Ever Here Now

Ever Here Now

Living our lives from an awareness of Who and What we really are, in essence, gives rise to a special wisdom in action. Then something inexplicable happens.

Each of us has the potential to realise this fully. Usually, it takes a crisis to shake us up enough to ask the important questions in life. Our tendency is to cruise along in a state of distraction. We cling to our routines and hold fast to what we think we know. We get ill or someone we know and love dies suddenly. Any number of things can happen to make us 'pause.'
The 'pause' is our friend. It

Warm Winter Boots 16/02/2021

Reminiscences from the days of the previous Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.


Warm Winter Boots Warm winter boots is a brief reminiscence of an incident that took place near the final months of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche's life.

Small Things Big Trouble 10/08/2020

Sometimes we just need to read something that makes us smile...


Small Things Big Trouble Our actions, whether big or small do have consequences and we can never be quite sure what they will be...

Are Smartphones Making Fools of Us All?: Reclaiming Our Power 05/07/2020

Is it time to get wise? All the indicators would appear to point to a 'yes' on that.

This book is not about the rights and wrongs of the modern age of digital technology
so much as to reminding us of our choices.
Do we move into these times like passive sleepwalkers in some else's
dream or consciously from the place of power, which is our inalienable right...?

The choice is still ours to make, but for how long...?

Are Smartphones Making Fools of Us All?: Reclaiming Our Power Are Smartphones Making Fools of Us All?: Reclaiming Our Power


At Arunachala...

Finding Our Way Through the Minefields of Grief 22/06/2020

Living through times of uncertainty and sudden change can present the mind with many challenges...

Finding Our Way Through the Minefields of Grief This blog is about finding out 'who and what' we really are.

And We Do Not Fear... 27/04/2020

And We Do Not Fear...
All worldly suffering carries within it the seed for transformation.

And We Do Not Fear... ***** In times of crisis. In times of suffering. In times of uncertainty. In times of fear... We can turn our gaze ...


Discovering the powerful strength within...


Becoming Protectors of Life 27/02/2020

We human beings have the capacity to destroy but we also have the capacity to bring about much that is good...

Becoming Protectors of Life "The destruction of nature and wildlife populations is a result of ignorance, greed and lack of respect for the earth's living thing...


Sara pauses in describing what she saw after returning home to their sanctuary in Cobargo. Her voice cracks as she struggles to hold back her emotions.

“I don’t know any other way to describe it, it was just decimated. We lost our home, our enclosure and stables– but to be honest, we didn’t care about any of that. We had come back for our wildlife. We needed to see if there were any survivors.”

Although distressed, Sara and Gary’s first priority was to see whether any of their wildlife family could be saved.

As Sara and Gary ventured into the property, it became painfully clear that their precious wildlife family had become trapped by a ring of fire, unable to escape.

And everything they had worked for was now gone.

With each step they took, a new horror awaited. Fallen power poles had electrocuted some of the roos. Wombats that had been lovingly restored to good health had been burnt and buried alive in their burrows. But the worst was finding wallabies and kangaroos with horrific burns, that were somehow still alive, writhing in pain.

Sara and Gary had to make the horrific decision to euthanise them with the limited supplies they had - a small dose of sedative and a blunt instrument.

“Afterwards, I was terrified for our mental health.

I’d never seen my partner like that before.

He looked broken. On his knees, bawling at what he’d had to do. It was the humane thing to do, but no one gets into wildlife rescue only to be forced to euthanise animals in this way. These were animals we’d raised. Our family. We’d taken care of them. Rehabilitated them. And now this. It’s incomprehensible.”


These are the immense sacrifices that Sara, Gary & other badly hit animal shelters have been forced to make. I know it's difficult to read. I know how tempting it is to want to look away.

But this is the reality of what Sara & Gary are facing, as well as hundreds of other sanctuary owners across Australia.

Sadly, most legitimate sanctuary owners are too busy trying to save their animals, that they've got no time for social media, no time for posting the reality of what they've had to do - all of their attention is on the animals they're working desperately to save.

So please take the time to look for these quiet organisations.

They're probably knee deep in it, focusing on survival and they need your help. I know some have not posted a thing since the fires ripped through their properties.

Australia's wildlife survivors need your help. As do the people who've sacrificed so much in order to save our animals.

And to Sara & Gary, please know you have an army of people standing behind you. We may not be able to be there in person just yet, but we're here, and we've got you.

When Our Pet Dies. Losing a Friend Like No Other. Part 1 24/12/2019

The animal, bird, fish and plant life are our co-inhabitants. Living, breathing, moving all around us. They were not put here for our benefit, they are not for our gain. All are part of the living synthesis which is the life on this planet. As such they deserve our respect, our so much more...


When Our Pet Dies. Losing a Friend Like No Other. Part 1 During my life, at least so far, I have befriended three non-human beings. Well actually, many many more than that, but three have...

Are Smartphones Making Fools of Us All?: Reclaiming Our Power 15/12/2019

Latest Book Offering...
Are Smartphones Making Fools of Us All?
Reclaiming Our Power

No doubt about it. Digital Technology is useful and its here to stay. Is it time to reassess our relationship with our smart devices? Rather than blindly following the lure to multiple distractions we can move forward with the new technologies in a conscious way that gives us back our attention and therefore our power...

