Simon Korsak

Simon Korsak

Simon Korsak's musical journey, with band, collaborations and solo stuff... Folk-funk-blues with rock'n'soul sauce....


Amazing experience at La Finca Principal, La Palma, reuniting musically with a friend after 15 years!

Time to Heal - Simon Korsak 17/02/2023

A song about healing for you all!

Time to Heal - Simon Korsak It’s time…If you enjoyed this video and you feel you would like to support my work then please consider visiting me at Thank you ...




“I’ve been down, I’ve been split asunder…”
I was inspired to share part of my story in dealing with heavy depression in the hope that it will help someone feel less alone…🙏🏽❤️



To feel that you are guided is, for me, the most precious feeling. It is the basis of faith, trusting that despite the current circumstances, “you are where you’re meant to be”.
On this crazy journey I suffered from depression which on numerous occasions became suicidal.
I couldn’t understand why, despite living a life which was the envy of most people, I still didn’t feel fulfilled.
I searched for years hoping to find a solution that would give me the peace I so desired.
But I didn’t feel good enough, I looked for approval on the outside whilst struggling with my desires and demons on the inside. Through it all , God was always there, always sending me the people and circumstances that I needed. Yet through all the magical travels and synchronicities which leave most people amazed when I recount them, my lack of trust in myself and life kept me from enjoying each precious moment.
But Grace has found me. Grace means that all your mistakes serve a purpose instead of shame.
The journey from the head to the heart is a challenge in a world constructed by ego. But it is the challenge we came here to face and accept.
To live without expectations and not resist life’s challenges, but to face them head on trusting that by overcoming hardship we can find peace, is not easy… but if it were, we wouldn’t feel the divine glory that Jesus was actually trying to demonstrate to us when he went willingly to the cross…
I pray all day everyday, that God guide me, that the Holy Spirit transform my egoic perceptions of rejection and fear and that the Christ Consciousness of Jesus dwell inside of me.
I observe the accusations of the mind, of not being good enough or not deserving and I challenge them with the perfect love that God offers us. The devil is subtle and clever and I still feel I make mistakes, but I know that my willingness to surrender to God’s will and to make me an instrument for his peace will allow Grace to find me.
I reach out and he finds me in the dust…
I don’t believe we can do this on our own… we cannot fix the problem with the problem. God’s peace surpasses all understanding… reach out and He will find you 🙏🏽❤️


Last night we celebrated “Halloween” by honouring life and death. There was an altar to honour ones that have left and to remind us that we all will die… everyone’s time here is limited. And I sang with all my heart to honour the lives of those that were present and those that weren’t.
When I first wrote the song, “You Will Die” , it was inspired by the death of three friends: Dacil (at only 34 years old) and Marta and Maria (little more than 50 years each) within a few months, and my remaining dog… Dizzy 🐕(though at 15 ½ years, he had a good run! )
I remember listening to Alan Watts talk about death , saying that if everybody were to face up to their own mortality, there would be a lot less problems in the world. Stop and think about it for a moment: if you knew tomorrow you would not be here, how would you spend your last hours on this planet? Probably peacefully, with loved ones , not worrying about how much money or fame you had. You would most likely appreciate everything that you have had and savour the last sights and sounds with gratitude.
My mama died at only 49 years old… I’m almost there!😅 .
We never know how long we or the ones we live will be here… so appreciate every moment that you can… time goes so fast…⏳😅
If you want to see a podcast about and video of this song, go to my YouTube channel. One of the most magical events of my life, captured on film!✨🙌🏽✨ It even comes with subtitles!🤓
Here are the lyrics anyway for you to ponder if you so desire… keep smiling… whilst there’s still time…
I’m running on faith…
My smile will give it away
You, you are me..
Just smile and you will see…

Mysteries, come and go,
Live them fast, solve them slow.
Here and now, let them go,
You will die, what’s to show?

We are living in times,
where hearts live without mind
We will die,
And freedom comes when you realize..

We will come, come and go,
Time goes fast, take it slow,
Here and now, let it go,
We will die, what’s to show?

So now look at your life…
And how much time, wasted in strife…
You, you will die..
So smile while there’s still time..
While there’s still time…
While there’s still time…


Maybe I’m not that far away
And maybe I’ll never get close
Maybe she’s coming back to stay…
And then again maybe she won’t
Maybe I’ll make it to tomorrow,
Even though I wanna die today
Maybe I’ll learn to live with sorrow
And keep on smiling anyway…
And maybe I know, maybe I don’t
But baby don’t say I never got close
And I been living for the wrong reason,
Just holding on until I die
Now it’s time to change the season,
And I can learn to live this life
Maybe I didn’t get what I wanted,
But every day I get what I need
And if I’m feeling disappointed
That just means I don’t take heed….
And maybe I know, maybe I don’t
But baby don’t say I never got close

I wrote this song, “Close” over 15 years ago… and still I struggle to “take heed”… it means “to pay careful attention to” or observe…
Another reminder to be present and grateful for what life is giving us, even if our mind has decided it wants something else…
It can be the hardest thing in the world, and in all truth I don’t know how to deal with it except through faith.
I’ve lost my faith so many times, and so many times wanted to die, and actually tried to do something about it on more than one occasion. The only way through is patience, and that means faith… the mind cannot comprehend the mystery of life… we want to know and control everything… we all know how impossible that is.. yet still we try! 🤦🏽‍♂️😂
Jesus said not to worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself. So many times we find that things not working out as we wanted was actually what was best for us…
I need to hear this as much as anyone… and I surrender my desires to God , knowing that He will provide. Maybe not as I want right now, but exactly as I need to grow and flourish ✨🙏🏽✨
If you, like so many of us, are struggling to deal with a world that disappoints in so many ways, as hard as it seems: trust, have patience, pay attention to the moment and all that it offers, find something to be grateful for and focus on it… energy flows where attention goes… ✨❤️✨
God bless 🙏🏽


