ready for that so your heart rate sky rockets 🚀

Run for a minute, walk for 2 minutes, then progress to run for a minute walk for a minute and so on

3) Giving up 😔

You attack running like a mad woman, and go about it the wrong way, so much so you just HATE it

You can’t recover
You get muscle strains
You get shin splints

Patience 🙏🏼

No one cares that you need to walk

No one on strava or garmin cares about your pace

If you want to start enjoying running or become a ‘runner’ and stay injury free you’re going to have to slow down, do some walking and be patient

You’ll see a big difference after 3-4 weeks when you’re still running and enjoying it, feeling fitter and stronger

If you’re stuck with you’re running let me know and I’ll help you out 🤝

See you out there ✌🏻🏃‍♀️

Photos from Coached by Katie's post 06/08/2023

A Short Trail Running Story

4 hours
4 photos
4 weeks out


1 fight with a Styal and a rock

Legs f*cked

The End.


Choice is a privilege ✌🏼

Forever grateful I get to do cool s**t!

Almost ready to go 🏃‍♀️⛰️



You deserve to be





You have everything you need within you

Get out of your own way

Stop holding yourself back


I love this passage ❤️

It reminds me




I hope it fires 🔥 you up too Instagram

Have a fantastic Friday ❤️


Training is the easy part right?

We all love training

But it’s nutrition that’s the challenging part for you 👀

What to eat?

How much to eat?

When to eat?

How to fuel your training?

How to manage social occasions?

It can be really confusing, and then add trying to plan and prepare your meals on top as well 🤯

Nutrition has the power to unlock your very best shape and also to sky rocket your performance in training 🚀

But you just can’t get it right

You eat too little, feel hungry all the time and under recover

It then comes out sideways and you end up over eating at other times of the week 🍬

But you’re afraid to eat more calories because you don’t want to gain weight

You want to feel lean, fast and strong 💪🏼

Nutrition is simple but it’s not easy

It’s about finding out what works for you, which takes guided discovery

How to be in great shape 💪🏼

Perform like a bad ass 🚀

Live your best life 🍔

Drop your biggest challenge below, or send me a DM and I will happily help you find the missing piece of the puzzle 🧩❤️

Photos from Coached by Katie's post 11/07/2023

Do you want to run a faster 5k?

🏃‍♀️ ⚡️

Feeling inspired by watching the UK Athletics at the weekend I thought I’d share a track workout for you to try!

Have a swipe through ➡️

Note: You should already have a 5k time established ⏱️

Note, note: 1 off sessions won’t cut it, remember if you want to get better at something repeatability, consistency and intensity of your efforts over time!

Have fun, it’s a 🌶️ one! 😜


The most POWERFUL question I ever got asked 👇🏻

What’s worse…

The fear of change, or feeling the way you do in a years time?

It was incredibly powerful question for me and some what a turning point in my life

A no brainier

It was the catalyst for change

Pursuing my dreams

Having more impact

The reason I’m coaching today

We can often get stuck and feel lost

I believe this happens for a reason because something in our life needs to change

It can be huge life decisions like mine

Or it can be the way you feel about yourself, your body composition, your fitness, confidence and self esteem

Change is really f*cking scary

It’s a ticket to the unknown

But it means you’re about to grow

So let me ask you again

Let me plant the seed 🌱

What’s worse…

The fear of change, or feeling the way you do in a years time?

Do the thing 😊

Photos from Coached by Katie's post 09/07/2023

⛰️ Sunday on the Trails 🏃‍♀️

Debrief 👇🏻

Weather 💨 ⛅️

Distance = 17.14km

Time = 2h 20mins

2x Pack of Velo Forte Energy chews

1 litre of water 💦

1x Chocolate Frijj milkshake consumed immediately post

(G.O.A.T for recovery 😉)

8 dogs 🐶 spotted

1x re-route 😅

Umpteen photo 📸 opportunities (swipe!)

Blisters = None! Tested out some new wheels 👟

Feel = Moderate +

Wasn’t feeling this today! Full of a cold all week, and poor sleep!

Had a blast once I was out and added distance/time on last weeks long run 🏃‍♀️

Next weeks sees me race at Summer Trail Series 25km race 🏃‍♀️

continues… 🧱



Ever found yourself getting started towards your health and fitness goal but deep down inside you don’t actually believe you can achieve it?

