Aqhosua's midwifery page

Aqhosua's midwifery page

This page is to educate and discuss about female reproductive condition, what to do and expect during pregnancy, labour and puerperium.


Proper attachment of the baby to breast

Aqhosua's midwifery page 18/07/2021

Good morning dearies
Hope you are doing well

Please today we would talk about polycystic o***y syndrome (PCOS).

It is a hormonal disorder common in women of their reproductive age.
Women with this disease have infrequent or prolonged menstrual period, they have excess male hormone called androgen.
In this condition the o***y develop numerous small collections of fluid and fail to release eggs regularly.

Signs and symptoms
It often develops around the time of menarche, sometimes it develops later
1. Irregular periods -Infrequent, prolonged, irregular menstrual cycle are the most common signs. One might have less than nine periods in a year or more than 35 days between periods and abnormally heavy periods.

2. Excess male hormones -This may result in excess facial and body hair and occasionally severe acne and baldness .

The cause of this disease is unknown but risk factors are;
1. Excess insulin
2. Low grade inflammation
3. Heredity
4. Excess androgen

1. Infertility
2. Miscarriage or premature birth
3. Abnormal uterine bleeding
4. Endometrial cancer
5. Depression

You can bring your suggestions and questions or whatsapp on 0502090862
Thank you

Aqhosua's midwifery page This page is to educate and discuss about female reproductive condition, what to do and expect durin


We are continuing our health talk on whatsapp now


Hello everyone
Hope you are doing well
It's been a while
Our topic for discussion is weight gain during pregnancy

Ideally, the average woman is expected to gain 1/5th of her normal weight which is 11.5-16kg with average being 11-12kg at the end of pregnancy.
During the first 20 weeks, she gains approximately 2-3.5kg that is 0.5kg per month.
For the second trimester a steady weight of about o.45 or 0.5kg is gained every week.
This will give a total of 12-12.5kg at term.
An increase of more than 2kg a month in the second trimester of pregnancy must be investigated.
If it is due to over feeding, she must be advised on diet.
It could be due to oedema which may be hidden or may be the first sign of induced hypertension(PIH)
Inadequate weight gain during the first trimester of pregnancy could be due to:
1. Poor nutrition
2. Smoking
3. Conditions like Hyperemisis gravidarium

Distribution of weight gain in pregnancy
I. Fetus 3.2- 3.4kg
II. Placenta 0.5-0.7kg
III. Amniotic 0.8kg
IV. Uterus 0.9kg
V. Breast 0.4kg
VI. Blood volume 1.4-2.3kg
VII. Maternal stores 1.8-4.3kg

Photos from Aqhosua's midwifery page's post 29/01/2019

Hello everyone
Hope you are doing well
Today's discussion is on sore ni**le during puerperium

Is a condition in which the tissues of the ni**le are opened and exposed due to prolonged sucking and pulling. There are so many nerve endings in the ni**le that when they crack, it can cause severe pains in the breast .

1. Poor fixation of baby to breast
2. Breast pump trauma
3. Thrush infection; if the baby has thrush or yeast infection in the mouth, the baby may pass it on to the mother and cause ni**le pain or damage.
4. Poor skin texture
5. Tongue tie
6. Flat or inverted ni**les

I. Breast or ni**le pain
2. Cracks in the ni**le
3. Bleeding from the ni**le
4.Reddish ni**le

1. Proper attachment and fixing of baby to breast.
2. Cotton bras and pads can be placed directly over the ni**le,under the bra between breastfeeding. Change pad as soon they get wet to prevent infection.
3. Apply a thin layer of ointment example Vaseline to the ni**le after breastfeeding.
4. Alternate infant’s position for feedings to change pressure points on ni**les.

For any question or if you want more clarification contact me on 0502090862

'smaternityhome #
Always @ your cervix


Changes in the mouth and teeth during pregnancy
The mouth
During pregnancy there is no increase in saliva secretion. However,pregnant women turn to complain of ptyalism(excessive salvation ).
This perceived increase in salivation is thought to be caused by the decreased in unconscious swallowing by the woman when she feels nauseated OR stimulation of salivary glands or oesophegeal reflux by pregnancy hormones.

The teeth
The pregnant woman requires about 1.2kg of calcium and phosphorous everyday to help strengthen the teeth.Lack of these nutrients leads to removal of the teeth by itself.

'smaternityhome #


Changes in the breast during pregnancy

The breast,an accessory organ of reproduction also undergoes certain changes during pregnancy .
These changes occur as a result of those hormones produced first by the corpus luteum and the placenta(oestrogen and progesterone ).
Oestrogen results in further development of the ni**le, ar**la and growth of the lactiferous tubules and duct.
Progesterone causes proliferation of the alveoli in preparation for milk production and enlargement.

Chronological order in breast changes
1. 3rd-4th week
There is pricking and tingling sensation due to increased blood supply around the ni**le

2. 6th week
The breast becomes enlarged, painful and tense due to the developing ducts and glands

3. 8th week
Bluish surface veins are visible especially in light skin people

4. 8th-12th week
Montgomery's tubercles develop (these are enlarged sebaceous gland and they become more prominent on the ar**la.They secrete sebum to keep the ni**les soft and supple).

5. 16th week
Secondary ar**la appears,that is a further extension of the pigmented area which is darkened in appearance.
Colostrum may be expressed.

