Ashley Hodge Fitness

Ashley Hodge Fitness

Get lasting results you never thought possible with expert Personal Fitness Trainer & Nutrition Coac

Ashley Hodge Fitness Customized Nutrition & Exercise Programming 08/11/2022

Ashley Hodge Fitness Customized Nutrition & Exercise Programming Train when and wherever you want to with a highly effective training program that is custom to you & your goals! Please note that personalized programming is not the same as a 1:1 online coaching relationship. This digital product is a completely customized 4-week strength training worko

Photos from Ashley Hodge Fitness's post 26/11/2020

2020 has taught me more than ever to live life to the fullest!! To love deeper and to live without fear or judgement. That we have no guarantees except this very moment that we are living, so embrace it wholeheartedly and passionately!

At times, we find the pressures of life bearing down, a little stumble or some looming news may have us feeling on edge. The brain’s most basic systems are designed to warn of danger and remind us of past challenges; an important survival mechanism in many ways. But our creative mind also conjures up fears and insecurities that need no attention, based in nothing of value, serving no real purpose.

How clearly we are thinking relates directly to our ability to be kind. A worried mind, racing or repetitive thoughts, this mental clutter prevents loving feelings and compassion from shining forth.

The formula for cultivating loving kindness is simple. Come into the present moment, notice thoughts as they arise, notice unkind thoughts, fearful thoughts, endless planning, repetition. Now drop those. And repeat.

Seek stillness in your body and allow your mind to settle. This is the path to love, this is the path to happiness. May we each be blessed with an abundance of peace, love, and gratitude.

Enjoy your time to pause & connect with your loved ones 💛
Drop me a comment below: What are you most grateful for?


Here’s a simple route to calculate maintenance calories
Please note that this is a mere estimate and that there is no standard magic formula for calculation of maintenance calories

The bodyweight multiplier is based on calories needed per day rather than an estimation of activity level

I see this far too often and I, too experienced this myself early on in my journey - I was so focused on fat loss 365 days of the year and spinning my wheels most of the time not getting anywhere. Doing ALL the HIIT, Kickboxing, lifting 6x per week, Spin class, Barry’s Bootcamp while eating 900-1200 calories consistently 🤯 - until finally I changed my mindset to setting strength performance goals and eating enough

If your goal is to build lean muscle muscle - you cannot always be in diet mode.

During my initial nutrition coaching sessions with my clients - there is so much fear around eating more food and stepping into the unknown world of enjoying balanced meal plates of ALL macros (Protein, Carbs, Fats) 🥙

Listen, you could be crushing it in the gym 4-5 days per week and still not see the results you desire because you are NOT eating enough to grow muscle to create a leaner look

Remember: This is a starting point. Adjust your portions at any time using outcome-based decision making, aka “How’s that working for you?” and based on your hunger, fullness, and other important goals.l

*If you are smaller size or sedentary - consider using a lower bodyweight multiplier
Important tips
🔹Consistently use your maintenance number for 6-8 weeks
🔹Stay on top of your protein intake
🔹Remember to fuel for training
🔹Hit a variety of repetition ranges for hypertrophy
🔹Implement progressive overload (get stronger)

Lastly, don’t feel guilty if you slip up every now and then on nutrition. We are all human. It’s okay to live a little! Be kind to yourself. Just make sure to jump right back on the wagon.
Let me know in the comments below if you found this helpful!👇🏽

Timeline photos 24/08/2020

Being comfortable in your own means not needing to be accepted by others but accepting oneself.

It means doing things that make you happy

Learning how to love your flaws while practicing improvements

Being grateful for everything you have even if you don’t think it’s much

Embracing your own personality

Learning how to be alone with yourself

And lastly, taking accountability & ownership

This is what consistency looks like.
This is what self love looks like.
This is what being strong AF looks like.

What do you love about yourself? Comment below 👇🏽

Photos from Ashley Hodge Fitness's post 28/07/2020

1️⃣ Productivity is not an accident & doesn’t happen by luck - success is cause & effect. It’s making a plan & executing the plan EVERYDAY. Not when you feel like it. To be the best version of yourself takes hard work, practice, study, sweat, discipline, and consistency

2️⃣There’s power in consistency, there’s power in practice. There are no short cuts to this. If you half ass the amount of work you put in, you’ll get half ass results. Period.

