Infuse Student Ministries- Parents/Guardians

Infuse Student Ministries- Parents/Guardians

This page is meant to be an information hub for the parents and guardians of our Infuse Students. It


The Heaters are on, and we are ready!! whose teens are worshipping with us tonight @7?!


We are ready to worship tonight!! Will your teens be there too?? 6:30 gym opens! 7-8:20 Service!

STUDENT MINISTRIES | First Church of the Nazarene 23/01/2021

Parents! Monday is the deadline for Guys day next Saturday! Register at

STUDENT MINISTRIES | First Church of the Nazarene Teenage years are very important in growing your faith. Here at Infuse Student Ministries we want to stand along side teens to help them discover their true identity in Christ. God is raising up a generation of teenagers for a change in HIS kingdom. Here is a place where we can come and grow togethe...


Family Discussion from last Night Service!

The “Cancelled” Christian

John 4 (Woman at the Well)

We live in a “cancel” culture where people are dismissed or put down for what they share or believe. Wether it be true or not, good or bad, people are “cancelled” everyday for sharing or living a certain way that may be different for society. This has become more prominent recently even amongst believers! On one hand, Christians are cancelled and not given a chance to show the love that we are filled with by Jesus and immediately dismissed for what we believe in! And on the other hand, Some Christians are living without a grace and quick to criticize and judge without love.

The woman at the well was “cancelled” from her community for her sins, and just like things she experienced there are two ways that “cancel culture” has affected Christians.

1. We have become isolated
- To say you are a true follower of Christ, filled with love and grace now makes you an outcast and are no longer confident in what we believe and hold value to.
2. We have lost our voice
- Because fo the lack of Confidence and Isolation, Christians have lost their voice. Not just the voice to stand for what we believe but also the voice to just simply share the love that we have found in Christ.

Just as fast as the woman at the well became “cancelled” after an encounter with Jesus, there are two things that He did that was bigger that we can receive as well!

1. We gain our confidence back!
- As soon as she leaves from her encounter from Jesus, she goes immediately back to the people that she was once isolated from. To go and approach the people that had ostracized her from the community.
2. We regain our voice!
-The voice she had that become ignored and dismissed is the same voice that she used to go and share what she had just encountered. Through that it says that many came to believe the words of Jesus!

Does the first two things relate to you in how you feel as a follower of Christ? How has it affected your relationship with Jesus?
How can Jesus restore your confidence back to Him and give you your voice for Him to go and share the love you have experienced?


Parents! We have left Brighter registration open. If your daughter comes home tonight and would like to sign up for Brighter, it’s not too late! If you need any more info DM me or comment on this post and I will get back to you 🙂. Cannot wait for this weekend!
More info about Friday and this weekend to come 🙂


Good Morning Parents!
What a beautiful winter wonderland outside! We will not be having Sunday small groups this morning ;( and are waiting to hear confirmation on the status of our main worship services. Be safe and have so much fun in the snow today 🙂


Happy Sunday Parents and Guardians!
Update on Youth for the rest of this year.
We will not be meeting on Wednesdays again until January 6th, 2021!
However, we will still be meeting for Sunday Small Groups at 10am every Sunday for the rest of the year 🙂
Thank you for trusting us with your kids! Have a Merry Christmas and we hope to see you at our services on Christmas Eve and Sunday Mornings!