Kurt Schemers

Kurt Schemers

Kurt Schemers achieved phenomenal success spanning 18 years as a radio & television host. (Retired) Kurt Schemers, nationally syndicated host of Traders Nation®.

About Traders Nation®
The original Traders Nation®, a sought-after industry leader since 2001 is a powerful hybrid of market news, stock movers, and national guests that discuss topics that are not only critical to the financial markets but geopolitical events that affect how the markets move. Viewers also enjoy an astonishing mix of market news and lifestyle topics on personal and professional le


Traders Nation® - Financial News, Stock Market Commentary, and National Guests

Guest: Taylor Letterman, Cryptocurrency Analyst, and Trader at Simpler Trading, discusses with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® of Facebook’s recent announcement that it plans to introduce a new “stablecoin” cryptocurrency called, Libra. Governments world-wide are resistant to the trend since they’re concerned about how cryptocurrency can undermine the stability of their financial system.

Letterman further goes to lay out how difficult it is to trust the conglomerate of companies to run and operate Libra since some have already proven to the public they can’t be trusted. Case in point, Facebook went to testify before Congress and told them that privacy of its users are a major consideration and is their number one priority. When in fact, as it turns out, Facebook was selling users data to third parties without the users knowledge - public trust broken.

Lastly, will governments pass laws to outlaw the use of cryptocurrency since it seems they may find it difficult to control? These questions and more are covered during our guest segment.

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John Grace, Founder, and President of, “Investors Advantage Corp”, discusses with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® that the Fed will be holding rates steady for now, but certainly they left the door open for cuts in the future. Asked, will this set up a confrontation with President Trump who has been pressuring the FED to cut rates? Tune in and get the details.

Interestingly enough, the FED is more protective on their posture as we look on for clues to which way their decisions sway. For example, it was noticed the word “patient” was dropped in describing their approach to policy. Word-smithing has never played an enhanced role as it does today when looking-on the FED.

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S31E02– 06/20/2019


Guest: Tom Gandolfi, Founder, and CEO of, “Three Bridges Financial Group”, discusses with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® that with all the tariffs flying around, it looks as if the United States will be lifting the steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada and Mexico. We discuss what this means for U.S. companies, and that lifting the tariffs is a good-faith mechanism towards a successful USMC trade agreement.

Gandolfi, further explains how American workers will benefit from the updated USMC trade deal and finally through tough negotiations, America will find itself much better off than deals in the past. On another front, this also signals to the Chinese that fairness in trade is the cornerstone of success, and the Chinese best be prepared to come to the table with the United States.

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Eddie Ghabour, co-owner of Key Advisors Group, and author of “The Common Sense Bull – The Keys to the good Life Before and During Retirement” discusses with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® Americans know they need to save for retirement, but find it difficult to do so.

Ghabour cuts it down to two factors and the first is debt management. It’s too easy to spend what money one has (or doesn’t have) with a simple click of a button – the Amazon affect. Another, get into better habits of saving for your future, and getting a simple plan of saving. Ghabour goes into great detail and gives viewers and listeners several suggestions to map out a strategy to accomplish this.

Additionally, to reach financial success, having the money in an investment portfolio is great, but being debt free is just as financially powerful for long term staying power in retirement. Ghabour and Schemers bring to the front “found money” and what it means to someone when they come across it, and what they should do with it when it lands on their lap. Get the details by tuning in today.


Schemers and McKelvey split up two different segments to touch on payment processors and towers. Enter 5G - someone has to carry the stream of data across the nation and the tower stocks on our list are doing this. These sleepers that no one is covering, are hitting on all cylinders with handsome charts and bullish moves.

Payment processors remain on our radar because it’s a sector growing incrementally around the world. Digital payment is key, as paper currency is seen further and further in the rear view mirror. Our list contains legacy processors and the new digital startups in the market. Schemers and McKelvey cover stocks that are poised to move, and several that have gone parabolic.

More: Schemers and McKelvey bring viewers and listeners up-to-date with each stock on their list. Find out which ones are making a move and others that may be settling down and finding their base. Get all the charts and setups with commentary surrounding the stocks in the current edition of Traders Nation®.


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S30E09 – 02/28/2019


Jack Roberts, Options Strategist at “Simpler Trading”, discusses with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® how the FED eased up after one quantitative tightening, and as a result we saw a strong market in January. We further discussed, will the market continue to perform for traders and investors? This is a possibility since consumer confidence remains strong and a primary driver of the economy.

On the global scale, a lot of countries have their debt denominated in US dollar. Now, most of these countries use their own currency, which means their debt more expensive, and this, in most cases, is unsustainable. So, there is global weakness, and certainly could have a direct effect on the US market on the horizon.


