Aprendiendo a Emprender

Aprendiendo a Emprender

Aprendiendo a Emprender es una página creada para compartir artículos relevantes sobre emprendimie


💥¡Maratón Digital! Sesión en Vivo, creando y vendiendo Productos Digitales.
📅 Hoy Jueves 21 Octubre
⏰ 8:00PM Hora Colombia

Para participar en Vivo deben reservar el cupo en este link. 👇


🔥 Les espero esta noche en el evento. La sesión de hoy es para aprender la estrategia validada para comercializar Productos Digitales.
Hoy Miércoles 20 de Octubre
20:00 PM Hora Colombia

Para participar en vivo deben reservar el cupo en este link. 👇


🔥 !Maratón Digital! Sesión en Vivo para conocer y aprender sobre Comercio Digital.
Martes 19 de Octubre
8:00PM - Hora Colombia

Para participar en vivo deben reservar el cupo en este link. 👇


📢 ¡Atención! Participa en Vivo para conocer y aprender de la industria del Comercio Electrónico.
Sesión en Vivo hoy Lunes 18 de Octubre a las 8:00 pm hora Colombia.

⚡️Para participar en vivo debes reservar el cupo en este link. 👇

Timeline photos 07/09/2021

"What seems impossible is often possible! Believe in yourselves. Believe in not only who and what you are now but in what you have the power to become."

"Work hard to achieve your dreams. Don’t let discouragement or mistakes delay you."

— Elaine S. Dalton

Photos from Vilma Nuñez's post 03/09/2021
Timeline photos 12/07/2021

Here's a quick reminder, "Be kind to your mind" Take time to enjoy the day and appreciate today's efforts! You've got this!

Mobile uploads 10/07/2021

¡Te mereces todo lo que quieres!

Timeline photos 07/07/2021

"As an undergraduate student, I began to feel that I was trying to learn something that was completely beyond me. The more I felt overwhelmed, the less I could sustain my efforts to keep trying.

"This first happened long ago as I sought to learn physics and mathematics in my college years. I felt overwhelmed. It seemed to me that the other students could work the problems and master the material more quickly than I could. As time wore on, my discouragement led me to feel that it was useless to study. I begin to think of quitting and doing something easier.

"It was on a night during that time of discouragement when I received the help that made all the difference for me. Help came as a voice, an actual voice in my mind. The words voiced were these: “When you realize who you really are, you will be sorry that you didn’t try harder.”

"I did not know then all that those words meant. But I knew then what to do. I went to work. I felt that I must have more ability to learn than I could see in myself. I began to try to understand that message of encouragement by pondering and working during the years that followed, I came to realize who I really was. I was a spirit child of God. I had inherent in me the potential to learn what He knows.

"I urge you to look upon your educational struggles as a great blessing. I know school can be a grind. I know it seems difficult. I know you get discouraged at times. I know you wonder why you are attending school at all. But keep on. Keep on hammering away. Keep on learning. You will never regret learning—neither in this life, nor in the world to come. Indeed, you will treasure forever what you learn and what you learn about how to keep on learning.”

— Henry B. Eyring

Timeline photos 28/06/2021

"You are moving into the most competitive age the world has ever known. All around you is competition. You need all the education you can get. Sacrifice a car; sacrifice anything that is needed to be sacrificed to qualify yourselves to do the work of the world. That world will in large measure pay you what it thinks you are worth, and your worth will increase as you gain education and proficiency in your chosen field.”

— Gordon B. Hinckley

Mobile uploads 08/06/2021

Todo llega a su tiempo!

Timeline photos 21/03/2021

12 Claves para desarrollar una Mentalidad Emprendedora ➡️ http://bit.ly/2FFzJEW


Empecemos el día con

Alfabetización Financiera: Deuda Mala vs. Deuda Buena 28/02/2021

Alfabetización Financiera: Deuda Mala vs. Deuda Buena Hola amigos. Hoy continuamos con la serie de Alfabetización Financiera en su segunda serie. Todos hemos tenido encuentros cercanos y probablemente...

Timeline photos 28/02/2021

If you could see into the future, you'd make that important decision that has been on your mind, today. "We never just decide for ourselves. In things of deep importance, we are often deciding for generations."

—S. Michael Wilcox

Timeline photos 28/02/2021

You can do hard things! Sometimes the most difficult things bring great rewards! Never give up! You never know what blessings are awaiting for you!

Timeline photos 28/02/2021

Every journey is different!

Some people go to school when they're 18 years old, others go to school when they're 30 years old, and some wait until they're 80 years old.

Don't compare your journey to anyone else's. There is still time to accomplish all that you hope for yourself, and when your time comes, you will ✨SHINE ✨

Timeline photos 13/02/2021

The future is entirely up to you! Don’t cut yourself short or be doubtful of the future because the sky is the limit! You have divine potential and can accomplish anything you set your mind to! 🙌

"So often we get caught up in the illusion that there is something just beyond our reach that would bring us happiness: a better family situation, a better financial situation, or the end of a challenging trial. The older we get, the more we look back and realize that external circumstances don’t really matter or determine our happiness. We do matter. We determine our happiness."

—Dieter F. Uchtdorf


Sigue adelante, todos empezamos en algún punto.

Timeline photos 20/01/2021

If you're waiting for the perfect moment to start chasing your dreams, here it is! There's no better time than the here and now. What will you do today to start working towards the future you want for yourself?

"The perfect place to begin is exactly where you are right now. It doesn’t matter how unqualified you may think you are or how far behind others you may feel."

—Dieter F. Uchtdorf


Amigos les invito a participar en ésta super clase Coproducciones, una poderosa alternativa para crear activos digitales que te permitirán generar ingresos residuales.

📆 Fecha: Martes 19 de Enero 2021
⏳ Hora: 12:00 Hora de Colombia

✅ No te puedes perder ésta clase.
Para reservar tu cupo por favor envíame un mensaje y te enviaré el acceso a la clase.
Si no puedes participar de la clase en vivo podrás ver la repetición en el horario que dispongas.
Te esperamos!😉


Inténtalo aún cuando todo parezca imposible!


Te gustaría aprender a comercializar productos digitales?
Te invito a participar en ésta clase en Vivo completamente Gratis.

📅Hoy jueves 14 de Enero
⏱ Hora: 12:00 pm

Reserva tu cupo aquí 👇
