Learn the Risk - The REAL Risk

Learn the Risk - The REAL Risk

This page exists to combat the misinformation regarding vaccines that is prolific on the Internet an

RFK Jr.'s anti-vaccine group kicked off Instagram, Facebook 19/08/2022

About damn time!

RFK Jr.'s anti-vaccine group kicked off Instagram, Facebook Instagram and Facebook suspended Children's Health Defense this week after the anti-vaccine group led by Robert Kennedy Jr. repeatedly violated rules prohibiting misinformation about COVID-19. A nonprofit, Children's Health Defense is one of the most influential anti-vaccine organizations active on....

What sets apart Novavax option from other COVID-19 vaccines 27/07/2022

No more excuses people:

What sets apart Novavax option from other COVID-19 vaccines Learn why unvaccinated adults may roll up their sleeves for the Novavax vaccine, and how it differs from the three other choices available in the U.S.

German police foil 'anti-vaxxer murder plot' against state premier 15/12/2021

The "peaceful" and "harm prevention" group have shown their true colors here.

German police foil 'anti-vaxxer murder plot' against state premier German police have foiled a plot by anti-vaccination activists to murder the state premier of Saxony in eastern Germany, they said on Wednesday, as concerns grow over an increasingly violent pushback against COVID-19 vaccination plans.

A Texas doctor who defended ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19 and criticized vaccine mandates has been suspended 16/11/2021

A Texas doctor who defended ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19 and criticized vaccine mandates has been suspended Mary Bowden is the latest doctor to face discipline after going against COVID-19 guidelines backed by leading health officials nationwide.

Global Measles Outbreaks 14/11/2021

Global Measles Outbreaks Top 10 countries with measles outbreaks, plus information on measles infections worldwide from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


By now, we all know that we are combatting two different pandemics-- COVID-19 and misinformation! In this post, we dispel some common myths being perpetuated about COVID-19 vaccines for children.

First: It is not true that healthy children should not get vaccinated. We want them to get vaccinated so they stay healthy! One-third of children hospitalized with COVID-19 had no risk factors or co-morbidities.

Second: While the majority of children do not get severely ill with COVID-19, thousands of children have been hospitalized (and we have seen a five-fold increase since the emergence of Delta). We have a safe and highly effective tool that can prevent this.

Third: Decades of research on mRNA vaccines and extensive clinical trials and real-world data have shown that the vaccines are safe. Nothing we ever have (and likely ever will) put into our bodies has been studied and monitored as extensively as these vaccines. While there are no known long-term effects from the vaccine, there are many long-term effects of the virus.

Fourth: No, the vaccines were not rushed. The COVID-19 vaccines were developed based on decades of research on mRNA vaccines and other coronaviruses.

Getting your child(ren) vaccinated against COVID-19 is safe, highly effective, and a very important step in our fight against this virus.



Just a funny


Surveillance for Adverse Events After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination 04/09/2021


Surveillance for Adverse Events After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination This study reports an interim analysis of safety surveillance data of 23 serious outcomes following vaccination with 1 of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines based on comprehensive health records from a large US population.

Pfizer ‘variant hunters’ race to stay ahead of the Covid-19 pandemic - STAT 04/09/2021


Pfizer ‘variant hunters’ race to stay ahead of the Covid-19 pandemic - STAT STAT was granted a rare look inside Pfizer’s vaccine research labs, which have remained a place of frenetic activity through the pandemic.

Why we need to make it harder for parents to refuse vaccines - Harvard Health Blog 13/03/2021

Lots of good points being made here. Especially on how not vaccinating is the equivalent of placing a child in danger.

Why we need to make it harder for parents to refuse vaccines - Harvard Health Blog Skipping vaccinations not only puts kids at risk for certain diseases, but also makes it harder to protect those who cannot be vaccinated.

How Do We Grieve 300,000 Lives Lost? 15/12/2020

How Do We Grieve 300,000 Lives Lost? Eleven months into the COVID-19 crisis, an unimaginable death toll has been reached. NPR spoke to doctors, nurses and the bereaved about how they face loss every day.

