David Cerullo

David Cerullo

When you pursue your desire for turnaround, lift your voice in passionate, persistent prayer to the Lord. Cry out to Jesus. Watch 'Cry Out to Jesus.' Sign up to receive daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3WHM278!


Join David Cerullo as he prays for healing in the mighty name of God, asking the Lord for a miracle turnaround in YOUR life. Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


Learn three important steps that will help you move closer to receiving the miraculous healing God has planned for you. Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


Jesus specializes in miraculous turnarounds, and He’s reaching out His hand to give you the breakthrough you need. Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


If you’ve never seen God’s supernatural healing before, it may be difficult to envision. But His healing power is real. Watch now. Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


It may sound surprising, but not everyone is truly ready to receive their healing. Do you believe you’re ready? Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


Learn more about God’s beautiful promises in Isaiah 58 that fasting can “loose the bonds of wickedness and undo heavy burdens.” Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


There are many reasons God’s healing touch may be delayed, but He still wants you to be aggressively persistent in your prayers. Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


Don’t be discouraged if your healing doesn’t come immediately. Learn why it’s important to keep pressing into Him. Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


We live in a world filled with sin, disease, and illness, but YOU have the authority to heal the sick! Learn how now. Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


Healing fits in with God’s other covenant blessings, promised to you in His Word. Learn how to release His touch in your life! Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


You don’t have to tolerate a life of sickness and poor health. God WANTS to give you instructions for the turnaround you seek. Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


People often get caught up in wondering HOW the Lord will bring them healing, but the answers aren’t that difficult to find. Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


The Lord wants you to experience a life of blessing. He is a God of healing and restoration— nothing is too difficult for Him. Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


Medical science and the Bible agree: There’s a direct relationship between what’s in your heart and your physical health. Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


Learn why it’s essential to have a healthy soul—meaning your mind, will, and emotions—if you want to have a healthy body. Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


The Bible is very clear on the subjects of sickness and healing, and today’s video takes a deeper look into what Scripture reveals. Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


If sickness and disease were never a part of God’s plan, where does sickness come from? Find the answers here. Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


It’s a Biblical truth that the Lord has the power to heal you, but have you ever wondered whether or not he WANTS to heal you? Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


If you have questions about God’s miraculous healing power, this life-changing series with David Cerullo will provide the answers. Sign up for daily email reminders at https://bit.ly/3BeUan3!


Take a moment to pray this morning!

Click to Read "Living by Faith" 31/10/2022

No one is saved according to their actions. We must depend on God's grace. How can we live by faith today?

Click to Read "Living by Faith" "The just shall live by his faith." – Habakkuk 2:4

Click to Read "Aroma" 30/10/2022

Think about the impact we have on the people around us. Everything about our lives should produce an aroma pleasing to God the Father.

Click to Read "Aroma" "The Lord smelled the soothing aroma … ‘I will never again curse the ground on account of man, for the intent of man’s heart is evil from his youth; and I will never again destroy every living thing, as I have done.’" – Genesis 8:21 NASB

Click to Read "Calm and Prepared" 29/10/2022

How can we respond to the challenges that we are facing? Let God equip and help control our emotions, and look for opportunities to turn our challenges into moments for ministry.

Click to Read "Calm and Prepared" "Judas … came there with lanterns, torches, and weapons. […] Peter … struck the high priest’s slave, and cut off his right ear … Jesus said to Peter, ‘Put the sword into the sheath; the cup which the Father has given Me, am I not to drink it?’" – John 18:3, 10-11 NASB

Click to Read "The Right Time" 28/10/2022

We must realize there is a right time and place for everything in our lives. We should concentrate on being prepared for those special moments, so we may know when it is our time. What can we do in the waiting to be fully prepared?

Click to Read "The Right Time" "Raising His eyes to heaven, He said, ‘Father, the hour has come.’" – John 17:1 NASB

Videos (show all)

God's Secrets o Your Turnaround | Cry Out to Jesus | Inspiration Ministries
Watch Healing For You | Is Sickness the Result of Personal Sins?
Watch Healing for You | Releasing Heavens Healing Touch
Watch Healing For You | The Role of Fasting for Your Healing
Watch Healing For You | Lets Pray for Your Healing
Watch Healing For You | Steps to Receive Your Healing
Watch Healing For You | Crippled No More
Watch Healing For You | Stir Up Your Faith for Healing
Watch Healing for You | Get Ready for Your Healing
Watch Healing For You | The Role of Fasting for Your Healing
Watch Healing For You | Persistent Prayers
Watch Healing For You | Is Healing Always Immediate