Pennies on the Rail

Pennies on the Rail

Reverb Nation site with songs, pictures and videos. Also information about upcoming shows.


Hey, received a notification the Pennies FB page has more than 200 followers! Yippee! Thanks so much everyone and keep on riding the Fun Train with Pennies on the Rail.


Oh, what a beautiful morning it was today! When Cheli and I awoke to find we had no power like two thousand other folks, we wondered how the day was going to turn out. We needn’t have worried. However, fueled with Stephen and Lora’s Café del Sol’s premium coffee, the Pennies  shone brightly with some brightly tunes and harmonies for the Iowa City Farmer’s Market. Many thanks to all the folks who turned out, the vendors and especially the City of Iowa City and the Summer of the Arts for asking us to play. We had a blast.


Hilltop Tap with our own Special Guest Solid Copper Dancer at the Swisher Farmers Market.

Photos from Swisher Farmer's Market's post 18/06/2023

Thursday night’s weather beautiful but not as beautiful as the time we had at the Swisger Market People, thanks to Tonya, and all the other organizers, the vendors, and everyone who came out to enjoy the evening.


The Pennies have a twofer in Farmer’s Market appearances this week. First up we will be rolling into Swisher Farmer's Market Thursday the 15th and unloading a bushel basket of festive tunes. Playing from 4:30 to 6:30. It’s a delightful small market. Come check it out.


Saturday was a beautiful day and Pennies on the Rail had a wonderful time playing at the Kalona Farmer’s Market. Thanks to the Kalona Chamber, new and old friends, the vendors and everyone who stopped by to listen. A special shoutout to Mid Prairie Heartstrings for providing some excellent music during our intermission. See you again on the 24th.


June is busting out all over with an overflowing bushel basket of Farmers Markets shows for Pennies on the Rail this month. Check out our schedule and plan to attend at least one or more. You’ll be glad you did.

June 10 Kalona Farmer’s Market 9:30 am to 10:30 am and 11:30 am to 1 pm

June 15 Swisher Farmer’s Market 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm

June 17 Iowa City Farmer’s Market 9 am to noon

June 24 Kalona Farmer’s Market 10:30 am to 1:00 pm


I bring tidings of great joy. The four Pennies, including Roxanne, will be playing holiday music for the Christmas in Kalona event tomorrow starting at 9:30. And because the weather outside could be frightful, we will be playing inside at Kalona Chocolates located at 211 5th Street. So come on down and while you’re wandering around the crafts, the food, the reindeer and the probable appearance of Santa, step inside Kalona Chocolates and warm yourself with some cocoa, goodies and musical holiday spirit.


Well, this Sunday will be a lovely day in the Longfellow neighborhood as the annual Front Porch Festival features a whole afternoon of homegrown music. The Pennies will kick things off, among others, at 2:00 and you can find them at 426 Grant Street. Come on down and be neighborly.

Here is a full schedule of the afternoon's entertainment:

