Wise baddie

Wise baddie

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Gangster Boo ˖⁠♡
Insert 8

Austin : ohh
me : so did you see mom's doctor ? I mean she's so cute right ?
Austin : umm she's fine !
me : just fine , really Austin ?
Austin : what do you want me to say Aaliyah

| Austin's pov |

Aaliyah : anything rather than that !
me : it doesn't matter to me ok ! are you happy now ?
Aaliyah : you're such a buzz kill !

my phone rang , it's Cross damn I forgot I'm suppose to Meet up with him !

I answered it !

~on call~

me : Cross!
Cross : boss I'm already at the plek where are you ?
me : don't worry I'm coming now now ok !
Cross : ok boss

I hunged up !

Aaliyah : where are you going ?
me : uhmm i have to take care of some business , I'll be back soon !

I went upstairs to my room and took my car keys and my gun ! I met up with this doctor. Uhmm Krystal yeah !

me : where do you think you're going ?
Krystal : ohh thank god you're here ! i was actually looking for the bathroom
me : do I look like the bathroom to you ?

Krystal : no sir ! It's just....
me : it's just what ? get back in that room and make sure my mother is ok and stop roaming around the house like a witch ! I don't want to see you out of this room do you hear me ?

Krystal : but sir ....
me : I said ! do you hear me ?
Krystal : *looks down* yes sir
me : and i don't want to repeat myself !

after I said that I ran downstairs , and got to my car and drove off .

after a few minutes of driving I finally arrived ! I got inside everyone was setting some on them had bandages !

me : you guys good ?
them : yeah boss !
me : don't worry we'll get them soon

Cross : hello boss !
me : yes Cross ! so what happened ?
Cross : boss they hijacked us
me : how can they do that Cross ?
Cross : i don't know too boss
me : we need to find out who is this and fast ! and don't worry Aaron is coming

Cross : yes ! at least
me : yeah I need to get back home Cross my mom is sick too
Cross : I'm so sorry to hear about her boss !

To be continued..
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Gangster Boo ˖⁠♡
Insert 7

me : ok !

he left the room , wow his so rude and cold !
and I got started with my work

| Austin's pov |

who does she think she is , fool !

I went downstairs and watched some TV ! after a while I fell asleep again , I'm so tired guy's

| Aaliyah's pov |

hey guys, it's your favourite girl Aaliyah here ! I just got done with my classes so our driver came to pick me up and we're going home!

after a few minutes we arrived , he packed the car and I went inside the house .

I found Austin sleeping ! I didn't want to wake him up so I went up to my room , I got in and too a shower. After I was done I lotioned myself and wore my clothes !

i went to check up on mom ! I got inside and saw this beautiful and cute girl sitting next to my mom's bed ! who's this!

me : uhm excuse me ! who are you?
her : ohh hi I'm Krystal , I'm your mom's doctor
me : ohh nice to meet you Krystal *giving a handshake* I'm Aaliyah the youngest sibling in the house !

Krystal : ohh nice to meet you too *giving me a handshake* uhm how many are you in the house ?
me : ohh at the moment it's just the four of us , me , my mom, my brother and my older sister Angel !

Krystal : in this big house ?
me : *laughs* yeah! but we have our older brother , from another mother Aaron. he visits from there to there!
Krystal : ohh ! well your mother is a very beautiful lady and I'll do anything to help her !

me : yeah please do ! I'm hungry If you need anything at all Krystal , don't hesitate to tell me !
Krystal : I'll do so Aaliyah *smiles* thank you!

wow she has a beautiful smile , with those braces and dimples !

me : pleasure !

i went downstairs to my brother , i think this girl would be perfect for him ! let me try

me : wake up *shouts*
Austin : *jumping* f**k you dawg !
me : wake up n***a!
Austin : when did you even arrived ?
me : about an hour ago !

this on is a lazy bone shame ! *Laughs*

To be continued..
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Gangster Boo ˖⁠♡
Insert 6

me : fine ! but who are you and what do you want here ?
: I'm looking for the Brehkam mansion , I have a patient I have to treat !
me : ohh , so you're the doctor I'm sorry for that !

: *Side eye* it's fine !
me : come in please !

damn ! what was I thinking , tho this is the finest doctor I have ever seen ! she's just adorable !

me : uhmm what's your name ?
: Krystal !

| Krystal's pov |

Hello guys ! my name is Krystal Kingston , I'm 21 years old ! I'm a doctor. I live with my grandma , my parents passed away while I was 16 in a car accident I think . that really broke me , I didn't even want to continue with my studies , but my grandma pushed me and today I'm a doctor because of her . I'm the only one working at the moment! How I look ? I'm short , I'm a coloured, I have sky blue eyes , with pink lips , I have long hair , dimples , and I'm both thick and slender i don't know too , but yeah !

so I was giving a patient to treat , but a home treatment , it's always so draining ! But they are a rich family and they pay the hospital good money , I'm just here to do my job

when I got there a gun on my head like wtf ! after that I entered the house ! and too be honest his a pretty cute n***a , with those hazel eyes oh god !