This lack of self-belief might have come from past experiences

Perhaps you’ve experienced the following 👇🏻

Last Summer you tried to lose some body fat, but you didn’t get the results you wanted?

Tried to get strong and found yourself quickly hitting a plateau and not being able to lift more weight?

Tried to make changes to your lifestyle but found old habits slipping back?

You then hold limiting beliefs about yourself

‘I’ve always been this way’

‘I’ll never lose weight’

‘I’m just weak’

You’ve deep down given up before you even started

You start to feel stuck

Its time to re-write this narrative

This is how you start 👇🏻

Take small achievable action towards your goals

Look for the seemingly small wins

Something you know you can do without fail

Build these smaller wins up overtime

This is your evidence you can do it

Evidence that will build that self-belief

You’re capable! ❤️

Have a great weekend Instagram ✌🏻

Photos from Coached by Katie's post 07/07/2023

‘What do I eat before training?

I don’t want to feel overly full, bloated or sluggish’

☝🏼Client question this week☝🏼

The suggestions in the slides can be used before any physical activity

🏋️‍♀️ Weight training
🏃‍♀️ Running
⚽️ Football
🧗‍♀️ Climbing
🏀 Netball
🚴‍♀️ Cycling

To avoid feeling overly full, bloated or uncomfortable you want to choose foods that YOU digest well

You can increase, the portion sizes depending upon how hard / how long the session is

Have a swipe through for some examples 👉🏼

Time these 60-90 minutes before your physical activity

Which one you going to try? 👇🏻

Photos from Coached by Katie's post 04/07/2023

‘I felt Amazing and Confident in my dress!’

Emma came to me wanting to look and feel like a princess on her big day! 👑

Here’s what she had to say 👇🏻

👉🏼 How did you feel before?

‘I didn’t feel great prior to Online Coaching. Between getting engaged, constant celebrations, meals out, holidays and stress, I had gained the most weight I had in years!

I wasn’t training as much as I used to, I had no structure or routine and I was eating lazy meals that didn’t have a lot of nutrition.’

👉🏼 Did you get the results you wanted? How did you feel on your big wedding day?

‘It’s safe to say I felt amazing on my big day. I wanted to get as lean as possible, but keeping my curves where I could. I feel confident that we achieved this and I felt amazing and confident in my dress!’

If you’re like Emma, and you’ve lost your way with training and nutrition and want to take back control and get in shape - I’m taking in new clients ❤️🤝

Send me a DM and Let’s have a chat 💬


Do you know what’s funny?

I used to think I could do it all by myself

Training 💪🏻
Nutrition 🍕
Personal development 👧
Professional development 👩‍💼

You name it

I was stubborn enough to think I didn’t need anyones help

I’d give it a good go, whatever it was, and stick at it

Besides there’s so much freely available information on the internet 🤷🏼‍♀️

One of two things used to happen

I’d get there eventually, investing immense amounts of time energy, effort, resources and compromises

This would leave me, frustrated, confused and burnt out about the issue

Or I would give up

Then I would simply just feel like a failure

Until I learnt the value in asking for help and support because I eventually got sick of wasting my own time and effort

When I started to invest in experts to help me with areas I knew less about, or had plateaued in the progress was exponential

I’d end up making less mistakes, less hard and costly lessons, I’d have more time an energy outside of the things I was spinning my wheels on and stuck with

The beauty of it meant I’d end up having more connection with someone better than me, which in turn raised my standards

Learn from me

Your time and energy is your most precious commodity

Quit spending it on trying to go it alone because if you invest in support you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner

Have a great week Instagram 🤟🏼

Photos from Coached by Katie's post 02/07/2023

⛰️ Sunday on the Trails 🏃‍♀️

‘Saddleworth Strugglebus’

Debrief 👇🏻

Weather 💨 🍃 🌧️

Distance = 15.18km

Time = 2h 5mins

1x Pack of Velo Forte Energy chews

1x Chocolate Rice Krispie Square

1l of water 💦

6 dogs 🐶 spotted

Umpteen photo 📸 opportunities (swipe!)

Blisters = None!

Feel = Moderate

continues… 🧱

Who wants in next time?? 👀




Have you watched this new documentary on Netflix yet?

🎾 GAME ON: The Unstoppable Rise Of Women’s Sport 🏉

It celebrates recent breakthroughs in Women’s sport as well as discussing controversial issues that still to this day are hampering Women’s sport.

