Snake Skin Medicine

Snake Skin Medicine

Somatic & Shamanic Guidance into the primordial intelligence of the body.


Honoring what is sacred.

Honoring the thresholds.

Honoring the contraction.

Honoring the edge.

Photos from Snake Skin Medicine's post 10/08/2024


I’ve moved through a lot of distortions to become the woman I am today.

I’m proud of who I’ve become & who I’m still becoming.

It brings so much pain to witness the younger generations being conditioned with beliefs about their bodies & having the purity of their hearts corrupted by the insane access we all have to the internet.

I woke up this morning in tears.

The s*xual revolutionism events in my community actually hurts to witness.

The innocence of our souls has been layered onto with illusion & our body is always the one that suffers the consequences.

Recycling the trauma in your DNA will continue in your line unless you actually transmute it.

The disconnect from our hearts & experiencing true union instead of a hyper s*xualized, pl***oy house, pornographic relating in the name of kink being a healing modality.

We’ve been programmed to pimp out our Eros in the hopes of experiencing actual deep love.

The love we didn’t fully receive from our caregivers, becomes the hungry ghost addicted to the high of s*xual energy because it’s the closest access we have, to love.

This breeds the seductress. And deep distortions of the feminine, in men.

We need to clean this collective consciousness up, y’all.

Photos from Snake Skin Medicine's post 07/08/2024

Many of my clients are currently experiencing the void consciously for the very first time.

This is a super power in a world that has forgotten the wisdom of the dark.

To let oneself be shaped by the mysterious intelligence of the void, is to fully surrender to life & merge with your original design.

Returning To the Body's Wisdom: Embodiment as a Path to Wholeness 29/07/2024

I’m ecstatic to announce that I’ll be hosting Creature for four days during the Convergence Festival at Tico Time in New Mexico, right after Unison ~ CREATURE at Convergence Festival 2024 🔮

I’ll be sharing space with my dear friends of SomaSoundTemple at Convergence

It will be a very yin festival, full of deep cellluar healing. Here’s a taste of Creature if you haven’t experienced it yet:

Returning To the Body's Wisdom: Embodiment as a Path to Wholeness

Photos from Snake Skin Medicine's post 27/07/2024

The journey of remembering how to tend to this wild, precious, sentient creature this soul-soaked body is.



The initiation of initiations

To become a woman who lives from her senses

To honor her wild bones

The hum of her heart

The whispers she used to ignore

To reveal the truth of the unseen

The truth of her existence

The medicine of her soul

Loba has ignited a hunger & a determination to serving the mystery with every ounce of me

And my Capricorn placements won’t back down from a spiritual challenge



This was shot at with by .hokulani 🕯️


To belong..

Is to feel the untouched scar tissue in your heart

And carefully traverse its terrain, massaging calendula salve into the creases

To belong is to make your ruminations known in the light of day

To offer your shadows a place of refuge

To become a sanctuary

A place of deep cellular rest

A place to come home to

And to offer another

To belong is to walk the path of love

Emanating the frequency of soul through your whole being

Granting permission in your embodiment

For others to do the same

Photos from Snake Skin Medicine's post 20/02/2024

To be a Devotee

To Mother Night

Means relinquishing every ounce of contortion you’ve been accustomed, to recieve what your ego wants to receive from the external world.

It isn’t your duty

Nor your highest wishes

To submit

And shapeshift

Your immediacy to react

Your truest gesture in response

A living relationship to the mystery requires your messy, unmeasured rawness

Your “I hate you!”

Your gut wrenching scream alone in your car

She requires energy to move

To refrain from any subtle stagnation

And follow it all the through

Trust it all the through

No mercy for the facade

No mercy for the niceties

The pleasantries

Die before your eyes

And breathe into your new pores

For this wild creature you are

Was never meant to stay the same




There neeeeds to be more consciousness around energetic hygiene, the female body & womb health please.

