Two Circles Music Company

Two Circles Music Company

Two Circles Music Company


Review: Symphony of Life by Two Circles Music Company |

TCMC's "Symphony of Life" reviewed online at:
Thanks to Alex Rockmore! Two Circles Music Co., comprised of keyboard-whiz Stuart Zalts and incredible violist Alexander “Sasha” Mishnaevski, is an Ontario-based band formed in 2007 who’s members are known for melding their distinct musical backgrounds into their compositions (hence the band name).


Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all of our friends! Have a great day!


Not Your Everyday Jo!

Hey Guitarists! Jo Partridge played electric and acoustic guitars on TCMC's "Symphony of Life". Check out
to read about our experience with this incredible player. Share with friends, print or email! Recommend on Facebook Share via MySpace Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Print for later Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend


Welcome to all of our new friends joining us via! Check out their great website for news, reviews and all things musical. Please share our FB page with your friends and feel free to visit us at This being perhaps the coolest month of the year (well…besides October) we decided to celebrate in the best way we possibly can: by having a giveaway. And let me tell you, we haven’t had a giveaway this big since last year’s Rocktoberfest. In fact, this is much bigger than that giveaway was or any g...


A Very Happy St.Patrick's Day to all our Irish friends!


Two Circles Music Company's cover photo


“Symphony of Life’s” Sunny Adventure with Classical Music, Jazz and Prog-Rock

Hey Friends! Contrapuntist has reviewed TCMC's "Symphony of Life". Please click on the link to see what they had to say about our new CD. Many thanks to Viola Da Voce for the article! #.T0aOOXK3C1c What do you get when you combine classical music, jazz, and 70s progressive rock? The dynamic duo of Two Circles Music Co., a collaboration between Detroit Symphony Orchestra principal violist Alexander Mishnaevski and Toronto keyboard whiz Stuart Zaltz. Their debut album, The Symphony of Life, fuse...


Two Circles Music Co. | Symphony Of Life | Viola

Greetings! If you tried to visit yesterday, our apologies as the site was down. Who knew that a server crash in Chicago, Illinois would result in such chaos? Thanks to our web guru, Roger Duck @ for rustling some feathers and getting us back up and running. Windsor's Sasha Mishnaevski teams up with Oakville's Stuart Zaltz on an electronic magical mystery tour of an artist's life, mixing melody with effects that observe no borders


Another Perfect Fit… Saidah Baba Talibah

Hey Friends! Please check out the story on our site featuring "Symphony of Life" guest vocalist Saidah Baba Talibah. Her voice is definitely one of the finest in the land! Read it here: Share with friends, print or email! Recommend on Facebook Share via MySpace Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Print for later Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend


Hey Friends! TCMC is presently planning our 2012 "Symphony of Life" Summer Tour and we would love your input. Tell us where you'd like to see the band performing this summer and we'll do our best to get there. We look forward to seeing you soon!


DSO Performance magazine

And the press keeps on coming! TCMC is featured in the Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s Winter 2012 Performance Magazine. Many thanks to everyone at the DSO. Please visit the news section of our website for the story.


Detroit Symphony Violist’s Electrified Adventures with “The Symphony of Life”

Thanks to The Contrapuntist for the article on "Symphony of Life". Please read the article here: I recently came across a story on the Calgary Herald about Detroit Symphony Orchestra principal violist Alexander Mishnaevski’s collaboration with keyboardist Stuart Zaltz as the rock duo Two Circles Music Co. Their newly released album, Symphony of Life, fuses Mishnaevski’s classical music backgrou...