Saranjot Kaur Yoga/ Oriela
Happiness is your birthright. Live it! Available for private classes and spiritual counseling email me for details
Great explanation of the effects of meditation
David Lynch explains Transcendental Meditation David Lynch drawing how Transcendental Meditation works, and how to vanish your negative thoughts and energy. This video was created with Excerpts From the D...
If you can’t go outside you can explore the limitless imagination and visit different eras or minds by reading 📖. What are you currently reading? What are your favorite books? Photo by .
Your spiritual self is as important as your physical self like washing your teeth your mind and spirit need a cleanse and uplift
Yogi Bhajan Lecture: Charge Your Batteries Excerpts from a lecture given on August 8, 1980 in Los Angeles, CAI would like to share with you a philosophy which you don't understand. The constant flow of spirit is a necessity, and because you do not understand that it is a necessity, we are facing these problems which we call burn out. There i...
As yogis asana is the one we see the most in classes but we always have to remember that asana or what we call the physical excercise of yoga is the 4 limb of the 8 limbs of Ashtanga
Will The Real Ashtanga Please Stand Up? - Beyogi Patanjali understood the obstacles of the human psyche, and gifted us the 8 limbs of yoga to prepare our body, mind, and senses for yoga's highest goals.
Born to rocket ! I would like to emphasize how good it feels to do yoga! Of course I don’t do handstands every time and sometimes I do feel weak and just do light stretching or even just breath work but doesn’t matter where you are as long as you keep on doing something is better than nothing even if it’s just going to the yoga Shala lying down absorbing the energy you will still relax .
Doing yoga does not exclude any other excercise but enhances it . Just finished running the Bank of America Chicago Marathon at a personal best time and yoga helps me concentrate , go for endurance , breathe right and then recover .
El no pudo haber explicado mejor mi sentir y me emociona e inspiran sus palabras , aquí las comparto
Los Religiosos - Daniel Habif ¿OYE DANIEL QUE RELIGIÓN ERES? De la que ama a todos, de la que busca no juzgar a nadie, de la que perdona todo, sirve a los demás, de los que no agarran a b...
Original Vintage... Ashtanga Primary Serias by Pattabhi, look at the students... they are all the major ashtanga yoga teachers . If you ever want to go back to Ashtanga basics go and practice with this video. A jewel
Primary Series Ashtanga with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois 1993 Yoga Works Productions video of the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. Students: Chuck Miller - Maty E...
Recognizing Your Self Through Yoga: Aimee Bohn at TEDxFlourCity Aimee shares her personal journey and its central influence, yoga. She will introduce the audience to the philosophy behind yoga and emphasize how yoga is ga...
13. No culpes a nadie
Nunca te quejes de nadie, ni de nada,
porque fundamentalmente tú has hecho
lo que querías en tu vida.
Acepta la dificultad de edificarte a ti
mismo y el valor de empezar corrigiéndote.
El triunfo del verdadero hombre surge de
las cenizas de su error.
Nunca te quejes de tu soledad o de tu suerte,
enfréntala con valor y acéptala.
De una manera u otra es el resultado de
tus actos y prueba que tu siempre
has de ganar..
No te amargues de tu propio fracaso ni
se lo cargues a otro, acéptate ahora o
seguirás justificándote como un niño.
Recuerda que cualquier momento es
bueno para comenzar y que ninguno es
tan terrible para claudicar.
No olvides que la causa de tu presente
es tu pasado así como la causa de tu
futuro será tu presente.
Aprende de los audaces, de los fuertes,
de quien no acepta situaciones,
de quien vivirá a pesar de todo,
piensa menos en tus problemas
y más en tu trabajo y tus problemas
sin eliminarlos morirán.
Aprende a nacer desde el dolor y a ser
más grande que el más grande de los obstáculos,
mírate en el espejo de ti mismo
y serás libre y fuerte y dejarás de ser un
títere de las circunstancias porque tú
mismo eres tu destino.
Levántate y mira el sol por las mañanas
y respira la luz del amanecer.
Tú eres parte de la fuerza de tu vida,
ahora despiértate, lucha, camina,
decídete y triunfarás en la vida;
nunca pienses en la suerte,
porque la suerte es:
el pretexto de los fracasados…
A pesar de que la mayoría de poemas de Neruda tratan sobre el amor, éste hace referencia a la culpa. El mensaje es claro: no culpes a nadie, mírate a ti mismo y sal adelante. Siempre con la cabeza bien alta.
Arts and Sciences park a compound straight from the future or the Jetsons
Rocket 🚀 vinyasa !
Yoga Ruins Your LIfe Yoga Ruins Your Life? That sounds terrible! But it’s not. In fact having yoga ruin your life is a huge relief. Because when you practice yoga on a regular…
Yoga Asanas are made to clean and keep the body disease free in order to clear the mind and be able to have a clean surface to see what is real
Mindfulness may have been over-hyped Mindfulness meditation has been practiced for millennia – and today is a billion-dollar business. But how much does the practice really change our health?
5 days four nights of meditation and Kundalini yoga along with a community of people that know that there is something greater than ourselves that our actions have consequences and that kindness/ sharing and serving are the ruling qualities . So many insights that yet I have to sink into them thanks to the teachers and everyone that attended that made an experience in the desert 🌵
The absurdity of western fitness:
Psychological fact (I’ve been told): “The more you see something, the more you believe it.“
What if all I’ve seen is wrong?
