Neighbors' Good

Neighbors' Good

At Neighbors’ Good we create space for people who are longing for justice and wholeness by cultiva

Faith Rooted Organizing – Neighbors’ Good 16/03/2021

We are excited to be hosting a training in Faith Rooted Organizing with Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra.

Community organizing is the process of bringing people together to create systemic change.

FAITH-ROOTED ORGANIZING is organizing that is shaped and guided in every way by our faith traditions and that enables people of faith to contribute our unique gifts and resources to the broader movement.

Monday evenings this April we invite you to a unique opportunity to engage the principles, goals, and methods of faith-rooted organizing with Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra. All sessions will be held via Zoom.

WHEN: Mondays in April, 2021: : April 5, 12, 19, 26
TIME: 7-8:30pm
COST: $20 fee includes all four sessions
Participants receive a certificate of completion
Zoom link available after registration

Registration and more info at link below:

Faith Rooted Organizing – Neighbors’ Good Faith Rooted Organizing FAITH ROOTED ORGANIZING TRAINING Community organizing is the process of bringing people together to create systemic change. FAITH-ROOTED ORGANIZING is organizing that is shaped and guided in every way by our faith traditions and that enables people of faith to contribute our....


Exciting news! We will be hosting a training in Faith Rooted Organizing with Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra Monday evenings in April. More details coming, but save the dates!