Adventure in Possibility with Helen Fickes

Adventure in Possibility with Helen Fickes

I help business owners create, connect, and do more of what they love doing in their business by taki


Choose Your Own Possibility

Happy Tuesday Everyone! As we consider WHY we are in business, we must also consider the story we want to tell through our business and what makes it so valuable to the community we serve. These are questions that I have been reflecting on and you can read all about in my very first LinkedIn article. I would love for you to check it out and let me know your thoughts. Did you ever read those “Choose Your Own Adventure” books? How I loved those books as a kid! I loved that there was no one path, that I was free to explore, and that I had the ability to make a different choice and try out another version of the story if the first one didn’t quite make sense f...


One of my goals for 2020 is to read at least 5 pages daily and start to finish the many books I have on my bookshelf. From Michelle Obama's "Becoming" to Marie Forleo's "Everything Is Figureoutable," I have some really fabulous reading in store.

To start my journey, finishing this great book by my wonderful husband got me for my birthday in October.

What book are you catching up on?


Choosing to start my own Virtual Assistant business and helping entrepreneurs thrive - BEST DECISION EVER!!!

Not only do I get to collaborate with amazing business owners and help them do what they do best, I am more present for my family, I am following my entrepreneurial passions, and I am making a difference in my community and the lives of those that mean so much to me.

So many thanks to all of you for being such an important part of the journey!

What are you celebrating today? Take an adventure in possibility and share away in the comments.


Marketing on Instagram

For me, Mondays are for setting the rhythm of the week. To start this week, it's all about advancing my content and social media management skills as we approach 2020 so that I am better able to serve my clients with excellence.

Check out my three takeaways from this "Marketing on Instagram" video:

* Visit to learn how to embed your feed into your website.
* Use the multiple photos feature to create a unique look and feel to make your brand memorable.
* Instagram Stories can be your greatest asset for testing out content and evaluating what works and what doesn't.

How are you setting the rhythm for your week? Take an adventure in possibility and share away in the comments. Learn how to market your product or service on Instagram. Explore key features and strategies that can help you boost your sales and online presence using the popular social platform.


Share-A-Tip Thursday:

Have you all checked out these Rocketbook Wave notebooks yet? They are amazing! I love taking notes and you might often see me surrounded by Post-its and legal pads. However, a friend of mine gave me a Rocketbook for my birthday and I love it! You take 80 pages of notes and when the notebook is finished, scan the notes to the Cloud, your email, wherever, and then microwave the notebook to clear it and literally give yourself a clean slate. PURE SUSTAINABLE MAGIC!!!

So, now instead of losing myself in Post-its and legal pads, you see me with my Rocketbook close at hand. In fact, you can see in the picture just how "seasoned" my notebook has already become. 😄

What product helps you in your business? Take an adventure in possibility and share away in the comments.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from our family to yours!


Enjoying family time and the spirit of the season this weekend? What are you up to?


A Thought for Tuesday...

What are you scheduling today?

Take an adventure in possibility and share away in the comments.


Image Color Picker(RGB, HEX, CMYK)

It's Share-A-Tip Thursday!

You've found that perfect color within an image on Pinterest, but what is the right color code for using that same color for your branding? This site is super helpful not only for figuring out the right color code for your own branding, but for figuring out the color codes for your client's branding as well. I use it all the time when creating graphics and beautiful branded documents for my clients. Just upload an image, hover over your desired color, and "ta-da" you've got your color code!

Do you have a favorite website or tip? Take an adventure in possibility and share away in the comments! image color picker, pick color from your photo


What if you truly owned the very best part of yourself or the person you are working toward becoming? What would that look like? Who would that be? For example...

Today I own that I am a woman who inspires growth through education and empowerment!

What about you? Fill in the blank and share in the comments...

Today I own ________


Feeling overwhelmed creating your social media calendar for next month, or maybe even this month? Sometimes all we really need to do is take a deep breath and get back to basics.

