Thoughts from a Wickedly Weird Witch

Thoughts from a Wickedly Weird Witch

High Priestess of Heart of the Bear Grove, keeper of the American Eclectic Pagan Tradition.


The backbone of any thriving economy is its small businesses. They infuse vitality, innovation, and a sense of community into our neighborhoods. From the corner store that sells pet food, to the wonderful little lady at the farmer’s market who brings me good bread and eggs with yolks so rich they make a white cake yellow.
However, in recent years, an alarming trend has emerged—the relentless rise in the cost of living, which is suffocating these entrepreneurial endeavors. As the disparity between wages and expenses widens, small businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to survive, jeopardizing the very essence of our local economies. It is high time we recognize and address this issue to ensure the continued prosperity of our communities.
Why even booth rent at local farmers markets has almost doubled. I heard a woman the other day griping that produce was so expensive, and when the seller ran down the list of expenses, the woman asked her, “Then why do you do it if you’re not making money?”
Small businesses face a barrage of financial challenges, many of which are rooted in the exorbitant cost of living. For entrepreneurs, operational expenses, such as rent, utilities, and insurance, have skyrocketed. As housing costs surge, commercial real estate follows suit, leaving entrepreneurs with significantly higher overheads, often rendering their business models unviable.
The rising cost of living creates a ripple effect that extends to the labor market. Small businesses, often unable to match the compensation packages offered by larger corporations, struggle to attract and retain talented employees. As a result, they are left with limited human resources, affecting productivity, customer service, and growth prospects. Moreover, the additional burden of healthcare costs and the inability to offer competitive benefits further exacerbate the problem.
When individuals face the harsh reality of the cost of living, they tighten their belts, reducing discretionary spending. This consumer behavior significantly impacts small businesses that heavily rely on local patronage. Attendance at Farmer’s Markets and buying from small businesses has decreased dramatically in the last year. This time last year a friend of mine’s popular Etsy shop was sitting at a nice profit of over $10,000. This year they haven’t even hit $5000 at the same time.
With reduced foot traffic and lower sales volumes, entrepreneurs are left grappling with dwindling revenues, making it increasingly challenging to cover their expenses and maintain profitability. Another thing that affects entrepreneurs is big box stores.
Small businesses, already operating on thin profit margins, find themselves at a distinct disadvantage when faced with higher operating costs. Larger corporations often have the financial capacity to absorb increased expenses, negotiate better deals with suppliers, or leverage economies of scale. However, for small businesses, these luxuries are out of reach, pushing many to close their doors, leaving vital community resources scares. The lack of a level playing field threatens the diversity and vibrancy of our local economies.
Small businesses are the lifeblood of innovation and entrepreneurship. They provide platforms for individuals to turn their dreams into reality, fostering creativity, and generating new ideas. However, when the cost of living becomes prohibitive, aspiring entrepreneurs are dissuaded from taking the leap, and the opportunity for societal progress diminishes. It is crucial to ensure that we nurture an environment where entrepreneurship thrives, allowing for economic growth, job creation, and a resilient local economy.
The high cost of living is a pressing issue that extends far beyond its impact on individuals' livelihoods. Small businesses, the heart and soul of our communities, are bearing the brunt of this unyielding burden. The rising expenses, labor market struggles, reduced consumer spending, and competitive disadvantages have created a precarious environment that threatens the existence of these enterprises. To safeguard the diversity and economic vitality of our neighborhoods, we must prioritize measures that alleviate the cost of living, support small businesses, and foster an environment where entrepreneurship can flourish.
I’m still going to go to the Farmer’s Market, stop at the truck stand, buy from Etsy and from other small retailers. I KNOW what it’s like to struggle in a down economy and I want to be part of the solution to retaining our small businesses. But I can’t do it alone.
Through concerted efforts and collaboration between policymakers, community leaders, and individuals, we can ensure that the small business ecosystem thrives and continues to shape the fabric of our society for generations to come. That and provide me the best eggs, veggies, honey, and handmade items I’ve ever had.

Click here to support Cancer Journey by Angela Krout on Give A Hand 23/06/2023

Sometimes we all need a helping hand. Especially when times are hard.

