C.N.P. Records

C.N.P. Records
No Comply - Illuminati Universal 28/05/2023

Rest In Powerviolence to the homie and brother Justin Abare, the biggest PV fan to have graced this planet. I'm honored to have shared wax with you my brother. Much love to you and your family and to Will Butler for releasing this!!

No Comply - Illuminati Universal Off the split with Supression! 2013 To Live A Lie Records

Gastronomic Error / Masticated Polyps 12/03/2023

Very nice review of a very disgusting split we co-released last year. Cheers and thanks Alexander Bilous !!!!

Gastronomic Error / Masticated Polyps This split was 2 years in the making… and the result is very harsh and dangerous. These 13 minutes will be a real test for your brain. On one side we have a Gastronomic Error a noisecore that…