Ben Cohen, Vice President of the Young Democrats of America

Ben Cohen, Vice President of the Young Democrats of America

The official page of the 2nd VP for the Young Democrats of America, the largest youth-based progress

I just gave to Young Democrats of America. 29/03/2014

Hey friends, tomorrow is my 27th birthday. I know I'll get to see a few of your delightful faces later today, but for those who can't, do you know how you'd help me have a REALLY happy birthday? Click on the link below, and donate $27 to the Young Democrats of America, the organization I'm privileged to be Vice-President of. You'll help us organize young people all over the country to be stronger, more active Democrats, and to turn the entire a map a deeper shade of blue. Also, it would make me happy, and you love me.

I just gave to Young Democrats of America. Join us! So far, 1 supporter has contributed $100.

On Being a Fed Up Kansan and Not Giving Up On Kansas 18/02/2014

Wherein somebody else pretty clearly sums up what it's like for people like me to be dedicated progressive activists in a state that often seems very open to lunacy.

On Being a Fed Up Kansan and Not Giving Up On Kansas What can I say? Being in the midst of what is quickly becoming a red state that bleeds oppressive legislation, you get worn down. Being a Kansan these days feels like an attack on all fronts. Hell, the rest of the country knows it too, if the current trend of national news outlets pumping out articl...

This is why health care reform matters 07/01/2014

Signed up for the Affordable Care Act? Share your story here!

This is why health care reform matters On January 1st, millions of Americans will have the security of health care coverage -- many for the first time. OFA asked people across the country to explain what the Affordable Care Act means to them -- listen to their stories and share this.

Timeline photos 22/11/2013

LIKE and SHARE to celebrate the life and legacy of President John F. Kennedy!


Congratulations to Illinois on passing marriage equality! Rest assured many of us are very jealous that you've actually got a legislature willing to make progress.

Timeline photos 04/10/2013

Alternately: "John, quit trying to make "Default" happen."

It's October 3rd.

YDA statement on possible government shutdown 01/10/2013

The GOP-manufactured government shutdown is nigh. In case you missed it, this was what YDA had to say.

YDA statement on possible government shutdown The Young Democrats of America urge the Republican leadership of the House of Representatives to stop the politicization of the budget process and fund the United States government through the remainder of the current fiscal year. With only one day left until a government closure, the Republican-led...

GOP Official Explains Brainless Democrat Comment 18/09/2013

I was quoted in the Huffington Post yesterday responding to Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach's comments regarding 20-year-old Democrats being "brainless".

GOP Official Explains Brainless Democrat Comment Kansas' Republican secretary of state is explaining comments he made at a regional Republican event over the weekend where he suggested that young Democrats do not have a brain. Secretary of State Kris Kobach was quoted at a Saturday event saying, "Let's change that old adage -- it should be, 'If yo...

Apply for YDA Presidental Appointments 18/09/2013

Opportunities for involvement in YDA are abundant. Apply today for an appointed position!

Apply for YDA Presidental Appointments I am proud to announce that the application for the Young Democrats of America Presidential Appointments is now open! The true strength of YDA is our membership and these appointed positions offer members the opportunity to bring their skills and expertise to the highest levels of political action.…

Timeline photos 02/09/2013

Happy Labor Day!

Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream Speech - August 28, 1963 28/08/2013

How do you take the impact of the words spoken 50 years ago today and distill them into a Facebook post? Simple: You don't. Some things have changed, but so much is still salient. With that, all I can do is post it here.

Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream Speech - August 28, 1963 I Have a Dream Speech Martin Luther King's Address at March on Washington August 28, 1963. Washington, D.C. When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring fro...

Urge Councilwoman Chan to Support all Individuals Regardless of Sexual Orientation! – Young... 22/08/2013

A councilwoman in the host city of our recent national convention has not had the most... "enlightened" things to say about LGBTQ individuals. Join our LGBTQ caucus in demanding she apologize for her words, and ask her to reexamine her perspective.

Urge Councilwoman Chan to Support all Individuals Regardless of Sexual Orientation! – Young... The Young Democrats of America LGBTQ Caucus works to Advocate for Youth Mobilization within the LGBTQ Community, LGBTQ Causes within the Democratic Party and the Young Democrats of America.

KYD President Cohen Elected To 2nd Vice-President Of Young Democrats of America | Kansas... 14/08/2013

Thanks for this shout-out from the Kansas Democratic Party! I'm thrilled to be the first Kansan since Chris Galloway to serve on national leadership, and to continue the fight in my home state against Governor Brownback and his lackeys.

KYD President Cohen Elected To 2nd Vice-President Of Young Democrats of America | Kansas... TOPEKA – This past weekend at the bi-annual Convention of the Young Democrats of America, Kansas Young Democrats State President Ben Cohen was elected as the national 2nd Vice-President of the Young Democrats of America.

Timeline photos 14/08/2013

Our hosts this past weekend have had a troll from the other side of the aisle roaming their page. Here's what they reminded him.