Click here to support Cancer Journey by Angela Krout on Give A Hand In the face of a relentless battle against Stage 4 lung cancer, for over two years, I've managed to fight this. However, the weight of exorbitant insurance, overwhelming co-pays, and escalating medical expenses has taken their toll, leaving me drained and in need of support. This week I had a fine n...


The recent maritime disasters that claimed the lives of hundreds of individuals from Pakistan and the submersible heading for the Titanic, have shed light on the stark inequalities that persist in our world. The loss of over 200 lives in a boat wreck off the coast of Greece, coupled with the fatal implosion of a submersible vehicle bound for the Titanic wreck, underscores the urgent need for improved safety standards.
Both tragedies share a common denominator: inadequate safety checks. Whether it was the overloaded boat transporting individuals seeking a new life or the ill-equipped submersible vehicle, the safety of those on board was compromised. These incidents serve as a reminder that lives should never be subjected to such risks due to negligence or substandard safety measures.
The loss of life in these disasters is nothing short of horrendous. Each victim had dreams, aspirations, and loved ones left behind. Regardless of their nationality or background, their lives mattered. No one should face such a tragic fate when pursuing a better future or seeking adventure.
It is disheartening to consider that, in the case of the submersible vehicle, individuals paid a staggering $250,000 for a ticket. One would reasonably expect the highest safety standards and stringent checks for such an exorbitant price. The fact that passengers were not provided with detailed schematics and thorough certifications is deeply troubling. Safety should not be a luxury reserved for the privileged few.
On the other hand, the overcrowded boat departing from Greece speaks to a different reality. People on board were driven by desperation, hoping to escape adversity and seek safety for themselves and their families. For them, the choice to board the vessel was likely a matter of survival, outweighing any concerns about safety. It is a stark reminder of the dire circumstances that push people to undertake perilous journeys in search of a better life.
These incidents should not be viewed in isolation but rather as symptoms of deeper systemic issues. The tragedy highlights the need for comprehensive reforms, including enhanced safety regulations, increased oversight, and greater accountability for maritime operators. Moreover, it calls for addressing the root causes of migration and displacement, such as poverty, conflict, and limited opportunities, which drive individuals to undertake risky journeys.
The loss of lives in these maritime disasters must not be forgotten. It is the responsibility of governments, international organizations, and civil society to demand change. We must push for stricter safety protocols, affordable and accessible means of travel, and improved support systems for those forced to flee their homes. For adventure seekers, stricter protocols must be enacted. Life is precious. Only through collective action and a commitment to equality can we prevent such tragedies from recurring.
The recent maritime disasters that claimed the lives of numerous Pakistanis and adventure seekers headed toward the Titanic, demand our attention and action. We must challenge the disparities that allow safety negligence to persist, driven by the privilege of affordability or the desperation of seeking a better life. Let us honor the memories of those lost by advocating for a world where every life is valued, and no one is subjected to unnecessary risks or denied their fundamental right to safety at sea.


Share and donate if you're able. Show a cancer warrior she doesn't stand alone.


“I Choose Love...”

No occasion justifies hatred; no injustice warrants bitterness. I choose love.

• I Choose Joy... I will invite my Spirit to be the Spirit of circumstance. I will refuse the temptation to be cynical. I will refuse to see people as anything less than human beings. I will refuse to see any problem as anything less than an opportunity to see how we connect to Spirit.
• I Choose Peace... I will forgive so I may live in Peace.
• I Choose Patience... I will overlook the inconveniences of the world. Instead of cursing the one who takes my place, I'll invite them to do so. Rather complain that the wait is too long, I will thank Spirit for a quiet moment to pray. Instead of clenching my fist at new assignments, I will face them with joy and courage.
• I Choose Kindness... I will be kind to the unkind, for that is how I wish to be treated. I will be kind to those who need a little kindness in their every day life, for that is all of humanity. I will be kind to animals, for we are all connected in the web of life.
• I Choose Goodness... I will go without a dollar before I take a dishonest one. I will be overlooked before I will boast. I will confess before I accuse. I choose goodness. I will lift up my head and smile when someone calls me a “hopeless Pollyana”, because hope is not yet gone from the world.
• I Choose Faithfulness... Today I will keep my promises. No one will question my word, loyalty, trust or love.
• I Choose Gentleness... Nothing is won by force. I choose to be gentle. If I raise my voice may it only be in praise or joy. If I clench my fist, may it only be in exercise of the body. If I make a demand, may it be a demand placed upon myself.
• I Choose Self-Control... I refuse to let what will rot, rule my life. I choose self-control. I will be drunk only by joy. I will be impassioned only by my faith. I will be influenced only by Spirit. I choose self-control.

Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control. To these I commit my day. If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will give thanks for the lessons and try again. And then when this day is done I will place my head on my pillow and rest, for I have done my best. Angela Krout 2023

Photos from Thoughts from a Wickedly Weird Witch's post 19/06/2023

Living with cats can be a roller coaster of emotions. From their mischievous antics, like munching on houseplants or zooming around the house during the Kitty 500, to their unique personalities and endearing qualities, our feline companions have a way of driving us crazy while simultaneously stealing our hearts. Especially the hilarious adventures and quirks of Fraser, Artemis, and Elvira, three feline troublemakers who have brought both chaos and immeasurable joy to my life.
Artemis: The Cranky Old Lady: At 13 years old, Artemis holds the title of the cranky old lady of the household. She may not possess the same youthful energy as Fraser and Elvira, but her personality more than makes up for it. Artemis has a penchant for grumbling at the slightest disturbance and has perfected the art of the disdainful stare. Despite her grouchy demeanor, there's a certain charm in her independent spirit and the wisdom she exudes. She lives for wet food, chimken and medium rare steak. I’ve got a photo of her where it looks like she’s staring through your soul and it’s one of my favorites. She’s been with me for all of her 13 years and she truly is my familiar.
Fraser: The Larger-than-Life Character: Fraser, on the other hand, is a massive one-year-old cat, weighing in at a whopping 15 pounds. He's a bundle of endless energy and enthusiasm, which often leads to a series of unexpected adventures. The Kitty 500, an entertaining display of zooming around the house at lightning speed, has become Fraser's signature move. As he leaps from furniture to furniture, he transforms the living room into a racetrack, leaving chaos in his wake. While his shenanigans may be exasperating at times, there's something undeniably entertaining and heartwarming about his larger-than-life personality. Especially when he’s cuddling and looking unbelievably adorable. He even likes to go outside and roll on the sidewalk or be chased by mom’s dog Maggie.
Elvira: The Playful Lightweight: At just 9 months old and weighing a mere 5 pounds, Elvira is the smallest of the trio. Her petite size belies her sometimes entitled cattitude and insatiable curiosity. She is fascinated by everything around her, from chasing flies to launching surprise attacks on unsuspecting toes. Especially mine, in bed, at night. Elvira's love for mischief knows no bounds, and she's particularly fond of doing balancing acts on high cabinets, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake. Despite the occasional frustration caused by her glass-destroying habits, Elvira's adorable antics never fail to bring a smile to my face. Especially when she lets me get that nose of hers.
Living with Fraser, Artemis, and Elvira can be challenging at times, especially when they push the boundaries of my patience. The scratched furniture, spilled water bowls, and the occasional midnight concert and or demolition derby can test anyone's sanity. However, beneath the chaos lies an overwhelming sense of love and companionship that only a cat can bring.
There's something magical about the way they curl up next to you after a long day, purring contentedly as you stroke their soft fur. Their antics, no matter how exasperating, remind us to embrace the present moment and find joy in the little things. From the shared moments of play to the gentle nuzzles and meows of affection, the love we receive from our feline friends is priceless.
Fraser, Artemis, and Elvira may drive me crazy at times with their annoying habits and their wild Kitty 500 races through the house, but the love and joy they bring to my life far outweigh any frustrations. Each cat, with their unique personality and quirks, has found a special place in my heart. Through the chaos and mischievousness, they have taught me patience, unconditional love, and the importance of finding joy in the simple pleasures of life. After all, life with cats is never dull, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


9 months since my dad passed. I'll be back Tuesday. Father's Day Weekend isn't going to be my best.


