Soul Beckons

Soul Beckons

"We are all just walking each other home." ~ Ram Dass I am a writer, mom, wife, daughter, woman and friend. Words can help heal and inspire.

I am also an empath, intuitive waykeeper,channel and psychopomp. As an intuitive empath and Shamanic healer, I offer poetry and channeled writings to both connect and support others on their paths. Death has always been my greatest teacher. Strongly believe we can communicate with those that have passed. I am guided by Spirit, gifts of Animal Medicine, and messages from my ancestors. This page is


Full Super Blue Moon Blessings

perhaps the very moment you are rushing through
holds a sacred invitation
could the everyday be fused with the Divine?
if you have answered yes
there must be a deep calling
for less of the striving
more of the allowing
will you pause long enough to answer?
have the winds of change and surrender been picking up?
what would it mean to be in a state of radical openness?
to stand in your soul's sturdiness despite the outer chaos?
what would it feel like to get out of your own way?
can the sky be vast enough to hold your dreams?
can the earth be trusted enough to hold you?
who whispers to you from beyond?
what do the dreams call out?
this very moment is holy
you are called to breathe into that space
nourish the connections
you are guided
Peace on your path,

Image - Wender Aspire


wherever you are may you find your place in the sun,
whoever you areโ€”
may you have moments of joy,
whatever feels heavy may you be led to a gentle release,
may you be held by the welcoming of your own heart and led by the warmth of your own soul,
may today remind you of your inherent beauty and gentle strength,
may you have a chance to be loved and a chance to love,
may you find comfort in knowing you are softly connected to everything that is,
realizing when the wind moves through the trees, you move too,
when the rain falls upon the earth,
your tears are flowing out,
everything can be part of you,
please do not forgetโ€”
you are precious beyond words
and loved beyond worlds
Peace on your path,

Artist โ€” Claude Monet


Just for today -
May you find yourself dwelling in one step at a time, one breath at a time.
May you befriend the rise and fall, the gatherings and surrenderings.
May there be love close by and peace on your path.
Thanks for being here,
Artist ~ Georgia O'Keefe


in the dark
the in between time
remnants of what was
intertwined with what is
float upon what is yet to be
meet me in the ethers
feel me in the wind
let the rains fall upon what aches
here in the stillness
untangle yourself
cast away the shame
set yourself free
release the cumbersome
invite the dreams to inform you
this world is a stepping stone
step into your power
remember who you are
Peace on your path,

Artist โ€” Jacqueline Lami


come as you are
sit by the fire
you are welcome here
whether youโ€™re called to share your story
or softly sit in silence
your presence truly matters

may the warmth
soothe what aches
may the soft glow
bring some comfort
may you let yourself
rest your weary soul
wherever you are
youโ€™re never alone
sit with me under the stars
as we allow our hurts their space
breathing together through the pain
something will soften

letโ€™s remember we are part of something bigger
nature holds us
tears and laughter flow just a little bit easier
by the fire
take what you need
โ€” a smile, an idea, a simple joy
leave what you no longer need
โ€” let the fire transmute what aches

may we come to remember โ€”
we are but wonder filled travelers
here for just a while
how wonderful that our paths have crossed

whenever life feels overwhelming
letโ€™s meet beside the fire
Peace on your path,

Artist โ€” Wilson Bickford


embrace the mess
welcome the intricacies of change
clumsy fallings
chaos of body
muddled mindspaces
what has begun
has been called on
liberation from what left
everything vital must move out from what was
becoming what will be is never without fumbles
let it all move through you
let it all move you
to stillness
to prayer
to collapsing
to ascending
do not run away from yourself
stand in your truth
you are not alone
Spirit has a plan
have you forgotten the whispers?
surrender the tethers
let the Universe hold you
wisdom arises in many spaces
all you go through grows you
look at how far youโ€™ve come
peace on your path,

Artist โ€” Van Chirko


Just for today I am giving myself to the notion that I am right where I need to be.
Just for this moment I am allowing my heart to relish in its fundamental goodness, its ability to encompass unshakable love and its unquestionable resilience.
I am allowing my guides to lead me to the still waters of many lifetimes, the forests of untold realms and the infinite skies that surround me.
My great wish is that here and now you may feel the same freedom and peace.
Thank you for being here.
Peace on your path,