Key take homes;

⚽️ Women’s sports teams such as the Lionesses and Red Roses have been a driving force in getting women’s sport more airtime and exposure to show the world what Women are really capable of 💥

We, women can be all of the things;

We are not just reproductive machines.

We are skilful, powerful, fast, strong, muscular, professional and phenomenal role models for our future society💪🏻

Unfortunately some challenges still remain.

A huge pay gap still exists between Women and Men 💰

Uniform restrictions still exist 👙

Having to wear dresses or more revealing clothes such as bikinis in handball (men can wear baggy shorts!)

Are we really going to perform better and be comfortable in such attire?

Having to wear whites in sport 🩸

I bet every woman reading this can relate to the challenges faced when trying to perform whilst on your period.

If that’s not hard enough, having to wear whites?! 🤯

For real, even thinking about wearing white shorts/bottoms on my period fills me with anxiety.

This year Wimbledon has made exceptions to their previously dated rules and women can now wear solid, mid/dark coloured shorts (no longer than shorts or skirt).

It’s 2023 and this is ONLY JUST happening!

Other issues such as deeming Women as being more masculine for playing sport, and making certain assumptions about their sexuality blows my mind 🤯

The point of this post I guess as a Woman who’s faced some of these challenges is to celebrate that we deserve equality 👊🏻

We are fu***ng awesome ⭐️

To also raise awareness of the challenges Women in sport still face today, to spark conversation and continue to break the mould and change the game!

Please share to raise awareness, and drop in the comments below your experiences❤️


I’m curious, when was the last time you tried something new?

(Lol at me, happy as a 🐽 in… 💩 you know the saying, running around the Lake District)

Tried a new sport?

Took up a new hobby?

Signed up for a challenge?

This year I tried Trail Running for the first time ⛰️🏃‍♀️

Wow I was hooked, why have I waited most of my adult life to try this?!

I cannot explain, the feelings, the creativity the peace of mind and fun I feel from doing this!

If we are constantly in the same environment, doing the same things, with the same people and the same routine, how are we expected to grow and change?

Let’s be honest most of us are on this earth to do just that, evolve 🌎 ✨

My task to you today👇🏻

What’s the thing you’ve been curious about doing?

Once you’ve identified it, commit to it!

Get it locked in 🔒

What if the thing you’ve been curious to do, is that very thing that opens your mind and unlocks new levels?

Even better, let’s have some accountability and drop it in the comments below 👇🏻





💪🏼 Lift heavy things
🏃‍♀️ Run far and fast
⚡️ Jump high
⛰️ Hike a mountain
🚴 Ride your bike
🏄‍♀️ Surf the waves
⚽️ Kick the ball
🧗‍♀️ Climb the wall
⛷️ Ski the mountain

Go out and see what you’re capable of

Push your limits

Try new things

Health and fitness can get so serious sometimes so don’t forget to have fun with it all 😎✌🏼

Enjoyment, fun and fulfilment will be a huge factor in your success 🔑


Registration ✅

Feet up, eat more food and…

Cool down 🥵☀️

It’s going to be a spicy 🌶️ 26 miles tomorrow!!

Photos from Coached by Katie's post 07/06/2023

What a day!!!! 📸

With the incredible on location for her photoshoot today captured by the one and only 👑

Swipe for some BTS ➡️➡️➡️

Laura brought her own style and ideas to the shoot today, it was super fun and I can’t wait to see the final edits 👀

The best part for me personally was the opportunity to connect with Laura in person, lead her through the process and have an awesome experience together!

Well done LB, proud of you mate💪🏼❤️


I used to think health and fitness was all about having 6 pack abs

How wrong was I? 😅

So early in my health and fitness pursuits I relentlessly chased this look 👆🏻

I wanted to ‘look athletic’

I wanted to look like I trained

Once I achieved the ‘athletic look’ I then switched to strength

I wanted my body to be as strong as it possibly could

I then got obsessed over getting ridiculously strong, I mean really strong

That strong I ended up winning Englands Strongest Natural U65kg 2 years on the bounce 😂

I then spent some time training for a Super Total (if you’re not sure what that is look it up) whilst balancing running and beating a 3km time trial

I’m now working towards a Trail Marathon (Sunday) and a Ultra Marathon in September 🏔️🏃‍♀️

What health and fitness means to me has evolved over the years and I’m sure it will continue to do so

You can see I started with the way I looked as most of us do

I then moved on to more performance based endeavours

What am I really capable of?