As the warmth of the sun caresses our skin and the scent of blooming flowers fills the air, we find ourselves immersed in the enchanting embrace of midsummer. It's a time when the world around us awakens with vibrant colors and the promise of endless possibilities. So, let's celebrate the joys of this magical season together, as we dive into the crystal-clear lakes, embark on crystal-digging adventures, dance under starlit skies, cast our lines for a day of fishing, and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime. ✨💫
There's something truly captivating about the shimmering surface of a lake, beckoning us to jump in and experience pure bliss. Whether we're splashing in the cool water, floating on a raft, or gliding through the waves on a boat, every moment spent at the lake is a refreshing escape from the ordinary. It's a chance to let go of our worries, to be present in the moment, and to relish the simple joys of life.
And let's not forget about the thrill of crystal digging, where we venture into nature's treasure trove and embark on a quest for hidden gems. With each stroke of the shovel and every glimmering crystal we uncover, we feel a profound connection to the Earth, as if it's whispering its secrets and sharing its beauty with us. It's a reminder that there's so much wonder to be found when we explore the depths of our surroundings.
As the sun begins to set, it's time to gather with friends and loved ones for an outdoor party. Surrounded by laughter, music, and the comforting embrace of nature, we revel in the joy of shared experiences. (While dodging those annoying mosquitos!) The warm glow of bonfires dances in our eyes, while the delicious aroma of grilled food tickles our senses, and an adult tasty beverage of choice is wrapped in one hand. It's a moment when time stands still, and we realize the true essence of happiness lies in the company we keep and the connections we forge.
And what better way to truly immerse ourselves in the rhythm of midsummer than casting our lines into the tranquil waters, waiting for that exhilarating tug on our fishing rods? The peaceful solitude, interrupted only by the gentle lapping of waves and the occasional chirping of birds, brings a sense of serenity to our souls. It's a time to reflect, to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, and to revel in the simplicity of the present moment.
So, my dear friends, as midsummer weaves its magic around us, let's embrace the joys that await. Let's plunge into the shimmering lakes, dig for crystals that hold the secrets of the Earth, dance under the moonlit skies, and cast our lines into the water with hopeful anticipation. May this weekend be filled with laughter, love, and the warmth of the sun on your face. Cheers to the enchantment of midsummer! 🌞🌸
Have a great weekend! 🌟✨


I must admit, I find it quite challenging to engage in shadow work. It can be difficult for me to confront my own shortcomings and take responsibility for my actions. However, it is crucial for me to address this matter sincerely and openly, as my therapist advises me to overcome it and let go.

So, what did I do exactly? I found myself seeking solace among individuals whom I believed to be my friends, during a time when I felt neglected and undervalued. Regrettably, I allowed people into my life who turned out to be rather unkind. They managed to convince me that I was superior and more important than I truly was. Reflecting on it now, I see how my ego was in a vulnerable state, and I naively fell for their flattery. Let's refer to them as the "Interlopers."

As a consequence, I was unjustly accused of associating with malevolent individuals, these so-called "Interlopers." They were hosting an event, and the reaction from others was beyond extreme. It was only a year prior that I was praised as a leader in community service. However, due to my affiliation with the "Interlopers," I was labeled as trash, evil, a racist, and even a homophobe. Oddly enough, these same "Interlopers" were showering me with praise and drawing me deeper into their circle. Desperate for validation that I felt had diminished since opening my store and expressing myself more openly, I allowed their influence to grow.

People who had never stepped foot in my business or visited my home began bombarding me with threatening calls and messages. The situation even attracted the attention of the media. Strangely, those who were shouting these accusations never once approached me in a calm manner. They chose to hide behind their keyboards instead. All it would have taken was one person to offer me their time, care, and attention—the same kind I had given to the community—and engage in a direct conversation with me.

In fact, a single individual could have made a significant difference. Unfortunately, that didn't happen, and I decided to push forward. The event went on as planned, but the "Interlopers" left me in a difficult situation. As a result, I lost my business and subsequently a job. One of the community members, whom I had previously been a leader among, began intertwining my personal life, specifically my involvement in the B**M community, with my professional life at the church. They even attempted to interfere with my current job, but thankfully, my employer dismissed their actions as inconsequential.

