SoundHills Collective

SoundHills Collective

Music and Art Collective from da Hills!


un mese esatto dopo il ✨ condividiamo con voi un ricordo dell’ALTERNATIVE STAGE visto dall’alto!


è stato un piacere anche per noi 🔥❤️

Italian dancefloor never lies! 🔥

Merci au Fantàsia Festival & SoundHills Collective pour m’avoir invité!
Super festival sur un site incroyable & super ambiance.
Tanto felice di avervi rivisto tutti 🤌😘

Photos from SoundHills Collective 's post 03/07/2023

🔊 EURO 🔊
Nicholas Europa, un dj italiano di Milano che ha sempre fatto della musica la sua casa, le sue influenze musicali spaziano dalla breakbeat ai ritmi tropicali delle musiche del mondo. I suoi mix disomogenei sono pieni di colori per non annoiare mai il dancefloor e per trasportarvi in un viaggio musicale a suon di trombe e percussioni. La sua passione per il ritmo nasce da molto piccolo, per via di un passato da b boy e da musicista. All'etá di 14 anni scoprí il turntablism e inizió nel tempo a suonare nelle piccole realtá underground del nord italia. Oggi fa parte dei SoundHills collective un gruppo di artisti a 360 gradi, con cui gira l'Europa per organizzare eventi e vivere la musica.

Produzioni caratterizzate da un' impronta sonora minimale che varia dalla psichedelia della Mental Tekno ai ritmi della Tribe e dell'industrial.
TornoSubito impatta nel mondo delle drum machines nel 2012 proponendo a vari eventi underground locali, nelle Langhe e non, dei live set mental hardtekno.
Per vedere poi tra gli ambienti Torinesi del 2015 una virata, che lo porta a toccare sonorità piu oscure e finendo a prediligere nei suoi live i 150 bpm.
Tuttora la sua esperienza artistica nel campo della musica elettronica si muove tramite l'utilizzo di ''macchine analogiche'' che rispecchiano appieno un tipo di ricerca cruda ma dinamica e mai uguale a se stessa.


🔊 YEN 🔊
part of the itinerant project DLA_ValleY , strongly believes in music as an art in continuous experimentation. His DJ sets are influenced by Wave, Post Punk, Rock, but with generally house beats. Vocal and instrumental samples are the base in a journey of sounds and images.


Le ultime 24 ore per acquistare i ticket online ad un prezzo ridotto 🔥

Ultimo giorno per acquistare i ticket online a prezzo ridotto per Fantàsia!!! A partire da domani a mezzogiorno non potrete più acquistarli!!! Per chi non avrà il suo ticket sarà comunque possibile entrare al festival arrivando direttamente al gate...i prezzi verranno comunicati domani! Rimanete connessi con Fantàsia! Ci vediamo dal 7 al 9 Luglio ☀️


Lorenzo Valdambrini aka "Valda" was born in Tuscany in Orbetello on April 9, 1987 Music has been part of him since he was a child thanks to the influence of his uncle (drummer). Growing up he begins to listen to various genres such as rock, hip-hop, blues until he gets passionate about electronic music! As a teenager he bought his first turntables and over time he also became familiar with some programs such as Fl Studio and Cubase. He then began to take the art of the "disk jockey" seriously and shortly thereafter he began to perform with his DJ sets in the free party environment, an environment to which he has been devoted for almost twenty years, and later he joined part of the “Elektrorganizm” crew. Member of various art\musical projects ready to get hands on mixer and cymbals. Good vibrates and a nice dose of good grip is what he transmits with his dj sets, lover of the electro-techno, minimal, tech-house, funky-house, breakbeat, glitch hop, deep house genres, genres present and mixed in his dj sets


Ha avuto il suo primo approccio alla musica ancora all’età di 6 anni dilettandosi con le percussioni. La musica ha sempre fatto parte interamente della sua vita sia a livello individuale che famigliare. Inizia ad approcciarsi alla musica elettronica all’età di 15 anni grazie alla nota sorella (dj la Debs) che fa parte e supporta il movimento underground da parecchio tempo. Inizialmente i generi più amati e apprezzati da lui furono principalmente tribe e Drum and Bass che ha sempre mixato fra loro con ottima armonia. Con il passare del tempo prova su altri generi musicali di bpm meno elevati come elektro, breakbeat, techno, house e funky in cimentandosi in un nuovo mondo e sentimento che attualmente spinge a suon di presa bene ed energia positiva infiammando la dancefloor!!