The more you try to cut corners, the more you find yourself starting over again for the umpteenth time.

3️⃣You’ve got to lift weights with intention & focus on getting stronger not toned 🙄. Master the basic movements & technique. Its important to focus on the training process rather than the end result.

4️⃣ Find an eating strategy that is sustainable throughout your entire life and Eat enough to support your training.

5️⃣Achieving a goal is the result of executing the necessary habits day after day after day. Boring? Yep. Effective? Fck yes.⁣ 🙌🏽

6️⃣ Forget “willpower” and “motivation”.
Upgrade your environment & your daily habits. We aren’t always Motivated & it can’t be relied upon. Instead of relying on it, create discipline by building better daily habits & taking action even when you don’t feel like it.⁣⁣

6️⃣Don’t let perfection be your downfall. If you stay on track 80% of the time, you can be less than perfect 20% of the time and still make progress.⁣
⁣....And when you do slip up? Forgive yourself and get right back on it.⁣⁣

7️⃣Celebrate every win. Identify your bright spots � — the qualities and accomplishments that you already have, & that you’ve built to date. We are often too hard on ourselves and don’t take the time to point out what we do really well. Those positive feelings will keep the momentum going.⁣ Celebrate those PRs you achieve bc it’s badass getting stronger! 🎉

8️⃣Think back on WHY you started this journey

9️⃣You’re a lot stronger than you think you are once you stop feeding your thoughts with bullsh*t excuses

🔟Building yourself up from the inside out takes a lot more strength than any weight in the gym. So shoutout to all of you who are making a conscience choice to rise up 👏 @ Windansea Beach

Photos from Ashley Hodge Fitness's post 22/07/2020

🌟Online Client Spotlight🌟

Photos from Ashley Hodge Fitness's post 06/07/2020

What no one tells you about the secret to nutrition & training success

Your environment shapes your reality. Although willpower & motivation are great things, having a system is more reliable than willpower. A system comes in the form of daily routines and creating an environment that works for YOU

What’s around you, shapes you.

Some of my clients try to introduce too much change all at once. They get overwhelmed by trying to do ALL the things & just quit.

First step: Make your environment work for you

Guess what? If you take control of shifting your environment, you can nudge towards better behaviors that support your goals for the long-term

Often, our decisions are dictated by our environment, & it has a lot less to do with our willpower.

Everything in your environment is either doing one of two things for you:

* Moving you towards your goals
* Moving you away from your goals

In a way - you are matching your environment to your goals. Therefore less willpower is necessary. (Do you feel relieved knowing that you don’t have to be motivated all of the time?)

Master the basics first and slowly work your way up. You don’t have to track macros right away.

* Consider doing a kitchen makeover.
* Create better grocery habits by creating a grocery list of your favorite food items & being open to trying new food items.

In general, when it comes to reverse engineering healthy behaviors, here’s the golden rule:

1. Make healthy behaviors convenient.
2. Make other behaviors less convenient.

There’s no need to white-knuckle willpower. You can actually make change much easier by simply changing your environment.

Focus on what you can control. You can't control other people. You can only be the boss of you😎You're in charge of your actions and your attitude, & you can do lots of things to improve your environment. Control your environment — before it controls you

Changing your eating, exercise, & lifestyle strategies does not have to be complicated, difficult, or depriving.

Drop me a comment below:
What one thing could you do today to make your environment just a little bit better to be your healthiest self?

Inspo by @ San Diego, California

Photos from Ashley Hodge Fitness's post 11/05/2020

Top 10 Rules to Lose Belly Fat
Thanks to everyone who filled out my recent poll asking if you could improve any part of your body, what would it be. Overwhelming over 100 people responded saying belly fat
Like, Bookmark, and tag a friend below who needs these strategies too!
I too struggled for a very long time wanting a flat stomach with some definition. Here’s my top 10 list that I found helpful for myself and for my clients.
Long term weight loss/fat loss takes time & effort AND a long term commitment. How ready, willing, and able are you to change your eating & activity habits?
I also want to get this cleared up 🗣Spot Reduction is a myth. Fat loss is NOT site specific
The best “diet” is the one that you can adhere to long-term. If you stumble upon a certain way of eating and you can’t stick to it and/or it causes you to binge. Keep it simple. Eat balanced plate meals. Track your intake and adjust accordingly
I noticed when I shifted my focus from dieting all of the time and doing hours of cardio to setting PRs and prioritizing resistance training - my body physique transformed!
Lastly, track yo sh*t
➡️take photos once a month
➡️track your body measurements like waist, hips, thigh, arms
record your food intake even if it’s just for a week
Make it about YOUR journey - don’t fall into the comparison mentality
Still struggling? Send me a DM and I’d be happy to set up a short call @ Dana Point, California

