Only ONE Way

Only ONE Way

Shifting lives one at a time


Hey guys! So I started this page back in 2012, with the idea that I would share inspirational posts as well as biblical verses, with the understanding that there is only one way to God and that is through Jesus. However not long ago I had a dream to start a YouTube channel called “Share your Story.” This is the best way to inspire and build faith wether a person believes or does not yet believe. Hearing testimonies allows us to see how God is working and has worked in people’s lives. So my goal is to post one testimony a week for the entire year. In order to give myself a head start I will be switching this page I will begin to raise funds for this project soon and will provide details when that occurs. If you have a testimony and you are okay being on camera, please contact me and I would be happy to Share your Story!


Stay tuned for an upcoming announcement! This is going to be so good!


God does not want us to do things for him so that he is satisfied with our works. He is satisfied from a relationship with us.

Timeline photos 17/05/2017

We fix our eyes on things unseen. This means that we live by faith and that we recognize it is what we cannot see that is most important. We store up treasures in heaven and those are eternal.

Timeline photos 11/01/2016

Impossibilities become possible only when God is involved


Everyday God teaches us something in which to help us grow and be stronger. Ask him what he wants you to learn today.


We are able to push through tough times with the strength that we receive from Jesus Christ. The simple fact is that our strength comes from the joy that we have knowing that he loved us so much that he died for us and now we are certain of an eternity with him. You can't beat that.


If your dad gave you $300,000 to go buy a new car and you go and get a car worth $3000, your dad is going to be upset that you did not maximize the price that was spent for you. In the same way Jesus baught us with a price and is expecting us to maximize the value of what was paid. If we spend anything less then we are not living up to our value.


We have hope in all things no matter what we are going through God has given us hope.

Mobile uploads 29/03/2015
Mobile uploads 24/03/2015

When we were walking in darkness, Jesus came and allowed us to walk in light and he now sees us as if we had never been in darkness.

Mobile uploads 23/03/2015

As Christians we have to make thos choice everyday. The choice is that we have to devote our entire lives to Christ not just on sunday or in a midweek service but all the time, everyday day


Our words are very powerful. So we must be careful what it is that we are speaking. If we speak life, than life is what will come, but if we speak death, than death has an open door to us.


Hey I have good news ... we get to choose what kind of day that we will have ... if we choose to have a good day and we set our mind on it than we are sure to have a good day no matter what the circumstances are

Timeline photos 05/06/2014

The path it's straight and the road is narrow that leads to eternal life


I don't make the rules and I don't enforce the rules but the bible has the rules so I do know what the rules are and I will follow the rules


Christians just like everyone else have temptations in our lives that we must be able to deny. We must be strong enough to not engage in the things that God has told us in his word are against His kingdom. We can't live in this world and be in God's kingdom at the same time. So we must choose which place we want to live in. Let me assure you God's kingdom is better than anything on Earth.

Timeline photos 22/03/2014
Timeline photos 06/02/2014

Being a Christian is more than just saying a prayer, its an entire life changing event

Timeline photos 29/12/2013

God is constantly improving us on the inside so that it may be revealed to others on the outside

Timeline photos 09/11/2013

My bible is falling apart and so I just bought a new one

Timeline photos 09/11/2013

All have the opportunity to walk in the light however not everyone will find the light


Today is a great day and tomorrow will be also ... you determine how you feel ... so be joyful because God has given you joy even in the hard times


I will be kickin this pg back up with posts ... soon


Hey guyz ... im preaching tonight if u want to come out
1361 Giddings rd , Pontiac MI 48340
Faith leads to righteousness which leads to obedience but first you must obey to find faith

Timeline photos 27/03/2013

When is the last time you have seen a tomb with no body in it or even heard of this happening? ANS: 2000 yrs ago when Jesus was raised from the dead after bearing all of our sin

Timeline photos 27/03/2013

There are so many gods in this world that people believe in ... But if you ask them where their god is they will say he died many yrs ago ... I will say the same thing if you ask where my God is ... but than i will gladly tell you that he rose up from the grave and now he sits with his father in heaven ... Praise the only God who lives today