Tommaso Bonaventura, in arte "ErBona", classe '96, dopo anni passati al fianco di grandi collettivi della scena underground Europa si é lanciato in diverse missioni con il gruppo Che alla fine é diventato la sua familiale NobordersTv.
Delle sonorità che vanno dalla house alla techno con una totalità a volte un po' deep sono frutto delle varie esperienze degli ultimi anni, partendo dal primo squot da cui é uscito "proprità pirata" fino al progetto "Mundo Sabi" a capoverde.

Tommaso Bonaventura, aka "ErBona", born in '96, after years spent beside greats collectives of the European underground scene, has launched into various missions with the group that finally became his family: NobordersTv.
His sounds range, from house to techno with a totality sometimes slightly deep, are the fruit of his various experiences over the last few years, starting from the first squat "Proprietà Pirata" to the "Mundo Sabi" project in Cape Verde.


Boss della Blame Society Records, etichetta attiva nell'ambiente underground italiano ed europeo da più di 10 anni.
I suoi set si distinguono per l'elecletticitá ed i diversi generi che vengono miscelati: dalla techno alla break fino a toccare hip hop e downtempo, il tutto con un forte imprinting UKsc.

Boss of Blame Society Records, a label active in the Italian and European underground scene since more than 10 years.
His sets are characterised by eclecticism and the different genres that are combined: from techno to break to hip hop and downtempo, all with a strong UKsc imprint.

Tickets | Fantàsia Festival 30/06/2023

7-8-9 Luglio 📍Costacciaro (PG)
Fantàsia Festival 2023

🎟️Cosa aspetti? Acquista qui il tuo ticket !

3 giorni di musica, spettacoli, divertimento e molto altro 🎪 Area Bimbi a disposizione!

Questa è parte della nostra line up!
Stage ALTERNATIVE from us 🔥🔥🔥

Vi aspettiamo per danzare in allegria 💃🏼🕺

Fantàsia Festival TKZ Subculture District DLA_ValleY CIRCUS BANDITS Blame Society rec. Cult Collective MENTALALCHEMIST Elektrorganizm Orkestra NOBORDERSOUNDSYSTEM Bronstach Alkaest family 03UniT sound Dixconnection

Tickets | Fantàsia Festival

Photos from TKZ Subculture District's post 29/06/2023

On se voit là-bas absolument 🤟🏼
non vediamo l’ora 🔥


Una chiara forza emergente del movimento underground, Six ou Sept si tuffa nell'hardware esibendosi dal vivo da marzo 2017. Con un'enorme quantità di disciplina, padroneggia questo mestiere in modo straordinariamente veloce. Con lo stesso ritmo il suo nome e le sue esibizioni dal vivo risuonano rapidamente dal cuore delle montagne della Savoia, alla maggior parte della Francia e dei paesi limitrofi, e ai grandi palchi dei festival.
Le sue melodie non sono simili a nessun'altra, risultando in un enorme pannello di emozioni che porta il suo pubblico in un innegabile stato di euforia.

A clear rising force of the underground movement, Six ou Sept dives into Hardware live performing since March 2017. With a huge amount of discipline he masters this craft remarkably fast. With the same tempo his name & live performances quickly resonate from the heart of the Savoie mountains, to most of France & neighbouring countries, and the big festival stages.
His melodies are not similar to any other, resulting in a huge panel of emotions which moves his audience into an undeniable state of euphoria.


🔊 RAM ON 🔊
Ram-On aka Klown-Bastard is a producer / DJ of the Rave scene from 2008 to the present day, he starts to approach electronic music at an early age, immediately looking for experimental sounds to create his own sets and productions to give a personal and unique touch to his music.
Influenced by all genres, he quickly creates a well-defined and recognizable musical imprint, he will soon be called to play in various Italian and foreign locations, from Clubs to Free Parties, his music manages to arrive in a fresh and brilliant way.
At the age of 20, a trip to Latin America brings him closer to hotter and more pressing rhythms than the electro-hause with which he finally establishes his genre.
Back in Italy he begins to be part of the Elektrorganizm with which he still collaborates and with whom he has organized parties throughout Europe and overseas, carrying out various humanitarian projects and trying to ensure that the party is not only fun but also a hold on collective consciousness.

