Christopher M. Blanchard

Christopher M. Blanchard

Author Page for Christopher M. Blanchard This is my official Facebook Author page! Like me if you're a fan of epic fantasy, sci-fi and short stories.


Well, I have officially submitted a story to the Star Trek Strange New Worlds writing contest. Phew!


I have made my first submission of the year! I sent a short story to They're closing their submission department tomorrow, but have said that anyone that get's anything submitted before then will get a review of their story, so even if they don't publish it, I get the feedback. :)

Archway Publishing 09/10/2015

I have officially registered for Simon & Schuster's Strange New World contest. Time to write up a 10,000 word Star Trek story.

Archway Publishing


25,000 words have been reached!


I have officially broken 10,000 words... which, of course, means that I am officially 5,000 words behind. But I worry not! For I have the rest of the month to catch up. But for now, I celebrate with breakfast.


Working on my NaNoWriMo novel. Defining characters, the world and how magic works are all in the works.


Stealing an idea from a fellow writer.
Fantasy Question of the Day:
If magic was combined with modern technology, what kid of spells would be available as apps on your smart phone?


Well, I have officially been denied to the Amtrak Residency program. Oddly, it feels good to say that.


Well, I have received another rejection letter today, this time from Analog. Onto submitting to other magazines!


Okay, so I have officially submitted the application for the Amtrak Writer's Retreat. Wish me luck. :)


So, last night, I'm watching my roommate's boyfriend, who is a professional locksmith, work on a lock problem we're having, and I had a story idea... a locksmith get's pulled into a police investigation where his skills and expertise are needed. This morning, however, I'm wondering how realistic that is. Would the police ever do something like this? Or, in the end, does that even matter, given that we're talking about a fiction story?


Well, I received an email from Asimov's today, aaaaannnndddd.....
*Draws out tension*
They rejected the story. But, on the bright side, I can no submit it somewhere else. So, onto find the NEXT mag to submit to. :)


Annnd.... story sent off to Asimov's Magazine for their consideration. Cross your fingers everyone! :)

Timeline photos 29/11/2013

Well, the cat woke me up early this morning, and I couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to get some writing done. And thanks to that extra few hours to get some writing done, I HAVE OFFICIALLY WON! 50K baby! WOO!


46,000 words! And with that, I am officially caught up and part way to tomorrow's word count! Woo!


And 40K has been broken! For a reward, I now go to play some Skyrim.


Okay, the wife is in bed and asleep. The boy is washed and in bed, going to sleep. The clothes are in the dryer... drying. It is now 8:50. I am giving myself until 10:00 to get some writing done. No more distractions. Here I go!


I am just about 2,000 words away from hitting 40,000 words, and I am determined to hit that tonight!


So, it turns out that writing with the TV on is difficult, even when it's a show I have no interest in.


Woo! I broke 30,000 words today! Okay, that's still 3 days behind, but I can still recover from that. I am determined to win NaNo this year.


Due to health issues this weekend, I am three days behind. My goal right now is just to get to 25K. Focused writing now.


Okay... I'm going to try and get some real writing done. I'm having trouble staying focused, though, so we'll see....


I'm still a day behind on my writing, but I'm also confident that it won't last. Only one day behind isn't a big deal.


And with this morning's writing session, I have caught up to yesterday's word count goal. Hopefully, I can catch up to today's word count goal tonight when I get home.


Aaaannnnnd.... 10,000 words has been broken!


I've decided to stop writing my novel. Instead, I'm going to just write down all the stories that my kid tells my wife and I, verbatim. I'll have 50,000 words by the end of the week.


Okay, wife and son in bed, clothes in the dryer, music on and only 350 words to go to reach today's word count goal. Ready? Here I go!


Hoping to get in some good writing this morning before I take my son to a birthday party and then his soccer game.


And that didn't happen... oh well, I'll get some writing done later.


Good Morning ! Time to get in a little writing before I go to work.


Crazy as it may sounds, I've signed up for NaNoWriMo this year. I'm likely to not win this year, but I don't care... I just need to do something to get me back into writing.


Upon further reflection, I do not have an idea for a story. What I have is a really awesome villain... now, I just need to figure out what the story is.


Not a horror story, mind, but something really creepy.


I just had an idea for a truly terrifying story...


Whelp, I got a rejection letter from Daily Science-Fiction. you know what? I'm okay with that. In fact, I'm just now determined to keep submitting something to them until they publish something. So, now to write something new to submit.
