RCCG GLORY Tabernacle.owode

RCCG GLORY Tabernacle.owode

RCCG GLORY TABERNACLE is located at NO 17/19 Jinadu str.owode-ijako. A group of people whose lives ra


As , converted to It's taken us by the grace of God to say yes to Jesus without considering what we will going to lose or the rejection of our relatives and friends.

Dear daddies in the Lord, you are now our daddy.

Mommies in the Lord, you are now our mommy.

Aunties in the Lord, you are now our aunty.

Uncles in the Lord, you are now our uncle.

Brothers in the Lord, you are now our brother.

Sisters in the Lord, you are now our sister.

Remember, we are no longer in cordial relationships with our relatives due to the decision we made.

Please encourage us, pray for us, and correct us whenever we made a mistake because we don't have anyone to call our family members now except you.

The journey wasn't easy for us, but we thank God for His faithfulness over our lives and that of our families. By His grace, we have made up our minds that no matter what, we forward ever backwards never because Jesus is the way the truth and the life, no one goes to the Father except by Him.


As ( Muslims convert to Christianity) we are built on the strength of persecution, rejection from our relatives and poverty. But do you know what, anybody that found Christ, has found riches? In Him we are rich.

We stayed faithful to Jesus despite being under siege by the Islamic extremists because we know what caused us to become Christians that is why we don't joke with our faith. We didn't wake up overnight to become ministers of the Gospel. No, we went under some vital training first.

We want our brothers and everyone that is yet to know Christ Jesus to be saved like us that is why we can go to any length Just for the propagation of the Gospel of Christ.

Note: The picture was taken years back when we all obtained Diplomas in Theology (Biblical studies).

Keep praying for us and the ministry!


RCCG GLORY Tabernacle.owode


5th position at last. Glory be to God.