Photos from SoundHills Collective 's post 27/06/2023

Ludovico Storti was born in 1997 near Turin and from an early age, thanks to his parents, he established a passion for music and began studying piano and drums.
These passions will be cultivated over the years by studying and playing around Italy and beyond.
Around the age of 14, he began his first approaches to electronic music, starting with hip hop and drum'n bass and moving on to the rhythms, initially of tekno and then moving on to the slower rhythms of techno/tech house.
From the age of 18 he decided to make this musical current more his own by starting to produce tracks and taking part in his first parties as a musician and no longer just as a participant. From here he began to take his live sets around Italy and Europe. This tour brought him into contact with the first labels and he made his first digital releases and releases.

DK started playing guitar at the age of 6 and rapidly got into heavy metal music and punk. He has played in several extreme metal bands such as Corroosion and Ethylic Coma and Forever Ended Yesterday. At the age of 20 he came across Dubstep and Drum’n’Bass, cut his long hairs and bought his first Traktor controller. He played as a dj for a couple of years as Subphazerz, but soon the need of writing his own music pushed him to learn Ableton and music production. Nowadays he is a member of the Sound Hills and Danger Sound collectives. His sound mixes the heaviness of Tribe, the groove of Elektro and the darkness of Acid to lead the dancefloor through a powerful musical trip


Trackerz BBC Broken Beatz Concept
It was in the early 2000’s down in the dirty south of France, that we founded Trackerz.
We felt strangely empowered by the anti rave Marianni Law. Never say no to a kid!
Since the beginning our crew is orientated towards breakbeat and downtempo 4 x 4 music, finding our inspiration in the hip hop,the funk, the punk, the disco, and obviously in the powerful & dark sound of the oldschool freeparty.
We are a bunch of friends who are passionate about the underground tekno movement. Along the years we’ve been able to build a specific and unique visual, graphic & musical identity which either pleases or disturbs.
More than some simple party we imagine each rave as a unique celebration of the electronic counter culture!

More info:

Queen Regina
Digital Mix Breakbeat/techno


Puerto Richi raccoglie ogni frammento musicale che gli piace e cerca di proporlo in una nuova chiave.I dischi sono la sua passione,il suo strumento inseparabile,toccare la musica con mano lo aiuta a trovare l incastro giusto per proporre ciò che si porta dentro.
Il viaggio nella vita viene trasmesso sotto forma di musica,la ricerca del suono primordiale in contrapposizione all elettronica più d avanguardia,questo fa delle sue set un percorso tutto da scoprire

Puerto Richi picks up every musical fragment he likes and tries to present it in a new way. Vinyl are his passion, his inseparable tool, touching music with his hand helps him to find the right fit to present what he carries inside.
The journey in life is transmitted in the form of music, the research of the primordial sound as opposed to the most avant-garde electronics, which makes his sets a path to be discovered.


Dopo un inizio musicale tra punk e reggae music il nostro surikate si avvicina alla musica elettronica live.
Dopo aver passato qualche tempo con il peogetto live si sposta Al mix digitale...Kick...Rumble...mooolti bassi e tantissimo groove.
Senza far mancare un tocco hypnotico ci sta sempre bene...

Strating his musical experience between punk and reggae music he approaches live electronic music production.
After spending some time with the live project he moves to the digital mix...Kick...Rumble...lots of bass and many grooves.
Without neglecting a hypnotic touch which is always good...


Giacomo Poti, aka Potrip, co-founder of the Alkaest collective, offers electronic DJ sets, strictly on Vinyl, the result of years of research and travels in the underground scene, in which he ranges from break to powerful techno.

Photos from SoundHills Collective 's post 23/06/2023

🔊 ALBI 🔊
Innnamorato e pervaso delle sonorità elettroniche e degli ambienti underground/rave/DIY sin dalla giovane adolescenza inizia ad approcciarsi alla produzione all'età di 16 anni. I viaggi e le esperienze influenzano costantemente la sua ricerca musicale, cercando da sempre di trovare il proprio concept e stile.
Nel corso degli anni sviluppa i suoi liveset rimanendo sempre fedele ai 130 bpm, propone sonorità che variano dall'Electro alla DeepHouse, fino alla Techno. Incastri di ritmiche e bassline incalzanti sono due elementi fondamentali della sua musica: un calderone di energie da condividere nel dancefloor.
Cofondatore e membro attivo della SoundHills Collective.

Born in Genoa in 1996, he started at the age of 13 to approach the world of 90s hip-hop and English break beats mixing them to create something new.
In 2016, he started mixing his first techno vinyls and participating in underground events and free party in different Italian city .
In 2018, after various experiences far from home he decides to come back and create, with friends with the same passion, the SoundHills collective. Their starting to make party with their style, began to build different sets and scenarios for each party to make them unique.


