Aimee Wong

Aimee Wong

When she's not in the lab, you'll find Aimee officiating high school basketball games or at Saturday


We tend to breathe without intention throughout the day. Take a moment and breathe deeply. Take a deep inhale and slow exhale. When was the last time you practiced mindful breathing?

When you need a moment to refocus your energy, collect your thoughts, or simply calm yourself, your breath is your superpower. All you have to do is take several long deep breaths to reset your brain and refocus your negative energy. It’s that simple!

Join me in my next webinar, "Facing Seasonal Depression"!


Start your day with this mood-boosting smoothie!

1 frozen banana sliced

2/3 cup almond milk

1 Tablespoon almond butter

1 Tablespoon flax meal

Who’s trying it?!

Join me in my next webinar, "Facing Seasonal Depression"!


...Personality weakness or character flaws cause mental health problems? FALSE
..People with mental health needs, even those who are managing their mental illness, cannot tolerate the stress of holding down a job? FALSE
..Even very young children may show early warning signs of mental health concerns? TRUE

…Once a friend or family member develops mental health problems, he or she will never recover? FALSE

…Prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders focuses on addressing known risk factors? TRUE

Join me in my next webinar, "Facing Seasonal Depression"!


Growth is an important factor in building self-worth.

How do you challenge yourself? Do you shy away from challenges?

I challenge you to do something that scares you today!

Join me in my next webinar, "Facing Seasonal Depression"!


Stop overthinking all of life’s riddles, you don’t need all of the answers. Overthinking can cause you to miss out on the beautiful journey of life. Accept things as they are and the fact that there may be things you can’t change. Take time to slow down and be still. Try to find a few minutes of stillness each day just to appreciate where you are.

Join me in my next webinar, "Facing Seasonal Depression"!


Check out these meals to boost your mood:

Join me in my next webinar, "Facing Seasonal Depression"!


At least half of all Americans experience some form of mental instability at some point in life, so you're not alone!

There are plenty of methods available to help. Cognitive behavior therapy, for example, is a form of therapy that can help correct negative thought patterns and behaviors to get you feeling better!

Join me in my next webinar, "Facing Seasonal Depression"!


The World Health Organization published a report that states it is possible to prevent mental disorders by addressing issues such as work, housing, childcare, and education among others.

Let’s take a look at the strategies:

Keep good physical health

Challenge your brain

Learn anger management

Control and lower stress

Nurture relationships

Take time out for fun and leisure

Work on self-esteem

Think positive

Sleep well

Join me in my next webinar, "Facing Seasonal Depression"!


I’m aware that even after sharing all of these tips, that many of you will still go into the holiday feast and push all of your better judgment to the wayside. If you decide to indulge a bit, I hope it is well worth it, and that you also have a post-food coma work-out regimen planned! ;)


Bringing everyone together also brings their germs together. I hope you’re washing your hands often and keeping surfaces clean! There’s nothing worse than a family-wide illness!


Myth #1 Prevention doesn't work. It is impossible to prevent mental illnesses.

Myth #2 Therapy and self-help are a waste of time. Why bother when you can just take a pill?

Myth #3 People with mental health problems can snap out of it if they try hard enough.

Myth #4 There is no hope for people with mental health problems.


Join me in my next webinar, "Facing Seasonal Depression"!


Treat yourself the way you treat others this holiday season… with RESPECT! Take an hour to get a massage and de-stress. You deserve it!

If you appreciate this Winter Wellness tip, please pass it along!


Did you know that chewing gum 15 minutes before a big meal can trick your brain into thinking that you’re already eating so you may actually eat less later? Give it a shot and let me know what you think!


You’d be surprised how many people would appreciate a good, healthy surprise during the holiday feast as many are trying to lose weight but are too embarrassed to say it. So pop out that healthy appetizer or dessert and watch how many faces light up! You’ll immediately know who your new accountability partners are.


You have the ability to choose your next destination and forge your own way. Don’t let that opportunity go to waste.

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Check out this talk by Athletic Director and head coach, Dr. Joseph. Dr. Joseph talks about self-confidence as a skill. Practice makes perfect! This can also be applied to building self-confidence. Take a moment to watch:

Join me in my next webinar, "Facing Seasonal Depression"!


Whatever you are celebrating (or not celebrating), you are still exposed to countless marketing advertisements to “eat this” and “eat that” whether you are at home or on the go. When you’re home, you can turn the TV off, but when you’re on the go, you need to open up your healthy snacks! Fruits, vegetables, low-fat cheeses, the options are endless, so long as you’re prepared! What’s your favorite snack?


Beyond the discouragement of caloric overconsumption, staying hydrated with water will also keep your mucous membranes moist, which in turn helps your body prevent and fight illness.

If you appreciate this Winter Wellness tip, please pass it along!