When I originally wrote this song “All the Same”, it came out as “It’s hard to learn to be free…”. I decided to change it to “It’s not hard…”.
I often wonder about that… is it ok to admit that something is hard? Doesn’t it just make it harder? If we’re in the present moment is anything truly hard? Or is that just a judgment of our minds because we don’t like what’s going on…?
But the essence of the song is that life is about contrast… the love and the pain are the two sides of the same coin…
We cannot know one without the other… so the only way peace will come is by knowing we are the coin itself…
The non-duality, the oneness , the witness that observes the joy and pain with neutrality… just as the sun shines on everyone and everything without preference…
Is it so hard to learn to be free… not if you realise you already are free… the present moment is freedom and the flame. It is God, pure loving awareness , accepting the now as it is…
May you be the key to your freedom… right here and now.
God bless…✨🙏🏽✨


We’re living in a world where some of what goes on is hard for anyone with a heart to understand.
But we came here for this challenge. To find God, by finding out what He is not… the waves of contrast : good/bad, hot/cold, fear/love are two sides of the same coin… we cannot know one without the other… but we can choose which side we are on.
May you choose love and it will always appear 🙏🏽❤️


If we are truly going to transform this world , instead of vain attempts to return to a “normal” that was and continues to be unhealthy for the majority and oriented in the interest of an elite few, then we need to learn to truly love and trust.
All of us know what it feels like to fall in love… and we all know the pain that lies on the other side of that love. They are inseparable, part of the contrast we have come to this dimension to experience, a way for God to know Himself, by experiencing what He is not.
Perfect love casts out fear… God is perfect love… fear is the devil that tells us we are not good enough. And so we scramble desperately to be good enough, and our lives become entangled in looking for others approval.
And so we suffer.. and this high speed technology can make us even more stressed as we constantly give our power away to whether or not somebody liked our photo or answered our message.
A study was done where people were told to NOT check their messages or emails for one hour after waking up. They could do anything they liked, except that. The results of the study showed productivity of all the people went up on average 30% per week!!!
Because they were not giving their power away to the world as soon as they woke up! That made them more relaxed and as a result more efficient!
It’s a challenge, but if we can have the love for ourselves to take time for ourselves and trust that God will look after everything else, then we will relax and discover so much more … the peace of writing in the morning, the sunlight (if you’re lucky enough to have some 😅) streaming through the window, the smell of the incense and the beautiful dance of its smoke.
Take your time… explore 🙏🏽❤️


The only way I can find is coming back to God…


Breakfast with soul 😋🎶❤️


Simon Korsak - Live online now!

Simon Korsak – LIVE online now! Hello! My Name is Simon Korsak. I'm a singer-songwriter originally from the UK but based for 16 years in the Canary Islands in Spain. Since leaving the Canaries in 2016 I have been living/traveling/playing in Switzerland, Argentina and Brazil as well as brief sojourns in Lebanon and Bahrain. Since s...


Simon Korsak - Live online now!

Simon Korsak - LIVE online show today at 4:57pm edt Hello! My Name is Simon Korsak. I'm a singer-songwriter originally from the UK but based for 16 years in the Canary Islands in Spain. Since leaving the Canaries in 2016 I have been living/traveling/playing in Switzerland, Argentina and Brazil as well as brief sojourns in Lebanon and Bahrain. Since s...


Simon Korsak - Live online now!

Simon Korsak - LIVE online show today at 5:00pm edt Hello! My Name is Simon Korsak. I'm a singer-songwriter originally from the UK but based for 16 years in the Canary Islands in Spain. Since leaving the Canaries in 2016 I have been living/traveling/playing in Switzerland, Argentina and Brazil as well as brief sojourns in Lebanon and Bahrain. Since s...


Simon Korsak - Live online now!

Simon Korsak - LIVE online show today at 4:41pm edt Hello! My Name is Simon Korsak. I'm a singer-songwriter originally from the UK but based for 16 years in the Canary Islands in Spain. Since leaving the Canaries in 2016 I have been living/traveling/playing in Switzerland, Argentina and Brazil as well as brief sojourns in Lebanon and Bahrain. Since s...


Tocando en Red

Thanks for sharing your beautiful music with us Simon!
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The Souls

Tomorrow I fly back to Switzerland from almost three months in Brasil, Argentina and Uruguay! Am so blessed to be able to travel and connect with so many wonderful souls sharing this life's journey... and next Saturday have the honour of supporting The Souls... so grateful for these wonderful opportunities.. hope to see some of you wonderful souls there!

ONE WEEK TO GO! wir dürfen euch freudig mitteilen, dass der wunderbare Musiker Simon Korsak (UK) uns nächsten Samstag im Kulturfabrik Kofmehl supporten wird.

Wir freuen uns riesig!

Hier ein Beweis für sein Talent:

Videos (show all)

Back at Boardriders....
Man in the Mirror - Korsak -3 +1
KORSAK - Simon Live - Radio Club Tenerife
Korsak @ Café Atlantico