Hodi Media

Hodi Media

We have a big goal - to help 50 biz's learn about and claim their ERC money!

We help small businesses make connections so that they are the #1 choice We strive to help others achieve their goals for growth, revenue, service and development.


Was Your Business Impacted by Restrictions or Shutdowns in 2020-2021? You May be Eligible for Relief Money (Yes- the government could send YOU a check!!) See link in the first comment and fill out the quick 10 questions to get started. Get a no obligation, no commitment to the penny quote.


There's money out there for business'. Do you have 5-500 FT W2 employees? Even if you got PPP money - see the url in the first comment and take 15 seconds to answer the no obligation - get started questions.

Timeline photos 27/02/2022

Strawberry lovers, take heed! Your day is here and it's time to eat this beautiful berry all day, in every form you can enjoy! Whether you pick them yourselves or buy them by the pound, it's hard to mess up anything with strawberries in it! How do you like your strawberries?

Timeline photos 26/02/2022

Did you know that fairy tales were first told to children to teach a lesson or make them behave? You might be surprised at how gory the fairy tales of old actually were, much like ghost stories are today. Thankfully, they have become much more "G" rated through the years, delighting kids with stories of magic and fun!

Timeline photos 25/02/2022

Always be thinking about things you can say that can actually impact people!

Timeline photos 25/02/2022

We all know that adding chocolate to pretty much anything can only serve to make it better! Nuts are good for us, right? Therefore chocolate can only make them even more nutritious!

Timeline photos 24/02/2022

Too many people have made the mistake of assuming customers can't see through fakeness!

Timeline photos 24/02/2022

It's hard to imagine life without our beloved tortilla chips. We have the Mexicans to thank for this perfect chip for so many of our favorite recipes! Flour or corn, everybody has their idea of the perfect chip. What's yours?

Timeline photos 23/02/2022

It should always be about the person, and not just the company!

Timeline photos 23/02/2022

It wasn't until the 1930s that this quick bread became an American staple and made its way into our cookbooks! We all have memories of grandma taking her fully ripened bananas and baked a batch of this cake-like goodness!

Timeline photos 22/02/2022

This is an important question to ponder!!

Timeline photos 22/02/2022

The Margaritas we know and love today started in Mexico and are cocktails made with tequila, lime juice, and triple sec. It's believed that if the tequila wasn't great quality, people would simply throw back the whole amount with one swallow, immediately suck on a lime and lick some salt off the back of their hand. Thus, the salt-rimmed glass with fresh limes was born! What's your favorite Margarita?

Timeline photos 21/02/2022

It helps the world seem smaller to be able to interact through social media platforms!

Timeline photos 21/02/2022

We have the Germans to thank for this delectable treat! They brought it to Pennsylvania in the 19th century and it was named after the German word for "snail" because of its spiral shape. If you've never made sticky buns before, why not try your hand at it today!

Timeline photos 20/02/2022

If you have a pet, you probably don't need a national day to love on them, but today is the day to remember how much our pets do for us! Find a way to love on your furry friends today, give them extra treats and love, let them sleep on the couch, and give them some extra love!

Timeline photos 19/02/2022

While the Aztecs are responsible for dark chocolate, the Europeans didn't care for the bitterness so much, so they turned it into a hot beverage, added sugar and mint, thus the chocolate mint we love today was born! Eat your favorite treats with chocolate and mint all day today!

Timeline photos 18/02/2022

Even in our world of instant technology and information, there is still nothing more powerful than old fashioned word-of-mouth!

Timeline photos 18/02/2022

All wine lovers, take notice! You have your own day with permission to enjoy that merlot or sauvignon blanc till the sun goes down! Most of you will probably do this on every OTHER day of the year too, but today, you'll be in good company!

Timeline photos 17/02/2022

Truer words have never been spoken!

Timeline photos 17/02/2022

This is one of our favorite national days of all! Find a new way to bless someone today!

Timeline photos 16/02/2022

Business doesn't have to be so self-consuming all the time. It should still be about people more than product.

Timeline photos 16/02/2022

The almond is one of the most heart-healthy foods on the planet! You can enjoy it in dozens of ways. What's your favorite?

Timeline photos 15/02/2022

People know when you're not being real. Your actions should always match your words!

Timeline photos 15/02/2022

Who doesn't love the chewy goodness of gumdrops! Eat as many as you want all day today!

Timeline photos 14/02/2022

We've never been able to reach as many people at one time as we can through social media!

Timeline photos 14/02/2022

The first ferris wheel was 26 stories high and rivaled the great Eiffel Tower. It made its debut in 1896 and continues to be America's favorite thrill ride!


We help businesses receive their ERTC. Funded by the CARES Act
Up to $26k per Employee
Available regardless of whether you received a PPP loan
Our Accounting Team will Pre-Qualify Your Business for Rebate

Timeline photos 13/02/2022

Cheddar cheese accounts for one third of all cheese sold in the United States and over half of cheese sales in England! If you love mac and cheese, you have cheddar to thank!