Apostle Bayo Adegboye

Apostle Bayo Adegboye

For the Quickening and Enlightening Mandate was I called.


As a Christian, you must strive to be successful in prayer.

Once you are successful in prayer, then prayers become the foundation of success for life.

To be successful in prayers means that you're always breaking through in every prayer session.

This breakthrough is often characterized by notes of joy in your spirit or a supply of revelation in your spirit.

If you can breakthrough consistently in prayer, you'll breakthrough in life.

An attack on your prayer life is an attack on your destiny

You may not be able to afford a meal per day, but ensure you can afford prayers

If you pray long enough, you won't lack food again.

Know this thing and be intentional about doing it.


Let nothing be legitimate enough to stop you from doing what God had asked to do.

Everybody doesn't have to like it.


Whenever we disobey God, we risk the destiny of the people that are connected to the fruits of our obedience


A Church is a centre for destiny formation

We're to form people according to their Predestination in Christ.

Outside this, a Church has no essence.


It's better to be an unbeliever than to be in a wrong church.

If the spiritual atmosphere over your head is darkness, your darkness is great and your destiny is at stake.

When a pastor takes ministry for a play, he kills people's destinies.

Our assignment is delicate, we must never take ministry for a play

We must never use people to count attendance and increase church income.

Jesus cannot die for people to make your church grow and increase your income.

Ministers, do you still remember the assignment?


Prophetic Ministry and Money

Giving prophecy to people and having it come to pass does not entitle you to their money and their worships.

All these transactional kind of ministry ought to stop.

Prophetic meetings must not end with seeds.

There is no relationship between prophecy and money.

Many prophets make it sound like the answers to people's prayers depends on that seed they're giving.

Stop going to prophetic meetings that empty your pocket. God is not like that!

If a man of God blesses you, it's okay to bless him but don't forget your God hasn't changed.

You lack self esteem in the Word of righteousness if anybody makes you think the answers to your prayers depend on the verdict of a mortal man.

Off course, God can give a mortal the privilege to open seasons upon you but it doesn't change your God.

Sometimes, I perceived that the purpose why God called us into the ministry has been defeated.

The ultimate purpose God gave us five fold ministry is to the end that

'Eph.4.14 - That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive'

Ministers, your judgement and reward system will be based on the people you raised to this stature not the members you kept with enticing words to build your ministry.

Above all, Christians too should grow and stop running after 'prophesiers'

If you don't grow, you'll be tossed.


Looking Up to God in Ministry Part 2

To learn God is not cheap, Cross is the road you'll travel to be able to look up to Him.

If you don't Learn Him, you cannot Lean on Him.

Ps.9.10 - And they that KNOW thy name will PUT THEIR TRUST in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.

Looking up to God helps you protect the sacredness of your calling, chasing men reduces it's potency.

Don't say 'I have been been a blessing to them therefore they must return the same gesture'. It's not business, it's ministry.

Remember, they didn't call you, God did.

Your entitlement mentality should be deployed towards God, not men.

Let it not be that you are accumulating sons and daughters so as to increase your income or status in ministry.

If you this your aim, you'll feel very stupid when you see the face of Jesus.

When we get to heaven, all these things will not count anymore. Stop laboring for what perishes.


When God calls a man into ministry, the first person you ought to learn is God, not ministry.

If you don't Learn God and know Him, you'll see yourself leave the ministry to serve the devil or yourself.

Those who don't know God don't care about His method, all that matters to them is that the assignment is done.

For example, you're to look up to the face of God to do the ministry, not the hands of men. It doesn't matter even if you have impacted them.


Stay in Faith and brood over it consistently. It's a matter of time, everything bows to the force of faith


If God is the pillar of your life, stop being afraid of coming down.

Think Forward and Upward Only. God is above and you must think towards Him.

Things cannot get worse with you under God.

God doesn't have a project of disasters for you.

You should not be looking Upward in prayer and be thinking Downward afterwards.

You must think your expectation to see it feature in your life.

Think right!

Believe right!

Talk right!

Photos from Apostle Bayo Adegboye's post 10/10/2023


After Sunday service, what do we show online? Pictures or messages?

When the attendance is much, we flaunt the pictures, when it's few, we don't show them.

Whatever thing that makes you feel like you're succeeding when people are much and failing when people are few is not doing well.

Good! God wants crowds! But do you want them for the same reason God wants them?

After Sunday service, you come and show Facebook how many people came.

Many of us have even forgotten who sent us this assignment.

80% of what many of us do in ministry is for public impression.

Pictures with excerpts should be fine and that is, if any message is preached at all throughout the service.

