Simon Fitchett - The Mind Performance Coach

Simon Fitchett - The Mind Performance Coach

Simon has always had a passion for finding uncovering that, which prevents us from succeeding or re You owe it to yourself to be the best you can.

Simon has always had a passion for finding and uncovering that which prevents us from succeeding or reaching our full potential. This initially came from his sporting background where he showed a keen interest and understanding for the varying disciplines, skills and mindsets required for whatever sport he was participating in. Since a young age Simon competed at various levels in a variety of spo

Photos from Simon Fitchett - The Mind Performance Coach's post 24/07/2015

Motivational Talk by Simon for the Annual Flute Academy 2015. Simon said he felt privileged to work with such talented musicians.


If you keep putting off doing what is important and matters most, you will find yourself doing what actually matters least, a cycle of unfulfillment!


We all at points in our lives go through times of worry. To free yourself of worry, you must detach yourself from everything that does not bring you happiness and focus on what does.


Most people have a desire to reach their next level but I have found that only a few are determined to grow to their next level. Turn desire into action!

Simon Fitchett - Michael Joyce Management 28/11/2014

Simon is proud to now be represented by Michael Joyce Management.

Simon Fitchett - Michael Joyce Management Simon has always had a passion for finding and uncovering that which prevents us from succeeding or reaching our full potential. This initially came from his sporting background where he showed a keen interest and understanding for the varying disciplines, skills and mindsets required for whatever s…


Difficult times and moments are huge opportunities for us to learn. They can all potentially become life changing experiences.


The truth always has to come first in your life, otherwise a world of illusion is what awaits those who accept anything less.


When you are confronted with a problem, it's essential to always ask yourself; What is this problem teaching me? At the root of every problem there will always be understanding.

Simon Fitchett, The Mind Performance Coach. 11/11/2014

Life is one big workshop! Simon explains and shows how he helps people to be the best they can be.

Simon Fitchett, The Mind Performance Coach. Here Simon gives a quick insight into his work and shares some of his philosophies. Simon has worked with some of Motorsports top athletes over the last 10 y...


Self belief should always be evolving within you, it should never become stagnant, otherwise it will seriously effect your capacity to grow.


There is inspiration & meaning hidden everywhere in this world, providing you have the eyes to see beyond your negative thoughts.


Never be too quick to judge someone, because when you judge someone on their appearance or first words, you actually miss the opportunity to understand another human being.


Let go of all your negative thoughts through positive thinking, otherwise you will remain attached to these thoughts, and instil even more fear and worry.


When you learn the art of acceptance, it can have a magical effect on both you and your life. All problems start to disperse when you stop seeing them as the enemy.


Increase your individual strength through positive and powerful thinking and communication. Recognise and eliminate any negative self talk.

Motivational Speakers UK, After Dinner Speakers, Business Speakers 17/10/2014

Check out Simon's recent Radio interview for Catalyst World Class Speakers. "How do we embrace change without fear?"

Motivational Speakers UK, After Dinner Speakers, Business Speakers Catalyst World Class (01628 673737) is the leading provider of motivational speakers, business & after dinner speakers - perfect personalities for your important events.


It's vital to always appreciate everything that you have, otherwise time will inevitably make you appreciate what you had.


If at first you don't achieve something you set out to do, don't feel ashamed to start again, you now simply get another chance to build something bigger & better than before!


Everything that you will ever need to achieve the goals that you will ever set yourself is sitting, waiting patiently inside you! Go and uncover them!


In pretty much every case, nothing is really stopping you, nothing is really holding you back, except your own thoughts and beliefs about yourself and how life is.


It's essential to understand yourself and who you are, otherwise you will continue to live a life led by the thoughts & demands of others.


For you to keep developing, it is essential to unlearn as much as you learn, because to gain true understanding, you have to get rid of every false idea that you hold.


Single thoughts can be changed instantly, however an overall state of mind can only be changed over time by focusing on continuously changing the single thoughts.


Embrace change without fear! You only continue to learn and develop by moving into the unknown. You will learn little when you are too afraid to move away from what you know.


Future Focus Speaker Announced | Voluntary Action LeicesterShire We are delighted to announce Simon Fitchett, the Mind Performance Coach, will be speaking at our VCS Conference in September.


Real strength does not come from how you project, or what you can say or do. It comes from when you go through tough times and decide not to surrender. It comes from overcoming things you thought you could not. That's real strength.


Everything we say or do begins & ends in our mind. What we give thought to, we give power to, and has power over us if we allow it.


Until you are able to master your own thoughts, actions & reactions, you will find it very hard to master anything else.


Every day we learn something new, however it is just as important to unlearn as much as we learn, because to gain true understanding, we have to rid ourselves of every false idea that we hold.