Here is a simple "Share-A-Tip Thursday" to help spark a few ideas for your content. 😀

What is your simple social media management tip? Take an adventure in possibility and share away!


Following up on "A Thought for Tuesday" article from yesterday's post:

What if we stopped comparing ourselves? What's more, what if we stopped making internal comparisons between who we are now or where we are now with past versions of ourselves or versions of life that we think we should be living? What would that do for you? What would that do for your business?

So often I catch myself focusing on becoming "the best" or "better," and yet I realize the importance and value in celebrating who I am right now and where I am right now. Right now, I am a wonderful, loving mom of two amazing kiddos. Right now, I am married to the most amazing man! Right now, I am making positive change through my Virtual Assistant business - positive change in my own life as well as positive change in the lives of others. Of course, my path of motherhood, marriage, and entrepreneurship provides a wealth of opportunities to build upon who I am and where I am today, and yet, I can take that path upward without saying one version of me is better than the other. I can take that path upward celebrating "right now."

What about you? What would it change if comparison was not in the mix of your life and business? Take an adventure in possibility and share away! :-)


What’s the worst kind of praise you can give?

A Thought for Tuesday:

Interesting article about the power of praise when done without comparison as part of the equation. The author shares that when we tell someone (or ourselves) that they are "the best," "the smartest," "the prettiest," or better than another, we engage in "comparison praise" and that we must remember that "comparison is the thief of joy." The author goes on to say that if we want to lift others up (and ourselves) focus on how their talk, book, work, etc. helped us do better and be better. After all, "The most authentic way to acknowledge someone is to change your behavior."

What are you thoughts about the article and how might this idea apply to how you praise your team, your children, yourself, etc.? One hint: it often ends with the letters “est.” And it can lead to competition and disappointment, says psychologist and workplace researcher Shawn Achor.


What if you followed your dreams? Just for today. What would you be doing?

Take an adventure in possibility and share away!


Given this is the week of Thanksgiving, I am reminded of the many blessings I am grateful for.

Every day, I have the opportunity to watch my beautiful daughter step more into her fiercely independent self and I am so grateful for her voice and the confidence she has to share her voice.

As I work from home, I also have the chance to share in my son's adventures as he explores the world around him and gets so excited by the simple things such as his sister's smile, the warm hugs from dad, or when mom walks into the room (what an amazing feeling!).

Today, I am so grateful for my friends and family.
Today, I am grateful for my business that gives me these moments.
Today, I am grateful for my courage to follow my dreams.
And, today, I am grateful for all of you, my clients and Facebook friends alike, for helping me thrive and make these dreams a reality for myself and my family. Thank you!

What are you grateful for today?


Adventure in Possibility with Helen Fickes's cover photo


Share-A-Tip Thursday:

Do you lose yourself (and your entire day) to one task? Can someone say email? 🤪 Try out the Pomodoro method. Give yourself 25 minutes to work on the task and then take a 5 minute break. Next, decide if you need another Pomodoro for that task or whether you should move onto another task.

Better yet, schedule your Pomodoros and use to keep you on track. Being deliberate with your time and energy will, in fact, save you time and energy.

Do you have a favorite time management app? Take us on an adventure in possibility and share away!


Over the past couple of years, I have realized that I have this thought habit that if I am worrying about something or someone it means I care. For example, if I am worrying about my kids it means that I care about my kids. Yet, that worry does not typically lead to positive thought habits. Instead that worry leads to fear which leads to more fear. When I consider my fear for someone or being afraid of something, I do not see care in such thoughts. Habits are stubborn and you can have habits that work for you or do not work for you now or ever before. This habit that I have is one that I actively stay aware of and work hard to replace with empowered action.

So, the What If question for today is: What if worry was not how you showed that you care about someone or something? What if when the thought habit of worry arises, you replaced it with an empowered action? For example, I was worried about being present for my kids when I had a full-time job. Though I loved my job, the thought habit of worry was not going to make me more present for my kids. However, an empowered action would and, so, I replaced my worry with an empowered action and I chose to stay home and start my Virtual Assistant business.

