2011 International Buddha's Light Young Adult Executive Conference

2011 International Buddha's Light Young Adult Executive Conference

The official page of the 2011 International Buddha's Light Young Adult Executive Conference

The 2011 International Buddha's Light Young Adult Executive Conference (2011 IBLYAEC) is a bi-annual conference organised by the BLIA YAD in Los Angeles. This year's event will run from 7 July to 11 July 2011 and is being co-organised with the BLIA YAD Sydney, Australia. The Conference will be held at Nan Tien Temple, Wollongong (about two hours drive from Sydney).


The home of IBLYAC! Hope we get to visit this place one day.

We have just been awarded TripAdvisor's 2020 Travelers' Choice Winner!

Farewell 2011 IBLYAEC 07/08/2011

Farewell to our friends, 2011 IBLYAEC


Still slowly going through the videos of IBLYAEC performances of Fo Guang Night. Here's one from the delegates of Malaysia, Singapore and Beijing.


BLIA Sydney Newsletter IBLYAEC Special Edition 29/07/2011

Or you can read it online here (also you can download from this location)

BLIA Sydney Newsletter IBLYAEC Special Edition Special edition of the BLIA Sydney Newsletter, published to cover the 2011 International Buddha's Light Young Adult Executive Conference (IBLYAEC), held at Nan Tien Temple, Wollongong. (Chinese Text)


BLIA Sydney Newsletter comes out with a special IBLYAEC addition. You can download it from the link above (note it is PDF and about 8 MB in size)



More coverage of IBLYAEC 2011 on BLTV. Yay!


Welcoming Night       - YouTube 19/07/2011

Complete recording, including story, of Welcoming Night has been uploaded to YouTube. Link above takes you to the entire playlist (recording broken into 4 parts)

Welcoming Night - YouTube Recording on entire Welcoming Night performance, including the story.

Welcoming Night - Don Huang Dance 18/07/2011

More videos from the Welcoming Night can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/user/2011IBLYAEC

Welcoming Night - Don Huang Dance Don Huang Dance, performed by members of BLIA YAD Sydney as part of the Welcoming Night for 2011 IBLYAEC.

Welcoming Night - Haka 18/07/2011

Welcoming Night video of BLIA YAD New Zealand performing the Haka.

Welcoming Night - Haka Traditional Maori dance, the Haka, performed by BLIA YAD New Zealand (Auckland and Christchurch) on the Welcoming Night of 2011 IBLYAEC.

Welcoming Night 2011 IBLYAEC - Welcoming Dance 18/07/2011

You can also find the Lion Dance from Welcoming Night on our YouTube channel:http://www.youtube.com/user/2011IBLYAEC?ob=5

More videos to come...

Welcoming Night 2011 IBLYAEC - Welcoming Dance Traditional Aboriginal Welcoming Dance to open the Welcoming Night of 2011 IBLYAEC. Performed by Koomurri. For more information about the performers and the ...


Video of Melbourne BLIA YAD's performance on Welcoming Night. More videos from the Welcoming Night ( and also Fo Guang Night) will be going up over the next week.

Welcoming Night - Lion Dance Lion Dance performed by Melbourne BLIA YAD as part of the Welcoming Night for 2011 IBLYAEC. Filmed at Nan Tien Temple, Wollongong, Australia.


Video played at closing ceremony. A longer version (15 min) is planned.

Timeline photos 14/07/2011

Each subdivision that participated in IBLYAEC 2011 should have received the posters from the Activity Board in their USBs. This is a preview of how they look like from the 4 days of highlights.

IBLYAEC - Closing ceremony 13/07/2011
IBLYAEC Day 4 - Time to Shine 12/07/2011
20110711睽違15年「國際佛光青年會議」南天寺豋場 11/07/2011

BLTV report on Day 1 of 2011 IBLYAEC


IBLYAEC Day 3 - Milestones 10/07/2011

Dharma Hunt

IBLYAEC Day 2 - Official Opening 09/07/2011

Oceanic Culture - Hakka

IBLYAEC Day 2 - Official Opening 09/07/2011

Ice Breaking

IBLYAEC Day 1: Welcome 08/07/2011

Evening. Watching Welcoming Night rehearsal. Looks great. Windy outside.

Crickey it's cold. :) Remember to bring
something warm to wear under your jacket just in case.

2011 IBLYAEC Opening Ceremony Preparations 05/07/2011

2011 Opening Ceremony Preparations - setting up the Main Shrine and working on the sound.

From Monday afternoon Conference organisers including Conference Affairs and Sound and willing volunteers have moved tables, played music tracks, laid cable and table cloths, and set up laptops and projectors in anticipation of this Friday's Opening Ceremony.

Venerable Miao Fan and Venerable Hui Ping Arrive for 2011 IBLYAEC 05/07/2011

Venerables Miao Fan and Hui Ping visit the Office of the 2011 IBLYAEC Organisers, first informally, after just getting in from Taiwan and then more formally later in the evening.

Timeline photos 05/07/2011

Sunny today with a strong wind. We could hear the clink of the ropes against the flag poles during morning meditation. Fortunately this was soon covered by early morning birdsong.

Last night we met Venerables Miao Fun and Hui Ping and gave them a traditional Aussie greeting :)

This morning all go with set up of the Main Shrine for opening ceremony. Group leaders getting briefings.

Today's photo is of the front of Nan Tien. The steps lead to the front Shrine.

Welcome to IBLYAEC 2011 - Some of the Many Faces of BLIA YAD Australia 04/07/2011

See some of the many faces of BLIA YAD Australia - looking forward to meeting you at 2011 IBLYAEC

Welcome to IBLYAEC 2011 - Some of the Many Faces of BLIA YAD Australia Welcome to Nan Tien Temple. Some of the members of BLIA YAD Australia. We look forward to seeing you for the Conference. Find us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/2011iblyaec

Timeline photos 04/07/2011

Another beautiful day at Nan Tien. Sunny with a slight chill in the air. Red jackets come in handy. :)

Rehearsals and set up in full swing.

Today Venerable Hui Ping and Venerable Miao Fun arrive today from Taiwan. Huan Ying.

Timeline photos 03/07/2011

Morning at Nan Tien Temple. Conference banner over Main Shrine.

Today's weather: cool and sunny in the morning. Warming during the day. At the moment (13:35) - sunny,very pleasant :)


Welcome to everyone who has liked this page and is following us. There has been a noticeable increase in followers. Thanks to everyone. :)

The Conference is less than a week away now. Organisers are at Nan Tien Temple making the final preparations. Weather today in Wollongong has been fine if a little chilly in the evening. Tonight it is 11 deg celsius (52 deg fahrenheit).


To all participants: flights to Sydney from Melbourne, Tasmania and New Zealand (Wellington and Christchurch) have been affected by the volcanic ash from Chile.

For example: Flights from Melbourne may be delayed until 9 July,

If your travel plans are affected can you please contact Admin (2011iblyaec@bliayadorg) as soon as possible.

Hopefully things will be well. See you at Nan Tien Temple. :)

With metta

Wollongong 29/06/2011


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Videos (show all)

Round up of 2011 IBLYAEC