Austin : ohh I'm Austin Brehkam !
me : nice to meet you !
Austin : you too ! let me show you my mom's room
me : ok

we went upstairs , the house is huge to be honest like so beautiful ! imagine if I could stay here

we got inside this beautiful , bright room and I saw this lady like she's in her 30's on the bed !

me : so she's my patient?
Austin : yeah ! if you need anything at all just call me I'll be downstairs
me : you can start by throwing away that gun !

Austin : excuse me ?
me : yeah ! you know you can hurt someone with that ! it's a very dangerous weapon !
Austin : you don't know my life so you might as well just keep quiet and do your job !

To be continued..
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Gangster Boo ˖⁠♡
Insert 5

i went into the bathroom and took a long shower , after a few minutes I was done ; I lotioned myself and wore my white Nike tracksuits and I took my car keys , today mom is coming home

I locked my room and took my gun . I went downstairs and I found Angel alone .

me : morning !
Angel : hey , shall we go !
me : where's Aaliyah
Angel : did you forget she's still in school ?
me : oh right ! let's go!

we drove to the hospital !

after a few minutes of driving we arrived and went inside , we went immediately to mom's ward , we met up with the doctor

me : hii sir
Doctor : hello , how are you guys?
Us : we're good

me : can Mom be discharged ?
Doctor : to be honest it's a bit too early for that , but if you guys want her home you have to treat her at your house
Angel : we will do that
Doctor : ok we'll send her doctor that will treat her later today
me : ok

Doctor : just sign here sir
me : ok

I signed the papers and we took mom home , she was still unconscious ! my poor mom I will give her the best treatment and I hope her doctor arrives soon

we arrived at home and I carried her to her room and we already arranged her room and everything !

Angel : ok bro I'll see you later !
me : where are you going ?
Angel : you forget I'm still doing my practices in Fashion ?
me : right ! So you going to school too !
Angel : I'll be back soon
me : I'm gonna get bored ! *Sad face*

Angel : yeah ! we told you to get a girlfriend *laughs*
me : yeah you may leave

she left the house and I went downstairs to watch some tv

it's now in the middle of the day and I fell asleep while watching movies , I was awake by a knock on the door a very hush one i took out my gun and slowly went to open the door

me : don't move *pointing the gun*
: *Screams* mom! please don't hurt me , please don't hurt me!
me : who are you and what are you doing here ?
: please put away your gun ! *Scared*

To be continued..
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Gangster Boo ˖⁠♡
Insert 4

me : and?
Angel : and people are starting to think you're gay?
me : who tf said that? I'll blow their brains out
Aaliyah : do you blame them?
me : i have to focus on our business I don't have time of dating

Angel : what if I set up a date for you with a girl?
me : I said no Angel!
Angel : fine!

it's now night I went to take a shower , after I was done I lotioned myself . I think we should fetch mom tomorrow

while I was chilling I received a call from Aaron , like finally !

~on call~

Aaron : brother !
me : Aaron my bro ! how are you?
Aaron : I'm good and you?
me : I'm not good , I need your help can you land here tomorrow!
Aaron : i heard about mom ! is she ok?

me : she's still at the hospital !
Aaron : I hope she heals soon ! listen bro i can't land that side by tomorrow , I'll come next week
me : just come as soon as you can bro
Aaron : I'll do so ! take care ok
me : you too!

After I hunged up and switched off my lights ! and I fell asleep , I'll see what tomorrow has for me.

° the next day °

i woke up and checked my phone , I got 15 missed calls from Cross! {Cross is my handyman}
i wonder what he wants , I called him back!

~on call~

me : yeah what's up ! *Morning voice*
Cross : boss.....boss *breathing heavily*

he sounds like his in dange , I stood up !

me : Cross , Cross just relax and tell me what you want to say !
Cross : they got us boss *breathing heavily* they took all the guns !
me : what? *Shouting* Cross what are you saying?
Cross : boss they got us and killed some of our guys and took all the guns

me : how Cross , i helped you escape , how did they get you ?
Cross : they hijacked the airplane boss , they got all the guns
me : it's fine! come back I'll see you at the wherehouse !
Cross : ok boss

I hunged up ! Ok now these people want to see the other side of me ! first it was my mother and now they are messing with my business , I won't spare them , damn

To be continued..
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Gangster Boo ˖⁠♡
Insert 3

we arrived at home and I headed upstairs to my room ! I need to make a very important call

I called up my most trust worthy brother , Aaron , who's Aaron?