Artist - Philip Straub


Each one of us came here with both a lesson to learn and a gift to share. This earthwalk brings us face to face with both our steepest challenges and our deepest callings.
Sometimes our path is harsh and unyielding, sometimes we feel tested beyond our limits. Keep going. Trust in your soul's mission. If you get stuck, find others to help you move along. When you still feel incredibly alone, call on your inner guidance, ask your guides to assist you. You can do this. Let your heart remember the time you and Spirit moved as one.
Peace on your path,

Artist โ€” Sophie Wilkins


what of the pulling
the burning the stinging
what if respite is unreachable?
where does the ache grab you
can the anger you feel
be allowed in at all
or are you running
away from yourself ?
perhaps the day makes your heart race
the noise feels disruptive
the chaos within offers no kindness
the earthwalk brings these moments upon us
our souls may be free
yet we are in our human suits
and sometimes
being a human feels hard
when days and nights chase you like this
please know you are never alone
seek out the softer places
a hand that has been there
a sunrise that beckons a new day
a walk among nature's gentle beauty
asking Spirit to be with you
for you are never alone
and whatever aches heavy won't pull forever
Peace on your path,

Artist โ€” Ruth Evans


allow your own untethering
embrace this as just part of your path
invite what is within to pour forth
allow your tears
feel what is whispering
reminding your unsteadiness
every ending
calls forth a beginning
let us not be so busy watching what is leaving
that we can not hear the call of what is waiting
Peace on your path,
Tracy Soul Beckons

Artist - Georgia Oโ€™Keefe


Never forget the beauty that arises from walking through your life led by your heart.
We have been conditioned to negate the magick and miracles that arise when we are in tune with our soul song,
in step with our deepest callings,
in concert with the wise guides we travel here with.
May today bring you a chance to remember your inner compass,
to witness the mystery and the possibilities,
to create your own ripples of love here on this earth walk.
Peace on your path,

Artist - Amy Sol

Photos from Soul Beckons's post 16/08/2023

New Moon in Leo Blessings ๐ŸŒ™

May you find the patience to hold your fragile spaces,
to be with your shaken heart through what is leaving.
May your compassionate heart offer yourself gentleness,
to keep space and welcoming for what is yet to be.
The skies are shifting, as are you.
The in between can be a lonely spot.
Doubt likes to reside here,
fear grows here when left unattended.
Trust in what you have set in motion,
ask Spirit to walk with you through the barren twists and turns.
Something is waiting to greet you on the other side of this difficult road.
Believe in magic, for that is the way to call it closer.
Tracy Soul Beckons

Images - 1/Rachel Stribbling
2&3/ Getty Images
4/ Zodiac Arts


Can we sit with ourselves, tenderly, in the harder moments?
Can we allow our inner ramblings their space and place?
Or, do we rush to fix or numb the intricacies of these deeper questions?

"Nourish your fear. Fear and desire are not opposites;they are the same. Often when we do not want to admit to ourselves what we really want, we turn our desire into fear, so we can hold it close and keep it at a distance at the same time." - Susun W**d

I believe this.

In the past Iโ€™ve have seen my malnourished fears turn ravenous and wreak great havoc. Yet the older I get, Iโ€™ve come to the place that I have seen the difference arising in tending these raw places.
How much grace and wisdom comes through, when I embark on befriending the hurt, the fear, the questions.
How healing it becomes when these fears are sat with and tended to, oh how they can hold tremendous insight and healing.
This is a daunting challenge sometimes, isnโ€™t it?
We must remember we are not alone.
Spirit watches over us, wise ones wait to assist.
Peace on your path,


An old poem, from quite a few years back. Seemed to call out to me this morning. It may resonate with some of you too.
May we all befriend our inner aching. ๐Ÿ’•

