Bye Bye Jack

Bye Bye Jack

Dum-ditty, Dum-ditty. Whack Whack Whack!


Bye Bye Jack's cover photo


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hey Kids, the day is closing in on us, just over a week from now (the 10th of December) Bye Bye Jack will be rocking the stage at the MLG Band of the Year GRAND FINAL! We still need to sell a few tickets so get in contact with either Liam, Sean or Dave to grab one! CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL THERE!


Great gig tonight guys! Thanks to everyone who came down and supported us, especially Vesper Lynn, for the awesome set and drums! See you all on the 10th of December for the GRAND FINAL!


So... Bye Bye Jack are now going to the grand final because you're all sexy and have amazing dance moves haha. Thanks so much everyone! See you at the grand final in December! :D


Yo dudes and dudettes, we REALLY need to move some tickets for our prestigious semi final gig next sunday so if you haven't yet, PLEASE give either myself, Dave or Liam a buzz to organise getting tickets to you. They're only $15 each and you get eight bands so it's a glorious steal you should all take advantage of. We need to sell at least 50 to play so please contact us! love yoooouuu xo




What's that? A brand new recording whipped up in Sean's bandroom over the weekend? Well I'll be Dinkled! Check out Paper cup love juice on our band profile beautiful creatures xo


Thanks to divine intervention and all our bestest friends who came and supported us at the Hawthorn battle of the bands last night, the judges somehow decided that Bye Bye Jack WON! We had an amazing night watching all the other amazing bands and can't thank you guys enough for supporting us and helping us out with ticket sales, we couldn't have done it without you. Now onto round 2 in October!


Bye Bye Jack's to do list:
1.) Win round one of MLG's Battle of the Bands...Done
2.) Buy milk...Done
3.) Take over the world...


Hey beautiful people, we're playing the MLG battle of the bands on sunday the 21st of August at 6pm. Hit us up for tickets and we'll love you forever!


Hey kids, thsoe of you who saw us play on the 21st/27th of July, could you please send your thoughts of the gig in a msg to Eloise Kendrick. Shes writing a newsletter about us.






Thanks to the sexy spontaneous crowd at Barleycorn tonight. You all deserve expensive hats xo