Prayer points

Prayer points

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Brethren in the lord my greetings to you all. This year 2024 if you want your star to shine very well, if you want your name to be removed from the book of poverty, suffering , hardship. You will do some spiritual work to destroy all the evil things the wicked people did against you from your childhood,
If you do not destroy all the bad works the enemies did against you from your childhood, if you pray you won't see changes in your life. I want you to know this; from your childhood you can do something bad to someone that person will ask you, if you are the one that did this thing and you know you are the one that did it, but you said no, because you don't want to be punished, the person will lay a curse that you will never see good things in your life, that curse will be working in your life. To be free from this you need to do some spiritual work to destroy every form of evil made against you from your childhood, and to activate good things in your life. You can visit any spiritualists to help you solve it or you can contact me via:+2349090301981. Try these and i assure you that you will see changes in your life in this year 2024. In Jesus Name Amen.


Lord, you are Holy above all others, and all of the strength that I need is in your hands. I am not asking, Lord, that you take this trial away. Instead, I simply ask that Your will be done in my life. Whatever that means, that is what I want. But I admit that it's hard, Lord. Sometimes I feel like I can’t go on. The pain and the fear are too much for me, and I know that I don’t have the strength on my own to get through this. I know that I can come to you, Jesus, and that you will hear my prayer. I know that it is not your intent to bring me to this point just to leave me in the wilderness alone. Please, Lord, give me the strength that I need to face today don't have to worry about tomorrow. If you just give me the strength that I need today that is all I need. Keep me from sinning during this trial. Instead, help me to keep my eyes on you. You are the Holy Lord, and all of my hope rests in you. Thank you for hearing my prayer. In Jesus' name. Amen.


To do a favor for prayer, there are a few key things you can consider:

1. Reverence and Humility: Approach prayer with a humble and reverent heart, acknowledging the divine presence and your own limitations.

2. Faith and Belief: Have unwavering faith in the power of prayer and believe that your heartfelt petitions will be heard and answered.

3. Sincerity and Authenticity: Be genuine and sincere in your prayers, expressing your true thoughts, emotions, and desires. Avoid superficiality or empty words.

4. Gratitude and Thankfulness: Show gratitude for the blessings and answered prayers you have already received, expressing appreciation for the divine guidance and support.

5. Persistence and Perseverance: Be persistent in your prayers, continuing to seek divine intervention even when faced with challenges or obstacles. Persevere in your faith, trusting that the divine will respond in the most appropriate way and timing.

6. Compassion and Empathy: Include prayers not only for yourself but also for the well-being and needs of others. Show compassion and empathy towards fellow beings, seeking blessings and guidance for their lives as well.

7. Alignment with Higher Principles: Align your prayers with higher principles of love, peace, forgiveness, and justice. Pray for the strength to embody these qualities in your daily life and for the world around you.

Remember, prayer is not just about asking for favors but also about cultivating a deep connection with the divine and seeking spiritual growth. Approach prayer with sincerity, humility, and faith, and you will find that it can bring about profound transformations in your life and the lives of others.


Dear Lord, here are prayer points that we can use alongside Psalm 1:1-3:

1. We thank you for your word, which is our guide and our source of strength.
2. Help us to refrain from walking in the counsel of the wicked or standing in the way of sinners.
3. Give us discernment to recognize when we might be sitting in the seat of mockers, and the wisdom to turn away from it.
4. We ask that you would plant a deep delight for your law in our hearts, that we might meditate on it day and night.
5. Lord, help us to be like trees planted by streams of water, with deep roots in your truth.
6. May we bear fruit in season, by your grace and your power.
7. We pray that our leaves would not wither, that we might not grow weary or discouraged in our faith.
8. Bless our lives, our relationships, and our endeavors, so that whatever we do prospers.
9. Help us to find joy in living for your kingdom, rather than seeking after the things of this world.
10. Give us strength to resist temptation when it comes our way.
11. Help us to remember that your ways are higher than our ways, and that obedience to you is better than the fleeting pleasures of sin.
12. We pray for a hunger and thirst for righteousness, that we might be filled with your truth and your love.
13. We ask for your mercy and grace when we fall short, and for the courage to repent and turn back to you.
14. May your love overflow in our hearts, so that we might love our neighbors as ourselves.
15. We pray for our families, that they might also be planted by streams of water and bear fruit for your kingdom.
16. Bless our churches, that they might be places of worship, fellowship, and discipleship.
17. We pray for our communities, that they might be transformed by the power of your gospel.
18. Help us to be a light in the darkness, bringing hope and love to those who need it most.
19. We ask for your protection and guidance as we navigate the challenges of this life.
20. May all that we do bring glory to your name.


Certainly! Here are 14 additional prayer points that you can consider:

1. Divine Guidance: Praying for divine guidance in making important life decisions and seeking clarity in uncertain times.