Western-based health and wellness practices (exercises) are misguided and completely inappropriate for health and wellness. It’s like a story I’ve been told so much, I believe it.
What’s misguided is this correlation between aesthetics and health, and what’s inappropriate is the correlation between peak performance and health.
My teacher is my life experience, and the more aware (goal of yoga) I am, the more I can learn from the experience. My teacher taught me a very valuable universal law, “The harder you are on anything, the faster you will destroy it.” If I want my body to last as long as possible, feeling as good as possible, it’s not rational to push my body hard or aggressively. What’s rational is to treat it gently, just as I would treat anything in my life I wish to preserve.
Maybe that’s why it’s said one of the healthiest exercises is walking, as it is also the most gentle. My teacher also says that there is not a relationship in my life that wouldn’t benefit from gentleness, as opposed to force and aggression, which includes the relationship between me and my sacred partner (my body). Gentle doesn’t mean avoidance, yet obviously it doesn’t mean force and aggression, so you could say it’s more aligned with moderation (if we practiced moderation in all things, there would be no such thing as global warming; after all, what it takes to have a healthy relationship with myself is the same things it takes to have a healthy relationship with all beings and things, including our planet).
Yet, it’s not easy to be gentle. Being gentle means I will not be able to force my body to look in a manner it was never meant to look, in order to appease some program or image that’s been jammed down my throat by a society that’s more interested in me buying its products than actually being well. Being gentle means I wont be bigger, stronger, faster, etc…. In other words, being gentle is completely egotistically unappealing. I would have to be dominated by my wisdom instead of ego and vanity and machismo.
Oh s**t! This means I’d have to disempower my ego and confront my fears! This means I’d have to start loving and accepting myself as I am! This means I may not be attractive to the people in my tribe, circle, society! Yes, Yes, Yes! Yet, if my goal is wellness, than I have no choice (the path of a yogi)!!!!
My teacher says, “do not try and change yourself, because you are not ugly, wrong or broken, just as you do not try to change a flower or mountain landscape.” This is you! A beautiful expression of nature, and if you do not see this you will suffer, as there is no greater foundation to stress (precursor to most all disease) than not loving and accepting yourself. Do not exercise to change yourself; exercise to care for yourself, and the only way to care for anything is to touch it gently. ☺
With love and aloha,
We move we change
Available for private classes in San Juan Puerto Rico
Hello! I found this great description of yoga
Yoga is inherently spiritual, but not religious. Yoga as a philosophy is theistic in nature, meaning, it takes the belief in some type of universal force that is bigger than the individual ego to be the underlying truth of existence. But yoga does not say that that force has to be a particular deity or religion. In fact, I think the reason yoga is so transformational is because we directly experience the limitless nature of our inner selves. This higher Self is not limited by any religion, but it is essentially spiritual. Just like the way the sunrise illuminates the sky at dawn in a way that speaks to the essence of beauty and freedom and belongs to no one, yoga illuminates the human spirit in a way the embodies the essence of our greatness and limitlessness in a way that cannot be defined or owned by any dogma. By Kino McGregor
Perfectly imperfect
Quiérete y baja de peso
There is a law discovered by the ancients and reconfirmed by all modern mystics, yogis and sages—the macrocosm is reflected in the microcosm. All the qualities that compose the play of the universe are contained in the body. The body is a temple that reflects in its complex design the structure and laws of the universe.
Intuition can perceive these relations clearly and use them to interpret and predict. To perceive these inner relationships clearly, the body must be cleaned of tensions from worry and of toxins from poor eating habits. To clean itself properly the body must be made to sweat once a day. There are many types of sweat. Each type has a chemistry and quality that comes from the glands stimulated and the toxins eliminated.
The movements combined with pressure from each of the postures activate cleansing channels in the skin, liver, intestines and lymph glands. This series will make you sweat when it is properly and earnestly done. The result will be a surge of vitality and energy in every cell.
This kriya is composed of many individual effects and actions that work together like a symphony to create a greater synergistic healing effect. To experience the greatest effect be sure of each exercise before you start it. Move smoothly from one exercise to the next with minimal rest. Consciously relax and feel you are moving and circulating all the toxins and tensions out of the body.”
When things are uncertain changing and unstable ( as they always are the only constant is change ...) the only thing you can control is your reaction , yourself go inside and decide how you will look at the world .... photo by
I realized that there are things that every person is sent to earth to realize and to learn. For instance to share more love , to be more loving toward one another . To discover that the most important thing your relationship with God and human relationships .Love for all and not materialistic things. Realize that every single thought and act is recorded and at the end of days it will all be judged and balanced . For life is about loving your neighbor as thyself , love
God and " if you don't see God in all you don't see God at all"
I Am, Therefore, I Am "I am, therefore I am," is a common teaching amongst the greatest masters of enlightened consciousness throughout human history. The root of these teachings of
“Every element of the universe is in a constant state of vibration manifested to us as light, sound and energy. The human sense perceive only a fraction of the infinite range of vibration . . . A person can tune his or her own consciousness into the awareness of that totality with the use of a mantra. By vibrating in rhythm with the breath to a particular sound that is proportional to the creative sound, or sound current, one can expand one’s sensitivity to the entire spectrum of vibration. It is similar to striking a note on a stringed instrument. In other words, as you vibrate, the universe vibrates with you.” ~Yogi Bhajan