By George a Better World is Possible
Sharing and gathering ways to help contribute to making the world kinder, fairer and more just. Great for busy people and/or travellers.
Grateful for our good fortune and aware of the many injustices in the world, we were frustrated with the scarcity of opportunities to contribute to voluntary work while travelling. So George and I (Brigitte) investigated ways in which we could contribute to making the world kinder, fairer and more just. We would love to be philanthropists but without pots of spare money, we had to find other metho
It’s already well into Friendly February but we can catch up on the great tips for improving relationships or creating new ones. Thanks to the Action for Happiness team.
Hey, it's Optimistic October, yay! Thanks again to the Action for Happiness Team for compiling and sharing these great ways to keep up your positive attitude and to spread the joy.
We can do this!
It's a new month and Action for Happiness has graced us with a new set of tips for helping the world and ourselves. The focus this onth is on resilience; bouncing back after facing adversity. Thanks Team.
Yay! It's Joyful June! Thanks to the Action for Happiness team for these great daily tips to increase our sense of joy daily, and to share it.
Christmas lights, trees and decorations help us to feel the joy and peace of Christmas
and make it seem easier to think more kindly towards others. Here are some tips to
make it even easier to spread the Christmas Spirit. Thank you Action for Happiness.
Optimistic October! Thanks to the Action for Happiness team. A better world is possible if we look towards the bright side. 🤗
Here are some great tips to help recover from adversity. Thanks to the team at Action for Happiness. Let’s jump back up from knock backs.
Thanks to the Action for Happiness team for these great daily tips to make May more meaningful in these strange times.
Great tips here for preserving the environment by reducing waste and saving money into the bargain.
How would you spend an extra $3,800? 🤔 That’s how much you could be saving each year by throwing out less food!
If you’re ready to get saving 💰, it’s time to join our food waste challenge. Each week we’ll share tips, tricks and challenges to help you cut your household food waste and your grocery bill.
You could also win a free blender to help put those leftover veggies to good use!
Sign up by clicking the link below ⬇️
Here are some friendly reminders to help us spread friendly ripples to ease loneliness, a pandemic in itself. Thanks Action for Happiness Team for this Friendly February calendar 🤗
When you feel happier yourself, it’s easier to spread the joy and be kinder to others so here are some great tips to increase daily bouts of joy, yay!
Happier January Calendar This month's theme: Happier January
December is about extending kindness and here are some great tips from the Action for Happiness team to help us but our good intentions into practice.
The world can be a better place if we can increase our level of optimism. The Optimistic October Calendar has some great tips just for this. Thank you Actiom for Happiness team 😊
I was horrified to see they have been spraying glyphosate around Old Bar area so I signed this petition. Here is the link if you’d like to add your signature.
Have you seen this petition yet? Ban aerial spraying of Glyphosate
Nothing takes the edge of your own misery better than making someone else happy so here are some tips for increasing happiness all round for a better world, yay! Thanks to Action for Happiness 👏
This is an easy idea to save using plastic; so helpful for the planet.
This is an amazing resource. Please let others know of this service.
It’s great to have the Plastic Free July providing all these ideas on how we can help the planet.
Welcome to the 11th Plastic Free July! *cheers from all over the world* 🥳
Plastic Free July is a personal challenge, part of a global effort, for the oceans, for cleaner streets, improved health and wellbeing and for the planet. 🌏
It's about learning to make small changes. Choose one single-use plastic to avoid and you’ll soon discover another…and another great solution. 💡
Signing up to the official Plastic Free July challenge ( is the easiest way to discover the plastic free solutions that suit you.
Once you join, you’ll receive resources and ideas to help you (and millions of others around the world) reduce single-use plastic waste every day at home, work, school, and out in the community. 🏡
It’s not about being perfect (there is no failing with Plastic Free July). Just do what you can!
Many people start by looking at the plastics in their life (look inside your garbage/recycling bin, fridge or pantry) and start with choosing to refuse one single-use plastic.
300+ million participants in 177 countries. Together, we are creating a world without plastic waste —during July (and beyond!). 🚀
Best of all, being part of Plastic Free July helps people find great alternatives that can become new habits forever—personally and as a community.
It is easy to question what difference one person can make but last year our participants avoided 900 million kg of plastic waste. Together WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!!
Tag 2 friends you want to join you in the challenge.
Design by Media on Mars
It’s easy to do your bit to help save the reef and the planet. Just add your signature.
UNESCO: Protect our Reef The reef is danger and we want climate action now
Bouncing back after adversity is a chalkboard but here are great tips for resilience from Action for Happiness, yay!
When things are grim we need to reintroduce joy into our lives for balance and stress relief. Thanks to the Action for Happiness team for the Joyful June calendar with tips and strategies.
Just realised I hadn’t received the calendar for May from Action for Happiness so sought it out. Great hints for being happier and kinder, through being mindful. Enjoy mindful May 😊
It's Earth Day, Yay! This year's theme is Restore the Earth. What ideas do you have? How about lights out tonight for starters?
Some great ideas here for being more active. Thanks to Action for Happiness for this calendar.
Mindful March,yay! Lots of great tips for appreciating the present moment from Action for Happiness.
28 days with 28 ways to increase your happiness by bringing happiness to others, yay!
We can choose to be happy so let’s start the year off that way. Here are helpful hints to generate happiness. Thanks to Action for Happiness 😊