V10 Health

V10 Health

V10 Health helps people who are struggling (many failed attempts) to improve their fitness, nutrition and/or lifestyle. Our progressive model ensures results.

Awaken to Soul 18/01/2022

Today at 1 pm, Holistic Lifestyle Coach Dave Hurdle and I will be doing a YouTube Live talk on awakening the soul. We will share the 5 stages of this process and tips on how to move through each stage more gracefully. Having gone through the process ourselves, we will share our own personal experiences with each of the stages in order for listeners to get a greater understanding of where they may be in their own journey and how to move forward if they wish and are ready to. I know this will be an enlightening discussion and I hope you can join us. Use this link to tune in live: https://youtu.be/Ee3qj9SY5H0

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Awaken to Soul Join myself and Sal Crispo, founder of V10 Heatlth for a live stream event January 18th, 2022 est. as we talk about the process of Awakening to Your Sou...


Join Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Dave Hurdle and I on another enlightening discussion. In this talk, we will be focusing on emotions. Emotions have the power to make you or break you. They really are a double-edged sword so it would be very wise to learn how to manage the negative ones and how to harness the positive ones to create the of your dreams. All are welcome and we both look forward to seeing you there. Here is the link to join us on this free presentation:



Today, Holistic Lifestyle Coach Dave Hurdle and I are getting together for another enlightening talk. In this presentation, we will be sharing our thoughts and experiences with the chakra system. We are made of energy and learning how to balance this energy can mean the difference between balance and chaos, harmony and disfunction, and health and disease. Join us today at 1:30 pm on YouTube live. We will be interacting with our viewers and answering any questions as we go. We would love for you to be a part of this experience with us. Here is the link to gain free access: https://youtu.be/fqWtk8Gb7uo

Authentic Soul Expression 13/09/2021

Authentic Soul Expression In this video i chat with Sal Crispo founder of V10 Health about the factors that interfere with the full expression of your soul self. We also talk about h...

‘Surround the Dragon’ 16/08/2021

In this video, I discuss the strategy I use to deal with nagging injuries or pains

Feel free to reach out if you have any pains or injuries that you are struggling with and are lingering without any real improvement. I will do my best to get back you.

‘Surround the Dragon’ “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt In my early years, I started my holistic health journey with fitness. I became a personal trainer and learned a lot from several mentors around the world. Today, I want to share an important principle called ‘surround t...

Timeline photos 16/08/2021

There is nothing worse than finally getting into a fitness groove and then getting an injury. What do you do when this happens? Most people allow the injury to completely derail them. I know that rest is important for healing purposes but what else can you do? What exercises can you do that will not exacerbate the injury but instead, support your healing and allow you to maintain some of your fitness? This is what you should be doing. In my next video post, I will discuss this topic in more detail. Stay tuned!

Photos from V10 Health's post 16/08/2021

Your digestive system acts as your personal report card. It tells you whether or not you passed or failed in terms of your food choices. When you make poor food choices, your digestive system lets you know through a number of signs or symptoms. It could be bloatedness, gas, heartburn, acid reflux, constipation or diarrhea just to name a few. If you experience these on a regular basis, you must start questioning your food selection. If you don't, these short-term symptoms can develop into more serious and long-term conditions such as I.B.S., colitis, or colon cancer, etc. You are the gatekeeper of the food that enters your body and it is up to you to filter out any foods which have a negative impact on your health. It all begins with food awareness. Keeping a journal of how foods impact your wellbeing is the first step to healing a compromised digestive system. When you know what your body likes and dislikes then you will know how to select wisely. Do you want to learn more about food tracking? Feel free to send me a dm.

Reprogram your Mind 29/04/2021

In this post (or watch the video), I discuss the fundamentals of reprogramming your mind for health, growth and success


Reprogram your Mind "The way to get rid of darkness is with light; the way to overcome cold is with heat; the way to overcome the negative thought is to substitute the good thought. Affirm the good, and the bad will vanish." ~ Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind The book above by Joseph Murphy is a must....