The WOMB is our sustenance as a species.

And she is disrespected every single day from sheer ignorance.

I believe it is collective healing for every woman to know her womb intimately.

To teach her lovers how to care for & treat her womb.

To have fierce boundaries around what enters her.

Disrespecting the womb by bringing in foreign energies is like putting ci******es in the ocean.

If you love women or have s*x with women or love the earth or want global peace..

Educate yourself on the body of womban.

Her womb is both life & death itself.

Her body is the most sacred vessel of humanity.

The intelligence of Womb sculpted you.

Made you.

May we all remember the Mother, within & around us, & treat her with the utmost reverence.

The world is truly being run by the immature masculine.

Many holding a hatred or disappointment of the Mother in their hearts.

So they operate by getting their ego’s needs met.

Which only goes so far in spiritual development.

For they knew they were being mothered by a Maiden, probably from very early on.

And the maiden doesn’t know how to truly mother yet.

Until the mothers of today journey through our rite of passage from maiden to Mother, we won’t survive as a species.

And the more women standby, obsessing about what they look like, watching from the sidelines & colluding with the violent blasphemy at play, we will never know world peace.

May we remember the brilliant coding of our body. May we remember the love of the Great Mother. May we remember our sanctity.

May our body be an instrument of healing the whole.

This is my prayer.


An unmothered mother, births an unmothered mother, births an unmothered mother.. until the whole world is full of maiden mothers.

Uninitiated into their oracular gifts.

Ruled by ego for protection.

Fragmented from their soul.

Undernourished in all realms.

Distant from the power of the Great Mother.

Living without purpose.. without gnosis.

Estranged from body.

Birthing babies too young.

Sacrificing it all for the quality of everyone else’s life.

Until the nest is empty & all that’s left, is an unmothered mother.

She may begin to self destruct.

Unbeknownst to the primordial power pulsing through her sacred body, meant to lead & shape the fate of the human race.

Until the unmothered daughter decides to self-mother herself.

As she practices & practices & practices, the whole lineage begins to remember.. our sacred work here, to serve the feminine principle in our bodies.

We are not victims to the patriarchy.

Yes, the transmission was severed from oral tradition.

Yet her resonance remains.

Coursing through our blood.

We are responsible for not doing our work to mother the world.

Correcting instead of submitting.

Communicating directly instead of giving into the inner child’s pain body.

It’s about time to take back our sacred responsibility as women to be ruthless in our boundaries..

Gather in the ancient ways of ceremony to honor the Great Mother, The Feminine.

Hold, heal & alchemize our past traumas to show up SOVEREIGN & self-aware

And honor our natural maturation through the ESSENTIAL rites of passage from daughter, to maiden, to mother, to crone.

Our biology is fu***ng magic & nothing less.



Many of the “somatic” work I’m witnessing out here is not actually embodied wisdom being transmitted for the benefit of the practitioner.

It’s textbook research, regurgitated practices & teaching “the codes” as a bandaid to underlying traumas.

Don’t get me wrong, I think that these tools are beautiful allies, just not the main idea, & definitely not a one & done fix.

When you devote yourself to the mysterious intelligence of the body & let it work you, the nervous system naturally repatterns.

I think a trust in the sensations that arise & following them through, without the minds need to move it right away or “do something about it” to figure it out, and instead sitting in the truth of your experience, is participating in the long game of getting the mind on board to truly live from the body’s wisdom.

Everything else seems to have an underlying mistrust & controlling energetic that feels like pseudo healing to me.

You can *feel* when someone is operating from their body & not their intellect, & that’s a rare occupancy in this world.


Thank you for all the bearthday blessings 🕊️

This year has humbled me to my knees, brought me into deeper service to the whole & re-kindled the necessity of nurturing my exaltation every day as a prayer for humanity’s potential.