The 781s, ICPL House Band (418 Clark-back yard on Maple St.)
The Recliners, rock band (602 Clark)
Pennies on the Rail, acoustic band (426 Grant)
Prairie Piffari, cornetti, curtals, and sackbuts (701 Grant)
Ghost Pipe, solo guitar (751 Grant)
Kellen O’Cullom, Irish folk songs (515 Oakland)
The Recliners, rock band (602 Clark)
Wandering Wild, Irish harp (416 Grant)
Marcus & Trevor, guitar & dulcimer (513 Grant)
Violist Michael Kimber, Students, and Friends (701 Grant)
THIA & PAPPY, mixed genre duo (751 Grant)
Something In Your Teeth, acoustic duo (611 Oakland)
Scott and the Cochrans (425 Rundell)
Sarah Hachtman, singer-songwriter (720 Clark)
EastEnders (832 Longfellow Court)
Rusty Patch Studio, strings (701 Grant)
Des Moines Irish Session Group (503 Grant)
Trains & Birds, fiddle, banjo, guitar, mandolin (751 Grant)
Sisters of Song, a ca****la (514 Oakland)
Scott and the Cochrans (425 Rundell)
Chris Dimond, guitar (1231 Sheridan)
SloMoBop, jazz combo (1029 Bowery)
Certainly, electric folk (418 Clark-back yard on Maple St.)
EastEnders (832 Longfellow Court)
Platte Family, Grant St. Brass Band, & Friends (701 Grant)
Des Moines Irish Session Group (503 Grant)
Charlotte Jeppsen Trio, jazz combo (611 Oakland)
Chris Dimond, guitar (1231 Sheridan)
SloMoBop, jazz combo (1029 Bowery)
Sweet Cacophony, folk (1316 Center)
Hanna Rumora and Josh DeVries, banjo and cello (513 Grant)
CRCO Chamber Ensemble (611 Oakland)
Brad and the Big Wave, guitar, ukelele, pecussion (1231 Sheridan)
SloMoBop, jazz combo (1029 Bowery)
Sweet Cacophony, folk (1316 Center)
Amru Nasr, DJ (503 Grant)
CRCO Chamber Ensemble (611 Oakland)
Michael Link, guitar (747 Rundell)
SloMoBop, jazz combo (1029 Bowery)
Kids Open Mic, singing, dance, & fashion (513 Grant)
Amru Nasr, DJ (503 Grant)
Jason Clothier, jazz guitar (747 Rundell)


While some of the morning Jeffrey and Cheli were “Singin’ in the Rain”, (underneath a nifty green tent), we were kept warm by passersbys who smiled, danced and came out listen to our music. Thanks so much to them and to the Farmer’s Market and Iowa City Parks and Rec Department for having us. See you next year!


Well, it’s been a busy summer and early fall of playing at Farmer’s Markets for the Pennies and we’ve saved our hometown for the last. Please join us this Saturday the 17th as we will be playing the Iowa City Farmer’s Market from 9 to 11. Unfortunately, Roxanne and Rus won’t be able to join us but the Dynamic Duo of Jeffrey and Cheli will be laying down some fresh organic tunes to make your ears (and the rest of you) feel good.
Come on down, it’d be good to see you.


Many thanks to the organizers of the Kalona Farmer’s Market, the wonderful vendors and the kind people who listened to us last Saturday. We had a great time. Due to circumstances WAY beyond our control, the Pennies were the Dynamic Duo of Jeffrey and Cheli but we had the usual variety of tunes and even honored requests. It had us smiling for the rest of the day.


Hey, Southeast Iowa Peeps, come on down to the Kalona Farmer’s Market this Saturday the 10th from 9:30 to 12 and hear the stripped down Pennies Power Trio. Roxanne is sidelined but Rus, Jeffrey and Cheli will still bring the organically fresh tunes. Hope to see you!


Had such a great time at the Swisher Farmer’s Market last Thursday. Everyone was so nice; the staff, the vendors and the people in attendance. Big thanks from the Pennies to Tawnia and everyone.


Well, if it's August, that must mean Pennies on the Rail are headed to Swisher for their Farmer's Market. The Pennies will be showcasing their bushel basket of organic tunes and naturally hot picking this Thursday, August 11th from 4:30 to 6:30. Stop on by, it'd be great to se you.


Pennies on the Rail would like to thank Sutliff Farm and Cider House for graciously hosting our music yesterday and the few, the proud and the brave who came out in the heat to listen to us. (We are also VERY thankful for the strong breeze that kept us from melting into Penny Puddles.)


And here’s a thank you that’s late in coming. We had such a good time at the Lone Tree Farmers Market on the 19th. The Pennies are so grateful for the efforts of Richard Finley and City staff who helped us get ready for the performance. A big shout out to the folks who came to listen too. Hope to see you next year.