Photos from Ashley Hodge Fitness's post 07/05/2020

The Simple Science behind Losing Fat
If you are a beginner or at the stage of beginning again - this post is for you!!
Like, Bookmark, and share this post!
Swipe left and learn what you need to do to achieve the body you’ve always wanted
The basics works! I receive many DMs asking how to lose body fat fast and attain a lean physique.
How are you currently eating? Use a food journal to track what & how much you are eating for 7 days. If you have been maintaining your weight - perhaps have 1 less balanced plate meal and see how that works for you for a few weeks. Be consistent with your intake.
All of my clients use the balanced plate method - each meal has protein, starchy & non-starchy carbs, and fats and everyone has been able to lose at least 5lbs in the first month! Just by eating a balanced meal & likely increasing their veggie intake.
Given our current state - you can still focus on maintaining your strength. Bodyweight exercises can be scaled to be challenging week by week. Follow a 4 week training program and be consistent
We often don’t get enough of it and the less we get, the more like crap we feel. Especially since we have more time to watch tik toks until late in the night lol 🤫 Not getting enough sleep can lead to overeating and increased stress. Sleep is when our bodies can recover! I prefer to stick to a set bedtime 7 days per week
Still struggling to get started - I’m starting a 4 week beta subscription based program in June. It will be a virtual group format where you will receive a 4-week training program (will include at home exercises & DB/ Band options), nutrition coaching via my online nutrition curriculum, weekly live Q&A’s, and a FB community to lean on each other for support while having access to me as your coach !
Are you ready to:
Get leaner
Feel healthier
Sleep better
Feel more balanced?
Are you in!? - send me a DM today 📩 @ Dana Point, California

Photos from Ashley Hodge Fitness's post 04/05/2020

Are you waiting for the “perfect moment” to start exercising & eating better to get into shape?

If so, does any of these phrases sound familiar:

When I lose 20 lbs…
When I my schedule changes…
When I feel less awkward on the gym floor…
When my friend decides to workout with me…
When I finish the remaining of the junk food in the kitchen….
Next month, I will start over... Interesting that we are always “waiting for the perfect time.” But why?

Why are we not owning it & taking action?
In my experience observing my clients & as someone who had that mindset before my journey - it helps to provide justification as a way to avoid failing, being criticized, or even embarrassed

However staying in this mindset keeps us from stepping into the highest possibility of ourselves

That’s why the all-or-nothing thinking—If I don’t do this perfectly then it’s worthless—rarely gets us “all.”
It usually gets us “nothing.” nowhere

Expect resistance
It’s normal. Push through it. Resistance doesn’t mean this won’t work. It just means you’ve started. You only have to get through this moment. This moment of starting will be the hardest

The bad news is nothing lasts forever,
The good news is nothing lasts forever

That’s where we start.

If you’re still “waiting for the perfect moment”, try these tips to help you stop feeling stuck and start taking action TODAY!

Tip #1:
Ask yourself: How’s _______ working for you?

If you’re loving your Cheat Day(s), Friday dinners with the girls or get lit Sunday brunches, and you’re happy with YOUR results, keep doing it.

If not, revise your expectations & be willing to take 100% responsibility for EVERYTHING that is happening in your world, whether you believe you are the "victim" of certain circumstances of not.

Tip #2

Just start.
Nobody will give that time to you. You’ll need to take it. Give yourself permission to make yourself—& your fitness and health goals—a priority. When coaching my clients, we focus on finding “5-minute actions.” Find the smallest possible thing you can do right now, in the next 5 minutes, & do it. Now you’ve started!
Recognize that there is no perfect time & there never will be. There is only now. @ Dana Point, California

Photos from Ashley Hodge Fitness's post 01/05/2020

Are you waiting for the “perfect moment” to start exercising & eating better to get into shape?