My practice now is to move much slower, deepen my presence with others & cultivate a vast inner stillness to feel Truth in its unwavering depth. I trust the wisdom I’ve gained in these past years to disintegrate all outworn patterns & peel off like dead skin, to unbecome & unveil what has always been.

The striving & seeking have exhausted me. I’m now inviting in rest, softness & simplicity as a spiritual path. Coming back to love & humility, always.


How do you practice undomesticating yourself?


I’ve been living on my Saturn DC line for exactly two years.

This has pointed to painful shadow work in my romantic relationships.

Since moving to Boulder I’ve been in a relationship. With very short amounts of time in between.

The longest one was almost a year of being on & off. It became heart wrenching & ugly the more we fed our love addiction.

The end of this relationship left me feeling as if my heart had been ripped out of my body.

I felt the most fragile I’d been in a long time.

Then I connected with another man a month later.

Still in this fragile, grief stricken state..

But it felt soothing on my nervous system to spend time with him, even though moving into intimacy was a major stretch for the state I was in.

After a magical few days together, he left. I was relieved in a way, to be left alone to grieve without the pressure of intimacy or moving on.

He initiated staying in connection & cultivating something deeper.

I knew in my bones I was not in a state to pursue relationship, & I said yes anyway. My reasoning was that long distance offered enough space.

And as silly as that excuse was, I continued.

Opened my heart again while moving through waves of doubt.

Sitting with the medicine in the portals of death & birth. Making it a practice that wasn’t necessarily given to me. I just kept bypassing my body hoping & wondering if I could heal my past hurt through this new dynamic.

My body never lies.

But the force of my mind is powerful.

And what I’m seeing now is that assertion takes effort, which is very viscerally going against the current.

I know this pattern of mine. It ignores intuition in light of a beautiful idea.

But I always get served in the end.

Truth always prevails.

And the more I resist it, the more suffering I experience.

I know it doesn’t have to be this way.

Humbling myself from thinking I know best, or playing naive, or choosing force..

It isn’t in my best interest. It’s a side step from my highest path. Which is ultimately the game I want to be playing.

I feel deeply grateful for this clarity at this point in my journey.

Thank you Saturn.

I’m officially taking a break from dating while living here 😂


I keep seeing the fear win

Our hearts are numbing

The pain of this world has become too much for our nervous system to process

The horrors too much to fathom

When the heart numbs, we intellectualize

We philosophize

We live from the mind

Because it’s easier

Than feeling it all without closing our hearts

The children growing up right now are having to numb themselves.. which is so devastating to witness

The coping mechanisms are taking shape

The screen addiction

The disconnect

The void of feeling.. anything

We must return to village

To our hearts

To truly loving one another without conditions!

No more division

No more separation

It is killing us.

We need eachother now more than ever.


Ceremony is a way of life.

A baring of the Soul.

An awe instilling moment where life breathes through you, as you.

Where the whole world is seen as kin.

As embodiments of the sacred.

As crystalline consciousness.

We all came from the cosmic womb, & to the cosmic womb we shall return.

May we wake up & embody our medicine.

Last call to join us in the Awakening Portal ~ A 6-month journey into the body's unique cadence.

In this portal, we will embark on a journey of soul retrieval to weave in more awareness of our body’s unique cadence. We will be gathering weekly to explore our personal rhythms and how to expand into our life-force power through the ancient, luminary wisdom of Ayurveda, Ta**ra Yoga and Somatic Journeying, to live a life of balance, devotion and equanimity with our physical vessel, the natural world and the cosmos alike. When we liberate ourselves, we shift the world. It all starts with how we inhabit our body.

Send me a message to apply 🕯️



In this portal, we will embark on a journey of soul retrieval to weave in more awareness of our body’s unique cadence.

We will be gathering weekly to explore our personal rhythms and how to expand into our life-force power through the ancient, luminary wisdom of Ayurveda, Ta**ra Yoga and Somatic Journeying.

This is a beautiful place to begin your somatic journey if you’re new to embodiment work.

