Helen Duncan

Helen Duncan

The Official Helen Duncan Page


Just wanted to give you quick update on grandma. When I came off Facebook a man named Mike tried to connect with me. We never did connect but if he ever sees this page again I want him to know Thank you. He helped me and I was able to find things. I’m still trudging along with grandma. Still looking to locate few files I’m not sure if they’re declassified or if I’ll ever get them. Thank you for all the love and support. Margaret.


For my grandma. ❤️


Let me give you some history of the photo. It was a picture of Candace as a baby some liquid spilled on it. I picked it up and watched it change before my eyes. Tell me what you see? I’ll share after what I see.


I have to always be grateful for what I have. I refuse to be a victim. I give it all to God. I’ve learned always be of service to others. Believe me I do know what it feels like to be hanging on by a thread, just when you think it can get worse it does. I’m sharing how I deal with it.


Quick update I’m still working on things for grandma. I was entrusted with my granddads diary. Grandma told me almost forty years ago I’d get it. Not easy figuring things out and how to do it. Working on a new site for grandma. Remember I’ve done this by myself for many years. Grateful that Jock helps me as much as he can.
My health I’m on oxygen my lungs causing most of the problems. First time since 2011?I'm not on heart meds. That’s a miracle so to all of you who send me healing and prayers thank. Much Love, Margaret


We know the truth. Don’t ever allow anyone to take you faith away. Awake and aware. 💕


Much love, Margaret


My beautiful cousin Helen, named after our grandma. I hope my cousin doest’t mind that I’m using his photo. I just want to pay tribute to my cousin.


I was just notified my cousin Helen passed over last week. My prayers are with her children and grandchildren.


Saw pulmonologist last week he set up for pulmonary function test. Since I had fluid build up this time I get out of breath easier. He wants me on oxygen at night. So since I’m just sitting here I’m getting things together on grandma and working on things. I think she has given me a kick up the arse to be bluntly. A friend couldn’t believe how much I have accumulated enough to write a few books. They said I need a ghost writer so hoping that they help me. I’m not getting any younger and no one will pick up the ball. I’d hate to think I researched for over thirty years to get it tossed in the bin. Nothing happens in Gods world by mistake it definitely got me moving again with grandma, Thank you guys. Love Margaret


It’s wonderful to be alive. So grateful.


Good news. Had X-ray done on Friday I don’t have any more fluid buildup that I did on the 9 th so hopefully things are looking up and I won’t have to see surgeon. Will talk to doctor on Monday to see how we deal with fluid in the lung. So grateful I’m on the mend and my friends have sent me healing and prayer's. Thank you. Love Margaret


I could tell that my lung was filling back up on Friday. They came took X-Ray and confirmed. Good news is not a lot so will see what happens on Monday. Nurse wants me to take it easy as she’s concerned about me ending back in hospital. Definitely don’t want that so I’m listening to her. I am feeling better than I have felt in a month. This has kicked my rear end. So ready to be done with this and get on with life. Love Margaret


When I came home from hospital I did okay spent my time in bed it was difficult sitting up. A week ago on Thursday I had pressure in my back called the nurse on Sunday they came to the house took chest X-ray. Monday found out had fluid on lungs again so doctor set up for me to go have fluid drained on Tuesday. Didn’t sleep good was in a lot of pain thought I’ll wait as it could be from procedure Wednesday night same thing so last Thursday was readmitted to hospital more fluid drained. I was on vancomycin IV twice daily plus another antibiotic. Monday more fluid drained good news is I was able to come home. I have a home nurse who checked on me today I’m have pressure in my back so I have to pay attention to that as it’s probably more fluid buildup. Considering the past month though I finally feel better.Thank you for all the love, support, healing and prayers. Loads of love, Margaret.