If so, does any of these phrases sound familiar:

When I lose 20 lbs…
When I my schedule changes…
When I feel less awkward on the gym floor…
When my friend decides to workout with me…
When I finish the remaining of the junk food in the kitchen….
Next month, I will start over...

Interesting that we are always “waiting for the perfect time.” But why?

Why are we not owning it and taking action?
In my experience observing my clients and as someone who had that mindset before my journey - it helps to provide justification as a way to avoid failing, being criticized, or even embarrassed.

Staying in this mindset keeps us stepping into the highest possibility of ourselves

That’s why the all-or-nothing thinking—If I don’t do this perfectly then it’s worthless—rarely gets us “all.”
It usually gets us “nothing.” nowhere.

Expect resistance
It’s normal. Push through it. Resistance doesn’t mean this won’t work. It just means you’ve started. You only have to get through this moment. This moment of starting will be the hardest.

The bad news is nothing lasts forever,
The good news is nothing lasts forever

That’s where we start.

If you’re still “waiting for the perfect moment”, try these tips to help you stop feeling stuck and start taking action TODAY!

Tip #1:
Ask yourself: How’s _______ working for you?

If you’re loving your Cheat Day(s), Friday dinners with the girls or get lit Sunday brunches, and you’re happy with YOUR results, keep doing it.

If not, revise your expectations & be willing to take 100% responsibility for EVERYTHING that is happening in your world, whether you believe you are the "victim" of certain circumstances of not.

Tip #2
Just start.
Nobody will give that time to you. You’ll need to take it. Give yourself permission to make yourself—& your fitness and health goals—a priority. When coaching my clients, we focus on finding “5-minute actions.” Find the smallest possible thing you can do right now, in the next 5 minutes, & do it. Now you’ve started!
Recognize that there is no perfect time & there never will be. There is only now. @ Dana Point, California

Photos from Ashley Hodge Fitness's post 27/04/2020

So are you hungry or nah?
We've all been there, finishing a whole bag of chips out of boredom or downing cookie after cookie while cramming for a big test. But when done a lot — especially without realizing it — emotional eating can affect weight, health, & overall well-being
Not many of us make the connection between eating & our feelings. But understanding what drives emotional eating can help people take steps to change it.
People learn emotional eating patterns: As a child - I was rewarded with McDonalds pancake platter after a big achievement like getting a passing grade in school. I also often saw my family seek comfort in food in times of daily stress or major life events (positive or negative)
It's not easy to "unlearn" patterns of emotional eating. But it is possible. And it starts with an awareness of what's going on.
I’ve completely changed my relationship with food, improved my body composition, & living my best life along with helping many of my clients to create a life & body they love through my coaching programs. -
What I want to help you with today is understanding if you're an emotional eater, so you're no longer wasting your time and money on traditional diets that are never going to work for you. Swipe left and learn how to find peace with food and take the steps to reach your health goals TODAY!
We have to start living our lives now, not 20 pounds from now. The fulfillment & meaning that comes from taking charge of our lives gives us the spark we've been searching for in our late night binges. * If you're stressed out, try a yoga routine. Or listen to some feel-good tunes & try out my recent 1000 b***y challenge 😈Do something fun!
Getting Help
Even when we understand what's going on, many of us still need help breaking the cycle of emotional eating. It's not easy — especially when emotional eating has already led to weight and self-esteem issues. So don't go it alone when you don't have to

Take advantage of expert help who can help you get on a path to a new, healthier relationship with food.
Remember: the decent method you follow is better than the “perfect” one you quit. Drop me a high five emoji if you agree! 🙌🏽 @ Dana Point, California


We are into another week of our "new normal” 🤷🏽‍♀️

Connect with Mother Earth today. In honor of . Go for a walk, sit by a tree or do your meditation outside.

Enjoy Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)☀️

This sequence moves the spine in various ways and promote flexibility in the limbs. It’s great for anyone of all levels (get the entire family involved - even the little ones!)