Top Pandemic Doctor Explains Hong Kong's Low Covid-19 Fatality Rate 18/10/2020

"Hong Kong took rapid and decisive action in response to Covid-19 because of the legacy of SARS, Yuen said. He hopes others will learn from the current crisis about the need to prepare for and mitigate the risks of future pandemics.

“It’s the 2003 experience that allowed us to walk another mile early,” Yuen said. “I hope that everybody in the world will learn this time that emerging infectious disease is something that would happen more and more frequently."”

Top Pandemic Doctor Explains Hong Kong's Low Covid-19 Fatality Rate Hong Kong’s top pandemic doctor sees a way out of intensive care for thousands of Covid-19 patients: keeping them from entering in the first place.



Jesus Christ. 😳😠😠


"I've finally got the answers how I wanted them"

See, that statement right there is very telling.

An update on the woman that is attempting to blame vaccines for her daughter's positional asphyxiation death (which was caused by the mother drinking and bed-sharing).

So she paid several people to try and get the unscientific answer she was looking for, and finally the 4th one was dishonest enough to take her money and attempt to twist and contort reality? Isn't the fact that 3 other independent experts confirmed the ME's original findings going to work against her? She doesn't have a prayer in the world. 🙄


Vaccines R Us


You have got to be kidding me...

"(CNN)People are getting sick and even dying after swallowing hand sanitizer, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday. Four died and others have suffered impaired vision or seizures, the CDC says.

A CDC team described the cases of 15 adults in Arizona and New Mexico hospitalized for methanol poisoning after consuming alcohol-based hand sanitizers between May and June."



Vaccines R Us

This is why indoor events are a terrible idea during a respiratory pandemic.

Herman Cain, the co-chair of Black Voices for Trump has died of Covid-19. His last public appearance was as one of the surrogates at President Trump's June 20th rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was diagnosed with Covid-19 on June 29th, and hospitalized on July 1st.

"Herman Cain, the former presidential candidate and former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, has died from coronavirus, according to an obituary sent from his verified Twitter account and Newsmax, where he was launching a television show.

Cain, as a co-chair of Black Voices for Trump, tested positive for Covid-19 on June 29 and was hospitalized on July 1 after developing symptoms serious enough to be hospitalized, according to the statement posted on Twitter.

Cain's last public appearance was as one of the surrogates at President Trump's June 20 rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma."



Rod Cook - Vaccine Scientist

Karen AntiVax: “The Flu vaccines causes the Flu.” FACTS, who needs them? Certainly NOT AntiVaxxers.


Guess who?

Yeah, except every MRI, CT scan and EEG I've had has proven that I am not in anyway "damaged". What a disgusting thing to say about a neurologic difference.


Vaccines R Us

More evidence that survival is not synonymous with recovery.

"Major medical centers nationwide trying to understand why some COVID-19 patients continue to have symptoms weeks and even months after having been diagnosed with the coronavirus.

Amy Watson, 47, is one of those patients. She's had a fever, she said, for more than 100 days.

One theory is that the inflammation triggered by COVID-19 damages the autonomic nervous system, which affects functions we don't consciously think about, such as digestion, sweating, sleep, heart rate and blood pressure.

Dr. Mitchell Miglis, a neurologist at Stanford University, ascribes to this theory. He said it appears that for some people, "the body is still damaged" even when the virus is long gone.

"It can take a really long time to fully recover," he said, adding that it's too soon to know whether the condition will clear up eventually or whether the symptoms will continue as a chronic disease."



Vaccines R Us



This is what Covid-19 did to the lungs in a severe case.

Covid-19 completely destroyed this 20 year old's lungs.

"A woman in her 20s received a double-lung transplant last week after the coronavirus damaged her respiratory system, Northwestern Medicine in Chicago announced on Thursday.

The woman spent 6 weeks in the hospital's COVID ICU on a ventilator and life support. In early June, her lungs developed irreversible damage, and she was listed for a double transplant. Within 48 hours, the team was able to perform the procedure.