Timeline photos 29/04/2021

Thoughts are creative. What we think about, we bring about in our lives, regardless if it's negative or positive. Our thoughts form and influence many of our decisions. When you think without being mindful, you are running on autopilot. You are running programs that may serve you for the better or worse. And once you start to practice mindfulness, you will discover there are several programs in your subconscious mind that need to be replaced with better ones if you want to be and live at your best. In my next video post, I will discuss how to be mindful of these programs and how to reprogram your mind so that you may evolve your consciousness and vitality.

Photos from V10 Health's post 29/04/2021

These meat wraps are delicious and are only about 5 grams of net carbs or 1 V-Point each. Why would you want to lower your daily net carb intake? If you are looking to lose excess body fat then limiting your daily net carb intake will help you attain your goals more efficiently. Do you know what your daily net carb intake is? If you don't, I can help you find out. Send me a dm.

Overcoming Anxiety 27/04/2021

In this post (or watch the video), I will share my thoughts on understanding and overcoming anxiety


Overcoming Anxiety “Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.” ~ Charles Spurgeon The mind is an incredible creative tool. However, how you use this tool can either make you or break you. When you consciously control it to serve your authentic nature and soul purpose, ...

Timeline photos 27/04/2021

Meditation is the practice of being in the moment. It teaches you to become aware of your current thoughts and emotions and how they are affecting you. When the mind takes over our consciousness without a master to look over it and guide it, all hell can and often does break loose. In tomorrow's video post on my coaching series, I will discuss how crippling mental health issues such as anxiety can be and how they can really set you back and make life extremely unenjoyable. Also, I will expand on what you can do to counteract these issues. Stay tuned!

Allopathic vs Naturopathic? 27/04/2021

In this blog post (or watch the video), I will be sharing my thoughts on some of the differences between the allopathic and naturopathic approaches. Also, should it be an either or choice?


Allopathic vs Naturopathic? “The conflict between preventive health and conventional medicine is not an either-or situation. For example, we will always need emergency rooms and people will always require health care services; yet it has become clear to me that the approach must be natural, it must be preventative, and must ...

Timeline photos 27/04/2021

Why choose between the allopathic and naturopathic approach when both approaches have their pros and cons? The trick is knowing the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches and when the best time is to choose one over the other. In my next video post, I will expand on this topic so you can make the best choice depending on the situation. Stay tuned!

Photos from V10 Health's post 27/04/2021

Constructive habit development is really how we evolve. In order to become a better and healthier version than you are today, you have to replace your current habits with new and improved ones. With that said, when you make anything too complex, many people tend to avoid it. I wrote 'One Habit At A Time' to clarify and simplify constructive habit development so that it can have more of an impact on all levels V1-10. I chose 3 physical, 3 mental and 3 spiritual habits which you can integrate easily. What's more, all of these habits are free (i.e. upright posture, mindfulness and gratitude, etc.) and you can start benefiting from them immediately. These 9 habits will help anyone build a great foundation of health and a much higher quality of life overall.

If you're interested, you can get your copy @ https://www.v10health.com/shop or send me a dm

What is Real Health? 27/04/2021

In this post (or watch the video), I briefly describe what real health consists of and announce an upcoming YouTube series that I will be sharing soon


What is Real Health? “Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit.” ~ B.K.S. Iyengar Real health is much more than a lean and muscular physique. It is the combination of 3 main parts – physical, mental and spiritual health. 20 years ago, I was probably in the best shape of my life. I was doi...

Timeline photos 27/04/2021

Having struggled with depression from such a young age, I realized a long time ago that there is a lot more to health than simply being fit or in good physical shape. Over the years, I learned to integrate body, mind and spirit into my personal practice and for some clients as well (the ones who were ready for all 3). In my 20+ years of experience, the people who get the best results and keep them longterm are the ones who learn to focus on all 3 of these parts. After all, you are only as strong as your weakest link. To live life to the fullest, you need to ensure your 3-player performance team (body, mind and spirit) is nurtured, thriving and working together for the same purpose. Tomorrow, I will expand on this topic in my coaching series video posts. Stay tuned!

Photos from V10 Health's post 18/04/2021

People are often surprised to hear when I tell them that eggs and bacon are healthy (provided they are from a good quality food source) and will not increase cholesterol which is a very common misconception. Actually, these fatty foods will promote health and fat loss. If you want to lower cholesterol, you should focus on improving your body composition. Remember, by decreasing your body fat % and increasing your lean muscle %, you increase your vitality and decrease your chances of all obesity-based diseases. Have you been avoiding these foods because you thought they were unhealthy? Would you start including these foods if you knew they were healthy? Please let me know in the comments. Thank you!