-Gain flexibility
-Regulate the breath
-Focus the mind

🌳 Most importantly 🌳
In times of high stress and anxiety it’s so important to focus on maintaining our personal health

I invite you to feel your feet root into the ground and start each day with a sun salutation to energize the body. Observe the vivid blue sky, the swirling white clouds. Textured rich green grass. Feeling the breeze across your face. Hear the chirps of the birds. Allowing your breath to slow. Heart to fill. Deepens your gaze. look around you & marvel at the beauty & harmony all around you.

I love to do 3-6 rounds of these in the morning after I meditate 🧘🏽‍♀️

Enjoy! Today find some time to connect with the planet

I’m offering free 10 min meditation via Zoom - if you would like to be added to my email list - send me a DM. I would love to have you!

Timeline photos 20/04/2020

What people tend to focus on:
🚫Fat Burners
🚫Juice Detox
🚫Tons of Cardio
🚫Long term low caloric intake

What you should focus on:
✅Consistent & Progressive Strength Training Program
✅ Quality Nutrition: Consuming optimal macros, including eating enough protein for muscle growth & hydration
✅Recovery (😴)
✅Stress Manangement

Contrary to popular belief - you can improve your physique by getting stronger over time by following a Consistent & Progressive Strength Training program and ensuring your balanced plate is comprised of at least 80% minimally processed foods
What’s a balanced plate?
🍴1-2 palms of protein dense foods at each meal;
🍴1-2 fists of vegetables at each meal;
🍴1-2 cupped handfuls of carb dense foods at most meals; and
🍴1-2 thumbs of fat dense foods at most meals
Keep in mind: This is just a starting point - Adjust your portions based on your hunger, fullness, overall activity level, and progress towards your goals.
Using this template along with a structured & progressive resistance training program - my clients quickly start feeling better. They lose fat and gain lean muscle. They feel more motivated. And their workouts become easier and better
Boom! *🎤 drops*

𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 & 𝕊𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕒𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕄𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 ℝ𝕖𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣:

🗣You can feel strong, lean, and bad ass! You don’t have to feel deprived, hangry, or depleted to reach your body physique goals. Drop me a 🙌🏽 if you agree below ⤵️

Photos from Ashley Hodge Fitness's post 14/04/2020

Stress 🤯 we’ve all felt it at some point or another - likely more often now during this pandemic.

The question is: Do you eat to relieve stress?

Many of my clients let me know that they struggle with emotional or stress eating. Maybe it looks like digging yourself into those Girl Scout cookies on a Saturday afternoon only to feel trapped and guilty afterwards which just perpetuates the behavior 🔄

The emotional eating cycle:
Something happens that upsets you
You feel an overwhelming urge to eat
You eat more than you know you should
You feel guilty and powerless over food
Sounds familiar?

The strategies that I would like to share will:
🍴Help you develop awareness around what triggers your overeating
🍴Provide you with tools to help you when your triggers are activated
🍴Help you understand that your behavior around food doesn’t define you as a person

Food taste good, it makes us feel better (at least for a few minutes)

Food can reminds us of home, our childhood, or that time we had our favorite meal. For me it’s my mom’s macaroni n cheese 🤤

Why is this a problem?
Using food as comfort, to feel good, and to stop feeling bad isn’t a problem on its own. Almost of us do it sometimes. I do 🙋🏽‍♀️ It’s normal and it makes sense.

The problem happens when:
We do it in excess
We feel out of control
We can’t or don’t stop when we’re satisfied
We don’t have any other way of creating connection or comfort or a way to manage our feelings.

Think about it this way: when you stress eat, you’re using food to solve a problem. However it’s a problem that food can’t solve. All it does is mask the reality of what you’re actually dealing with.

I’ve found that coming up with alternatives is helpful when I’m feeling triggers arise. My top 3 are walking outside, getting a massage, and taking a hot bath to de-stress.

It’s totally normal to be feeling all of the feelings right now. The great news is that you can manage this so that the stress eating cycle doesn’t rule your life. Choose one or two strategies to help out you back in the drivers seat when you feel out of control.