I can’t express how grateful I am that I had so much love and healing sent to me. After 8 days in hospital having fluid drained twice from lungs I was able to come home. Trading hospital bed for my own. Once better I’ll share everything it wasn’t good guys I was hallucinating knew I was in hospital but didn’t remember. Panicked I knew I had to call my son Mario. He picked up the phone and I said where am I? he said mom you’re in Northcrest once I knew he knew where I was I was able to calm down. I have promised him I will never fight him again if he says I’m going to hospital I’m going. He saved my life. Thank you, thank you. Much love Margaret.


Can you please add me to you healing list and prayers. I was admitted to hospital yesterday for double pneumonia I’m on oxygen. Now pulmonologist came in he’s getting with radiologist to see why I have fluid on lungs. Trying to keep it simple. Thank you love Margaret.


I hope all of our followers and friends have had a Merry Christmas. I haven’t been on much on Dec 18th I received a phone call actually I had to give the phone to my son. The police had found his fiancée Candace’s body. To say we’re heartbroken is an understatement.
We made sure that Kinzie who is four had a good Christmas.
It doesn’t matter how much we know grief hits and it’s hit us hard. Grateful grandma was there to help her transition.


To all grandma and I supporters thank you. I’ll give you quick update on what’s going on. I’m not on here much these days between health issues and helping my son raise my four year granddaughter Kinzie. I stay positive and I’m putting my health issue in finished position that I’m healed. Working on that daily. Kinzie keeps me going. Haha
I’m talking to people that want to do series 3 or 4 part on grandma. Will see what happens.
I’d be grateful to be put on healing lists or for healers to send healing. I’ll know more Dec.7th what I’m dealing with. I send all of you our love and gratitude. Much love 💕 Margaret


Scrolling through I came across this again. Beautifully said. Love Margaret❤️


Love goes a long way.


This is my truth that they failed to report I have included the article.
As a youngster, I couldn’t understand what happened to my grandmother during 1944 all I knew was that it caused my family a lot of hurt. I think I was around 12 and my mum Lillian, Helen’s third eldest daughter came across an article in an American tabloid. My mum said to me if you want to know what happened to your grandma it’s in this article. The article spoke about the HMS Barham and the HMS Hood. I still have the article to this day.
As an adult, I have researched my grandmother and the afterlife for many years what I have come to understand she was a genuine Medium and she was accurate in the information she had given out to those who sat with her. Even the Church Of England did a report in I believe 1939 and seven out ten individuals agreed that Spiritualism was genuine.
In 1998 when I spoke to The Home Office they were in the process of reviewing her file for release to the public. The gentleman I spoke to said the File was closed for reasons of National Security. I stated I doubt that my grandmother is a threat to National Security as she’s been dead since 1956. He then stated it was also closed to “protect the family” I indicated to him that The Home Office has done nothing to protect my family.
What happened to my grandmother during 1944 I can only hope that another family never has to undergo what she and her children went through. I understand what was done and why it was done. I believe that the government could have dealt with my grandmother in a more humane way. It continues to be a travesty of justice in my eyes, my grandmother was tried under the archaic Witchcraft Act of 1735 the Government was assured a conviction as the Witchcraft Act of 1735 had been amended it did read “conjuration of evil spirits” to “conjuration of spirits” so one word EVIL assured her conviction. The Government knew she could not be found guilty for fraud hence why she was tried under the Witchcraft Act.
I believe when an injustice has been committed we have a duty to correct that injustice. I can only do my best to have my grandmothers good name restored. My husband asked me last year how long I will keep at it for my grandmother and I replied, “until I take my last breath”.
I do not believe that the Government has ever taken into account the damage and pain they do and continue to do the families when an injustice has been done. My grandmother loved God, her Country and her Family. It would be nice to see the Government care about its citizens and correct an injustice that was done many years ago. I will never give up hope.


Sydney Morton who has since passed over wrote his experience to me about sitting with my grandma. Much Love, Margaret


You can see the face the white is the ectoplasm. That definitely is not my grandma. Evidence