Aaron Brehkam , 25 years old , his tall , green eyes and black hair. his well sharped and he has tattoos too . his not only my brother but my childhood friend , we got our tattoos at the same time and out parents had no idea *laughs* . his a business ma. , Well we're in partnership , his my brother from another mother. my dad was with his mom first before my mom. , and since we're the only boys In the family dad handed over his business to us

ok back to reality , I called up his phone , but his girlfriend answered , Paris!

~on call~

Paris : hello!
me : hey Paris !
Paris : Austin! how are you?
me : I'm good and you?
Paris : I'm good , to what do i owe this call?
me : uhmm i thought this was Aaron's phone *laughs*

Paris : i know you would never just call me to just check up on me *laughs*
me : sorry P! but this is serious business! where's your boyfriend
Paris : his in the shower at the moment ! ohh and I heard about your mother I'm so sorry

me : it's ok! wait how did you know?
Paris : news fly when you're a Brehkam ! *Laughs*
me : right!

like tf how did she know about that?

me : please tell him to call me back when his done!
Paris : I'll do so! take care Austin!
me : you too

after that I hunged up ! well I'll just wait for Aaron to call me back in the meantime I'm hungry

I went downstairs and found my sister's watching tv. I made myself food and I went to join them

me : so what are we watching?
Aaliyah : Twilight Saga!
me : isn't that the movie of vampires?
Aaliyah : it's not only about that! It also teaches us about love brother you know!

me : no I don't know actually!
Angel : when On Earth are you gonna get a girlfriend!
me : don't start with me !
Angel : I'm serious , you've been single for 3 years !

To be continued..
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Gangster Boo ˖⁠♡
Insert 2

we finally arrived at the hospital ;

me : hii I'm looking for Sophia Brehkam , she came here last night ?
reception lady : ohh let me check sir

after a few minutes she said..

reception lady : she's in ward 31 sir
me : thank you , let's go guys * referring to my sister's*

we went around and around until we found the ward , she was in ICU , my poor mother

whoever did this will most definitely pay , the doctor came out!

Aaliyah : doctor how's mom?
Doctor : we can't really say much right now , we're still waiting on the doctor that's gonna operate her

Angel : so you telling me that my mother has been here the whole night without any help? is she even alive *shouting*
Doctor : please I understand why you are angry , but the doctor will be here any minute
me : I wanna see this doctor as soon as she arrives
Doctor : we'll let you know sir

after he said that he left , Aaliyah fell on the floor with tears on her eyes. I don't like seeing my sister's hurt like at all

Angel : how do you know it's a "her"
me : i don't know I'm just assuming!

we waited for hours and hours but there was no sign of this doctor at all . I swear if my mom dies I'll sue this hospital

while we were waiting on the light turned green , that means good right? but how?

the doctor came out , the same one!

Aaliyah : is Mom ok?
Doctor : luckily she was saved right on time
Angel : can we see her?
Doctor : you guys will be aloud to see her tomorrow , for now i suggest you go home and get some rest!

me : ok , thanks doc!
Doctor : pleasure!

I took my two sisters home , it was such a peaceful ride as long as my mom is alive

now for my revenge , the first thing is to get my mom out of that hospital cause it's not safe ! the second thing is to secure my family's safety and the third thing is to find out who did this and give them a painful death

but I'm gonna need some help from an old brother from another mother

To be continued..
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Gangster Boo ˖⁠♡
Insert 1

| Austin's pov |

I woke up so early , I gotta go to the hospital . I'm worried about my mom's

I took a shower after I was done , I lotioned myself and wore my black tracksuits I took my car keys and headed downstairs

Angel and Aaliyah were all ready to go!

me : you guys ready!
them : yeah!

we all got inside the car and drove to the city hospital

Angel : we have to find out who did this!
Aaliyah : yeah I'm in my matric year how am I gonna cope?
me : just focus on school , and I mean the both of you , don't worry! I'll take care of this

Angel : this is your fault Austin!
me : what!
Angel : how many times have we told you to leave this gangster life or it will put us all in danger
Aaliyah : you can't blame brother angel , even dad used to be a gangster remember!

Angel : yeah and he died because of the same reason and we're gonna lose our mom too because of you!
me : hey! dad left this business to me ok!

Angel : it's dangerous for all of us!
me : but it brings food on the table! We're rich today because of this business don't you see that?
Angel : if I lose mom today I'll never be able to forgive you for this

she said that while looking dead serious , maybe she's right this gangster business will get my family killed

but whoever did this will most definitely pay , nobody messes with my family

oh my dad died 15 year's ago! I was young and Angel was still a baby , and Aaliyah wasn't born yet! dad left the responsibility of the business in my hands ,but the business has been shut down for 6 years

until I brought it back , as I was growing and now it's fully back but it seems our enemies are starting to be confident now! alot of people have been trying to steal this business from us but I won't let that happen

ohh and this love s**t , trust me it's not for me! whenever I try dating I end up getting hurt instead and try to kill someone's child so don't expect any love tail here!

To be continued..
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