What if you replaced your thought habit of worry with an empowered action? What would that look like for you?

Take an adventure in possibility and share away!


A thought for Tuesday...

Building and running a business is a puzzle, work of art, and a roller coaster all wrapped up in one, and yet when I share my business from a heart of abundance and a desire to make positive change the struggle that comes with putting this puzzle together, the vulnerability that comes with creating this work of art, and the ebbs and flows of the entrepreneurial roller coaster all have purpose.

What are you reflecting upon this Tuesday?

Pic of my daughter Jocelyn deep in thought. 😊


Share-A-Tip Thursday:

Want to know how I organize my day and get things done?

I eat that frog 🐸! That's right! That's what I said. 😊

Every morning I write down my three frogs (a.k.a three most important things that I need to get done that day). I focus on the frog that I want to eat least, first because then I am motivated by what I just accomplished and this moves me forward in eating the other two frogs. If I did it the other way, then I take the chance of spending all of my time and energy on the tiny frogs and the big frog jumps to another day. 😊 This productivity tip is based on Brian Tracy's "Eat That Frog." Check it out!

What is your favorite productivity tip? Share away!


What if you saw your life and/or business as a work of art? How would that change how you see your work, your experiences, your failures, yourself?

For me, seeing my business as a work of art makes space for self-compassion as I am learning what works and what doesn't. It also invites a sense of connection with those I am serving, as I believe art is a way to connect with others by showing passion, vulnerability, trust, and discovery.

What about you? I would love to read your thoughts below.


Have you always wondered what a Virtual Assistant is or what I do? I always love to share this exciting and wild world of Virtual Assistance! Click on and check out the fun and informative infographic I just created for you!

Was this helpful for you or a friend? Let me know and I will create more! I am always happy to be your greatest resource!


Share-A-Tip Thursday: An overwhelming inbox can really cause a lot of stress and missed connections. I would love to ease your mind and get you to "inbox zero."

Check out my "Email Management: 5 Quick Tips": and then share the love on Share-A-Tip Thursday. Tell us your favorite email management technique in the comments.


What if you could outsource/delegate/give away anything in your life and/or business? For me, I am happy to give away our yard work and housekeeping to the professionals. ☺️

What about you? What if you could "give away" anything in your life and/or business? What would that be? Share in the comments below.


This Sunday, November 3rd, is the end of Daylight Savings Time and we get to set our clocks back one hour. What will you do with your extra hour? What if we had an additional 5 hours a week? What would you do with an extra 5 hours a week?

If I had an additional 5 hours a week, I would spend the time investing in my mind, body, and spirit. Thoughts of reading more, journaling, going for a walk in the park, and simply making time for me are the first activities to come to mind.

Now, the bigger question to follow-up our weekly "What If?" What would it take to make what we just said happen? For example, what if I set aside just one hour a week to invest my time and energy in one of the ways I just mentioned? What if you invested an hour a week to do what you said you would like to do? What would that look like? What might come from taking such an action? I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments below.


Enjoying a delicious (and creative) mocha in a quaint Portland neighborhood while reading "Girl, Stop Apologizing" by Rachel Hollis. Great read. Great coffee. Great ideas brewing.

What thought leader is inspiring you today?


What if we created a life we love?

In a couple of hours I will be enjoying the company of a beautiful community that has welcomed me into their lives for the past eight years at a gathering they will be having to send me off to my next chapter - my new business.

When my son was born I started asking "What if?" and realized that I could create a life I loved, continue to contribute to a beautiful community (that's all of you now ☺️), and be more present for my family. Asking "What if? led me to choose to take a new adventure and create my own business as a Virtual Executive Assistant. The entrepreneurial path has been with me for many years, and I always knew that the life I love was going to include following this dream. So, though I will genuinely miss the students, staff, faculty, and off-campus community I supported all of these years, I made a choice to create a life I love, love, and love and I am filled with gratitude, joy, and peace.