(This should always be a fundamental ⬆️)

Over time I have come to realise that setting these goals have been about challenging myself and growing as I byproduct of going through a process

Health and fitness isn’t just about the way you look

Spoiler: You don’t relive until you get there 😉

Use it as vehicle to become the person you want to be

Use it as a tool to evolve 😊✌🏻


Reaching the Summit (goal) 🏔️

Whether you’re 👇🏻👇🏻

🔥 Getting in the shape of your life

💪🏼 Getting STRONG

🏃‍♀️ 5km, 10km, Half Mazza, Full Mazza

🏔️ Getting up the trails (like me on Wednesday 📸)

⚽️ Kicking balls

🧗 Climbing walls

Don’t you dare get to the top without enjoying the views 👀🏔️

Stop along the way

Take stock of the moment

Where you’ve been

How far you’ve come

Enjoy the process

Face the adversity

Because believe me there are way more summits to climb and goals to smash 💥

All of these goals are just the carrots 🥕 that drive us forward to becoming the person we want to be, part of our evolution 👑

It’s the lessons we take along the way that matter the most ❤️

Have a great Friday instagram ✌🏼

Photos from Coached by Katie's post 19/05/2023

It’s not the time difference or the amount of weight lost that is relevant at all here

But the manner in which set herself a goal and then went out and demolished it whilst living the life she wanted to live ❤️👑

You can have it all, you just don’t know it yet ✨

That’s my coaching super power 😉🪄

Laura’s words 👇🏻

‘Dinners and nights out are an inevitable part of my job and my social life, and these haven’t been sacrificed, only worked around, because life is life and that’s what I enjoy.’

It’s easy to avoid everything to attain a result socials, holidays, work trips, family gatherings but the real magic is doing it all and winning, like Laura.

Always a pleasure Laura, thanks for having me on your team ❤️🤝

If you want results whilst having it all and living the life you want to live DM ‘lifestyle’ and we can chat 💬



When the sun comes out the fair weather runners start to make an appearance

I see you… 👀😂

Jokes aside, here’s a few points to consider before you start to say

‘I’m not a runner’

Going from A to B as fast as you can 💥

Slow down Usain, you’re not ready for that yet

Start running at a slow conversational pace or if you’re Heart Rate tracking ~110-130bpm

Pace will come when you’ve built and aerobic system that can handle full send

‘But I can’t keep my heart rate in that range’

Here’s the second point

You’re going to have to do some walking

You’re trying to continuously run but your CV system, muscles, joints, ligaments aren’t ready for that so your heart rate sky rockets 🚀

Run for a minute, walk for 2 minutes, then progress to run for a minute walk for a minute and so on

Point number 3, giving up too soon

You attack running like a mad woman, and go about it the wrong way, so much so you just HATE it

You can’t recover
You get muscle strains
You get shin splints


No one cares that you need to walk

No one on strava or garmin cares about your pace

If you want to start enjoying running and become a ‘runner’ you’re going to have to slow down, do some walking and be patient

You’ll see a big difference after 3-4 weeks when you’re still running and enjoying it, feeling fitter and stronger

If you’re a stick with you’re running let me know and I’ll help you out 🤝

See you on the pavement ✌🏻🏃‍♀️


1 Year anniversary with the wonderful 🥳👑

What a year it has been, what a transformation it has been!

Imagine yourself a year from now like Angela 💭

A complete mind, body and outlook transformation wouldn’t it be incredible?! 🚀

We’ve worked really hard on different phases throughout this year together as Angela has evolved and has explored her capabilities 🤩

She’s got stronger

She’s got leaner

She’s built muscle

She’s let go of old ways

She’s built new habits

She’s learnt a hell of a lot about herself

She’s no longer a slave to the scales

Incredibly proud of the work she does and her dedication to self improvement because nothing works unless you do the work 🫵🏼❤️

Side note:

Haha I vividly remember how she reached out to me… 👀

I was munching burger and chips 🍔 🍟 on my Instagram story 1 DM later and the rest is history… 😍🤝


‘Are you a chicken and broccoli coach?’