John Grace, Founder and President of, Investors Advantage Corp, updates with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® about a tax bill floating around by top US House tax writer, Representative Kevin Brady. Portions of the bill relate directly to retirement plans and IRS reform.

Grace discusses Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) and the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) that the government forces retirees to take since it creates a wealth of cash revenue for the FEDS. Additionally, small business retirement plans get a once-over, and how these plans benefit employers and the employees that participate in them.


Jeffrey Small: Market volatility, what's coming and your financial future – must see

Guest: Jeffrey Small, President of, Arbor Financial, updates with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® discuss the volatility in the market right now and what is causing it. Small discusses the technical aspect of several markets and Schemers discusses the geopolitical events contributing to the volatility.

The market closed down for the 2nd day, after a huge down day yesterday (12/05), but there are headwinds coming in 2019 that can affect your financial future and portfolio. Small lays out very important analysis, and you need to watch/listen if you’re going to be prepared. Small makes stunning factual points throughout this interview, but near the end, the most striking of all.


Angela Sloan: The tax cuts were great, but filing your taxes became more complex | Traders Nation® - Financial News, Stock Market Commentary and National Guests 30/11/2018

Angela Sloan: The tax cuts were great, but filing your taxes became more complex


Angela Sloan: The tax cuts were great, but filing your taxes became more complex | Traders Nation® - Financial News, Stock Market Commentary and National Guests Angela Sloan, CEO, and Founder of, Sloan Financial Group, updates with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® how the "Tax Cuts and Job Act of 2017" was beneficial for many Americans, but when it comes to tax filing will taxpayers run into complex filing issues?


Angela Sloan, CEO, and Founder of, Sloan Financial Group, updates with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® how the “Tax Cuts and Job Act of 2017” was beneficial for many Americans, but when it comes to tax filing will taxpayers run into complex filing issues? Sloan, which has been training with the IRS believes so.

Watch/listen as we lay out in detail several examples of which deductions are no longer available and how to take advantage of the new rules in the next tax filing year. For example, no longer is the ceiling for property tax unlimited. Discover what the new ceiling is, and who will get hurt the most from it.

Lastly, get up-to-date as the IRS signals what to expect for personal and for businesses when it comes to filing your 2018 returns.

Anthony Saccaro: Social Security will tap the trust fund for the first time in thirty-six years, now what? | Traders Nation® - Financial News, Stock Market Commentary and National Guests 16/11/2018

Anthony Saccaro: Social Security will tap the trust fund for the first time in thirty-six years, now what?


Anthony Saccaro: Social Security will tap the trust fund for the first time in thirty-six years, now what? | Traders Nation® - Financial News, Stock Market Commentary and National Guests Anthony Saccaro, President of, Providence Financial, updates with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® how Social Security will tap the trust fund for the first time in thirty-six years, and what it means to all of us that have put into the system.


Anthony Saccaro, President of, Providence Financial, updates with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® how Social Security will tap the trust fund for the first time in thirty-six years, and what it means to all of us that have put into the system. We discover that media, in general, may be skewing information on what this actually means. Still, the mere fact that the government will need to means the Social Security system is still broke and needs to be fixed.

Additionally, we explore will benefits be reduced and age requirement to collect Social Security change? Good chance – since many variables like life expectancy have changed since 1935 when Social Security was enacted. People are living longer today than they were in 1935 – so does it make sense for the government to tweak Social Security in tandem with modern life-spans? Some think so.

Finally, Saccaro touches on how the Millennials are larger in numbers than the Baby-Boomers – will they be the saving grace for the fund? Get the details as we line them out.

Eddie Ghabour: Volatility in the market - what sector is wreaking the most havoc | Traders Nation® - Financial News, Stock Market Commentary and National Guests 03/11/2018

Eddie Ghabour: Volatility in the market - what sector is wreaking the most havoc


Eddie Ghabour: Volatility in the market - what sector is wreaking the most havoc | Traders Nation® - Financial News, Stock Market Commentary and National Guests Eddie Ghabour, Co-Owner of, Key Advisors Group LLC" updates with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® about the "longest bull market run" which was first discussed in August on where the market is since then, and where Ghabour feels it will close by year-end.


Eddie Ghabour, Co-Owner of, Key Advisors Group LLC” updates with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® about the “longest bull market run” which was first discussed in August on where the market is since then, and where Ghabour feels it will close by year-end.

Additionally, there’s been a tremendous amount of volatility in the market – get the details on which sector is wreaking the most havoc and what’s the best way to mitigate and protect your portfolio from the unexpected swings in the market.

