The Elijah Project

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Rachel Chapman - "This Blood" 09/03/2024

Rachel Chapman - "This Blood" Rachel Chapman singing "This Blood" on Easter Sunday 2017 at First Baptist Church in Minden, LA.

Rachel Chapman - "This Blood" 15/02/2024

Hebrews 9:22

There is no remission without the shedding of blood. I'm so thankful for the shed blood of Jesus Christ who took my place so I may live in eternal peace and joy.

Rachel Chapman - "This Blood" Rachel Chapman singing "This Blood" on Easter Sunday 2017 at First Baptist Church in Minden, LA.


Some of you may not like this post, I'm ok with that but if you're attending a church of ANY kind, denomination or persuasion and your church is more concerned with someone's outward appearance than you are with the condition of their soul, then you're in the wrong church.

I won't move from this stance at all. Do I believe we should be modestly dressed? Absolutely I do, however, not everyone who graces the doors of your church has ever been inside a church.

There are many who come for the first time in their lives, many others have been out of church for years.

When those people appear, why don't you have the same grace and the same mercy God gave YOU?

I DO believe the outward appearance, actions, etc. are a direct reflection of what's on the inside, however, I DO NOT believe those things are more important than the condition of a person's heart and soul!
..enough said



By now you should all realize that as a Christian you are hated. It's not that the world simply has a different opinion or viewpoint as yours but it is instead, a deep rooted hatred.

Social media is full of not only anti-Christian rhetoric but also full-blown hatred for the Bible and Christian viewpoints and those who support them.

YOU, as a Christian, are hated and the hatred is growing deeper each day.

Don't give up and don't grow weary during these evil days in which we live. None of this should be a surprise to you since we've known these times would come.

Let's be real about it all.

1. There are those who have an outright hatred for anything godly or moral. Why? Understand this: Godliness and morality grinds their spirit and reveals the darkness of their heart. As a result, it's natural man's response to either grow angry and lash out or to become convicted and repent. Unfortunately, the majority of the world today chooses the former actions.

2. Many Christians today have been lulled into emotional theology which neither increases their knowledge of the Bible nor feeds their starving spirit. They are much akin to the church at Laodicea and are unaware of their own (spiritually) malnourished state. Wouldn't it be great if we returned to the very tenets of salvation and seek the Lord with our whole hearts? Head knowledge is good but it is heart knowledge of the gospel and a return to that first love of salvation which leads to repentance.

I've watched in agonizing belief as many have turned away from the gospel and have given themselves over heretical cult-like beliefs and have completely rejected the simplicity which is in Christ.

Pray for your family
Pray for the world
Pray for your church
Pray for yourself

Acts 17:24-27

24: God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;

25: Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;

26: And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;


FEEL AFTER HIM - Search with your whole heart, even if you've been saved for years and years. You just might be surprised at what happens next ............


Many preachers (pastors, evangelists, etc) today are more concerned with health and wealth than they are with rooting and grounding people in the Word.

The end result is a multitude of people who are falling away from the faith in record numbers and some have turned to blatant false doctrines. Their itching ears have indeed been turned to fables which are revered above even the core tenets of the Word.

Many people today aren't even aware of the most elementary bible stories recorded in the Word and even worse, they cannot discern the moral and spiritual lessons presented to us by those stories.

Churches themselves have turned into entertainment centers and rock concerts instead of the worship centers they should be. Many today are no more than a transitional move from bars and nightclubs to a representative building which is being called "a church". Trust me and believe me: I was once an expert on the bar scenes around the world and there is very little difference between those nightclubs and today's screaming, repetitive chorus stages in the church buildings of today ... enough said.

The 'preaching' is shallow and is akin to a humanistic 'feel good' message which appeases the mind but which starves the spirit. Preaching which brings conviction, exposes misdeeds, calls out sin and leads to repentance is needed today more than ever.

Am I old fashioned? Perhaps? Do I believe biblical error is more prevalent today than at any time this past? Yes, I do.

Pastor friends: Get back to the basics of the Word. Teach, preach and build people, but first, a fair warning - your congregation will dwindle in many cases to handfuls versus a packed house.

We are truly in a time when people will not endure sound doctrine.


Trivia Question.

Who wrote the book of Hebrews?

Hint: It wasn't Paul - prove me wrong :)


And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

Zechariah 12:3


Faith or confidence in anything other than the finished work of Christ on the cross is scriptural error.

There is no way other than through faith in the finished work of the cross whereby men may obtain salvation.

It's not "the law" nor the observance of religious doctrine, feasts, rituals, books, languages, "secret names", private interpretations of scripture nor any other means.

ALL the law and ALL the prophets were completed and finished in Jesus and there remains 2 commandments in which all others are contained.






It's been a VERY long time since The Elijah Project site has been up and operational.

Unfortunately, most domain names have expired (.com, .org). As a result, the site domains were either purchased by other companies and repurposed or simply parked by a hosting company who now wants many thousands to repurchase the domain.

I'm searching for a good name to create a brand new site and will post the results here once I can decide.

Thanks for all who continue to ask about the site. I appreciate all the interest over the years.


1 Timothy 4:1-2

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.


I could write a dozen pages concerning doctrines of devils. We certainly see these things today and many people are falling away from sound doctrine while sliding into what can only be called "another gospel".

Beware, friends! Many deceivers abound in today's world and there are literally dozens of false doctrines lulling people into false security. If your faith isn't in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, then your faith is in vain and you have fallen into error.

Any 'gospel' teaching you to observe days, laws, ceremonies, dietary restrictions, etc. as a requirement of salvation is a false gospel.

Any 'gospel' teaching you there are many ways to heaven is a false gospel.

Any 'gospel' teaching you that you have the power to 'create' by speaking specific words, phrases or in a particular manner is a false gospel.

Any 'gospel' teaching you to pay homage to anyone other than Jesus Christ is a false gospel.

Many other such paragraphs could be written but I'll reserve those for another time ...


Friends, let's make things simple.

Either Jesus was nailed to the cross and was the complete fulfillment for sin or the "law" is still in effect for everyone.

If you're a "law" follower, then every single 'thou shalt not' command, whether given by Moses or any other prophet is still in full force and you MUST follow them all. This includes every ceremonial, instruction and ritual listed in the Old Testament.

If the old law is still active and the ordnances of even one single portion of the law are still in effect, then you are still in your sin.

Jesus is the complete fulfillment of all the law and all the prophets and "ALL" (look up the definition of 'all') are complete 'in Him'. We are no longer under the law but under "the law of Christ" and it is in Jesus that we are free from the penalty of sin and death.

The law was designed as a 'schoolmaster' which leads us to Christ (not to further obedience or adherence to the law).

If the Law is still binding on us today, then it has not yet accomplished its purpose by leading us to Christ and it (the law) hasn't yet been fulfilled and Jesus was in serious error when he claimed to have fulfilled all the law and all the prophets in 2 simple sentences: (I'm paraphrasing here) Love the Lord with your whole heart and love your neighbor as yourself.

Furthermore, any belief that the law is still for us today is to deny that the sacrifice on the cross is INSUFFICIENT to save anyone. Sorry, but that's heresy and is serious doctrinal error.

Jesus did indeed completely fulfill the law and the only justification anyone can have is by faith in Him and in the finished work of the cross.

The Scriptures are explicitly clear: No one (Not a single one) is justified by the works of the law. Justification is only by faith in Jesus Christ.