Every session will be recorded for those who can’t make it to our live zoom sessions.

We begin this Saturday! Send me a message if you hear the call. 🕯️

Photos from Snake Skin Medicine's post 31/10/2023

The virtual offering of Hysteria begins this evening, on Samhain. 🪶

When the veil is thinnest.

We are returning to Coven.

To sisterhood.

To ritual.

To body.

To sensation.

To our pure, unfiltered power.

This is a drop in offering held every Tuesday evening for sliding scale $13-33.

Send me a DM for the zoom link to join us tonight or to be added to our messaging group for future ceremonies. 🦂

Blessed Samhain 🧿



A cultivation of the wild, conscious communion awaiting our awakening.

In the frequency of awakening, we will practice moving from the primordial power living within our body through the portals of Ta**ra Yoga, Ayurveda & Somatic Journeying with guest practitioners from around the world.

This journey is a soul retrieval for those who feel disconnected from their lower body, intutive sense, ritual, alchemy & spiritual alignment to fully trust & step into one’s dharmic path.

The second wave of The Awakening Portal begins 11/11 & we will go for 6 months. If you’ve been curious about working with me, this is a beautiful place to begin your embodiment journey.

Link in bio to learn more or send me a message to apply. 🪶

Photos from Snake Skin Medicine's post 23/10/2023

Our gathering for HYSTERIA ~ A Coven Dance in The Woods this afternoon was pure power. It is such a gift to gather in this sacred way every Sunday. The coven is truly returning. 🐍🪶❤️‍🔥


I answer to no one but Her.


My core wound is being emotionally abandoned by the masculine.

And it’s not just mine.

But my dad repeated it from his dad & his dad before him.

I put on a front of hyper independence after experiencing the deepest heartache of my life.

Swearing to never again open up so vulnerably with a man.

This created sneaky power struggles.

Using s*x to hook & control.

To keep me in a state of emotional safety.

All very unconscious behavior on my part until I realized I was pimping my body.

That hit something deeper than generational trauma.

It was utter self abandonment.


Going through the motions of what I knew worked.

Never truly seeing the men I was with or what core wounds were playing out.

I don’t want this moving forward!

I don’t want to believe I have to manicure myself for love.

To be anything other than my raw, human self.

The tenderness in this pattern feels vast.

I’ve come to a head with it time & time again, convincing myself I was aware enough to not do it again.

And maybe this is just an inch deeper into the spiral journey that I’m finding myself on.

But I declare it OVER.

No más.

I know I’m capable of the deepest intimacy, the deepest love imaginable to the human experience.

And I will no longer run from it.

I choose to face it.

To walk toward.

With bravery as I shake in the vulnerability of being truly seen by another.

By someone I deeply love.

In my messy, raw humanity.


“It will be because I am.”

Words that came to me today as I navigate a pivotal threshold in my journey of becoming.

And something I keep coming back to is the psychedelic realization that my soul is enfleshed as this very specific design of woman.

To be a woman is something so fu***ng primordially deep & mysterious & hauntingly magical.

Every day I learn more about the responsibility of this kind of soul initiation that is incarnating as a woman.

I am so humbled & so honored to walk this path.

Every time I entertain a safe, matrix existence I get CHECKED.

Today was one of those days.

I’ve recently come to realize that my first name means “one who resembles god/ goddess”, my middle name is Moon & my last name is Wilder.

My parents literally named me Wild Moon Goddess 😂

I’m never getting a 9-5.

Videos (show all)

PT. 4 🔮
PT. 3 ⚡️
PT. 2 💎
PT. 1 💅🏽
Prayers & gratitude to these sacred mountain waters.
I’m in a spot in life where I’m retrieving my Soul Skin. Reinstating my devotion to myself. Deepening the grooves of my ...
I wear my sensuality on my skinAlways haveI tried to hide it, pimp it out, & mask it with controlIt turned into fawning ...