Be careful of what you do all in the name of, 'let me too show people that I'm doing well'

Some even show panoramic view of the attendance.

The first time you flew outside the country to preach, you must report to Facebook.

Don't forget, God knows why you're what you're doing. And don't forget the white throne judgement.

We're all well-done sha.


One of the best decision you will have ever make is never to worry over what your worry cannot change.

If there is anything at all that will change your situation, it is Prayer, Praise, and Faith.

You'll be wise if you invest your worry energy here.

If you can substract worry from your life, you will prolonged your life by some years.

Worry may appear reasonable but it's waste of energy.

Learn to pray and praise about things you cannot control and move on.


You're a child of God, born by Him.

God knew you would be on earth and He's aware of what you would need to triumph therein

Because of this, He left a heritage for you enshrined on the pages of the scriptures.

Everything about your life is provided for. It's your duty to find them out in His word and contend for your heritage.

If you build your life on these things, your future is guaranteed both in this world and the one to come

Join us tomorrow as I will be showing you what to do to enter your heritage in God.



Your awareness determines your excitement or anxiety. What you see controls you. If God is all you see, you'll have peace always


As long as you fix your mind on the Lord, you'll have peace. The real faith warfare is to fight to fix your heart on the Lord


When we got born again, the first thing we made was heaven. And from there proceeds our manner of life on earth.

You cannot fulfill God's handwriting upon your life on earth if you're not living and operating from Heaven

Phil.3.20 For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, (NKJV)

God has breathed concerning the '23 and the emphasis will be about this.

You'll surely be blessed

Venue and Date and Guests will be communicated soon


Starting tomorrow


Jer.29.11 'I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out--plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for'.

I think anybody who talks like this should be trusted and I also think you should spend time with such and work for him.

If He said He knows what's doing, just believe He does even if you don't understand what He's doing.

God can be understood but don't try to understand him all the time.

You may not always understand Him but you can always trust Him.


We're believers, we don't have such things as hopeless situations as long as we're alive.

Even when we die, there's still a hope of resurrection. Hallelujah!

We're saved by hope and therefore you should always stay hopeful, hoping against hope.

One day, faith will substantiate what you hope for.

Keep hope alive, what you're thinking is possible.

Don't forget, you're not an orphan! There is nothing worth pitying about you!


Are we Converting our Generation or our Generation is Converting us?

Are we supposed to speak the language of our generation or we're supposed to be speaking the language of God to our generation

Is ministry about doing what my generation wants or doing what God wants?

You go to work from Monday to Saturday. On Sunday you came to church complaining that 4 hours service is too long. Especially, impactful services.

Because of that, pastors are now structuring their services for 1 or 2 hours because they must understand our generation

I doubt if 1 hour service in a week can produce a son. I strongly doubt it.

Anyways, the focus is no longer about raising sons to God, it's now about raising members and partners.

Many of us who claim to be doing ministry are only practicing seduction, we make things look attractive so that people can come.

Whose minister are you; God or people?

Our customer service structure is even stronger than banks'

I went to a church, greeters welcomed me into the church.

I wanted to use the restroom, greeter are there saying 'welcome to the restroom'. I finished using the restroom, they said, 'thank you for using the restroom'.

It's high time we stopped calling backsliding a revival.

The pressure upon our generation is very high, many people will be lost to it if the Lord's appearing is not shortened.


Eternal Salvation or Eternal Relevance?

Eternal Salvation is a function of believing in Jesus with your heart and confessing Him with your mouth.

Eternal Relevance is a function of your soul-walk with God and your service to Him.

This is about using the substance of Jesus to process your soul such that it has capacity to overcome sin and lead a triumphant life on earth.

Don't expect to be relevant in ETERNITY, If you don't have sufficient energy in your soul to say NO to ungodliness in this world.

If you are always overpowered by every sin, it means you're not skillful in the usage word of righteousness.

An unskilled man cannot be relevant in the Governmental Matters except in Nigeria where 'Mumu' reigns.

Relevance is by conquest. It's to Him that overcometh.

If your soul is not growing to hate Iniquity and ungodliness on daily basis, you're growing wrongly.

We should go pass argument on ETERNAL SALVATION, let's train people for ETERNAL RELEVANCE.


Evangelization of the Saints

In our generation, Saints need more evangelism than sinners.

Some people heard wrong message when they came to Christ.

It was salvation from poverty that was preached to some people.

Such got saved, prospered and still sponsor immorality and other evil works with their money.

I knew a pastor who conditioned his church with immoral messages and made it look like a norm for a brother to kiss sister.

Himself would the do kissing almost before everyone. He will call different ladies to massage him.