Befriending the Ache

the ache began,
small at first,
familiar in her taunting
yet I was bigger
I outran her
when I sat to rest
she watched me
I was uncomfortable in the glares
that ache could see right through me
I hid from her
for days with a hundred hour nights
it was cold
that ache never left
I turned straight to her ugliness
and shouted
"leave me alone"
she watched from afar
relentless in her pursuit
I must have owed her
currency of my soul I am sure
One day I let my wonder at her
push away the fear
I called out
"what do you want from me?''
she whispered faintly
said she could no longer shout
her voice was gone
"that's part of the problem~
may I have it back?"
she cried
I asked her to come closer
In the softer light she was less hideous
yet the ache was overwhelming
we decided to walk on a bit
in the same direction
May you befriend what aches.
Peace on your path,
Tracy Soul Beckons

Artist ~ Jackie Morris


Lay It Down

how deep are the fears
how strong are the aches
when the heart has been wounded down deep
how heavy the burden
how lonely the road
when we are struggling to just move along
how refreshing the pause
to lay it all down
and take a deep breath
looking up from the pain
we can see a glimmer of beauty
a wave of sun catches something
it is shown to us anew
in the moment of connection
we are brought to recall
how the light reflects upon us all
and the darkest spaces hold their own wonder
we feel the air
taste the wind
and feel it all
inward smile
outward breath
we are perhaps a bit lighter
when we can
lay it down
Peace on your path,

Artist ~ Susan Seddon Boulet


We are eternal beings, yet our walk here is limited.
How can we reconcile the soul's longing to roam freely,
with our earthly skins need to make a simple (perhaps not easy) life?
Perhaps in some ponderings you may feel a familiar call.
Recognizing our energies here may be depleted when we stop listening to the whispers,
honoring the duality of weaving beyond while creating here and now.
What are the things that grab you when the noise quiets?
Where do you look to go when chaos chases you?
Where does unfettered joy visit you?
May today bring some moments to sit and ask.
May you feel supported and know Spirit is your ally.
Peace on your path,

Artist ~ Georgia O'Keefe

Photos from Soul Beckons's post 04/08/2023

Sometimes waiting brings tension to places within we forgot were even there. Those in between places, the silence between what is over and what is yet to be, can feel hard to stand with.
Perhaps just for today we can sit down softly,
with ourselves,
with the wait.
Allowing what arises, even if it is not so pretty.
These places, although so difficult can be full of healings.
Peace on your path and love as you wait,

''Be serene in the oneness of things
and erroneous views
will disappear by themselves.'' --Seng Ts'an

# soulbeckons


oh compassionate heart
I feel you questioning
your ways in this noisy world
oh generous heart
I hear you whispering
sometimes it hurts to care so much
please know -
for all the times you showed up
in love
in softness
in forgiveness
I honor you
for all the times you played it
small and forgot how much your caring would matter
I hold you
peace on your path,

Artist โ€” Susan Seddon Boulet


Hereโ€™s an absolutely beautiful tribute ๐Ÿฆ‹,
Written by my incredible poetess sister Y's Words ๐Ÿ’–
Please do check out her wonderful work Y's Words

Only thorns. (For Sinรฉad)

There are no words. Only thorns
like jewels dripping from white rose bushes
draped in silver shawls of cob webs,
cradling tears that have paused and never again will flow or drop to fertile ground.

Still, frozen and sharpened by the bright light of
one born to bleed
Sense beauty. Create beauty. Fear beauty.

A life of longing to be held
by something bigger than herself
that was only ever within.
Clumsily thinking it was with him.

A barn owl flew past me in the night sky.
In the morning sunshine on a cliff walk I watched a frantic blue dragon fly
rushing away out of sight and flashing back once I thought he was gone.

By a watch tower, a lonely heron soared.
A peace lily formed in the clouds
and warm rain smelling of home began to fall.
Somewhere a son's voice returned a call.

By YB July 26 2023 ๐Ÿ’”โž•

Y's Words

(May you know peace Sinรฉad O'Connor ๐Ÿ™โž•)


May you find the patience to hold your fragile spaces,
to be with your shaken heart through what is leaving.
May your compassionate heart offer yourself gentleness,
to keep space and welcoming for what is yet to be.
The skies are shifting, as are you.
The in between can be a lonely spot.
Doubt likes to reside here,
fear grows here when left unattended.
Trust in what you have set in motion,
ask Spirit to walk with you through the barren twists and turns.
Something is waiting to greet you on the other side of this difficult road.
Believe in magic, for that is the way to call it closer.
Peace on your path,