Upon reflection, I now realize that I was manipulated and used by those around me. I deeply regret allowing my ego to blind me. However, I can also recognize that the experience served a purpose—it helped me rid myself of toxic influences, including a friendship I once considered familial. As Madea wisely stated, some people enter our lives for a season or a reason. They may be leaves, twigs, branches, or even roots. I am grateful that my true roots stood by me throughout it all.

Know that my love for you surpasses any fleeting connection. It will always remain steadfast and unwavering.

For those of you whom I frightened, and felt devalued by my choices, I sincerely apologize. You can be certain I have learned my lesson.


Hey name is Llama de La Pride......Happy Pride y'all.


Oh, there was this one time, at a Pagan Camp….. a bunch of us were watching a workshop and it happened. Someone raised a very Native American bead worked fan and said, “My great great great great grandmother was a full-blooded Cherokee Indian princess.” Now no one was going to be rude and tell the speaker that, no, indeed she may have Cherokee blood in her veins, but Princess is a European construct.
She claimed that her ability to sage and smudge people was gifted to her by the shaman of her tribe. I asked who her medicine man was. She huffed and said, “I told you he is a SHAMAN.” Oh lord, I thought, here we go. Shaman is a term originating from the steppes of Russia.
Then I found out that it was a tribe that was created, (it wasn’t Cherokee) to give its members the ability to carry ma*****na and psychedelic mushrooms as “religious paraphernalia given to all native tribes”. Lord, then I found out that for $200 I too could be made a card-carrying member of that tribe.
Yes, the use of psychedelics in modern Native American rituals is a topic of discussion and controversy. Some Native American tribes have a long history of using certain psychedelic substances as part of their traditional ceremonies and spiritual practices. One notable example is the use of pe**te in the Native American Church (NAC) ceremonies.
The NAC is a religious movement that emerged in the late 19th century and incorporates elements of Christianity with indigenous beliefs and practices. Central to their rituals is the sacramental use of pe**te, a small cactus containing psychoactive compounds such as mescaline. The NAC considers pe**te as a sacred medicine that facilitates spiritual communion, healing, and personal transformation.
The NAC's use of pe**te has been legally recognized and protected in the United States since the passage of the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA) in 1978. The AIRFA grants Native American practitioners the right to use pe**te in religious ceremonies, exempting them from certain drug laws. This legal protection acknowledges the cultural and religious significance of pe**te within Native American communities.
It is important to note, however, that not all Native American tribes incorporate psychedelics into their spiritual practices. Indigenous cultures are diverse, and practices can vary significantly from tribe to tribe. The use of psychedelics, such as pe**te, is specific to certain tribes and religious groups within Native American communities.
Furthermore, it is essential to approach the topic of psychedelic use in Native American rituals with cultural sensitivity and respect. These practices are deeply rooted in indigenous traditions and carry spiritual and historical significance. It is crucial to avoid appropriating or commodifying these practices and to seek accurate information and guidance from Native American communities themselves.
Overall, while psychedelics are used in some modern Native American rituals, it is important to understand that these practices are specific to certain tribes and religious groups, and they should be approached with cultural sensitivity and respect. But back to the act of cultural appropriation that this group at camp did.
Why was it considered cultural appropriation?
The distinction between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation is an important and nuanced one that has gained significant attention and discussion in recent years. It revolves around the idea of understanding, respecting, and valuing diverse cultures while avoiding the harmful consequences of exploitation and disrespect.
Cultural appreciation refers to the genuine interest in and admiration for aspects of another culture. It involves learning about, understanding, and respecting the traditions, practices, beliefs, and symbols of a particular culture. Cultural appreciation acknowledges the value and significance of these elements, recognizing the contributions they make to the richness and diversity of our world. It promotes cross-cultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect.
On the other hand, cultural appropriation occurs when elements of one culture are adopted or borrowed by members of another culture, often without understanding or respecting their cultural context or significance. This can result in the commodification, trivialization, and misrepresentation of cultural practices, beliefs, artifacts, and symbols. Cultural appropriation often reinforces stereotypes, perpetuates power imbalances, and marginalizes the communities from which the cultural elements originate.
Differentiating between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation is crucial because it helps foster a climate of cultural understanding and harmony, while avoiding the perpetuation of harm and disrespect. Here are a few key reasons why this distinction is important:
Respect for cultural origins: Cultural appreciation acknowledges the historical, social, and spiritual roots of cultural practices and symbols. It respects the significance and sacredness attached to these elements by the communities that created them. By understanding and valuing the origins and meanings of cultural practices, we demonstrate respect for the people who have preserved and passed them down through generations.
Avoiding stereotypes and misrepresentation: Cultural appropriation often reduces complex cultural practices into simplistic stereotypes. This can lead to misunderstanding, misrepresentation, and the perpetuation of harmful narratives. By differentiating between appreciation and appropriation, we can ensure that cultural practices are represented authentically and with accuracy, promoting a more nuanced understanding of different cultures.
Power dynamics and privilege: Cultural appropriation often occurs when dominant cultures adopt elements from marginalized or oppressed cultures without understanding the historical context or power dynamics involved. This can reinforce existing power imbalances and further marginalize already marginalized communities. By recognizing and addressing these power dynamics, we can strive for a more equitable and inclusive society.
Promoting cultural exchange and learning: Genuine cultural appreciation fosters a climate of curiosity, open-mindedness, and learning. It encourages individuals to engage in meaningful dialogue, ask questions, and seek knowledge about different cultures. By appreciating other cultures without appropriating them, we can promote cross-cultural understanding and empathy.
Ethical consumption and fair trade: Cultural appropriation often involves the commodification and commercialization of cultural elements, sometimes without benefiting the communities that originated them. By differentiating between appreciation and appropriation, we can support ethical consumption practices that ensure fair compensation and recognition for the cultural communities involved.
In conclusion, understanding the importance of differentiating between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation is crucial for fostering respect, understanding, and harmony among diverse cultures. By engaging in genuine appreciation, we can celebrate cultural diversity while avoiding the harm and disrespect that can result from appropriation. It is essential to approach cultural exchange with sensitivity, humility, and a commitment to learning, ensuring that we promote inclusivity, fairness, and genuine understanding in our increasingly interconnected world.


