Isaac Schupack Fan Club
Hi, I'm Isaac and I'm TWENTY! Thanks for visiting my page.
I'll be back in August for some more academics and life application courses, but I graduated with my class this week!!
My siblings and me!
My big brother Jesse Schupack was in town and we went out for ice cream. Mom Karen McClendon Schupack and big sis Dina Schupack also came. I was really jazzed! 😎
Went down and saw Emily Abdinor and Gavin in Norman, and now I'm at McCarty Center for 30 days of therapy. Best of all, I'm no longer a boy: today's my 18th Birthday and I'M A MAN!
My big sister Emily Abdinor came last week to take me to Norman, and we are having A BLAST together!
I turned 17 today! Carrie Schupack treated me to a Smashburger for lunch...
My sister took me to see a farm over spring break!
I'm getting into the Christmas spirit!
Went swimming at the lake and then had burgers and corn for lunch. Cake and ice cream tonight. What a birthday!!
At the Night To Shine OKC/Norman.
Here I am with my new brother-in-law Gavin Abdinor!
My brother and sisters are helping me celebrate my 15th birthday. Only one missing is Emily, but she has a pretty good excuse: she's getting married tomorrow!
First Post of 2018! (Yes, '18...)