"A lung transplant was her only chance for survival," Ankit Bharat, MD, chief of thoracic surgery and surgical director of the hospital's lung transplant program, said in the news release.

Organ transplants may become more common in severe cases of COVID-19, Bharat told The Washington Post . The coronavirus affects the lungs most often, but it can also damage the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and nervous system.

"We want other transplant centers to know that while the transplant procedure in these patients is quite technically challenging, it can be done safely," he said. "It offers the terminally ill COVID-19 patients another option for survival.""



Vaccines R Us

Let's hope this works out!

Preliminary trials using dexamethasone to treat severely ill Covid-19 patients has shown very promising results. Dexamethasone treatment was able to save 1 in 8 patients on a vent, and 1 in 25 patients on supplemental oxygen. However, caution should be exercised until larger double blind trials are completed.

"Results of trials announced on Tuesday showed dexamethasone, which is used to reduce inflammation in other diseases, reduced death rates by around a third among the most severely ill Covid-19 patients admitted to hospital.

The results suggest the drug should immediately become standard care in patients with severe cases of the pandemic disease, said the researchers who led the trials.

"This is a result that shows that if patients who have Covid-19 and are on ventilators or are on oxygen are given dexamethasone, it will save lives, and it will do so at a remarkably low cost," said Martin Landray, an Oxford University professor co-leading the trial, known as the RECOVERY trial.

"It's going to be very hard for any drug really to replace this, given that for less than 50 pounds ($63.26), you can treat eight patients and save a life," he told reporters in an online briefing.

His co-lead investigator, Peter Horby, said dexamethasone was "the only drug that's so far shown to reduce mortality - and it reduces it significantly."

"It is a major breakthrough," he said. "Dexamethasone is inexpensive, on the shelf, and can be used immediately to save lives worldwide."

There are currently no approved treatments or vaccines for Covid-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus which has killed more than 431,000 globally."

https://www-cnbc-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/06/16/steroid-dexamethasone-reduces-deaths-from-severe-covid-19-trial.html?amp_js_v=a3&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D =https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnbc.com%2F2020%2F06%2F16%2Fsteroid-dexamethasone-reduces-deaths-from-severe-covid-19-trial.html


Vaccines R Us

Checkmate Bill Gates.


Vaccines R Us

Another example of how "boosting" the immune system is a fallacy.

Yet another reason why having a "boosted" immune system is a fallacy. In the case of Covid-19, it appears that those with the most severe disease and lung damage are those who have the strongest immune response to the virus. Different genes are shown to be responsible for the immune response to this virus, and it appears that genes at two different loci (responsible for immune system overreaction) are strongly correlated with more severe disease and respiratory failure. The other loci encodes for blood type, and data are showing a strong correlation between Type A blood and severe disease.

"Variations at two spots in the human genome are associated with an increased risk of respiratory failure in patients with Covid-19, the researchers found. One of these spots includes the gene that determines blood types.

Having Type A blood was linked to a 50 percent increase in the likelihood that a patient would need to get oxygen or to go on a ventilator, according to the new study.

The study was equally striking for the genes that failed to turn up. The coronavirus attaches to a protein called ACE2 on the surface of human cells in order to enter them, for example. But genetic variants in ACE2 did not appear to make a difference in the risk of severe Covid-19.

Two loci turned up. In one of these sites is the gene that determines our blood type. That gene directs production of a protein that places molecules on the surface of blood cells.

It’s not the first time Type A blood has turned up as a possible risk. Chinese scientists who examined patient blood types also found that those with Type A were more likely to develop a serious case of Covid-19.

No one knows why. While Dr. Franke was comforted by the support from the Chinese study, he could only speculate how blood types might affect the disease. “That is haunting me, quite honestly,” he said.

He also noted that the locus where the blood-type gene is situated also contains a stretch of DNA that acts as an on-off switch for a gene producing a protein that triggers strong immune responses.

The coronavirus triggers an overreaction of the immune system in some people, leading to massive inflammation and lung damage — the so-called cytokine storm. It is theoretically possible that genetic variations influence that response.