Artist - Andrea Doss


Sending out love and heartfelt gratitude to all of you today. Thank you for being here. ๐Ÿ’œ

Perhaps today you can touch what aches deep inside,
with exquisite tenderness.
Perhaps forgiveness will hum her steady tune.
May today bring you a sense of opening,
a certain willingness to be with what is.
May compassion reach you in the lonely places.
Peace on your path,

Artist ~ Georgia Oโ€™Keefe

Photos from Soul Beckons's post 25/07/2023


Youโ€™ve walked through the fire.
Now itโ€™s time to leave the ashes and step into yourself completely.
Grieve for whatโ€™s left behind if you must but donโ€™t forget to keep moving onwards. You are being guided,
and you have the strength deep within.
Now is your time.
I thought I knew her better,
and that she was just being "quietly content"--
Now I see her silence was not just a sweet solitude
but a ignition of her combustibles ~
so that spark of pain set off
all the anger,
buried pain,
hurt that is wild
could be born.
Can I sit with her as she labors,
and brings forth the newer life?
Will I hold a loving space for her feral longings,
unchained tears and dizzying rants?
I will if I want the beauty that is at the other side.
I will allow the tears,
make space for the fears,
and let her know her pent up pain is real,
is an invite to transform some inner scar ~
She will know her inner chaos is safe with me,
and I will allow her to just be,
as it births her.
Peace on your path,

Artists- 1/Judith Smith Wilson
2,3 & 4/ David Stribbling


Just for today
I will allow the unraveling
I will hold a tender space for my own hurts
I will offer my heart the possibility
to see beyond the stories
to gently push away the inner judgments
I will allow my body to express itself in any way it feels comfortable
I will allow the pain to flow freely, knowing I wonโ€™t stay stuck in it
Just for today
Peace on your path,

Artist โ€” Lea Android


I don't want my time here spent in worry,
I long to dance with the life right before me.
I am learning to surround my heart with space to stretch,
trusting the movements to guide me.
Seeing every face and place as part of my dream,
allowing both the pains and the joys to teach me.
Letting the moments of unfolding prepare me, believing the journey supports me.
Each moment holds newness,
each encounter asks me to open just a bit more.
Letting the softness of my expanding heart find her flight.
Peace on your path,


Fall softly into now,
surrender to the moment.
Let your aching places remember,
bring your deeper breaths to the hidden spaces.
Listen to your body,
for there is wisdom in every cell,
every ounce of you holds secrets of healing.
Give yourself this sweetness,
permission to bend,
to rest,
to unleash the buried tears.
Let yourself know it is okay, to not be okay sometimes.
Every beautiful thing in nature knows this,
of the rising and falling,
the growth and the decay,
the surrendering of it all.
The dance of endings and beginnings,
the infinite connections we all become.
Recall how you are part of this,
and promise to offer kindness to yourself.
Peace on your path,

Artist - Faith Wilding

Photos from Soul Beckons's post 17/07/2023

โœจNew Moon Blessingsโœจ

Whatever has been planted
needs a careful tending to
time to get down on the ground and yank out the weeds
take full responsibiliy for what you are growing
do not wait for things that have been strangling the roots of your own blossoming to change
sometimes a little pulling, purging, actively releasing is called for
there is energy for this at the moment
it is okay to let go of the people,places and ideas that weigh you down
release what is heavy and use the energy to tend to your inner garden
the purifying and transmutation has begun
fear not walking through your own fire
you have been hiding the kindling long enough
let it burn
sacred flames of your inner transformation
burning reclamation
what falls to ashes must be dropped
what remains will rise fully
radiantly reborn
howling with new life
Peace on your path,
Artist ~ Christian Schloe


I see you
heart is racing
body shaking
uncertainty rises

I see you
heart is racing
body shaking
excitement growing

I ask you to
close your eyes
hand to heart
remember who you are

Clear your way
release something heavy
give it to the water
send it to the sky
let the earth claim it
transmutation has begun

All that was
All that is
All that will be
Everything changes

New Moon Blessings!
May the energy of starting anew bring you to your inner longings.
May you devote yourself to what calls you by your own true name.
May you rekindle the spark that has been asking to burn.