It got to a point, a good number of the members thought immorality was a normal Christian life.

If you go out to preach and your audience tells you they're already in Christ, don't shut down, enlighten them on CHRISTIAN FAITH.

There are those who need to be enlightened on the ways of Christ more excellently which their CHURCHES CANNOT offer.

Many people came to Christ through WRONG WINDOWS.

This may not prevent them from ETERNAL SALVATION but it will deprived them of ETERNAL RELEVANCE.

How were you saved? What did they preach to you?


The calendar of your life is not structured by man but God.

If God doesn't tell you that you're late, disregard every contrary voice

Ps.31.15 - My times are in THY hand.....

Be too solid to be taken out of the way and initiated into wrong path because of haste.


Some of your colleagues will succeed ahead of you.

Whether or not you like it, somebody must be first and somebody must come second.

If you find any colleagues running far ahead of you, don't slash them with your tongues, rather, celebrate with them and be willing to learn from them.

Don't be found beefing and tongue lashing the results you highly crave.

If your colleagues already had the results you're looking for, stop seeing them as colleagues and turn them into mentors.

Don't be afraid to project your ignorance and vulnerability to them if you truly are.

Humility does not reduce the quality of your destiny neither does pride upgrade it.

You're blessed if you're ignorant and confused and you can admit so.

Blessed are you if this is your state!


On His Mercy!

God has helped me to cross some few bridges in life that I once thought impossible and sincerely, I know the place of His mercy.

A man who has not toiled all night and catch nothing may not be able to rightly place the mercy of God.

There was nothing wrong with the fishing method of Peter and he caught nothing.

Mercy must breath on our effort to make it fruitful.

"The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in THOSE THAT HOPE IN HIS MERCY" (Ps.147.11).

Keep working as hard and as accurate possible BUT have your sight on His mercy.

Hope in His mercy, not your work.

If you have not seen somebody who is doing exactly what you're doing and getting NO result, you may not understand.

Mercy makes you appear smarter than your mate which in actual sense, you may not be smarter.



It's easier to be loud and insensitive when your method is working.

But remember, 5-10 years when nothing was guaranteed, you were queit and very humble.

It might not be the accuracy of your method but the ripening of your season.

If God is lifting you, don't be insensitive and rubbish other people's process and call it waste of time.

It's important to do things accurately as they ought to. But we're safer attributing our lifting to God's mercy no matter how accurate we think we are.


There are things you cannot chase and catch, it will take the owner of it to give you.

There are two owners on this earth, whatever they don't give you, you cannot have.

Before any of them can give anything to you, you have to sign your soul and pledge your allegiance that you'll sponsor their agenda.

God is the God of the whole earth. Satan also has huge portion of it in his name and has a right to give it.

You need one of these owners to will a portion to you.

Who do you follow?


Time has come when people's faith will come under threat.

It's about time when the love(the engine of faith) of many will wax cold

Many people who once had unflinching conviction in His word will be presented with reason to question the authenticity of the same.

In such a time as this, only men with blazing faith who can burn through thorns and thistles will survive and lift the trophy of triumph to the glory of His name.

It's for the purpose of setting you ablaze that we have summoned you to this meeting.

Mark your calendar, blessings awaits you.


The Church is both Apostolic (Sent) and Prophetic(to Speak)

If she speaks, the enemy comes after her to intimidate her into silence.

If she keeps quiet, woe comes upon her because 'woe unto them that are at ease Zion'.

What a dilemma!

The power of Goliath is not sword but in boomeranging voice of intimidation.

Only a confrontational speaker like David can take him out.

If David keeps quiet, Israel remains in slavery.

Anything that threatens you into silence is not from God.


When you make demon binding and casting the focal point of your prayer life, you attract their attentions and multiply their operations in your life.

You cannot exhaust your time with Jesus on demons and be a fruitful Christian.

Whatever that is consistently spoken about and focused upon will multiply in your life with time.

Magnifying Jesus in your prayer time reduces and eradicates demonic activities around your life and enforces the triumph of Jesus therein.

Demons and their activities will not lose relevance around your life until you make them irrelevant by LIGHT.

Learn how to do without demons in your prayer time.


Once in while, we ought to leave the complex matters of the kingdom and revisit the ABC of the kingdom.

What are you doing with the mystery of 7 horns when you don't understand the ABC of getting healed from common headache?

Grow, don't jump!


Do not allow the former experience of failure cage your faith and limit what you can believe God for. New things are possible with God.

If you have believed God before and you experience a failure, dust yourself, stand up and believe again.

If you're a consistent believer, your faith won't always fail.

You can still succeed in that very thing you once failed.