Actual question on a consultation recently

Hold my beer 🍺😏

The women I coach, they don’t live the chicken and broccoli lifestyle

They live the life they want, whilst getting the results they came for 🤝

I stand shoulder to shoulder with them, navigating life’s challenges, teaching them the skills they need to manage their training, nutrition and lifestyle in accordance with them

If it’s not designed around you, your lifestyle, commitments and preferences it’s not going to work in the long run

Short term games [insert chicken and broccoli 4x per day] will win short term prizes

Dropping a few kg, yes

Missing out on social occasions, potentially

Learning to navigate challenges and take ownership of your nutrition, no

(By the way that’s what you should be doing)

Play long term games Instagram, actually learn the skills you need to live the life you want without making silly sacrifices ❤️🤝


The finite game of Fat Loss

How it can leave you frustrated and feeling like a failure

Recently I’ve been reading the book ‘The Infinite Game’ by Simon Sinek

He talks about finite games Vs infinite games

Finite being, there’s an end point

Success or failure
Win or lose

Fat loss is very much played as a finite game

‘by this date I will achieve ‘x’ scale weight’

‘In 12 weeks I will have lost ‘x’ amount of weight’

Arbitrary outcomes with an arbitrary time frame in which you choose to define your success

So what happens when you don’t get there, or you don’t feel on track along the way?

You feel like a failure and second guess your efforts

When in reality when you want to change your body

It’s because you want to change how you feel

You want to feel more confident

You want to feel happier

You want to feel in control

You want to operate at a higher level

You know you can do better

Where do these feelings truly lie?

They lie in the process

Not in the outcome

Of doing the daily habits

Operating at your best

Focussing on your health and well being

This post isn’t about seeing fat loss as an infinite game

But more about reframing your thinking and becoming process orientated

And fulfilling the person you want to be

Not getting hung up on arbitrary outcomes with arbitrary time frames

The best is yet to come, you just can’t see it yet

Take care of the process and the outcomes take care of themselves

Have a great Friday Instagram ✌🏻

Ps take me back to Langkawi 🏝



Like most of you

I started my own health and fitness journey wanting to look better

I wanted to look ‘athletic’

I wanted to ‘look like it trained’

When I got the look I wanted

I then wanted the way I looked to match my physical ability

I turned my hand to getting strong, I’m talking really fu***ng strong

Once I got strong, I wanted to be able to do it all


So I started to combine strength, power and endurance

I wanted be in reach of doing anything I wanted to

After all of these years and goals and challenges I realise

All these goals

They are a process of proving I can and I will, nothing will stop me

I won’t back down

I’ll get back up

The goal post might change

But It’s never about the actual ‘goal’

It’s always been me against me

It always will be

What are YOU doing this for?

Photos from Coached by Katie's post 11/03/2023

Be a human

I’ve found myself in recent weeks being in either

Coach Katie mode


Athlete Katie mode

Both of which I LOVE obviously

But, we spend so much time on the proverbial hamster wheel or chasing ‘success’ and goals that we neglect being a human being sometimes

You know doing the day to day nice things and appreciating them with the ones we love ❤️

Today was a mooch into the city and a coffee/beer date with the husband 🥰

It was lovely!

Don’t forget to step out of your different modes, give time to just being you ❤️

Have a great weekend Instagram ✌🏻


𝙃𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙒𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣'𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙮

👊🏻 Lift your weights
👊🏻 Eat your protein
👊🏻 Run fast and far
👊🏻 Pull trucks
👊🏻 Do bicep curls
👊🏻 Build muscle
👊🏻 Carry heavy s**t
👊🏻 Embrace your power
👊🏻 Own your strength
👊🏻 Do what they said you couldn’t

Most importantly be unapologetically YOU!! 👑❤️


I’ll repeat Instagram

You don’t have to be great to start

But to be great you have to get started

It’s sometimes intimidating to see how well other people appear to be doing out here on Instagram

Getting shredded
World championships
Getting strong
Running Marathons

I get it as well, just when I’m chuffed I’ve ran my longest run, someone pops up doing it in half the time 😅😮‍💨

The list goes on

Each ‘great’, achievement you see started with a foot in the right direction

A step becomes a marathon

An inch lost becomes the shape of your life

A kilogram added to the bar becomes a PB

The catalyst to great is getting started

Stop stalling

What you see on here here was once you

A beginner, someone afraid to start

Whatever it is, get started today 🚀❤️


Who agrees?

It’s not health and fitness if you find yourself…

🤯 Stressed
😮‍💨 Completely exhausted
🥬 Starving yourself
🥊 Punishing yourself

You’re not doing it right, and I’ll be you’re not getting results either.

Time to re-evaluate your approach instagram…

Videos (show all)