Peace on your path,

Artist - Mai Autumn


There comes a time when we realize life is too short to spend time in half hearted pursuits,
relationships with too many conditions,
and wanting things to be other than what they truly are.
May today bring a reminder that when we show up to our lives with open hearts every step may not be easy,
when we embrace the path we are on, or realize we are called to shift our steps,
there may be stumbles.
Please do not fret, Spirit waits to lift us.
Magic is alive and closer than we may realize.
Sturdy souls are we,
and noise is not our call.
Spirit whispers and we will hear her.
Today is a good day to release what feels heavy.
Here's to walking on a bit lighter.
Peace on your path,

Artist - Camilla Engstrรถm


wherever we may be
may we feel grounded
may we walk into today knowing that whatever we are facing
gives us a perfect opportunity to grow
may we not stay rigid in ourselves
may we not cling to the skins we have shed
may we rest in a tenderness to ourselves
the rawness of getting up again
without the old and heavy parts
this earth walk is a beautiful yet messy journey
we are learning and expanding beyond our old understandings
realize you are never alone
wise ones watch over you
Spirit walks beside you
growth becomes you
it may hurt to break out of your old skins
yet the blossomings bring gifts
open hearts
open arms
we are ready
Artist ~ Tamara Campeau


may we all be comforted in the knowledge that this earth walk is not all there is

may we all be moved to bloom in this knowing,
allowing the gentle whispers of our own mortality to enliven us,
to bring us home to the life that is before us

may we remember our time here is precious,
may we show up and live each day fully,
trusting that Spirit walks with us
and love will guide us
Peace on your path,

Artist - Georgia Oโ€™Keefe

Photos from Soul Beckons's post 10/07/2023


when the heart becomes unwilling
what has happened?
when the soul has wandered off
are you really lost?
there may be reasons we can not discern
places that one must travel in fragments
and in this lifetime we are but travelers
temporary guests
yet the soul belongs to each place
the known and the unimagined
the ancient longings
the future wonderings
may we let our vastness roam
may we see the ways we are both everything and nothing
polarities can be hard to inhabit
yet we are both wise and tender
let your soulโ€™s whispers be your guide
Peace on your path,


embrace the mess
welcome the intricacies of change
clumsy fallings
chaos of body
muddled mindspaces
what has begun
has been called on
liberation from what left
everything vital must move out from what was
becoming what will be is never without fumbles
let it all move through you
let it all move you
to stillness
to prayer
to collapsing
to ascending
do not run away from yourself
stand in your truth
you are not alone
Spirit has a plan
have you forgotten the whispers?
surrender the tethers
let the Universe hold you
wisdom arises in many spaces
all you go through grows you
look at how far youโ€™ve come
peace on your path,

Artist ~ Emily Balivet

Photos from Soul Beckons's post 10/07/2023

Hi sweet friends,

Please allow me to share my favorite love story, about following my heart and finding my soulmate.
We spent this past weekend celebrating our 29th Anniversary ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
I know sometimes this earthwalk is hard, and sometimes finding someone to walk beside us can be difficult. Please donโ€™t give up!
I hope this brings you some encouragement and inspiration.

Twenty nine years ago today I listened to my intuition completely and followed my heart.
I married him after only 6 weeks! He was incredible then and even better now!
Many people said we were CRAZY, that we needed to date much longer, that I'd be hurt again, it'd never last, etc
But not us. We listened to our hearts. I remember like only yesterday.
We were driving on the BQE and both of us blurted out something about trusting and believing and knowing Spirit brought us together.
We smiled because we'd only been dating a few weeks yet we both just knew we were meant to be together.
I had prayed for this. I broke down on my kitchen floor, crying and surrendering to the great mystery and to Spirit. "I want a soulmate. I want someone to love me completely, and love my child just as much" (I was a single mama and dating was not gong so well. Ha! Yet Spirit intervened and sent some helpers - two folks that knew us and loved us and introduced us ) Twenty nine years later and we're still on our honeymoon!!!
I am blessed beyond measure to share my life with this man. We have created such a sweet life together, and now smile at watching our beautiful family grow. We have been together through so very much, times that pushed us to our limits, times that have been heaven on earth, and everything in between.
Having you beside me Ian made me feel like I could get through anything.
You still give me goosebumps.
So to those of you that may feel heart and soul aches and are afraid to love again cause maybe you have been hurt too much I remind you of my story, of our love story because I absolutely believe in love at first sight. I believe in following your heart and trusting your gut. As Maya Angelou so beautifully said "To those that have given up on love, I say trust life a little bit."
Peace on your path,