A second locus, on Chromosome 3, shows an even stronger link to Covid-19, Dr. Franke and his colleagues found. But that spot is home to six genes, and it is not yet possible to say which of them influences the course of Covid-19.

One of those gene candidates encodes a protein known to interact with ACE2, the cellular receptor needed by the coronavirus to enter host cells. But another gene nearby encodes a potent immune-signaling molecule. It is possible that this immune gene also triggers an overreaction that leads to respiratory failure."



Vaccines R Us

The true cost of this pandemic will be far higher than just the lives lost.

An estimated three-quarters of chronic fatigue syndrome cases are triggered by viral or bacterial infections. Chronic fatigue (sometimes known as post-viral fatigue) is debilitating and can result in life-long disability. Covid-19 is expected to drastically increase the number of individuals suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.

"The long-term illnesses that can follow viral infections can be devastating — and are devastatingly common. In 2015, the nation’s top medical advisory body, the Institute of Medicine, estimated that between 800,000 and 2.5 million U.S. residents live with the illness or illnesses awkwardly named myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). An estimated three-quarters of these cases were triggered by viral or bacterial infections.

Now, as a new pandemic virus is burning through the world and causing many deaths, researchers are raising alarms that the novel coronavirus and the covid-19 disease it causes will also leave in its wake a potentially large population with post-viral problems that could be lifelong and, in some cases, disabling.

At the National Institutes of Health and elsewhere, scientists who have been studying post-viral ME/CFS are seizing the opportunity to focus on covid-19 patients. They want to understand what biological factors separate those who regain their health from those who remain sick.

“We want to look at who recovers and who doesn’t,” said Avindra Nath, the head of clinical neurology at NIH’s Clinical Center in Bethesda, Md., who is gearing up to study covid-19 patients. “It’s quite possible some will never get their health back.”

In addition to emerging reports of damage to lungs, kidneys and hearts, covid-19 patients are complaining of ongoing crushing fatigue, muscle pain, cognitive problems and other symptoms that anyone with ME/CFS is very familiar with.

“I’m 69 days after my first symptoms and still feeling fatigued,” wrote Canadian comedian Wayne Jones on Twitter, saying he has tested positive for the new coronavirus. “I also have sore eyes, and weakness and headaches that come and go. All signs point to post-viral fatigue.”

Sometimes a precursor to ME/CFS post-viral fatigue syndrome can occur after virtually any viral infection. Symptoms wax and wane; a person can feel fine one day and terrible the next. Exercise or other usual activities can bring fever and often symptoms rushing back. Although there is no known treatment, these problems often resolve on their own.

But patients who have experienced post-viral fatigue syndrome advise the newly ill to rest, rest and rest some more, as returning to normal activities can trigger relapses. If symptoms continue for six months or longer, post-viral fatigue syndrome can convert to a diagnosis of ME/CFS, which is usually lifelong and often devastating. Up to 25 percent of ME/CFS patients are housebound or bedbound for years. There are no treatments approved by the Food and Drug Administration."



No one wins in this situation.

What a ghoulish response to thousands of people dying.


Vaccines R Us

These comparisons are getting very old.

People are still trying to compare Covid-19 with seasonal Influenza, and it is beyond foolish to compare the two. When comparing raw data, Covid-19 deaths are still between 9.5-fold to 44.1-fold higher than influenza deaths.

"The number of COVID-19 deaths cannot be directly compared to the number of seasonal influenza deaths because they are calculated differently, researchers say in a report released today.

Whereas COVID-19 death rates are determined from actual counts of people who have died, seasonal influenza death rates are estimated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) using population modeling algorithms, explains Jeremy Samuel Faust, MD, with Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Division of Health Policy and Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts.

The authors illustrate the difference in the way rates of death from influenza are calculated: "Between 2013–2014 and 2018–2019, the reported yearly estimated influenza deaths ranged from 23,000 to 61,000. Over that same time period, however, the number of counted influenza deaths was between 3448 and 15,620 yearly."