Are Smartphones Making Fools of Us All?: Reclaiming Our Power How can we integrate digital technologies with conscious living? Its an important question that we need to ask ourselves.A digital revolution is in full swing. The days are passing by and we are so busy looking at our smartphone or computer screens that we barely know we are alive. We are so dist...

Crazy Horse Dancing 27/11/2019


Crazy Horse Dancing "I have dreamed the vision of the horse that dances wild, I have seen the land of the great beyond. I am one with this ...

A Heart of Gold, Ani Lodro Palmo 13/10/2019

Ani Lodro Palmo was a western dharma practitioner of the highest kind. She was an example of both humility and kindness.


A Heart of Gold, Ani Lodro Palmo Ani Lodro Palmo was a western dharma practitioner of the highest kind. She was an example of both humility and kindness.

The Curious Case of the Curlew 03/08/2019

Given the seemingly natural 'fixation' we all share with our assumed 'Self-Identity' a timely reminder can help us to keep a sense of perspective...


The Curious Case of the Curlew The Curlew is a native Australian bird which appears to be infatuated by its own reflection in the glass. In a similar way we are mesmerized by the lives we are living and for the most part unaware of what it is that is living them...

Is Time Speeding Up? 23/05/2019

We are running faster and faster to get, well, nowhere...


Is Time Speeding Up? We are running faster and faster to get, well, nowhere...

Too Busy Being Busy? 11/04/2019

Finding time to live...


Too Busy Being Busy? Are you too busy being busy? Constant business affects how we behave in the most fundamental ways.

When Hatred Explodes into Love 28/03/2019

The tide is changing. Transforming hatred in a divisive world...

When Hatred Explodes into Love On the afternoon of the 15th of March 2019, I was in the small provincial town of Nowra about two hours south of Sydney, when a Whatsapp...

Sacred Caves of Sikkim. Part 3 09/02/2019

Having reached our goal high in the mountains of Sikkim a new and unexpected adventure awaited us.

Sacred Caves of Sikkim. Part 3 After a rough night camped out on a tarpaulin which we had laid out over the bare and none too clean floorboards of the cabin, t...

Sacred Caves of Sikkim, Part 2. 06/02/2019

The journey continues...

Sacred Caves of Sikkim, Part 2. A faded sign marks the beginning of our journey on foot. Here starts the trail to the northern cave of Chang Lhari Nyinpo. This roughl...

Sacred Caves of Sikkim. Part 1 26/01/2019

The sacred caves of Sikkim are to be found in the four corners of this small Kingdom. Each is special in a very particular way. I and a friend made a pilgrimage to two of these caves...

Sacred Caves of Sikkim. Part 1 Ever since I first came to know about the four sacred caves of Sikkim, I wanted to make a pilgrimage to each of them and as of now I still ...

Return to Forever 05/01/2019

Return to Forever...
Reflections on our shifting perceptions...


Return to Forever When we reach the autumn's bend Will we wish that we were young again Laughing in the face of time If only we knew now, what ...

Karthok Getse, The Fearless Warrior 25/11/2018

Kartok Getse Rinpoche was a living example of a Mahasiddha in our modern times...

Karthok Getse, The Fearless Warrior This post is humbly offered as a dedication to the memory of H.H.Karthok Getse Rinpoche, as we remember and honour a great and fearless Dzo...

Parvartimalai, Impossible Places 02/10/2018

Parvartimalai is spectacular spire of rock which juts many thousands of feet into the air. Atop the summit sits an ancient Shiva Temple. I and a friend decided we would have to climb up there to take a closer look...


Parvartimalai, Impossible Places Parvartimalai is a spire of rock that juts up several thousand feet into the air. On the summit of this pinnacle sits an ancient Shiva Temple.

The Simple Truth 30/09/2018

The single most important thing we can do in this lifetime is to find out what is our true nature, to discover who and what we really are.

The Simple Truth The single most important thing we can do in this life time is to find out what is our true nature, to discover who and what we really are.

The Silent Power of a Mountain 22/09/2018


The Silent Power of a Mountain Mountains hold a special place in our hearts. When we look out at them we are often transported by their silent beauty and power.

The Alchemy of Generosity 31/08/2018

The generosity of a pure heart gives rise to a special magic!

The Alchemy of Generosity Selfless generosity has a magic all of its own. In a world which is geared to giving based on the modern mantra, 'whats in it for me,' the selfless generosity of a pure heart has an alchemy which can give rise to boundless and unexpected results.

The Tigers in our Mind 29/07/2018

Our mind is something that we have with almost all of the time and yet how many of us really know what it is...?

The Tigers in our Mind The Tigers in our Mind are symbolic of the thoughts which dominate and deceive us throughout our lives. If we can begin to notice how the mind works we can begin to unravel the confusion which our thoughts create.

Letting Go of Our Addiction to Hope and Fear 10/06/2018

Happiness in the palm of our hand...

Letting Go of Our Addiction to Hope and Fear Distraction is our usual pre-occupation, yet we can change this at any time and revolutionise our lives.

The Face in the Mirror 28/04/2018

Whose is that face in the mirror? Yours..?


The Face in the Mirror Gayatri; Lead me from darkness to light, from death to immortality, from the unreal to the real... To see what is 'real' we need to look beyond appearances.