Go and try it again but more prayerfully and intelligently


As touching marriage,

I was in the kitchen cooking and doing dishes one particular evening, an intelligence came to my spirit as this:

'Marriage is for Division of labor not Diversion of Labor'.

'You share in his/her labor, you don't divert all of yours on him/her'

As a man, before you got married, you were doing your dishes, laundries and cooking, now that you're married, why not? At least, sometimes, if not often.

As a woman, before you married him, you were sorting yourself. Now that you're married to him, don't retire completely.

If you divert all your burdens on him/her, you'll kill him/her and retire to being alone as you used to be.

If you're Christian, remember you're bound by covenant to one woman/man for the rest of your life.

If you use him/her up, you'll meet it there.

Don't make him/her look 60 at 30 because of your issues. We're helper of each other.

In marriage, when we operate as Friends, we'll be Fresh.

Without Friendship, there is no Freshness!


When you open your bible, you're not opening a book, you're opening a person and that person is Jesus.

You cannot expose yourself to Jesus every day long enough and your life will not change eventually.

Your life will change, your confusion will dissolve, you'll become more healthier, your face will shine, your skin will glitter, appetite for fleshly thing we die, struggle with sin will cease.

This we have known and do practice.

For as we behold him, we become what we see and that's why it can only get better in this path.

I want to submit to you that, if you have a copy of the Bible in your house, you have more than enough resources for your life and destiny in your custody.


As a believer, you have an advantage in life.

It may take a long time of engagement for this advantage to manifest, but it surely will.

No matter the gap between you and your friend, don't step low for pity.

You cannot be pitied into exalted place, you can only be helped by God.

If you must beg for anything, let it be for revelation, insights and ideas.

With insights and enough revelation, you'll be a producer of what you want to be begging for.

May I resound to your ears? God is enough!

Don't be proud, be humble but don't lose your esteem in God.

Many people you're envying today were once at your level.

If your friends have moved ahead of you, celebrate them, don't slay them with your tongue.

If you rejoice in their lights, you'll see your own light.


Every genuine faith will be tested.

If you back out immediately you encounter a roadblock, you'll lose your manifestation.

In the nature of faith, there is something called 'BELIEVING THROUGH' and it's always against all odds.

The attitude of this Faith is that, it doesn't charge God a fool, it doesn't charge Him unfaithful, it keeps praising Him and praying to Him.

It believes God can turn anything around even the most hopeless case such as death.

This kind of Faith will bring Satan to his knees.


Help from Above, not Around

I know you need serious help but you don't know who to call and where it's coming from.

It's very frustrating to need something desperately and you don't know how to get it.

When it seems all channels are blocked, look up, help will come from sanctuary.

God can reach you through divers means beyond you've known.

It's not about looking around, it's about looking above.

There is money above, there is husband above, there is wife above, there are kids above, there is job above.

If you look well, the Godhead will not allow you return with shame.

He has everything plenty and He gives liberally.


What Makes Things Change---Part 2

The reason why Satan cannot assume victory over my life is because my mind is too busy with what Christ has done for me than what Satan may be doing around me.

The awareness of what Christ has done for me keeps my mind too busy to be aware of the activities of village people.

Everything Satan may be doing around me, he's actually ignorantly doing it for me.

Satan was working against Jesus without knowing he was working for Jesus.

In this kingdom, we don't just give in to defeat.

If you defeat us, we stand up, go and grow, then show up again. And when we show up, we'll mo**st you.

How we know you're growing right is that situations that mo**sted you 3 years ago are now under your feet.

Growth helps you to keep the enemy in place.


What Makes Things Change--- Part 1

While you strongly desire that situations should change for you, God concentrates on growing you to change the situations yourself.

Many things will not change because you pray or you've suffered long enough, they'll only change because you grow.

When your stature increases, what bows to you increases. And what you bow down to decreases.

Lack of stature makes you 'mo**stable' by every situation.

You have an opportunity to harass every situation that once harassed you if you grow daily.

For everything that humiliated you, go and grow and show up again, they'll bow.

If you're given to fasted life, praying life, and studious living
feeding on right diet, you'll grow.

When you grow, you outgrow certain situations overtime. You'll look for them and not just see them again!

Videos (show all)

Rhema Conference '22.THE LIVING FAITH.
Rhema Conference "22, THE LIVING FAITH.Learn how to live a life of ease with the application of Faith.
Rhema Conference "22, THE LIVING FAITH.Learn how to live a life of ease with the application of Faith.
Rhema Conference "22, THE LIVING FAITH.Learn how to live a life of ease with the application of Faith.
3rd Heaven Euphoria 2022
Beauty Through PraiseA 6 Minutes Clip