Petchwork inizia il suo percorso musicale da molto giovane. Infatti inizia comporre a sedici anni. E fin da allora nel suo percorso ha sempre dedicato piú tempo e impegno alla composizione di brani e alle tecniche di arrangiamento.
Da sempre appassionato al mondo del sampling e alle sue infinite possibilità, ascolta e studia praticamente ogni genere musicale, in cerca di parti che possono andare a formare i suoi mash-ups. Dei collages di sonorità dove possono trovarsi canzoni tradizionali cubane con voci UK grime, James Brown che strizza l'occhio a Morricone.
Ascoltare uno spettro enorme di generi musicali lo ha portato ad appassionarsi a cimentarsi in tanti stili diversi nel corso degli anni.
Infatti nella sua discografia è presente praticamente ogni sottogenere di musica elettronica dai 70 ai 140bpm.
La sua dedizione nella musicalità e nel groove lo porta a riformulare la famosa frase degli Spiral Tribe.
Enough with the noise


🔊 NIKK 🔊

Nato a Brescia nel 1997, ho sempre avuto la passione della musica fin da bambino, cominciai a suonare la chitarra all'età di 11 anni, per poi spostarmi sulla musica elettronica verso i 17 anni. Abbiamo iniziato questo progetto musicale chiamato Circus Bandits nel 2016, partecipando e supportando numerose feste e free party italiani e esteri. Nel 2020 ho cominciato a suonare a diversi eventi portando sonorità differenti che possono variare dalla techno, afro house, bass house, elektro.

Born in Brescia in 1997, I have always had a passion for music since I was a child, I started playing the guitar at
the age of 11, and then moved on to electronic music at the age of 17. We started this musical project called Circus Bandits in 2016, participating and supporting many Italian and foreign parties and free parties. In 2020 I started playing at different events bringing different sounds that can vary from techno, afro house, bass house, electro.


Fantàsia Festival
Fantàsia Festival 2023


Old Fader, aka Luca Monterubbiano, born in 1990, had a passion for Hip Hop as a child until he discovered electronic music. He meets his first turntables at the age of twenty between free parties and friends' garages, where he joins his first Sound System and begins to mix Acid Core, Tribe and Tekno up to his true passion: the Break Beat. In 2016 he was one of the founders of Brigandz Sound in which he found two things that were very rare and precious to him: friendship and family.
Right here he begins to bring dynamic and pressing DJ sets to the dancefloor that travel between Electro and Techno with contaminations of funky and 80s music. By touching the vinyls with his hand he can understand where and when to push the music. Acid vinyl seeker he never stops listening and experimenting.



Sperimentatore dei linguaggi visivi e poi musicali, attraverso i suoi vinyl set e vj set propone un viaggio tra immagini e ritmi primordiali e tribali colorati da una vibe estremamente elektro funky !
Membro attivo del collettivo Alkaest Family dalla sua prima formazione, negli ultimi anni collabora anche con l'etichetta indipendente Drop Down records.

An experimenter of visual and then musical languages, through his vinyl sets and vi sets he proposes a journey through primordial and tribal images and rhythms coloured by an extremely elektro funky vibe!
An active member of the Alkaest Family collective since its first formation, in recent years he has also collaborated with the independent label Drop Down records.

Nicholas Dima
Alkaest family

Fantàsia Festival
Fantàsia Festival 2023



Trackerz BBC Broken Beatz Concept
It was in the early 2000's down in the dirty south of France, that we founded Trackerz.
We felt strangely empowered by the anti rave Marianni Law. Never say no to a kid!
Since the beginning our crew is orientated towards breakbeat and downtempo 4 x 4 music, finding our inspiration in the hip hop, the funk, the punk, the disco, and obviously in the powerful & dark sound of the oldschool freeparty.
We are a bunch of friends who are passionate about the underground tekno movement. Along the years we've been able to build a specific and unique visual, graphic & musical identity which either pleases or disturbs.
More than some simple party we imagine each rave as a unique celebration of the electronic counter culture!

