Star Weather Whale

Star Weather Whale

Each day the planetary energy that is under our worldly experience, changes! Stay tuned to the chang If you know the weather, you can navigate well.

Star Weather Whale is your guide to navigating the star weather with grace.






BEWARE the light of the ECLIPSE on April 8th.
Humility, Prayer, Watchfulness, Inner Listening, Meditation and staying in a safe calm place from which one can pray for the peace and balance of the shaking world, is a good idea. THe eclipse is exact in the middle of the day on MONDAY APRIL 8th. Be VIGILANT as with all ECLIPSES, moreso with this one because it crossed the USA. Eclipses have always portended death and disaster. Be listening! Be safe! Be love!

Send a message to learn more


Hi all. I've been working with an animal crisis and recovery situation. Just surfacing for Valentines Night just before Midnight. . . Happy Valentines Day to all! Here is a digital book, . . related to honoring FIERCE LOVE, not WIMPY LOVE!


How is everyone in these crazy times? Its a waning dark moon, DARK MOON is TOMORROW.


Hello all:
Is anyone STILL HERE? I haven't been on facebook much this last year!! Check out for free valentines.


Hello Everyone!
I'm coming back to the marketplace as a Business Astrologer!
A game to re-c***ect: TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE:
1. Azlan White, Business Astrologer, has 30 years of experience providing consultations
2. Azlan worked for Google within the last 5 years, helping specifically with New Age search directories
3. Azlan worked for a Rabbi within the last 5 years

Full Moon, April 5, 2023 06/04/2023

Full Moon, April 5, 2023 Full Moon in Libra is April 5th, 2023 - Hear the details of the energy surrounding this Full Moon, join the page, Treasure Map 4 Your Soul, to c***e...

Full Moon, April 5, 2023 05/04/2023

HAPPY FULL MOON! April 5th, 2023

Full Moon, April 5, 2023 Full Moon in Libra is April 5th, 2023 - Hear the details of the energy surrounding this Full Moon, join the page, Treasure Map 4 Your Soul, to c***e...

April 2023 - Astrology for April 2023, with Master Astrologer Azlan White 01/04/2023

Happy April Fools Day! Announcing: a New You Tube Channel! Here is a video on April!

April 2023 - Astrology for April 2023, with Master Astrologer Azlan White Want to know what to expect for April 2023? In this video, Master Astrologer, Azlan White offers her insights. She covers the New Moon Solar Eclipse, What we...

October 25th, 2022 : the New Moon Solar Eclipse and Beyond! 26/10/2022

Blessings! Today is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio!

October 25th, 2022 : the New Moon Solar Eclipse and Beyond! Blessings to everyone still on the journey! I’m coming back to this blog after a kind of inner re-branding seeking, process, as well as exploring every kind of platform and software out there…

Astrology for the star period ahead 🌕🪕 - Astrology Club 11/10/2022

Astrology for the star period ahead 🌕🪕 - Astrology Club With Azlan White, Cath Tschirn Thomas and 10 others, hosted by Astrology Club


would you like support moving forward? Now--for a limited time--as a re-introduction, Sliding Scale Readings, which help support wolf dogs at the same time! Message below to ask a question or schedule.


MERCURY is DIRECT ! Hallelujah! Celebrate, fly free! Move forward! Woo Hoo!!!


Schedule Readings with Azlan for a short time for a sliding scale donation. Message below to schedule, or ask a Q.


MERCURY is STATIONARY DIRECT SUNDAY OCTOBER 2nd at [2:07 am pdt/ 3:07 am mdt/ 4:07 am cdt/ 5:07 am edt] Just pre-dawn on Sunday morning! If you have felt like you have been waiting, the waiting may slowly come to an end, or you may feel a "snapping out of a slowing haze," . . . . & STAR WEATHER WHALE is back!!! I tried a lot of complicated systems that have failed. I'm going back to the simple. . . . . comment below or send a message, if you would like to share your experience of this shift.


STAR WEATHER WHALE is back. Tried complex systems. too much to manage. Going simple.

Finland Is Covering Reindeer Antlers In Reflective Paint To Prevent Car Accidents - 02/10/2022

Finland Is Covering Reindeer Antlers In Reflective Paint To Prevent Car Accidents - Read more about Finland Is Covering Reindeer Antlers In Reflective Paint To Prevent Car Accidents


We ❤️


Happy Galactic New Year!


SUN SQUARE CHIRON today with VENUS TRINE MOON. Its a day of healing for the Divine Feminine in us all.

Caring for the wolves, and their energy, has opened me to be able to hear from the other side more clearly and often there are messages. . .

I hear this tale, . . . to be shared with the women of earth at this time: There was this very dark seed of inversion and divisiveness that was planted into the psyche of the women of Gaia (mother earth).