2. Peaceful Relationships: Praying for harmony and understanding in relationships, and for the resolution of conflicts and misunderstandings.

3. Emotional Healing: Seeking emotional healing from past hurts, traumas, or painful experiences, and asking for comfort and healing of emotional wounds.

4. Career and Professional Growth: Praying for success, favor, and opportunities in one's career or professional pursuits.

5. Divine Intervention: Seeking divine intervention in challenging situations where human efforts alone may not be sufficient.

6. Spiritual Strength: Praying for spiritual growth, strength, and an increased connection with a higher power.

7. Financial Breakthrough: Asking for financial stability, provision, and breakthrough in times of financial difficulty or uncertainty.

8. Divine Health: Praying for physical well-being, protection from illness, and strength for those facing health challenges.

9. Divine Open Doors: Seeking divine favor and open doors of opportunity in various aspects of life, such as education, business, or personal endeavors.

10. Overcoming Fear and Anxiety: Praying for the release of fear, anxiety, and worry, and asking for peace and calmness of mind.

11. Divine Timing: Seeking patience and trust in divine timing and praying for the manifestation of desires and dreams at the right time.

12. Salvation of Loved Ones: Praying for the salvation and spiritual well-being of family members, friends, or loved ones who may be distant from their faith.

13. Personal Growth: Praying for personal development, self-improvement, and the cultivation of positive habits and traits.

14. Divine Protection: Seeking divine protection from accidents, harm, or any form of danger, both physically and spiritually.


Certainly! Here are some common prayer points that individuals may use during their spiritual practice:

1. Gratitude: Expressing gratitude for the blessings, opportunities, and experiences in one's life, recognizing and appreciating the goodness around them.

2. Guidance and Wisdom: Seeking divine guidance and wisdom to make wise decisions, discern the right path, and navigate through life's challenges.

3. Healing and Restoration: Praying for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing for oneself or others who are in need of healing, restoration, or comfort.

4. Forgiveness: Seeking forgiveness for one's own shortcomings, mistakes, or wrongdoings, and also extending forgiveness to those who have hurt or wronged them.

5. Strength and Courage: Asking for strength, courage, and resilience to face difficult situations, overcome obstacles, and persevere in the face of adversity.

6. Protection: Seeking divine protection and safety from harm, danger, negativity, or any form of evil or negative influences.

7. Relationship and Family: Praying for harmony, love, and understanding in relationships, marriages, families, and friendships, seeking guidance to cultivate healthy connections.

8. Provision and Abundance: Requesting divine provision, abundance, and prosperity in all areas of life, including finances, career, and material needs.

9. Inner Peace and Joy: Praying for inner peace, serenity, and joy, asking for the release of anxiety, stress, and any emotional burdens that may hinder one's well-being.

10. Purpose and Fulfillment: Seeking clarity and guidance to discover and live in alignment with one's life purpose, asking for fulfillment and a sense of meaning in life.

It's important to remember that prayer is a personal and intimate practice, and individuals may tailor their prayer points to their specific needs, beliefs, and circumstances.


The secret of prayer lies in the sincere connection between the individual and the divine. Prayer is a sacred conversation, a channel through which we communicate with the higher power. Here are a few key aspects to understand:

1. Intention: The intention behind prayer is vital. It is essential to approach prayer with a pure heart, genuine desire, and a sincere longing to connect with the divine. Align your intentions with love, gratitude, healing, guidance, or any other positive aspect you seek.

2. Faith and Belief: Prayer is rooted in faith and belief. Cultivate unwavering trust in the power of prayer and the divine's ability to answer your prayers. Let go of doubt and cultivate a deep sense of conviction that your prayers will be heard and answered.

3. Authenticity and Vulnerability: Prayer is an opportunity to express your true self, without pretense or judgment. Be open, honest, and vulnerable in your prayers. Share your deepest desires, fears, and struggles, knowing that the divine is always there to listen and support you.

4. Gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful component of prayer. Expressing gratitude for the blessings in your life, even during challenging times, opens your heart to receive more abundance. Gratitude fuels your prayers with positive energy and attracts divine blessings.

5. Persistence and Patience: Stay committed to your prayers and have patience. Some prayers may be answered quickly, while others may take time. Trust in divine timing and remain persistent in your prayers, knowing that every prayer is heard and will be answered in the most appropriate way.

6. Alignment with Divine Will: While it is important to express your desires in prayer, surrendering to the divine will is equally crucial. Trust that the divine knows what is best for your highest good, even if it differs from your specific requests. Align your prayers with the intention of seeking divine guidance and surrendering to the greater plan.