What if you created a life you love? What would that look like for you? Share in the comments below.


Helen Fickes - Portfolio.pdf


Taking an Adventure in Possibility is all about asking yourself "What if?" - What if I did this? What if I did that?

Are you asking "What if?" Let's hear it! Share your "What if?" in the comments below.


On Saturday my husband and I had the opportunity to go out on a date night (thank you Grandma and Papa :-)). We checked out "Brittany Runs a Marathon." Definitely enjoyable and moving. It is amazing what we can accomplish when we set "little goals" and have wonderful support.

What movie would you recommend we watch next?


Celebrating a WIN today! I updated my portfolio and am excited to share more about me and how I support business owners like you. Check it out and learn more about my packages and services. Also, please share this post with a friend, peer, and anyone you think would appreciate some support. Thank you so much!


Imagine if we lifted up every woman who is achieving her goals or on her way to doing so, happy and healthy, and finding success in life and business. Imagine what that would look like for our world. Imagine if that person being lifted up were you. Imagine lifting yourself up. There are so many possibilities and so many opportunities to SHINE BRIGHTLY and encourage other women to do so as well.

Share in the comments how you are shining brightly these days or are aspiring to shine brightly. I am excited to hear all about it!


Recently, I have been asked what a virtual assistant is and the benefits of hiring a VA (that's the lingo :-)) to a business owner. I am a woman of resources! So, allow me to share the "what, why, and how" of virtual assistance.

WHAT is a Virtual Assistant (VA)? Better yet, WHO am I? I am a freelancer who provides administrative services to business owners, helping them save time, money, and energy. As an administrative professional for more than 20 years, I handle the details and behind-the-scenes of a business. These operations may include email management, meeting scheduling, event planning and more. One of the differences between me and an employee is that I take care of the needs of the business outside the client's office - which is just one of many benefits of hiring a Virtual Assistant.

WHY is hiring a VA an awesome choice to make for a business? There are many reasons a VA may be an entrepreneur's answer.

1. Client tasks are completed quickly and with a focus on quality. A virtual assistant is an entrepreneur themselves. That said, it is essential to the success of their business to do a stellar job for their clients.

2. Clients do not have to worry about paying benefits and taxes on a Virtual Assistant because we are independent contractors. What's more, clients do not have to worry about providing and paying for supplies, space, or training. Clients just save money with a VA.

3. Clients can take their businesses to the next level because they can delegate the tasks that they are not excited about, as skilled in, or just need to have off their plate to a VA. This saves stress for the business owner. Clients do not have to do "all the things."

4. Clients can enjoy time for what matters - their wellbeing, their family, building stronger relationships, exploring new possibilities for their business. As the client focuses their time and energy on the big picture, the VA has the day-to-day needs covered.

5. Clients have flexibility. They can hire a VA for a project, a month, or long-term. The client can decide what is needed in their business and hire a VA for only the hours and projects they need help with.

HOW does a business owner hire a Virtual Assistant? As business owners themselves, many Virtual Assistants have packages that they offer. These packages can range in what they include, pricing, and more. Entrepreneurs can check out a VA's website, Facebook business page, and/or email them with questions. Some VAs even offer custom packaging to better fit the needs of the client.

So, there you have it. The WHAT, WHY, and HOW of virtual assistance. I am always happy to answer any questions about why I love supporting clients and how I do so. Have a question? Please post it in the comments!


Adventure in Possibility with Helen Fickes

Take an Adventure in Possibility

I am a Virtual Executive Assistant, and I help women business owners thrive and have more time and energy for what matters most in their life and business. I handle the details, provide administrative support, and anticipate and exceed their business needs while they imagine, explore, and play with realities not yet visible (and, together, we make them so).