Your Number 1 Fan 18/04/2021

In this post (or watch the video), I discuss the idea of becoming your number 1 fan when striving after your goals and facing challenges


Your Number 1 Fan “You have to believe in yourself when no one else does – that makes you a winner right here.” ~ Venus Williams Work, work and more work. There is no way around it. If you want to succeed then you have to take care of the one striving for it – YOU! The greater the goal, the greater the work i...

Timeline photos 18/04/2021

How many times have people accomplished feats that no one else believed was possible? Do you think they would have if they listened to the non-believers and naysayers? Never let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. Don't let their beliefs limit your resolve. What if you believed in yourself more than anyone else, what do you think you could accomplish? In tomorrow's video post, I will be discussing the power of self-belief and how it can be used to create whatever your heart desires. Stay tuned!

Photos from V10 Health's post 18/04/2021

This is a great exercise for all levels to strengthen the lower back, glutes and hamstrings. You can easily modify the difficulty to challenge your fitness level. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Enjoy.

Your Worst Enemy 18/04/2021

In this post (or watch the video), I discuss the troubles of letting your subconscious mind randomly run your life without the proper filtering of the conscious mind. If you find this video valuable or helpful, feel free to share it with someone you think will benefit from it. I also have it up on my YouTube Channel too which may be easier to share. Thank you!


Your Worst Enemy “Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.” ~ Gautama Buddha Have you ever caught yourself singing a song in your head and wondered, why am I singing this song? How long have I been singing it for? Why can’t I stop singing it? Sometimes it’s even a song you do ...

Timeline photos 18/04/2021

If you want to lead a truly healthy, joyous and fulfilling life, there are 2 worlds you have to be aware of and manage - external and internal. Many people underestimate and neglect their inner world and solely focus on their outer world. They fail to realize that their thoughts, beliefs and inner-dialogue help create the world around them and how they feel about it as well. In tomorrow's video, I will discuss the pitfalls of negative thinking, lack of awareness and how to turn things around in your favour. Stay tuned!

Photos from V10 Health's post 18/04/2021

Upright posture places less stress on your spine and joints. It also makes you look more confident, competent and attractive. One of the most powerful ways to change your posture is through mindfulness. Every time you catch yourself slouching, be sure to adjust back into an upright position. It may feel awkward and difficult to hold this position for long periods at first, but if you continue to practice each day, it will become more natural and easier to hold for longer periods as your postural muscles get stronger. If you're exercising, be sure to focus on proper technique which promotes good posture and reduces your chances of injury.

How to Boost Motivation 11/04/2021


In this post (or watch the video), I will discuss the flaw of waiting for motivation to start an endeavour you know you should and/or want to such as exercising regularly, eating healthy or living a healthy lifestyle. I will also share how to boost your motivation once you get started toward a goal

How to Boost Motivation “You don’t have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great.” ~ Zig Ziglar One of the most common excuses I hear from people for not exercising is that they lack motivation. If only they were motivated, they would start. But is this a sound strategy? Should we wait until we are ...

Timeline photos 10/04/2021

I cannot tell you how many times I have heard people say, "I will start when I am ready and motivated". When will that be? What if the readiness and motivation never come? Does that mean you will never start doing what you know you should be doing? Question your thoughts and beliefs because a lot of them are just disguised excuses and they will limit your evolution. Tomorrow I will be sharing a video post on how to build holistic motivation so that you can finally change the narrative and say to yourself, "There is no better time to start than now!" Stay tuned!

Photos from V10 Health's post 09/04/2021

If you like organ meat, you will definitely enjoy this dish. Organ meat is full of vital nutrients provided it's from a good source. I highly recommend organic sources only, especially for an organ like the liver as one of its main functions is detoxification. You don't want to be eating and absorbing toxic organ meat from unhealthy sources so choose wisely. Support your local organic farmers!

Videos (show all)

Here is a great lower abdominal exercise you can try. Doing it correctly can be a little tricky. Make sure you keep the ...