Listen to Your Now

my now is speaking
she is very certain
she does not care too much about wordly things
she demands full attention
favors me leaving the last thing undone
before making her wait any longer
she has nudged me politely long enough
she has become a tad more impatient
she dances imperceptively with each breath
and would really like her time
to be heralded in a certain inward celebration
she likes to speak to me as if I were her child
she is loving yet glaringly blunt
now is perfect
now is wretched
now is divine
now is willing to encompass my total being
every ounce of me
as I am
the sour with the sweet places
the broken and the bountiful spaces
show up and be wild
show up and be free
show up and curl up and in gentle rest
show up and dance with sweet abandon
now only asks me to be me
and the moments I can speak to her freely
and look her in her eyes
are filled with some bittersweet revelations
and if I dare gaze upon her without trying to adjust her
there is a primordial magnificence
a singing in my bones
this is a necessary reminder
I will learn to listen more
when my now calls me
Peace on your path and sweetness in your now,

Artist โ€” Lisa Kirk


we never stop moving
even stillness calls us forward
we are forever unfolding
always living
forever dying
yet we move beyond what we can comprehend
this earth walk is only a temporary layover
we have each agreed to bloom here
to learn a soul language
to love without limits
to share a bit of what brings us forward
reminding each other
love always lives on
Peace on your path,


Just for today I am giving myself to the notion that I am right where I need to be.
Just for this moment I am allowing my heart to relish in its fundamental goodness, its ability to encompass unshakable love and its unquestionable resilience.
I am allowing my guides to lead me to the still waters of many lifetimes, the forests of untold realms and the infinite skies that surround me.
My great wish is that here and now you may feel the same freedom and peace.
Thank you for being here.
Peace on your path,

Artist - Claudia Tremblay


Full Supermoon blessings
Full Buck Moon in Capricorn
tiptoeing through the mists
beyond the earthly realms
Iโ€™m led to lightness within
lifted upon the evening breeze
softly pulled away
dancing upon the clouds
frolicking with the stars
grandmother moon fills me
with such benevolence
she whispers my name
invites me to surrender the old, stagnant ties
shows me scenes of long ago, things that are yet to be
I move to a song that Iโ€™ve always known
and I caress my inner longings
from the great beyond I see them
Iโ€™m now right beside the women who formed me in their bones
my Mama touches me upon my brow
she whispers upon the wind
the energies of forever are swaying right beside me
I am at home within my soul
part of me wants to stay
yet the voices of my ancestors hum a different tune
โ€œgo back and love with great abandon,
tend to the sweet seeds you have planted,
for one day your souls garden will be complete and you shall dance upon the stars,
yet right now your touch is needed upon the earthโ€
before I could even utter a word
my nana says โ€œyes, you can visit again sweet childโ€
And as the tears are falling the women whisper
โ€œgo home and water your gardenโ€
briefly I am etched in deep sadness
feel like Iโ€™m falling
then the night birds find me and guide me through the darkest sky
in this void I feel connected to everything that was,
everything that is
tomorrowโ€™s newness now whispers
โ€œWelcome Home โ€œ
Peace on your path,

Artist โ€” Kerry Kanow


"To me, through me, with me." Opening despite our pain, or perhaps because of it. Softening when the brittle loneliness or hardness of anger arises, letting our sadness create a vessel of expression, letting our hurt softly polish us.
To be one with whatever arises. Such a difficult and beautiful process.
May today bring you moments of softness.
May you find comfort in whatever youโ€™re called to create.
Peace on your path,

Artist โ€” Molly Sims


I am led to the place where the earth is pure,
and kneel by the waters of what is -
I hear the caws of the crows as they share -
"Life moves
we move too
now my song becomes -
I am renewed
to this
Peace on your path,

Artist - Susan Seddon Boulet

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