This seed that was planted, it was done by an evil King who wished to steal the planet from its original and divinely orchestrated inhabitants, humans. His plot was to divide the women first, pit them all against each other, as that would begin the destruction of humanity, for women, in their nature are allies, are one, and understand the matter of spirit in matter, so that all women are aware that all are sparks of divinity in form and as if the same one, but in many bodies.

Women are here to birth together, and heal communities together, as a body of the feminine that loves, births, nourishes, and feeds humanity to wholeness in its divine soul purpose on earth, to shepherd the natural diverse wonder here.

Anything else is a lie and intercepting the original divine plan of human beings as divine bodies of the creator, tending a diverse genetic library of species that need protection and space-holding. Mostly protection. However the protection called for is not the "protection," currently in place, because that too, like many things at this time, is "inverted," and a lie upon the truth.

These "Lies of this time of the GREAT DECEPTION," are only able to be known and felt from within, for from without the lies seem true and often the truth seems like lies. That is part of the time of the Great Deception which we are in.

At this time of healing for the feminine, it is time to overcome the lie between women. The lie between women is that we are separate. That that woman over there, is separate from me and that I can have a completely separate experience or that I can "take something from her," and it will be ok, or I can compete with her for something as maybe there isn't a right relation of everything, maybe i really can steal it, or take it or make it mine. This is part of the Great Deception and the lie between women. Women cannot take from each other, really. Because in the 3-D, in humanity, we are of the same spirit realm. All of us are spirit in form. When we occupy the same space at the same time, together we are part of something together and the pain of one woman there, is the pain of all women, the agony, suffering or questions of one are the agony, suffering and questions of all women, as we are on one level, ONE FEMALE BODY of earth-based, nurturing, cooking, cleaning, healing, loving, beautifying force of nature that is meant to be a fabric of care for humanity in its purpose here.

As women we are the mothers of humanity. We are called upon at this time of healing of the feminine, to gather together, heal the separations and misunderstandings of the past that caused women to turn upon one another in many many different gross and subtle ways.

All of you have participated in this dynamic of False Competition, False Presence, False Ownership in place of Love and the Competition for that Ownership. All of this behavoior is false and "of the Great Deception."

In the Great Light of Truth, Women are One Birthing Nurturing Fabric for life, and at this time, Women are called to heal the division that was planted by the DARK KING OF OUR PAST.

The Astrology of Your Soul Mate 19/04/2022

ITS THE SEASON OF REBIRTHING RELATIONSHIP. We have had our relationship stories erupted and lit up in the full moon in Libra last Saturday. Now as we come off this full moon into toward sacred Beltane and Lunar Beltane, we renew, rebirth and make new choices in our relationships to come. Join me in this sacred time for some alchemical relationship shifting. Receive a FREE download of what Covid did to love and how you can regenerate and renew your love life utilizing the mythic wisdom in your astrology chart!

The Astrology of Your Soul Mate Attract your soul mate with astrology

The Astrology of Your Soul Mate 19/04/2022

In this time between the FULL MOON in Libra and BELTANE, it is a time of death and rebirth of relationship. Our relationship stories are up for remodeling and re-aligning for the year ahead. At this time in the seasonal wheel. Sign up for a series of free rituals to improve your love and relationship life into something you are more fulfilled by daily and in life.

The Astrology of Your Soul Mate Attract your soul mate with astrology

December 23, 2021 – SATURN SQUARE URANUS: the Revolution of 2022, Changing Every System 22/12/2021

Tomorrow is a Revolutionary Day with SATURN SQUARE URANUS:

December 23, 2021 – SATURN SQUARE URANUS: the Revolution of 2022, Changing Every System MOON is in Leo today carrying the sacred fire of the secret new year. MOON OPPOSES JUPITER in Aquarius later in the evening, [10:39 pm pst/ 1:39 am late night est] bringing light to the opportuniti…

December 21, 2021 – Happy Winter Solstice! End and Beginning, Crossing the New Solar Year! 21/12/2021


December 21, 2021 – Happy Winter Solstice! End and Beginning, Crossing the New Solar Year! Happy Winter Solstice! TODAY IS the new Solar Year. 2022, (for tax and corporate purposes, begins Jan 1), however the rest of the universe, and all realms of creation that intersect in the physica…

December 16, 2021 – Heart Revolution Full Moon Coming & Your Free Holiday Gift Crypto Course Inside 16/12/2021

Heart Catharsis: Full Moon coming and a Your Free Holiday Gift from Azlan White: a Free Crypto Course

December 16, 2021 – Heart Revolution Full Moon Coming & Your Free Holiday Gift Crypto Course Inside The MOON is between Ta**us and Gemini today, entering Gemini from a morning VOID [at 12:43 pm pdt/ 1:43 pm mdt/ 2:43 pm cdt/ 3:43 pm edt/ 9:43 pm in Europe]. The aspects today touch the VENUS/PLUTO…


During covid I took a break from doing readings. For the month of December, 1 on 1 astrology readings are being done for $200 per reading. Make an appointment asap this is only going through to the end of this year!