Finally, Ghabour touches on U.S. economic growth, jobs, and consumer confidence – how does it all tie together to finish out the year, and will it continue into 2019? Get all the details by tuning in today.


Sam McElroy, Co-Founder of, “ and Investments” discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® that the jobless claims have dropped to a 49 year low – what was it that paved the way for tremendous prosperity in the labor force?

Additionally, one side effect we’re seeing with surplus jobs is that there isn’t enough skilled candidates to fill these positions. Discover how employers are coping with finding the right people, and then keeping the ones they have.

Finally, McElroy feels the jobs market will continue to stay healthy for the rest of 2018, and into 2019 as the strong economy continues to move along. Get the details and numbers – tune in today.

Sam McElroy: Jobless claims drop to a 49 year low – discover what paved the way | Traders Nation® - Financial News, Stock Market Commentary and National Guests 28/10/2018

Sam McElroy: Jobless claims drop to a 49 year low – discover what paved the way


Sam McElroy: Jobless claims drop to a 49 year low – discover what paved the way | Traders Nation® - Financial News, Stock Market Commentary and National Guests Sam McElroy, Co-Founder of, " and Investments" discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® that the jobless claims have dropped to a 49 year low – what was it that paved the way for tremendous prosperity in the labor force?

David Scranton: Fed has indicated it's staying on course to rate hikes despite growing criticism | Traders Nation® - Financial News, Stock Market Commentary and National Guests 22/10/2018

David Scranton, CEO, and Founder of, “Sound Income Strategies” discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® that the Fed has indicated it’s staying on course to rate hikes despite growing criticism from some in the market and the current Administration. Additionally, the Fed is sending a message to the bond market, by action, “we’re doing this”. Discover what effect this decision has on bonds. [ 86 more words ]

David Scranton: Fed has indicated it's staying on course to rate hikes despite growing criticism | Traders Nation® - Financial News, Stock Market Commentary and National Guests David Scranton, CEO, and Founder of, "Sound Income Strategies" discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® that the Fed has indicated it's staying on course to rate hikes despite growing criticism


Guest: Brad Williams, President of, “Brad Williams Financial Services” discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® the DOW’s rapid 830 point tumble due to rising rates and an unsettled trade dispute between the USA and China. Additionally, since the economy is running pretty hot, and fast enough to kick up inflation pressures, is there a need from Fed policy-makers to raise rates?

Not to miss, consumer confidence jumps to an 18 year high; the economy is running on all cylinders and Americans haven’t been this confident since the 1990’s internet boom. Williams discusses the growth of businesses and the friendly environment away from taxation and heavy governmental burden of regulations straggling industries. And, that business growth is what provides prosperity for Americans through lower taxes, better employee pay and bonuses driving the consumer market.


Allison Ostrander: Cannabis - critical trading and investment strategies in this emerging market.

Allison Ostrander, Director of Tolerance, and Options Trader Specialist with “Simpler Trading” discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® how large companies are paving the way of legitimacy by making sizable investments in small cannabis companies. And, as Canada legalizes cannabis across the board for recreational consumption, companies are positioning themselves in the space to meet the huge demand of consumers.

Additionally, we discuss with Ostrander, will the U.S. federal government relent in legalizing cannabis? It’s thought, if they do, it would be the catalyst for the industry to expand exponentially creating a whole new class of wealth and investment opportunities for wall street and main street.

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Kathy Fettke: Homeownership, a later prospect for Millennials overcoming debt and unemployment

Kathy Fettke, Co-CEO, and Co-Founder, of “Real Wealth Network” discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® how a large portion, but not all, of the Millennials, are opting out of homeownership. It’s discovered how Millennials are putting off to a later age of purchasing a home since coming off the Great Recession because of unemployment and debt concerns.

Plus, Fettke, covers the difference between a real asset (house) versus a depreciating one (car) and how this difference is critical to building wealth over time.


Al Caicedo, President, and Owner, of “CKS Summit Group” discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® how consumers are cutting the cable cord, and in particular, an estimate of 5 million customers are projected to say goodbye to their cable company in 2018. Losses are expected to range into the billions of US dollars.

Tune in to find out who’s letting loose of their cable company, and where they’re taking their entertainment business. And, discover how cable companies are combating the loss of customers and revenue. Lastly, legacy issues are forcing cable giants to be slow on the move to maintain market share – will it cost them dearly in the end? We have all the numbers and outlook – tune in today to find out what they are.