Drop me a 👍🏽 below to let me know if you found these strategies helpful @ Dana Point, California

Timeline photos 09/04/2020

Mark your calendars & Come flow with me virtually through relaxing yin and restorative poses on Sundays at 4pm PST
Tuesday’s & Thursday’s at 7am PST - Join me in stillness for 10 blissful minutes to get grounded and connect with your breath
Great for all levels of fitness
Go to my profile .hodgefitness and click on my to sign up & access the zoom link for the good vibes🧘🏽‍♀️


Your Home Gym Equipment Essentials
Trying to get your daily movement in and have no idea what type of home equipment to stock up on?! I’m sharing with you some of my top favs that helps me keep up with my training no matter if I’m at home or traveling. Workout anytime, anywhere!
Like & bookmark this post to build your home gym!
𝗧𝗥𝗫 𝗕𝗮𝗻𝗱
TRX band is seriously gold! You can do total body workouts using just this band. I ordered this travel size version when I went to Bali last year. Movement is important to me so this came in clutch!
Ideal to have a pair of light, moderate, and heavy
𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀
I have a variety from
𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗶 𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗽 𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀
You can do so much with them! Lateral walks, Glute bridges, kick backs, fire hydrants, bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, etc
𝗚𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝗼𝗽𝘀 are a personal favorite!! These come in S/M and L/XL + a variety of strength ranging from regular to extra strong. Grab all 6 if you can!
𝗪𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗩𝗲𝘀𝘁
Great to wear for added resistance when you are going out for walks or take your chin ups/ pull ups to the next level for example
𝗔𝗻𝗸𝗹𝗲 𝘄𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀
What’s in your home gym? Drop me a comment below 👇🏽

Timeline photos 11/03/2020

Change doesn’t have to be this monumental event. Take action right now. Aim for 80% compliance to a new habit.

Did you know:
It can take up to 60 days to stick to a new habit so it becomes second nature
My job is to activate my clients inner desire to change and to want to do it with me. Plans will change & evolve just like our bodies does. I’m there to coach my clients through this process. It’s not a singular diet. It’s about food quality & quantity. Behavior change is a non linear process. There’s no start & stop. It’s ever evolving
Drop me a “raise your hand emoji” in the comments below if you already know this is going to help you achieve your health & fitness goals but still struggle with this regardless of this knowledge 👇🏽

Timeline photos 11/03/2020

Change doesn’t have to be this monumental event. Take action right now. Aim for 80% compliance to a new habit.
Did you know:
It can take up to 60 days to stick to a new habit so it becomes second nature
My job is to activate my clients inner desire to change and to want to do it with me. Plans will change & evolve just like our bodies does. I’m there to coach my clients through this process. It’s not a singular diet. It’s about food quality & quantity. Behavior change is a non linear process. There’s no start & stop. It’s ever evolving
Drop me a “raise your hand emoji” in the comments below if you already know this is going to help you achieve your health & fitness goals but still struggle with this regardless of this knowledge 👇🏽

Timeline photos 26/02/2020

Put Your Oxygen Mask on First, before assisting others
If my focus is truly to help others, I need to work with these emotions toward myself.
I’d like to be more loving, but I also know it is my responsibility to give myself time, space, sleep, exercise, fun, and healthy meals. When I take the time to provide myself with those things, I find that I have more goodness to give to others.
How to practice:
Repeat this mantra during your meditation at the start of your day or just before you fall asleep.
Breathing Exercise
Inhale through your nose for 6 counts
Exhale through your nose for 6 counts
Picture someone you have warm affection for - hold them in your awareness and feel your heart open. Repeat this mantra directed towards them.
May you be happy
May you be safe
May you be healthy
May you be at peace
Now bring to mind someone you view as a difficult person..a family member, a co-worker, an ex, a neighbor, anyone you have difficult feelings towards. Extend love & kindness towards them
May you be happy
May you be safe
May you be healthy
May you be at peace
Perhaps expand this love & kindness to all beings. May all beings be happy. May all beings be safe. May all beings be healthy. May all beings be at peace
What do you notice? Do you feel any resistance? How does it feel to open your heart & generate love & kindness towards yourself & others?
As we learn to love ourselves for who we are - this kindness, compassion, and acceptance ripples out into all of our relationships around us
This love & kindness practice is a great place to start to generate warmth & kindness towards yourself
This week take time to give yourself self-love, warmth, and affection - see how it feels to repeat this mantra to yourself and extend it to others
Can you find a way to be more accepting of who you are?
If you practiced this meditation & mantra - I would love to hear what came up for you in the comments below👇🏽
Like, Bookmark & If you know someone who could benefit from this, please share it with them

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