If you want a sensible immigration policy, if you're ready to fight for women's rights and LGBT rights, if you believe every young person should receive a great education, then don't let the young Republicans win! Please share Texas Young Democrats with your friends.


I say with incredible pride and humility (yes, they can go together): I am now 2nd Vice-President of YDA. Thank you for all your support. Lets make these next two years amazing.


I have officially filed, and am formally running for 2nd Vice-President of YDA!

Una voz más fuerte 07/08/2013

The Hispanic population of the United States is the fastest growing demographic in the country. The YDA Progress team is committed to making YDA an active player in the fight for their rights, in the forms of the DREAM Act, comprehensive immigration reform, and whatever else will be needed in the coming years. Supporters Kayleigh Garcia and Alfonso Lopez discuss it here:

Una voz más fuerte Dear Friend - It is a simple fact – Latinos are a growing and important part of the future of YDA, our Party and our nation. Demographics in the U.S. are changing rapidly and the Republicans are running scared. Years of anti-immigrant and anti-Latino actions and rhetoric are catching up to them. T...

Akilhan Ensley & Kezia Williams Launch African Americans for Progress 05/08/2013

The YDA National Convention begins this Thursday, and the election is on Sunday. I really hope to see you there! Please take a look at this letter of support for the YDA Progress team from Akilah Ensley, National Committeewoman for the North Carolina YDs, and Kezia Williams of Young & Powerful for Obama:

Akilhan Ensley & Kezia Williams Launch African Americans for Progress Dear Friend - Today, we celebrate the birthday of America’s first African American president and we are writing to you about another African American fit for the title of president: Atima Omara-Alwala. Next week, the Young Democrats of America will elect the first African American president in 81 ye...

Timeline photos 28/07/2013

My friends in the Nebraska Young Dems put on a Poker Night fundraiser in Lincoln last night. Atima Omara-Alwala for YDA President and I dropped in to support them, and have a lot of fun in the process.

Timeline photos 25/07/2013

Atima Omara-Alwala for YDA President and Texas State Senator/BAMF Wendy Davis. Click "like" if you're jealous.

It was an amazing honor to meet State Senator Wendy Davis. She is just such an inspiration.

Speaker Pelosi & Majority Leader Hoyer 22/07/2013

Want to see the Dems retake the House of Representatives next year? Of course you do. Read on about YDA Progress's Campaign Fellows Program!

Speaker Pelosi & Majority Leader Hoyer Dear Friend - Who doesn’t have at least one college or high school shirt saying “Not in Our House!” Well, there are a lot of Republicans in our House – both in the House of Representatives and our Governor’s Mansions. In 2014 – let’s tell them: “Not in Our House!” In both 2008 and 2012,…


Hey friends, young people are taking back their communities all over the country. Help our friends in Alaska get up to 300 "likes"!

Alaska Young Democrats Paid For by the Alaska Young Democrats. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. 2602 Fairbanks Street | Anchorage, AK 99503-2428

16/07/2013 =0

Help us restore the Voting Rights Act to its full strength! Sign on here!

Democrats Speak Out on Voting Rights

Timeline photos 10/07/2013

Activists from all over Kansas gathered in my hometown of Topeka today to protest Americans for Prosperity. Naturally, the YDs had to represent.


Have a safe, fun 4th of July!

Timeline photos 29/06/2013

I'm at Augustana College in Sioux Falls, SD. Loved speaking to my friends in the South Dakota YDs!

Julian Castro to keynote YDA National Convention in San Antonio 28/06/2013

As if you needed more reason to attend the convention!

Julian Castro to keynote YDA National Convention in San Antonio Message from San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro: As you’ve probably heard by now, the Young Democrats of America are hosting their 2013 Biennial National Convention in my home city of San Antonio on August 8 – 11. I hope you’re making plans to attend. I’m honored to give the keynote address on Saturday...


The arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice. I'd say it's been doing some mighty fine bending over the last twelve hours.

Obama to push for changes on existing power plants 25/06/2013

Like a lot of people, I was dismayed this morning to see what the Supreme Court had ruled on the VRA. Thankfully, something far more encouraging came out of Washington a few hours later. I know a lot of environmentalists have pleaded with President Obama to take a stronger stance on climate change, and today he did.

Like the President said, there is no single solution to climate change, but that's no excuse to not take action.

Obama to push for changes on existing power plants President Barack Obama will begin making good on past pledges to combat climate change by calling in a speech Tuesday for new limits on emissions from existing coal-fired power plants, senior administration officials said.


Check out the panel Atima Omara-Alwala for YDA President is leading at this year's Netroots Nation!

Daily Kos: Netroots Nation 2013 Livestream: Room 210 DH Netroots Nation 2013 Livestream: Room 210 DH

Timeline photos 15/06/2013

YDA Progress candidate for Secretary Shayna Daitcj giving a training on social media strategies at the YDA Midwest Region conference in Wichita, KS!