TKZ Subculture District
Digital mix Nudisco/ Mystic House/ Electro

Fantàsia Festival
Fantàsia Festival 2023



Trackerz BBC Broken Beatz Concept
It was in the early 2000's down in the dirty south of France, that we founded Trackerz.
We felt strangely empowered by the anti rave Marianni Law. Never say no to a kid!
Since the beginning our crew is orientated towards breakbeat and downtempo 4 x 4 music, finding our inspiration in the hip hop, the funk, the punk, the disco, and obviously in the powerful & dark sound of the oldschool freeparty. We are a bunch of friends who are passionate about the underground tekno movement. Along the years we've been able to build a specific and unique visual, graphic & musical identity which either pleases or disturbs. More than some simple party we imagine each rave as a unique celebration of the electronic counter culture!

TKZ Subculture District

The Razor

Fantàsia Festival
Fantàsia Festival 2023



Edoardo aka Kormick è un giovane artista ed un producer in continua evoluzione, attivo dal 2011 nella scena underground. Nato a Fano si trasferisce a Milano per gli studi di Audio Engineering e Composizione. In pochi anni il suo stile e la sua musica sono cambiati profondamente, influenzati da viaggi, realtà ed esperienze vissuti. Ora il bpm dei beat, inizialmente frenetici, è sceso per lasciare più spazio al groove, costruito dall'incastro di percussioni latine ed africane.
Nei suoi live coesistono in equilibrio i pilastri fondamentali che hanno determinato la nascita del genere techno ed altri elementi di innovazione e sperimentazione. Nel 2015 escono le prime release in digitale e nel giugno 2016 esce il suo primo Ep in vinile, grazie all'etichetta olandese Seawolf Records. In seguito ha pubblicato tracce con Brutal Toys Records, No Sence Of Place e OffGrid Records.


Fantàsia Festival
Fantàsia Festival 2023



Trackerz BBC Broken Beatz Concept
It was in the early 2000's down in the dirty south of France, that we founded Trackerz.
We felt strangely empowered by the anti rave MarianniLaw. Never say no to a kid!
Since the beginning our crew is orientated towards breakbeat and downtempo 4 × 4 music, finding our inspiration in the hip hop, the funk, the punk, the disco, and obviously in the powerful & dark sound of the oldschool freeparty.
We are a bunch of friends who are passionate about the underground tekno movement. Along the years we've been able to build a specific and unique visual, graphic & musical identity which either pleases or disturbs.
More than some simple party we imagine each rave as a unique celebration of the electronic counter culture!

TKZ Subculture District

Fantàsia Festival
Fantàsia Festival 2023



Born in Spain in 1987, Dj and co-founder of the PandemiaSonor3 collective created in 2012. Various styles are mixed in his sessions such as Techno, Electro, Groovee, Minimal, Acid... For us, music is a means to express our ideas and feelings. We invest our time and money in a tool that allows us to self-realize. We will not delegate our responsibility to a manager, nor will we serve as entertainment or enrichment to any businessman who intends to profit at our expense. Because we believe in what we say and we want to be honest, we will always facilitate the voluntary effort of groups and people who trust us. With spirit 23 and anarchist philosophy we will fight the music business. Because our fight continues when we get out of the cabin.


Fantàsia Festival
Fantàsia Festival 2023



Da anni ormai sulla scena FreakyBoy rappresenta il suono Blame Society proponendo di set techno ma con sonorità decisamente UK, figlio dell'amen break, suo primo amore in campo elettronico. Il suo set è una scorpacciata di ambientazioni industriali e ritmi spezzati.

FreakyBoy has been representing the Blame Society sound on the scene for years now, proposing techno dj sets but with a decidedly UK sound, son of the amen break, his first love in the electronic field. His set is a
feast of industrial settings and broken rhythms.

Blame Society rec.
Fantàsia Festival



Dies Irae fell in love with electronic music in 1999 after taking his first pill of XTC. His "summer of love" is now pretty much over, but the love of music is still alive, and it's still burning ever since. Started producing in 2011 for the label Blame Society Records and for this album pushing his Techno-minimal Progressive sounds to the world.

Blame Society rec.
Fantàsia Festival


Born in Italy in 1993, he has been passionate about music since he was a child playing the drums. He approaches his first experiences with electronic music at the age of 14. Fascinated by vinyl records and the art of mixing, he received his first record player as a gift and an outdated mixer where, in the first recreational rooms for kids, he played the first records. Later he deepened with two gift cdjs that brought him closer to the first real stages of mixing. At 19, with his first salary he bought his first Technics turntables and the real journey with Tekno music began. He joined at the age of 21 in 2014 to be part of the No Politic sound system, a group of 6 people who fell apart after two years. At the beginning of 2016, at the age of 23 he founded the Circus Bandits, where the organization of Free Parties and evenings continues with his partner. His path continues in the genre Tekno Tribe, Elektro and Tek House.