The Pennies would like thank the Washington Farmer’s Market for a great night! The crowd was great and we enjoyed playing for them. A special shout out to Michelle Redlinger and Bob Shepherd for all their hard work. One of our favorite Markets to play.


Well, it's getting to be that time that the gigs for the Pennies are sprouting like wildflowers. Hope to see you.

Sunday, June 18th Wilsons Orchard and Farm
4823 Di*******ry Rd NE #1, Iowa City, 52240 to 11 am to 1 pm

Sunday, June 26th Bluegrass Festival
Sharon Center United Methodist Church Time TBA

Saturday, July 9th Kalona Farmer’s Market
Downtown Kalona, 9 am to 12 noon

Thursday, July 28th Thursday Night Live
Central Park, Washington 6 pm to 7 pm

Saturday, Aug 6th Sutliff Cider House
382 Sutliff Rd, Lisbon, IA 52253 5 pm to 8 pm

Thursday, Aug 11 Swisher Farmer’s Market
78 2nd St SW, Swisher, IA 52338 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Saturday, Sept 10th Kalona Farmer’s Market 9 to 12
Downtown Kalona, 9 am to 12 noon

Saturday, Sept 17th IC Farmer’s Market
405 E Washington St, Iowa City, IA 52240 9 am to 11 am

Saturday, Sept 24th Longfellow Front Porch Music Festival TBD

And maybe More to Come.

Photos from Pennies on the Rail's post 05/10/2021

Oh my, what a wonderful time we had Sunday playing at the Sutliff Farm and Cidery. A beautiful afternoon, a great crowd, filled with old and new friends and even two folks on horseback. The Pennies want to thank the Sutliff staff for making so welcome and we hope you’ll have us back.


CORRECTION: The plucky little Pennies will be playing at the Front Porch Fest this Saturday at 2:00 pm at 1316 .Center AVENUE not street. Hope to see you there and sorry for any confusion.


Well, it's going to be a busy week as this Wednesday, September 22nd, in celebration of the first day of Fall and the Autumn Equinox, Pennies on the Rail bring their bushel basketful of tunes to the Iowa City Farmer's Market at the Chauncey Swan Parking Ramp. Join Rus, Roxanne, Cheli and Jeffrey as they display their fresh tunes with homegrown harmonies at one of their favorite settings. Music starts at 5:00 pm. Then the prolific little Pennies will do a half hour set as part of the Iowa City Front Porch Festival on Saturday, September 25 at 2:00 pm at 1316 Center Street in Iowa City. Double your pleasure and give your ears a treat and catch us at these events.


Iowa City Peeps: Here's a sentence I never thought I'd write. Pennies on the Rail will be opening up for Aquaman! True. Yes, as part of the Free Movie Series, sponsored by Summer of the Arts, Iowa City Recreation, GreenState Credit Union, the Pennies will be playing tomorrow, Saturday 21, starting at 7:15 at Riverfront Crossings Park at 1001 S. Gilbert Street. Also, there will also be activitites and games starting at 7 and then around 8:30 there will be a free showing of Jason Momoa as Aqauman! Hope to see you there! Bring your friends, fins and trunks!


The Pennies would like to profusely thank Alisha Davis, Michelle Redlinger and Bob Shepard for arranging for us to play at the Washington Farmer's Market last night, City Council Representative Danielle Petit-Majewski for her kind introduction and as always our dear friends, family and everyone else who braved the heat to come out to hear us. It was especially nice to chat and catch up with some folks after we finished. Jeffrey and Cheli would liked to send a special shout out to Jerry and Margie's Catering for providing a wonderful chicken take out dinner for our trip back to Iowa City. Washington has always been one of our favorite places to play and we look forward to seeing you next year!


For all our southeast Iowa Friends and those up for a road trip: Pennies on the Rail are planning to bring their bushel basket of tunes to the Washington Farmer's Market for Thursday Night Live this Thursday August 19. This will a make up gig for us being rained out this summer. With no precipitation in sight, we are looking forward in spreading some sunshine. The Market will be at Washington's beautiful Central Park.The Pennies will be playing from 6 pm to 7 pm followed by the Washington Municipal Band. Hope to see you there.