"It's apparent [the CDC has] been overestimating," Faust said. "If you publish a number on the higher end of the estimate, people might take your public health messages more seriously, such as, it's important to get your yearly flu shot."

He added that until influenza death rates started to be compared with COVID-19 rates, "there was never really a downside" to reporting estimates.

Temte said he doesn't regard overestimating flu deaths as intentional but rather the result of a longstanding "bias against the elderly in this country" that the estimates are meant to account for.

For example, he says, reporting influenza deaths is mandatory when such deaths involve persons younger than 18 years but not when they involve adults.

Also, traditionally, influenza has been seen "as a cause of death in people with multiple comorbidities that was just part and parcel of wintertime," Temte said.

The likelihood of being tested for influenza goes down greatly when you're older," he said. "This is slowly changing."

"The CDC acknowledges on its website that it "does not know the exact number of people who have been sick and affected by influenza because influenza is not a reportable disease in most areas of the US."

It adds that the burden is estimated through the US Influenza Surveillance System, which covers approximately 8.5% of the US population."



Go and show them some support! No doubt the anti-vaxxers are flooding their page with negative reviews that have nothing to do with their business.

Anti-vaxxers are swarming her post.

Link to post:


Vaccines R Us

All of the people (anti-vaxxers included) bitching about how stay-at-home orders are unconstitutional, have clearly never even read the constitution, and don't understand how laws/statutes during a "state of emergency" function.

***Our apologies for this very americentric post, but we are making it in response to the stay-at-home order protests happening all over the U.S.A.***

Even in cases where a "state of emergency" hasn't been declared, people absolutely do not have rights which can't be restricted. For example, if you violate the law, the state has the power to restrict your freedoms; up to and including (in some states) removing your right to live. So in fact, people do not have irrevocable rights regardless of their behavior. These laws are very clearly spelled out, and any citizen can read about them if they so choose.

Back to the issue at hand... Police officers DO NOT make the laws, but they are responsible for enforcing them. In fact, a police officer would legitimately be violating their oath if they refused to uphold the law, not the other way around (despite what people all over social media are claiming). The only ones with the power to decide if a law is constitutional or not is the judicial branch, not the police.

Now that we've established that fact, let's take a look at how laws operate during a "state of emergency". The state has the right to declare a "state of emergency" when there is a credible threat to the life and health of the people. Under normal circumstances passing laws and statutes takes months to accomplish, but during a "state of emergency" the state (governor) has the right to enact reasonable restrictions to protect the people. Because the circumstances for which the "state of emergency" was declared are time sensitive (they require immediate action), and the state has the right to enforce whatever measures are deemed necessary. This is literally what a "state of emergency" declaration was created for (in a legal sense).

In summation, you do not have the right to do whatever you please whenever you want. Everything being done by the state and country is completely legal, and in fact follows amendments made to the U.S. and state constitution.

"At the beginning of Title 58, Chapter 2, the General Assembly gives its reason for passing the law, essentially saying that in times of dire emergency, someone has to have the authority to act quickly to help the state and its citizens prevent or recover from as much damage as possible. The normal process of government simply takes too long when lives are at stake.
Under this law, after declaring a state of emergency, the governor can: suspend laws or rules regarding the conduct of state business if necessary to cope with the emergency, order evacuations from certain areas, make orders concerning entry and exit and the occupancy of premises within an emergency area, and take measures concerning the conduct of civilians and the calling of public meetings and gatherings, among other things. A full list of the powers conferred on the governor can be read in TCA 58-2-107, which means Title 58, section 2, subsection 107.
Note that in dealing with the threat posed by COVID-19, the “emergency area” entails the entire state...

What we can know for certain is that law enforcement is doing their duty and following their oath to enforce a duly passed law – a law likely few actually want to enforce.
At the same time, they’re trying to protect everyone’s health – so if they tell you to go home, unless you want to fight it in court where you’ll almost certainly lose, how about doing everyone a favor and just saying, “Yes officer – I will. Thanks for looking out for me.”"