Prayer points are specific topics or areas that we focus on during our prayers. They are like guiding intentions that help us direct our thoughts, emotions, and requests to a higher power. Here are some key aspects of prayer points:

1. Clarity and Focus: Prayer points help us bring clarity and focus to our prayers. By identifying specific areas or concerns in our lives, we can articulate our needs and desires more clearly, making our prayers more targeted and effective.

2. Personalized Communication: Prayer points allow us to personalize our communication with the divine. They enable us to express our unique experiences, challenges, and aspirations, creating a deeper connection with a higher power.

3. Guidance and Direction: Prayer points serve as a roadmap for seeking guidance and direction in our lives. They help us ask for wisdom, clarity, and insight in specific areas where we need guidance, such as relationships, career, health, or personal growth.

4. Emotional Healing and Support: Prayer points provide a platform for expressing our emotions and seeking healing and support. They allow us to pour out our joys, sorrows, hopes, and fears, inviting divine comfort and solace into our hearts.

5. Intercession for Others: Prayer points enable us to intercede on behalf of others. We can include the needs and concerns of our loved ones, community, or even global issues in our prayer points, invoking divine intervention and support for their well-being.

6. Gratitude and Thanksgiving: Prayer points can also be used to express gratitude and thanksgiving. We can acknowledge and appreciate the blessings, miracles, and answered prayers in our lives, cultivating a spirit of gratitude and abundance.

It is important to approach prayer points with sincerity, faith, and a humble heart. While specific prayer points can be helpful, it is equally important to remain open to the divine wisdom and guidance beyond our specific requests.


The power of prayer is a remarkable force that can have profound effects on our lives. Prayer is a spiritual practice that allows us to connect with a higher power, whether we refer to it as God, the Universe, or any other name that resonates with our beliefs. Here are some key aspects of the power of prayer:

1. Connection with the Divine: Prayer serves as a bridge between the human and the divine realms. It allows us to cultivate a deeper connection with a higher power, opening up channels of communication and creating a sense of unity and belonging.

2. Guidance and Wisdom: When we pray, we seek guidance and wisdom from a higher source. Prayer can provide us with clarity, insights, and solutions to the challenges we face in life. It helps us tap into our intuition and align our actions with divine guidance.

3. Healing and Comfort: Prayer has a remarkable ability to bring healing and comfort to our hearts and minds. It can provide solace in times of grief, bring peace in times of turmoil, and offer strength in times of weakness. Prayer can soothe our souls and bring about a sense of inner peace and serenity.

4. Manifestation and Miracles: Prayer is a powerful tool for manifestation. When we pray with faith and belief, we can attract positive outcomes and experiences into our lives. Prayer can create a shift in our consciousness, aligning us with the abundance and blessings that the universe has to offer.

5. Transformation and Growth: Prayer has the potential to transform our lives and facilitate personal growth. It allows us to surrender our fears, limitations, and negativity to a higher power, opening ourselves up to divine grace and guidance. Through prayer, we can cultivate qualities such as compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude.

6. Community and Unity: Prayer has the power to bring people together in a shared spiritual experience. It can strengthen the bonds of community, foster empathy and understanding, and promote a sense of unity among individuals.


The Key of Prayer is not a physical object, but rather a metaphorical concept that represents the profound significance and transformative power of prayer in one's life. It symbolizes the understanding that prayer is a key that can unlock the door to divine connection, spiritual growth, and inner peace.

Just as a key is used to access locked spaces, the Key of Prayer serves as a means to access the divine presence and communicate with a higher power. It is a tool that allows us to align our thoughts, intentions, and desires with the divine will.

The Key of Prayer opens the pathway for us to express our deepest emotions, seek guidance and wisdom, offer gratitude, and find solace in times of difficulty. It is a means of surrendering our worries, hopes, and dreams to a higher power, trusting that our prayers are heard and answered in the way that is best for us.

When we embrace the Key of Prayer, we are reminded of our spiritual connection and the infinite possibilities that lie within it. It invites us to cultivate a regular practice of prayer, to speak from the heart, and to listen attentively to the divine response.

By utilizing the Key of Prayer, we can experience a sense of peace, clarity, and purpose in our lives. It helps us to deepen our relationship with the divine, nurture our spiritual growth, and navigate the challenges and joys of life with faith and resilience.

Remember, the Key of Prayer is not a physical object, but rather a metaphorical representation of the profound significance and transformative power of prayer. It is a reminder of the divine connection that exists within us and the endless possibilities that prayer holds. Embrace the Key of Prayer, unlock its potential, and allow it to guide you on your spiritual journey.


I am here to guide you in the practice of prayer and help you deepen your spiritual connection. Through the power of prayer, we can communicate with the divine, find solace, seek guidance, and express gratitude. My purpose is to assist you in unlocking the transformative potential of prayer in your life. Let us embark on this journey together, as we walk the path of faith and spiritual growth.