My oldest son got me a backflow incense burner for Mother’s Day. I had a funny encounter while trying to light incense and keep it lit despite interference from an mischievous spirit.
Hanging out one bright and sunny morning in the living room, I decided to light some of the new incense I’d gotten. I carefully selected the scent of my choosing, struck a match, and approached the tip of the incense with anticipation. But just as the flame neared the incense, a sudden gust of wind seemed to materialize out of nowhere, extinguishing the match and leaving me a bit freaked out. There was no wind, no AC running, no fans.
Still, I was undeterred, and thought it was merely a coincidence and decided to try again. I lit another match, determined to succeed, and brought it closer to the incense. Yet, once again, a mysterious force seemed to blow through the room, blowing out the match just as before. Now intrigued and slightly amused, I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to this than meets the eye.
Playfully defiant, I decided to have a little argument with the unseen spirit. I picked up the incense stick and said, "Alright, Spirit, I know you're there. But this time, I'm determined to keep this incense lit, and no amount of gusty interference is going to stop me!"
I got my barbecue grill lighter, held it to the incense, and with my other hand, playfully shielded the flame, as if daring the spirit to try its luck again. To my surprise, the flame stayed strong, and the incense started to smolder and release its fragrant aroma into the room. I couldn't help but burst into laughter, feeling as if I had won a playful game of wills with the mischievous spirit.
I now occasionally find myself engaging in friendly banter with the spirit, jokingly challenging it to try and blow out the incense again. It became part of a lighthearted ritual, reminding me of the unseen energies around me and the delightful unpredictability of the spiritual realm.
To me this was a reminder that even in the most spiritual and mystical moments, humor and a touch of playful defiance can bring joy and a sense of connection with the unseen forces that surround us. And who knows, maybe the spirit itself found amusement in this interaction, adding a little extra magic to my incense-lit moments. Maybe it was just one of the family griping about my choice in incense.
