Mystic Resonance

Mystic Resonance

If You want to find secrets of Yourself
Think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration...

Jesse Mora and I, Sherie Porrretta, are re-creating our Beautiful Page again. It is our Passion to create an interesting sanctuary for all who visit us here. May we arrive, in this lifetime, in the quiet, misty dawn at the shore of the New Golden Age, and witness the cresting waves of the rise of planetary consciousness, as the unstoppable force of love engulfs us all. May We stand shoulder to sh


This is one of many memes that Pilutaq has created for Alex over the past few months. Please feel free to share Alex Collier's special knowledge on your wall, group, or page. Please also support Alex by joining his thrice monthly webinar at

Alex Collier with Dani Henderson - The Horror of Reptilians and Greys - August 7, 2023 26/09/2023

Alex Collier with Dani Henderson - The Horror of Reptilians and Greys - August 7, 2023 Dani Henderson interviewed Alex Collier regarding 'The Horror of Reptilians and Greys' on August 7, 2023. Watch For Free Now!


"Trees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can know the truth. They do not preach knowledge and precepts, they preach, undeterred by details, the ancient law of life."
- Hermann Hesse, Wanderer

Japanese maple tree in Portland, Oregon.
Photo by Scott McCracken


This spectacular microscopic image is of an algal skeleton, between 32 and 40 million years old. Although they are so small, they were once so numerous that they formed large layers of rocks in the sediment with their glass "bones".

Geometry is present in every natural expression, from the diatom in the image to the far reaches of outer or inner space.

Image: Anatoly Mikhaltsov


"There really is an interaction between all things in the universe. It's a network of interconnected structures that communicate with each other. There are no isolated systems in the universe. So to consider that the brain is isolated from the Universe is inaccurate. It's as if there were communications between all scales, and the result is what we call the consciousness of existence. It's as if the Universe thinks about itself, and discovers itself. It's a loop of information creating consciousness".

Image from Marshall Lefferts's book Cosmometry

Igigi – The Ancient Astronauts Who Rebelled Against The Anunnaki - Archaeology and Ancient Civilizations 15/09/2023

Igigi – The Ancient Astronauts Who Rebelled Against The Anunnaki - Archaeology and Ancient Civilizations The Ancient Anunnaki are said to have created the human race by genetically modifying early humans in order to use them as a labour force. But before humans were created, the Igigi were used by the ancient Anunnaki as their main labour force. It is said that the Igigi–they who turn and see—were ...

A Journey Of 22 Years - Reflections On 9/11 And The Current Times 12/09/2023

A Journey Of 22 Years - Reflections On 9/11 And The Current Times Twenty-two years ago - when it became very quickly clear to me that the official 9/11 story doesn’t make sense whatsoever - I tried to “wake up” others...

My interview with Dieter Broers, part 1 12/09/2023

My interview with Dieter Broers, part 1 Find Dieter Broers here:www.dieterbroers.com Kerry K here:https://kerryk.comall social media (including tikt...


The nearly full moon rising perfectly into the North Window Arch in Arches National Park in Moab, Utah.

📸 Elliot McGucken


Creation said:
“I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it.
It is the realization that they create their own reality.”
The eagle said,
“Give it to me. I will take it to the moon.”
The Creator said, “No. One day they will go there and find it.”
The salmon said,
“I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean.”
The Creator said, “No. They will go there, too.”
The buffalo said, “I will bury it on the Great Plains.”
The Creator said, “They will cut into the skin of the earth and find it even there.”
Grandmother who lives in the breast of Mother Earth,
and who has no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said
“Put it inside of them.”
And the Creator said, “It is done.”

~Creation story from the Hopi Nation, Arizona

12,000-Year-Old Massive Underground Tunnels Are Real And Stretch From Scotland To Turkey - Archaeology and Ancient Civilizations 11/09/2023

12,000-Year-Old Massive Underground Tunnels Are Real And Stretch From Scotland To Turkey - Archaeology and Ancient Civilizations Mysterious tunnels have been discovered in Scotland that stretch all the way to Turkey, however, researchers are still unsure of why or how they were created. What makes them all the more mysterious, is how absolutely amazing they are, and how meticulously they were created. These thousands of Stone...


Object Arp 273. Local Universe. Galaxy. Type: Interacting

The "small" galaxy seen at the bottom of the image is believed to have passed through the large one at the top. The size of these structures is unimaginable... so some can pass through the middle of others.

Credit: NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

Evidence Suggests Bob Lazar Was Telling Truth About UFOs & Anti-Gravity Propulsion - Archaeology and Ancient Civilizations 11/09/2023

Evidence Suggests Bob Lazar Was Telling Truth About UFOs & Anti-Gravity Propulsion - Archaeology and Ancient Civilizations On May 15, 1989, KLAS-5 TV did a live interview with an anonymous man who made some extraordinary claims about UFOs and anti-gravity technology. Bob Lazar, who hid his identity under the pseudonym “Dennis,” claimed that the United States military was conducting covert research on alien technolog...


Indeed 🖤


We Are Beings of Stardust, Fire, Earth and Sea. We Are more Magnificent than We even Perceive. Bask in your Magnificence.


"There is a harmonic relationship that resonates between all spheres of space, from the smallest to the largest. Think of all the protons vibrating and resonating with each other. Think of all the electrons vibrating and resonating with each other. Then think of all the planets, solar systems, stars, galaxies and superclusters vibrating and resonating with each other in the universe. Imagine the number of octaves between the proton and the universe. We are clearly immersed in the music of the spheres." Nassim Haramein

The Ingá Stone: A secret message from advanced ancient civilizations? - Archaeology and Ancient Civilizations 09/09/2023

The Ingá Stone: A secret message from advanced ancient civilizations? - Archaeology and Ancient Civilizations Near the city of Ingá in Brazil, on the banks of the Ingá River, located one of Brazil’s most intriguing archaeological discoveries “The Ingá Stone”. It is also known as the Itacoatiara do Ingá, which translates to “stone” in the Tupi language of the natives that once lived in that are...

Zecharia Sitchin’s Translation Of 14 Tablets Of Enki: Complete History Of Anunnaki - Archaeology and Ancient Civilizations 09/09/2023

Zecharia Sitchin’s Translation Of 14 Tablets Of Enki: Complete History Of Anunnaki - Archaeology and Ancient Civilizations Zecharia Sitchin shocked the historical and archeological world after he published his series of books on “Anunnaki gods” who arrived from planet Nibiru around 445,000 years ago. According to him, these ancient astronauts touched down in one of Earth’s seas, and established Eridu, “Home in t...