You will attract what you send out. In your journey toward personal growth, set intentions toward positivity.

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Are you a turkey fiend? Remember to reach for the lighter pieces of meat if you’re counting calories. (Bonus points if you remember to take off the skin!)


Stress is a natural response. It helps us to respond quickly to dangerous situations. However, sometimes stress gets out of control and the body stays in the ‘fight or flight’ response which can be harmful to health.

Stress can lead to emotional changes intensifying feelings of anxiety, fear, anger, sadness, or frustration. Behavior changes may also be experienced, such as being withdrawn, indecisive, or inflexible. You may even experience bodily changes that result in headaches, nausea, and indigestion.

Join me in my next webinar, "Facing Seasonal Depression"!


An easy way to limit your sodium is to rinse and repeat, especially when it comes to canned beans or vegetables.


I often hear that it’s harder to stay active when it’s so cold outside, but I beg to differ! Sledding, ice skating, and even shoveling snow can all count towards your recommended physical activity goal of 60 minutes a day!


If you’re not moving, you’re standing still! Don’t let yourself get too comfortable in one spot, get comfortable with moving forward!

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Does that modern recipe call for frying? Try a more traditional method instead, like baking, grilling, or steaming!


#1 Be willing to listen to other’s suggestions and be ready to compromise.

#2 Meditate, relax, and try to think of pleasant things.

#3 Visualize how you can manage a stressful situation more successfully.

#4 Take one thing at a time.

#5 Make good nutrition choices.

#6 Share your feelings.

#7 Be flexible, yet structured.

Join me in my next webinar, "Facing Seasonal Depression"!


Just because you are cutting out excess calories doesn’t mean you have to cut out delicious holiday flavors. Instead of baking with butter, use unsweetened applesauce. Replace sugar and butter with extracts, and even try using dried fruits instead of chocolate and candy! The options for are endless!


Who says you have to go in blind? Ask the hostess for the holiday menu beforehand and map out what you should and shouldn’t have. If there are more “shouldn’t haves” than “should haves,” bring a healthy dish to add one more option to your menu.


Facing the fears and anxieties of the unknown is hard - I won’t deny that. When’s the last time you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone?

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When it comes to desserts, I’m all in! I want to try it all! Except I usually outsmart myself and pre-commit to splitting my dessert with someone. This way we can both sample a few things without eating the full piece and without being wasteful. It’s a win-win!


We all handle stress differently. The key is determining your personal tolerance levels for stressful situations. Stress can cause physical, emotional, and behavioral disorders which can affect your health, vitality, peace-of-mind, as well as personal and professional relationships.

How is stress affecting you?

Join me in my next webinar, "Facing Seasonal Depression"!


Are you attending a holiday work party? Bring a dish! This way, you’ll know there will be at least one healthy option to enjoy.

If you appreciate this Winter Wellness tip, please pass it along!


Check your portions! A proper serving of meat is 3oz - about the size of a deck of cards. (If you’re sampling more than one cut of meat, make sure to take smaller portions of each!) What are you most looking forward to on the dinner table?


Do you ever struggle with trying to convince yourself that you’re worth the time and effort? How do you move past that?

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EGGNOG - you either love it or hate it! If you love the flavors (but hate the calories), try this:

-Mix it with low-fat or dairy-free milk

-Skip the alcohol

-Skip the whip

What’s your plan?


The truth is when it comes to your self-worth the only opinion that matters is your own. And the only person that can improve your self-esteem is you. The first step to improving your self worth is to be more mindful. We can’t change something if we don’t recognize that there is something to change. Identifying negative self-talk is the only way to change it. Without this awareness, we can easily fall into the trap of believing our self-limiting dialogue.

The second step is realizing you have the power to change your own narrative. Figure out whose voices are being internalized and where the messages come from. When we frequently repeat negative messages in our mind we can start to believe they are true. These thoughts are learned, which means they can be unlearned.

Finally, find the things you are good at and do them more often! There’s no better way to boost your self-esteem. If it’s difficult for you to identify your unique gifts, ask a friend to point them out to you.

Join me in my next webinar, "Facing Seasonal Depression"!


Agree or disagree: A good cup of hot chocolate can really kick-start the season! The only problem is that it can be a huge chunk of your daily calorie goal. If you simply can’t resist, opt for low-fat milk or hot water, and be sure to skip the whipped cream and overwhelming amount of marshmallows!


Things to include on your holiday plate as suggested by the :

-Fruits and vegetables

-Whole grains

-Beans and legumes

-Nuts and seeds

-Fish, skinless poultry, plant based-alternatives

-Fat-free and low-fat dairy products

-Healthier fats and nontropical oils

(You can view their full PDF here:


The only person you’re in true competition with is yourself - don’t get caught up comparing your journey to others’.

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Fill in empty time between courses with movement-based activities. Dance, sing, play, make memories!