Fantàsia Festival


🔊 KRYPTO 🔊 Dj Krypto had his first approach with the music at the age of fifteen, playing the electric guitar in a punk group of Salerno. After leaving his hometown, he began for many years to travel around Europe approaching for the first time the world of festivals and free parties. In these years, his passion for the music grew more and more and his musical culture started to take shape. Back in Italy, he moved to Florence where he met the hip hop culture from which he took the inspiration to start to play; indeed at the age of twenty-six, he had his first approach to the vinyl records, the turntables and the stylus, starting to make scratch. Very soon, he began to play his first electro and breakbeat dj-sets in different clubs of Florence. In 2011, he stopped to be an independent dj and became a member of the Elektrorganizm crew, a crew that was, and it still is, active in the clubs scene as well as in the underground scene. In the same year, with some members of the EO, he created the “Thompson Affaire” project, a project of swing and electro-swing music with skit nights in Florence. Thanks to it, he expanded his musical horizons starting to play all around Italy dj-sets that range from swing, house and cumbia music to electro, breakbeat, techno and tekno tribe music. In 2012, he also began to organize gigs in many clubs with several international artists and in 2015 he met 4Q of Total Resistance and Ixindamix of SP23, who gave him the inspiration for his dj-sets. Within a few years, thanks to the connections arose from various collaborations, he brings his music around Italy as well as around Europe (Switzerland, Czech Republic and Spain). In 2018, he also played big festivals such as Freekuency Festival in Portugal and Boomtown Fair in England. In this year, 2019, he organized and played at the No Flags Party in Cambodia and in the 2020 Tropical Wave in Colombia. In his dj-sets, he proposes always new mixes with different vibes that are constantly evolving.

Elektrorganizm Orkestra
Fantàsia Festival


Immergendosi profondamente nella scena dei free party nei suoi primi 20 anni ... ora ha creato un universo di suoni ChôKôesque.
Questa esperienza musicale si basa su ritmo groovy e melodie incantate cosparse di distorsioni. La sua esibizione dal vivo ti mostrerà il volto nascosto dell'iceberg musicale.
Un'esperienza da non dimenticare..

Deep diving the free party scene in his early 20’s…now created a ChôKôesque universe of sound.
This musical experience is based on groovy rhythm & distortion sprinkled, bewitched melodies.

His live performance will show you the hidden face of the musical iceberg.
An experience not to be forgotten..

Cult Collective
Fantàsia Festival



Trackerz BBC Broken Beatz Concept
It was in the early 2000's down in the dirty south of France, that we founded Trackerz.
We felt strangely empowered by the anti rave Marianni Law. Never say no to a kid!
Since the beginning our crew is orientated towards breakbeat and downtempo 4 × 4 music, finding our inspiration in the hip hop, the funk, the punk, the disco, and obviously in the powerful & dark sound of the oldschool freeparty.
We are a bunch of friends who are passionate about the underground tekno movement. Along the ears we've been able to build a specific and unique visual, graphic & musical identity which either pleases or disturbs.
More than some simple party we imagine each rave as a unique celebration of the electronic counter culture.


TKZ Subculture District

Fantàsia Festival
Fantàsia Festival 2023



Dj e amante della musica elettronica, con gran carattere e stile in consolle , si destreggia in diset in vinile prediligendo ritmi incalzanti e potenti quali Techno, Electro e Break !!!

A DJ and electronic music lover, with great character and style in console, he juggles vinyl di sets with a preference for pressing and powerful rhythms such as
Techno, Electro and Break!

Fantàsia Festival


Ispirato dal movimento underground fin dall'adolescenza, ha iniziato a produrre musica all'età di 17 anni, dopo aver scoperto i tekno party nel sud della Francia. È nel tempo che BanDiKooT ha affinato il suo stile combinando hardware e software attraverso uno stile oscuro, tekno accattivante, guidato da calci pesanti e organici. Le sue esibizioni dal vivo si evolvono tra tensioni in bilico, incatenate verso momenti distruttivi.
Inspired by the underground movement since adolescence, he began producing music at the age of 17, after discovering tekno parties in the south of France. It
is over time that BanDiKooT refined his style by combining hardware and software through a dark,
captivating tekno, guided by heavy and organic kicks.
His live performances evolve between hovering tension, chained towards destructive moments.

Cult Collective
Fantàsia Festival