Adam Mesh, CEO and Founder, of “Adam Mesh Trading Group” discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® how Amazon became the second company in US history to reach $1 trillion market capitalization just one month after Apple Inc. was able to achieve the historic event.

Additionally, we discuss how Amazon seems to have a very aggressive growth plan and based upon its mammoth size and financial backing, scares companies in the markets it intends to enter.

Lastly, Amazon captures .49 cents for every online retail dollar spent in the United States, but, will it take more than that to capture the minds of investors to keep the excitement around Amazon going. Get this, and all the details by tuning in today.

Kurt Schemers Don McKelvey


Jeff Small: The longest market bull-run in history and what it means for investors.


Sam McElroy: The argument of “when did the current bull market start?”

Guest: Sam McElroy, Co-Founder of and Investments, discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® the argument of “when did the current bull market start” and the consensus of among “Wall Street folks”.

Additionally, long-term investors and traders have one goal, and that’s to retire and try to get there without harm or limited harm to their portfolio. McElroy gives several ideas on how to reach those goals, what to look out for, and help people reach the end with their nest egg in hand.

Lastly, nothing goes up forever, hear McElroys’ thought on the next big pull-back; he feels it’s going to be substantial. Be prepared, tune in today and get those numbers.


David Scranton: Inflation numbers – what brought them on and should we be concerned

David Scranton, CEO and founder of “Sound Investment Strategies” and author of “Return on Principle” discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® how inflation numbers are currently at their highest headline rate since 2012 and what brought them on.

And, the Federal Reserve Bank maintains a hawkish tone, while many central banks in other parts of the world are dovish - what can we expect out of the FEDS.

Additionally, we talk discuss flattening of the yield curve and get Scrantons economic take for the balance of 2018 – what to look for in the economy, businesses, and growth.


It's Now or Never…: How to Enjoy Your Life and Not Let Your Investments Own You!

Dee Carter, founder of The Carter Financial, and book author, “It’s Now or Never”, discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® how some people are grossly unprepared to find a financial advisor and what is the best way to find one, and ask the right questions. We also discuss when is the best time to move from growth funds into income products once an investor reaches a certain age.

Additionally, we talk about classic customer service and how not to judge a book by its cover. All clients are critical to a business no matter how small or large need specialized attention to their needs. In fact, the “people with the least amount of money, need the most amount of help” and great care is needed to get them on their way to meet their goals. Lastly, discover when most people make the most amount of money during their career – you may be shocked to hear when it is.



Honey Badger Trading: Find out what it is, and what makes a good one

Guest: Danielle Shay, Director of Options and Trader Specialist at Simpler Trading discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® mid-year review of stocks, strategies, and we look at a specific index because of its strongest relative strength. Watch to see which stocks stand out on her list, and with all the tariff news, how it creates profit opportunities for her.

We talk about a potential index pullback here at mid-year but try and view the horizon on how 2018 may turn out overall. With geopolitical events going on domestically and internationally, it’s important to stay focused on technical analysis – find out where you should be, and where to stay away from in the market.

Lastly, who doesn’t love a good “honey badger”? Find out what it is, and what makes a good one, and how to get your “honey badger” list started.


Doing Capitalism in the Innovation Economy

Guest: William H. Janeway, best-selling author of “Doing Capitalism in the Innovation Economy” discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® the mission-driven accomplishment of the United States Government to initiate and invest in early internet technology that commercial enterprises couldn’t have been able to pull off.

And, once the government got the technology to the staging area, commercial enterprise was able to take over and transform the technology into the market economy.

Additionally, financial speculators are funding billion dollars of “unicorns” building out the new digital economy. Hear what Janeway thinks about where the technology is today, and where he feels it will be tomorrow and beyond.

Videos (show all)

John Grace: The FED holds rates, but do they leave the door open for future cuts?
Eddie Ghabour: Debt Management and “Found Money” Aid Retirement
Traders Nation® - Financial News, Stock Market Commentary, and National Guests
John Grace: The IRS generates a wealth of revenue from forced RMD’s
Jeffrey Small: Market volatility, what's coming and your financial future – must see
Sam McElroy: Jobless claims drop to a 49 year low – discover what paved the way
Adam Mesh: Amazon becomes the second company in US history to reach $1 trillion market capitalization, now what?
Jeff Small: The longest market bull-run in history and what it means for investors.
Sam McElroy: The argument of “when did the current bull market start?”
David Scranton: Inflation numbers – what brought them on and should we be concerned
It's Now or Never…: How to Enjoy Your Life and Not Let Your Investments Own You!
Honey Badger Trading: Find out what it is, and what makes a good one