Inner Balance with Kaley Farren

Inner Balance with Kaley Farren

Inner Balance is dedicated to inspiring people to open their minds to a new way of thinking and living life.

Awaken that fire inside you and rewrite the programming of your subconscious mind. Embrace a new freedom and create the life you desire.


Life on earth has shifted to a new dynamic. Many have lost hope. Fear not... at the helm of this journey is a LIGHT filled with abundant LOVE...
Tap into that energy with daily meditation. See our world free of war and bigotry. See earth as the loving joyous planet it was meant to be. Together our Kollektiv Consciousness WILL make this a beautiful place for all to thrive and prosper...
Namaste... K🦋

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today 15/12/2020

Conventional coffee is among the most heavily chemically treated foods in the world.

It’s steeped in synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides.

Coffee grows best in the shade - but it’s not easy to mass-grow coffee in dense, lush forests. So conventional coffee growers plow down and flatten giant fields to grow their chemically-loaded crops.

One research study found, “practically all [coffee] samples (91.7%) were contaminated with molds.”

But, as Johns Hopkins reports, there are significant health benefits to drinking coffee - up to 5 cups per day.

So what do you do?

To enjoy coffee guilt-free, you need the highest-quality source possible - and we’ve found it.

This coffee comes from a special farm in Central America known for producing the highest quality coffee.

It’s non-GMO, pesticide-free, shade grown high in the mountain, and low-acid which means it’s easy on your stomach compared to conventional coffee.

👉 Discover the purest, best tasting coffee available now:

To Your Health,

Dr. Charles Livingston

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today Small, six-acre farm in a little-known, nationally-protected area in Central America produces the most delicious, purest coffee on the planet.


Good Evening Everyone...
The Resurrection of Care ceremony tonight was beautiful...
Once again Pachamama, Water, Fire, and Air were brought in...
I called on the water on the planet as well as the air to help us spread the Love and Light across the planet... and into the hearts and minds of every living creature...
We all need water and air to live...
I've asked each breath of air we take and every encounter we have with water to aid in bringing humanity closer to the Light and Love that is our Kollektiv Consciousness...
Thank you to everyone who participated in tonights ceremony...
Namaste... K


I just had my palm leaf reading done and it has changed my life. I now know I am on the right path. My artwork, my healing work, and the public speaking that I am going to do once this worldwide BS comes to a close will reach people, and it will change how the world views spirituality. For now it's 1 am here in AZ and we just finished. I'm tired and going to sleep, but I will write more about this amazing experience tomorrow. Do you want to know whether you're on the right path to achieve your life's goals?


If you are depressed you are living in the past...
If you are anxious you are living in the future...
If you are at peace you are living in the present...
Lau Tzu


In these difficult times I urge you all to turn off the news, turn on the music and let the rhythm take your mind away from the insanity in the world for awhile...


As we make our way through the murky waters we now find ourselves in, I hope you still manage to take a few minutes each day to be thankful and pray/meditate for a healthy and prosperous world for us all.


Do you think this is acceptable?


Even in the throes of this crisis we each have something we can be grateful for. Gratitude will change your world!


During difficult times it is essential to turn inward for guidance. Our inner voice advises us when we ask it and can help us find the tools we need to calm our anxieties when we have no conscious idea how to go about it.


Liberty is merely permission currently granted by law, but freedom is yours until you give it up...
~author unknown


Taking a moment to consider the person treating you unkindly may be in pain, exhausted, ill, grieving, or have some other significant issue affecting them that has nothing to do with you that is actually the emotion driving their behavior will give you a clearer perspective to live by...


I finally came up with the perfect topic for my first Ted Talk. Mold! When the lightbulb went off I realized there could not be a better topic for me to discuss passionately with a live audience. So little is known about this toxic fungi yet it is in so many places that we least expect. I have come to see people often dismiss mold as part of life without fully understanding how dangerous their ignorance can be to the health and well being of themselves, their families, and society. I expect my Ted Talk will persuade many to take it a little more seriously in the future. I will keep my plans posted here so everyone can tune in when my Ted Talk airs. Until then if you see mold in your home or workplace get rid of it or move. If you or someone you love has health issues that cannot be explained by western medicine, test your house and the workplace for mold. The tests are inexpensive and reliable. It is time we take our health into our own hands... Blessings... Kaley


Too many people are hungry not because there is dearth of food. It is simply because there is dearth of love and care in human hearts.


DAVID MUDRICK - FEAR OF SPEAKING: Broadcast Yourself Academy Graduate | London Real 15/10/2019
David's London Real interview with Brian Rose.

DAVID MUDRICK - FEAR OF SPEAKING: Broadcast Yourself Academy Graduate | London Real David Mudrick recently graduated from our Broadcast Yourself course. Many congratulations to David and good luck in the future. If you would like more inform...


David after his interview with Brian Rose of London Real, October 2019.


Our day at the London Real event in London October 2019.


Taken in Amsterdam October 2019.


Taken at the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam.


David and I have worked out the details on our new podcast venture and we are both very excited to get to work in preparation for my first Ted Talk. We hope to bring insight into the subconscious mind that will help people understand themselves better in order to move into new chapters in understanding their human experience. Hopefully along the way our followers will come to embrace the power that lies within them and achieve their full potential as human beings.


Successful relationships requires two people who truly care about what is important to the other person and supports their dreams.


Take time to spend in nature as often as you can. The experience connects us to something magical.


Every thought, every reverberation you create on the level of the mind changes the chemistry in your body.

528 Hz - Whole Body Regeneration - Full Body Healing Physical & Emotional Cleansing 22/09/2019

528 Hz - Whole Body Regeneration - Full Body Healing Physical & Emotional Cleansing Solfeggio frequency 528 Hz. Math scientist Victor Showell describes 528 as fundamental to the ancient Pi, Phi, and the Golden Mean evident throughout natural...


For many years I have been searching for ways to help people get past the restrictions and limitations of their subconscious. Join me as I explore the experiences of those who are ready to open their minds to a new way of living the human experience.

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00