Pennies on the Rail would like to thank Krista and the Kalona Chamber for the beautiful morning we had Saturday at the Kalona Market. it was so good to see friends we hadn't seen for awhile and make new ones. Cheli and roxanne made several new friend of the various vendors and I think we make have broke even. Looking forward to next year.


Hey Southeast Iowa fans and lovers of great produce and freshly baked goodies, Pennies on the Rail will be playing at the Kalona Famer's Market this
Saturday Aug 7th from 9:30 am to 12 noon. We will be playing on the corner of 5th Street and B Avenue. Please join Rus, Roxanne, Cheli and Jeffrey as we peddle our own homemade harmonious tunes. Hope to see you there.


Hey Kids,
Want to have a good time and support a good cause simultaneously? We've got the event for you. You would be hard pressed to find a better listening venue in the Midwest than Uptown Bills right here in Iowa City. However, for reasons known only to their greedy little accountants, the big three of the music company biz, ASCAP, BMI and SESAC are singling out Bills to pay thousands of dollars in music performance royalties. We don't think it's right but until we find a way to stop it, this Sunday, March 26th, from 2 to 5, Uptown Bills will be alive with the sound of wonderful music to raise money to keep the wolves away from the door. Scheduled to perform are:
2:00- The Dynamite Duo, The Ukeladies, Susan Birrell and Nancy Romalov
3:00- Those lovable mop tops, Pennies on the Rail
4:00- Iowa City's favorite folk couple, Greg and Susan Dirks

It's going to be a great show so come on down, bring a friend or two and support a great cause. As Tom sez, Suggested Cover $5 to $10 but feel free to give more to support Live Music. Hope to see you there.

Later Gators,


Pennies on the Rail


Untitled Album


Pennies on the Rail

As fresh as the newly fallen snow and just as crisp, the plucky little ensemble, Pennies on the Rail will be playing TODAY at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics in the John Colloton Pavilion Atrium, Level 1, near Elevator F from noon to 1:00. Don whatever warm festive apparel you have and come listen to the Pennies play a variety of holiday music from around the world, including some originals written right here in Iowa. Join Rus, Roxanne, Cheli and Jeffrey as we make a Joyful Noise.


As fresh as the newly fallen snow and just as crisp, the plucky little ensemble, Pennies on the Rail will be playing TODAY at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics in the John Colloton Pavilion Atrium, Level 1, near Elevator F from noon to 1:00. Don whatever warm festive apparel you have and come listen to the Pennies play a variety of holiday music from around the world, including some originals written right here in Iowa. Join Rus, Roxanne, Cheli and Jeffrey as we make a Joyful Noise.


I have my apple spice cake in the oven! stop by for a taste of fall and enjoy the Pennies on the Rail at Uptown Bill's Coffee House tonight 7-9. We are looking forward to seeing all of you!


Well, it's Pennies on the Rail's favorite time of year where we start burning daylight instead of saving it. Best of all, everyone gets an extra hour tonight as we "fall back".
If you're wondering what to do with that extra 60 minutes, come on down to Uptown Bills, 730 south Dubuque Iowa City and listen to songs as crisp as an October breeze, vocals as warm as these November afternoons and stories as plentiful as the falling leaves. Join Jeffrey, Roxanne, Rus and Cheli as we play Uptown Bill's, the coffeehouse that's as cozy as your living room only with more books and refreshments, this Saturday Nov 5th. Start time 7:00. Hope to see you all there. It'll be a good time. Plus there's that extra hour.

Later Gators


Pennies on the Rail The Pennies will be playing November 5th at Uptown Bill's Coffee House 7-9 pm. Hope to see all of you there! Let us know if you have a special request!


Pennies on the Rail's cover photo


Timeline Photos